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marth, forget it

I was being melodramatic and it wasn't over people not agreeing with my opinions. It's one thing if you don't agree, and it's another if you won't even listen to me just because my playstyle apparently isn't logical. Shut the fuck up.

Also I said 'soon,' but some offline things came up. If I'm not really able to participate much soon, I will probably ask for a sub, but until then just bear with me, thanks. I haven't been liking some of your posts, by the way.

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marth, forget it

I was being melodramatic and it wasn't over people not agreeing with my opinions. It's one thing if you don't agree, and it's another if you won't even listen to me just because my playstyle apparently isn't logical. Shut the fuck up.

Also I said 'soon,' but some offline things came up. If I'm not really able to participate much soon, I will probably ask for a sub, but until then just bear with me, thanks. I haven't been liking some of your posts, by the way.

uh, ok? Sorry?


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OK. I will post more detail in about 20 minutes. Reading 18 pages of info.

(Reason I haven't posted is because I haven't been on my computer since about 17 hours ago. So confirming my entrance.)

Be back when I finish reading.

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Hey 13th.

I'd like to hear some more from a couple of people. 13th you're one, but that's cause you just joined in. I'd also like to hear more from TinyImp, Bal, and also Excellen. TinyImp and Bal because I feel like you guys haven't been contributing a lot. I understand that you guys are probably busy, so I'm not suspicious yet, but I do want to hear more. Excellen I want to hear more from because most of your posts have been short snippets that haven't really said much, and most of your longer posts are mostly quotes with one line answers to them. I'm not saying your scum, but it looks to me like you're trying to appear to contribute without actually saying anything.

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Wow, what just happened here .-.

Excellen and Marth are exchanging blows over the whole Darros/Rapier/Helios explosion thing and there are a lot of accusations being tossed around. Again, I think that there was a mountain made of a molehill, and this entire thing is blowing up in everyone's faces.

And Marth, sometimes you just need to take into account RL things. I admit that speakers not working isn't really a good thing to blame stuff on, but sometimes things happen, whether they be mundane or actually important. It happens, and there's nothing that's going to stop it.

Here's what I think so far:

Excellen: He pressure voted me because I was inactive because of my RL problems. I explained, he unvoted. Simple as that. I don't know why he's being so hostile towards Marth all of a sudden, but right now, my read on him is extremely aggravated townie.

Marth: He's been trying to defend himself ever since Excellen came down on him like a ton of bricks. But he has been in trouble since the whole Rapier/Helios thing that he got into in N0 and now he's paying for it dearly. I really don't think that he's scum, but I do have my eye on him, but not as much as others.

Bizz: She's pretty much been the voice of reason while everyone else was getting up in arms about what happened in N0. She threatened to ragequit and I'm not too sure what's up with that. (I'm still rather new to Mafia on SF so I'm still trying to figure out everyone's playstyles) Right now, she isn't a blip on my scumdar.

Scorri: I can't get a read right now. I expect that I'll get a read in the next few posts.

Aere: Post more man ;-;

Bal: Voted for me and then gave me NO reason as to why. Bal, if you read this, I still want to know why you have a vote over my head. you also need to post more. I'm not getting a clear read on you right now. However, my thoughts may change once you actually start being more active.

Prims: I think he's an announcer. I'm a little iffy about the whole "no cop investigations" thing that he's toting around, but since he only posts so much (which I think is a part of his role), it's hard to gauge where he's at what what should be done about him.

Kay: Hasn't been active due to RL stuff so no read.

13th: Also hasn't been that active, so again, no read.

Strawman: Hasn't said or done anything incriminating, I think he's town.

Helios: I have my eye on him because of N0. I don't think that he's scum, per se, however I think he's acting very suspiciously, and I just have a bad feeling about it.

Manix: Has been contributing to the thread well. I read town.

Rapier: Needs to get on more and actually defend himself. He's one of the three people that's in trouble right now and I'm a little wary of him not being on so much to defend himself.

Darros: I think he's completely innocent. As I've stated multiple times, he got sucked into something that was blown way out of proportion and now he's an innocent victim of what's going on here. Unfortunately, it looks like he's going to be the first lynch because not everyone agrees with the few that also believe he's an innocent townie.

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Impy: Thanks!

Now for me, since I realized I hadn't ever said my views on everyone.

Balcerzak: I really want to see you post more and explain some of your views. Currently I don't really think your scum, but if you don't show up and explain stuff, I don't know what I'll think.

Prims: Announcer, can't post during the day, pretty sure town.

Shinori: Apparently needs a sub, so I have no idea cause hasn't been active, but subbing out there so...

13th: No idea, Proto wasn't active and now we've had one post saying he'd read everything. I'll say more when I have more.

Helios: I don't think he's scum. Even though he was part of the whole explosion that happened earlier, he explained himself well and I don't think he's any danger.

Bizz: been helpful, has that mysterious statement about using a night action that will prove role, but can't say anything because it will give mafia too much help. Overall, have a slight town read.

Aere: Can't get a read, not enough to go off of.

Marth: I'm pretty sure Marth is town, but has just been pressured by Excellen and has been defensive because of that.

Strawman: Helpful posts, been active for the most part, I'd guess town.

Kay/Centurion: gone. I understand not being around, but I really hope this isn't just something a mafia member is taking advantage of.

Manix: Been pretty helpful, contributed stuff, calm, I'm getting a decently strong town read.

Excellen: I think he's town, but I also think he's going about it the wrong way. He's making people annoyed at him and that oculd get him lynched...

Darros: I don't really trust Darros. I feel like his arguments have been scattered and he's been attacking people for things and then been super defensive when those people said that he might be scum.

Rapier: I originally thought he was scum, but then he came and argued for himself and I went back to neutral. But now he's gone, and I'm starting to be a little suspicious again.

TheTinyImp: I wish I had more to go off of from you, but what you have posted has been helpful, and the only votes on you are pressure votes. I'm leaning towards town on you, but I'd still like to see more from you.

scorri: me!

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And Marth, sometimes you just need to take into account RL things. I admit that speakers not working isn't really a good thing to blame stuff on, but sometimes things happen, whether they be mundane or actually important. It happens, and there's nothing that's going to stop it.

Impy, I'm sitting here with a darn injured toe(scraped, nail broken) and I should have more reason to swear at Excellen more than anything. It pisses me off that I got taken off at for no good reason other than not reading his post earlier, and he can point that out in a nice way too.

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Also Excellen you're voting me based on metagaming. Which is also stupid because Darros did what I did in GSM( both of us pushed on Rapier, but instead of voting Rapier first, Darros voted Helios and then switched his vote)

You brought up metagaming and saying I'm scum, so now I'm gonna ask where's your real reason, if any? Because otherwise I'd just lynch you instead of Darros this phase.

your metagaming skills are weak. You only look at X does Y in game Z but doesnt in A so.... nothing. it's called play style, posting style, seeming arrogance etc.

Hey 13th.

I'd like to hear some more from a couple of people. 13th you're one, but that's cause you just joined in. I'd also like to hear more from TinyImp, Bal, and also Excellen. TinyImp and Bal because I feel like you guys haven't been contributing a lot. I understand that you guys are probably busy, so I'm not suspicious yet, but I do want to hear more. Excellen I want to hear more from because most of your posts have been short snippets that haven't really said much, and most of your longer posts are mostly quotes with one line answers to them. I'm not saying your scum, but it looks to me like you're trying to appear to contribute without actually saying anything.

what do you want me to do?

also i'm reading nothing cause i have no meta to rely on.


Wow, what just happened here .-.

Excellen and Marth are exchanging blows over the whole Darros/Rapier/Helios explosion thing and there are a lot of accusations being tossed around. Again, I think that there was a mountain made of a molehill, and this entire thing is blowing up in everyone's faces.

not really, but yea .

Impy: Thanks!

Now for me, since I realized I hadn't ever said my views on everyone.

Balcerzak: I really want to see you post more and explain some of your views. Currently I don't really think your scum, but if you don't show up and explain stuff, I don't know what I'll think.

Yes, Bal.

also you apparently havent been following what prims has been saying because he has a weird reaction to everyone on N0 apparently

unless of course he can't use his announcement if he was visited. then it makes sense cause he needed it to prove his role.

Why has everyone been ignoring this possibility and instead trying to make people believe I think he's a PGO (which is a possibility I already said seemed like BS far far back, pay some fucking attention Marth and srsly stop doing it. This is the fourth time or so I caught you doing it and the fact you're doing it has been annoying the hell out of me)

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Impy, I'm sitting here with a darn injured toe(scraped, nail broken) and I should have more reason to swear at Excellen more than anything. It pisses me off that I got taken off at for no good reason other than not reading his post earlier, and he can point that out in a nice way too.

I'm not saying that Excellen was in the right for coming at you because his speakers are messed up. However, he was agitated because it happened and he thus exploded when prodded. I sure know that if I was pissed off about something I'd get explodey too if someone started annoying me.

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Uh, Daigoji? I did say sorry for not seeing that proto posted that post earlier. Also I don't believe Prims is PGO, nor is he Miller. He's just plain Announcer with a twist with the cop, at least that's what I think according to my post last page.

He also insists that no one should target him on N0, and only the cop cannot target him N1 onwards.

I don't know what you're talking about


Nobody should target me night 0

The cop shouldn't target me night 1 onwards, everybody else is OK

So that kinda throws the 'can't announce because was visited' theory out of the window'. Because he says anyone else can target him. And don't you think that possibility would be highly crippling as well? He's basically a powerless player then.

Also @ the metagaming comment: I've only played in one mafia game, Excellen. I got a feel of how players play, I guess, and no, I'm not that accurate with this thing called play styles etc. You brought up GSM, so I used it in that post of mine you quoted. I guess I checked out KRRM mafia too, so you're kinda right, my skills are certainly weak. I consider myself new, of course.

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Impy, I'm sitting here with a darn injured toe(scraped, nail broken) and I should have more reason to swear at Excellen more than anything. It pisses me off that I got taken off at for no good reason other than not reading his post earlier, and he can point that out in a nice way too.

haha. Right. Sorry then.

I'm not saying that Excellen was in the right for coming at you because his speakers are messed up. However, he was agitated because it happened and he thus exploded when prodded. I sure know that if I was pissed off about something I'd get explodey too if someone started annoying me.

You really take me for this small a man?



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OK, thoughtstime.

1. Balcerzak: Silent. I guess real life might be in the way, however.<br style="color: rgb(7, 55, 2); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(239, 255, 240); ">2. Prims: Makes me slightly suspicious with the don't inspect. My thoughts are either Mafia PGO, or some strange Town.<br style="color: rgb(7, 55, 2); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(239, 255, 240); ">3. Shinori: Apparently needs a sub. <br style="color: rgb(7, 55, 2); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(239, 255, 240); ">4. Proto/Luster Purge: Hi. Not you anymore. Now its me.<br style="color: rgb(7, 55, 2); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(239, 255, 240); ">5. Helios: I can't get a read off of the few posts. The closest to a read is that you're slightly scummy.<br style="color: rgb(7, 55, 2); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(239, 255, 240); ">6. Bizz/Levatamos/CM4 END FLAVOR: I've got a feeling you're town. You are playing exactly like you do when Town. (Inb4 Levity is a Serial Killer.)<br style="color: rgb(7, 55, 2); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(239, 255, 240); ">7. Aere: More silence...<br style="color: rgb(7, 55, 2); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(239, 255, 240); ">8. Marth: Seems pretty scummy to me, but not sure if lynch is what I want<br style="color: rgb(7, 55, 2); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(239, 255, 240); ">9. Strawman the Sprite Dude: Speak up. Also no read due to that.<br style="color: rgb(7, 55, 2); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(239, 255, 240); ">10. scorri: Coming off as town to me.<br style="color: rgb(7, 55, 2); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(239, 255, 240); ">11. Kay/Centurion<br style="color: rgb(7, 55, 2); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(239, 255, 240); ">12. Manix: No real reads.<br style="color: rgb(7, 55, 2); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(239, 255, 240); ">13. Excellen: Is coming across as scummy town to me. <br style="color: rgb(7, 55, 2); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(239, 255, 240); ">14. Darros: Talk. I need more info to work with on you<br style="color: rgb(7, 55, 2); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(239, 255, 240); ">15. Rapier: Talk. This is why you're always scum<br style="color: rgb(7, 55, 2); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(239, 255, 240); ">16. TheTinyImp/Folgore Pink: No reads besides a few scum-like posts.

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@Marth: My bad, I misinterpreted what you said. Hope your toe feels better!

@Excellen: I understand where you're coming from when it comes to playstyle, and I didn't mean to aggravate you. I just thought you didn't have many "substance posts" and I wanted to see what you thought about the game. Okay you don't want to vote for Darros. That's perfectly fine. But there's 14 other players; don't you have any other things to say? I realize you've been busy and you said you'd be able to talk more during the weekend. You've been posting more since then so it's all good now.

I thought about your theory regarding Prims, but isn't it weird that he said after N0 anyone but the cop can visit him. N0 no one could visit him. This can be taken two ways.

1. He's the PGO and town. For the sake of the town, he doesn't want an important role like the cop to come visit him, and kills them and harms the town. N0, he didn't want the town to waste their time on him and instead visit other players with more of a possibility of being town.

2. He's possibly Mafia with a powerful ability, but it won't work if certain roles visit him. Telling us all to not visit him N0 ensures one phase that he could use his ability.

Just some theories regarding that, and I'll probably think of others later. I think we should test this out and have someone visit Prims this phase and see whether or not he's able to announce next phase or not. It would answer a lot of questions regarding that.

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I know, but you're missing the point.

However, there's no point in arguing this because we're both probably the only ones that are a little suspicious of Prims. Or am I misinterpreting that as well?

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Ok, I have enough to start a discussion on Prims...

He's claimed to be a Town Announcer, MAYBE a PGO. It sounds like his role is prohibiting him from stating anything... worthwhile? However, if he was PGO, and town, why would he want ANYBODY to visit him? That's probably a way of telling town (Cop) not to visit, so he can kill whoever is stupid enough to ignore it.

So, going with Town PGO and Announcer, I don't think anybody should visit him. Bizz, if you said you had a plan to inspect him and find out... don't. That could be dangerous. We'll hear more discussion from him when it becomes night, as he is allowed to speak freely at night. If he won't be killed during the night (I think that's what PGO's do? This is my first mafia game), we'll see when somebody turns around dead that we didn't vote to lynch.

However, Bizz's claim to investigate Prims makes me feel like Bizz is the Town Cop/Mafia counterpart. He's already claimed Town, rather vehemently, so I'll take his word for that. Bizz, do not visit Prims... at least not for a little while.

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OK, thoughtstime.

1. Balcerzak: Silent. I guess real life might be in the way, however

2. Prims: Makes me slightly suspicious with the don't inspect. My thoughts are either Mafia PGO, or some strange Town.

3. Shinori: Apparently needs a sub.

4. Proto/Luster Purge: Hi. Not you anymore. Now its me.

5. Helios: I can't get a read off of the few posts. The closest to a read is that you're slightly scummy

6. Bizz/Levantamos I've got a feeling you're town. You are playing exactly like you do when Town. (Inb4 Levity is a Serial Killer.)

7. Aere: More silence...

8. Marth: Seems pretty scummy to me, but not sure if lynch is what I want right now.

9. Strawman the Sprite Dude: Speak up. Also no read due to that.

10. scorri: Coming off as town to me.

11. Kay/Centurion: No real reads.

12. Manix: No real reads.

13. Excellen: Is coming across as scummy town to me.

14. Darros: Talk. I need more info to work with on you

15. Rapier: Talk. This is why you're always scum

16. TheTinyImp/Folgore Pink: No real reads from me

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