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Honestly, if everyone's night actions are in, I don't see much point in continuing the night phase. We're not really talking, and any talk we do have after this will probably serve to help the mafia more than it helps us. Does anyone else see it this way?

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Honestly, if everyone's night actions are in, I don't see much point in continuing the night phase. We're not really talking, and any talk we do have after this will probably serve to help the mafia more than it helps us. Does anyone else see it this way?

in other words, get your night actions in asap

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I will try my best to explain the most logical N1

if I screw up with tags please forgive me

I agree Bal. The Blitz/Marth debacle is really bothering me too, because it's kind of the last missing piece to the puzzle. Excellen, as strange as his whole situation is, doesn't really worry me all that much either relative to 13th and Blitz/Marth fiasco. However, what we can do is lynch 13th, get the cop deal cleared up, and have Kay investigate either Blitz or Marth. Then work from there. What do you think?

And it seems that everyone loves to target Bizz in general. Last game she was targeted by 7 people on the first phase IIRC.

Kay, just in case, can you confirm that you targeted Bal N1 and found out he was the Town Tracker? It's not that I don't believe Bal, just nice for confirmation.

I still think either Blitz or Marth is lying about something, but I'm not sure who just yet. I don't see Manix as scummy tbh, but then again he hasn't really stuck out this game.

What I'm wondering is wth happened to Impy? She just kinda...disappeared. If it's IRL issues I hope everything is alright with her, but until now I honestly forgot she was even in the game. She hasn't made much of a presence in the game, and I'm not really sure what to think of that.

Marth is most likely telling the truth about being the martyr

see the mafia didn't shoot Bal because the knew they can't kill him if Marth is on him

and their role blocker was most likely on the oracle

so, their best option would be to redirect my role on to a mafia member

I really don't know how a bus driver works, so I am not sure if it the work of a bus driver or a simple redirector who moves my role into someone they want to

I don't know how they decided to pick Manix, but it makes me sorta suspicious of

or it could be that, our targets are switched and I target Manix where as someone else targets Marth

so, is there anyone here who targeted Manix and her/his action didn't fail?

Just pointing it out, the way Helios keeps suggesting that I target Blitz or Marth, it kinda looks like he could be mafia trying to direct me away from other targets. Not really a big deal, and I still think he's townish, just thought it was something to keep in mind.

I would prefer if you went after one of Impy or Scorri, but you are welcome to do what I want

@Helios, Darros idled N1

@Marth, if I target you, Kay can't investigate you

@Balc, I thought you were a watcher + tracker

also, please notify me if I missed anything

@everyone, what do you think I should do with my role?

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I was hoping someone would suggest something

but I will be idling since no one is here to suggest anything

Don't idle, Blitz, that's ridiculous. Target zak so he doesn't get roleblocked or something if you have nothing better to do. I don't know. I hesitate to give anyone exact orders because it's just asking for the mafia to mess with them, but your role is too useful to do nothing with. It also makes it look like you don't want your claim to be tested.

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If your target got switched from Marth to Manix, that would be a lot of luck for the Mafia to have Bal's action fail. I have a feeling it was more like Bal's target was redirected to Marth, who you safeguarded, more than anything. But you do ask a good question, did anyone else target Manix N1? I didn't, so I guess I can't really help in that regard.

Ahh I see. That's what I thought. Interesting.

Well if we told you what to do with it, Mafia could act to stop you anyway. They still have a roleblocker (at least we believe so) roaming around after all. I suggest you don't idle though, even I can think of a few targets worthy of being safeguarded.

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like I said, I don't like this role

and I find it more bad then good

for instance if I hit someone being protected by the BG, I will only screw it over for the town

likewise, if I hit someone Kay inspects, I will screw town as well

and not to mention I can be redirected judging from what happened N1 which could be worse

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If all else fails then, safeguard Shinori/Iris. They were a one shot vig and used their shot, therefore they're just regular old townies now. In case there's like a poisoner or something, I guess you could safeguard them. At least it's better than idling.

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If all else fails then, safeguard Shinori/Iris. They were a one shot vig and used their shot, therefore they're just regular old townies now. In case there's like a poisoner or something, I guess you could safeguard them. At least it's better than idling.

Nyeh? I would put doubts on the mafia targeting them with a non-killing ability. Being a vanilla townie isn't exactly a threat to the mafia anyway. They get a vote, and that's about it.

Unless you want to chance that fact that they may have lied about the one-shot, in which case, consider it. iunno, it probably isn't the best use of the safeguard. but I've been wrong before.

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Oh shit I still haven't sent my action yet. And I'm still not sure of my target. :|

So guys, one thing I noticed was that Manix thought I was secretly vig, and Shinori claimed that he was a vig with a one-shot.

Vig with a one shot seems too weird as a role without any other side action or something, so why do I feel we're being thrown off course here? Also why did Manix think I was the vig anyway?

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Nyeh? I would put doubts on the mafia targeting them with a non-killing ability. Being a vanilla townie isn't exactly a threat to the mafia anyway. They get a vote, and that's about it.

Unless you want to chance that fact that they may have lied about the one-shot, in which case, consider it. iunno, it probably isn't the best use of the safeguard. but I've been wrong before.

safe guards don't protect against kills, just all other stuff

and that means if the person I protect is hit, s/he will die for sure and we won't even gain info on who killed the person if we have a watcher that is

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Oh shit I still haven't sent my action yet. And I'm still not sure of my target. :|

So guys, one thing I noticed was that Manix thought I was secretly vig, and Shinori claimed that he was a vig with a one-shot.

Vig with a one shot seems too weird as a role without any other side action or something, so why do I feel we're being thrown off course here? Also why did Manix think I was the vig anyway?

he could have a secondary role, but I think he is telling the truth about having that kill on Aere and it being a 1 shot thing

mainly because we have seen too many kills already

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