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Scorri does have a point. Lev's feelings towards Rapier are sort of unjustified

go back and read my previous fucking posts.

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another thing, never call my feelings unjustified. I feel them for a reason.

That being said, I'm kinda getting town reads on you.

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in fact, forget it, I'm pissed off.

come back when you've read my posts.

basically, I felt rapier was grasping, and attacked Kay for a bad reason.

I'm going to sleep before I do something I'm going to regret

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I don't know if it's that suspicious. Rapier is still kinda noobish, he could well just be trying to contribute to discussion. It's fairly bad reasoning, but Rapier's done silly things for the sake of activity before.

Also, I'm going to be away from Thursday morning until Sunday evening. Eclipse said she wouldn't sub me out, so I'd kinda like it if you guys didn't lynch me for not talking.

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Levantamos: I looked at your posts and I see you briefly mention that you can't tell if Rapier's vote on Kay is a jokevote (which it had to be since it was on night 0, right?) and that you didn't think I was overreacting. And from then on, you just mention that you have your eye on him. Do you mind explaining the reasoning behind this a little more? It's quite possible I just missed something or I just don't understand what you were trying to say. But from what I found I didn't really see any reasoning behind your feelings except you thought what he was saying wasn't grounded? If that's all there is then ok, but I don't see much else.

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for the record, I dunno, my earlyreads just that, but don't go and treat me like an idiot please. I haven't voted Rapier yet because he isn't here yet, I want to see him talk more, and things

anyway good night

sorry i just

aere got under my skin

don't pay attention to anything i say when i'm like this

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Also I think Prims was being (mostly) serious on N0 so if anything, read over his posts instead of mine or whatever I don't care just do something

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I don't think it's fair to assume Rapier is scum this early based on the little knowledge we have right now. I realize we don't have much of a lead on anyone at this point, but only half of us are actually talking soooo let's start hearing from other people.

##Vote: Darros

Apart from briefly entering the fray in N0 and selfproclaiming to be the prettiest out of all of us! I'd like to see what he has to say about what's going on so far.

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I'm going to bed though. I'll hopefully be back by tomorrow night (so maybe like 18 hours?), but then again based on how things go I'm not quite sure. I should be fine though.

Night everyone!

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Since i haven't posted I'll get a few of the things that people have talked about outta the way.

I think Prims is fine, at least for now, the smartest idea is to just to leave him be me thinks for night 1 like he asked.

Also on the bizz and rapier issue i don't know what to think about it, Rapier always does stuff, similiar to me, and gets unneeded or unwanted attention. Maybe he was or maybe he wasn't we can't say much about it, I'd rather not get a mislynch day 1. I sincerely think his vote was just a joke vote. From past experiences rapier really doesn't care about anything that happens on Night 0. Read night 0 golden sun if you want proof of that.

But for now, ##Vote: Strawman Get in here yo, You didn't even make a joke vote N0. WHERE YOU BE?

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Breakfast was a noisy affair. The feedback from the PA worked far better than the sorry excuse for hot chocolate the cafeteria served. Luckily, it seemed that Tachibana had called the student body down to the auditorium already. That would save some effort.

Once assembled, Kuroi looked at the assembled students sternly.

"I have heard disappointing rumors about a group of you. Among this group, the administration has determined that a subgroup of you is out to cause trouble for the school. We have decided that you will be the ones responsible for proclaiming your innocence or proving your guilt. The girl standing with the notepad is Tachibana; she will be taking notes throughout this investigation. Your fate lies in your own hands. What do you have to say for yourselves?" Kuroi asked the gathered students, as Kanade readied herself to take down notes.


I can't find Clipsey! mocking me anywhere... I am disappointed

I still think Rapier is scummy

Has there ever been a Mafia game he played here where he wasn't?

Also, I'm going to be away from Thursday morning until Sunday evening. Eclipse said she wouldn't sub me out, so I'd kinda like it if you guys didn't lynch me for not talking.

Hmmm, you'll be missing one and a half phases then. How are you gonna manage your actions while you're gone?

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I would second the pressure vote on Strawman but I don't wanna have my vote stuck somewhere for the rest of the phase, so Strawman, consider this a demand that you show up and talk.

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you know, a certain someone accused me of being scum once because I pressured inactive players too much, since that apparently doesn't get anything done.

Let them come when they're avaliable. They'll end up being replaced if they're too inactive, anyhow. It's when they're actual lurking players that one needs to start pressuring. Lurking does not equal AFK

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again, pardon me if I say mean things. I'm not entirely cooled down yet.

I'm getting a few scum vibes from Helios for defending Rapier and then turning around and voting Darros. Kind of hypocritical, don't you think? It's more unfair to accuse Darros than it is Rapier.

Also, if I get another fucking negative comment about my playstyle, I'm ragequitting and getting replaced.

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I would second the pressure vote on Strawman but I don't wanna have my vote stuck somewhere for the rest of the phase, so Strawman, consider this a demand that you show up and talk.

This is sticking out to me. Why would your vote be stuck somewhere for a phase? This implies to me that there's some modifier on your role (or is your role) that prevents you from changing your vote. Mind explaining?

Also, if I get another fucking negative comment about my playstyle, I'm ragequitting and getting replaced.

noooooo Bizz

don't do it


On that note, let's look at this. I think that the people telling Bizz about her playstyle irk me. Let me fish out the quote:

another thing, never call my feelings unjustified. I feel them for a reason.

I think this is relevant. Any set of thoughts can be justified, just it's a matter of how you express them. I don't think feelings should be any different than logical thought at all here, because sometimes, that's all you have to go on. I agree with Bizz here, I wouldn't attack her for this reason. Lay off, and play nice, mmkay? ((Disclaimer: this is mostly a personal rant, but is topical in game))

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*yawn* bizz cool. Ragequiting doesn't solve anything. Plus you'll feel bored again. :P

And yeah, attacking a playstyle just seems stupid. Just take what's relevant and use it, no need of complaining about a person's playstyle.

So anyway, how many of us are well, ' experienced' ? Because I have a gut feeling if there's well, few in the player list, say 4-5, one of them is gonna be mafia. (I remember Proto saying in the sign-up thread that a lot of us were newbies/inexperienced)

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