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Return of the Emblem Chapter Nine: Consolidating Forces


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Gil made a sudden stop in his flight path. His gaze had taken sight on the people near the ship. There, one of the females, it was one of the tailed ones. His gazed continued to follow them as they made their way to the deck. Just what was the meaning of this?

He grunted. Looks like the day had something worth of notice after all...


''Interesting maybe, but not that special in the end though.'' John said. ''The Kigenese military goes through that on a daily basis after all.'' <Then again, we didn't got to fight them directly. Too bad that other group got the short end of the stick.>

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The Silly Girl:

"Okay then. Not attacking the scary guy who can stab me."- she told herself and went back to eating her own stew. When she noticed that Nanahm was sitting across from her, the troubadour waved at him hoping he would notice.

And then talk about Aisha and Lilith began. Chelsea did not have any particular opinion about Lilith, only that it would be really cool if she could join them. Lilly was a questionable vasili but she seemed like a nice lady.

Aisha however made Chelsea frown. If it wasn't for the sand-goddess and her ridiculous demands, Amon would still be traveling with them.

"It's because of her that Amon's not with us now. So she's a jerk."- Chelsea once again chimed in.

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"An... Item?" What does she mean by that? We're clearly not something of material goods. Robin's brow furrowed as she tried to understand just what Aneda had just said. Though she knew common decently well she didn't know all the terms for sure.

"What do you mean by 'an item'?"

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"Our group doesn't seem too proficient in firearms. I suppose I could use one if pressed, but they seem a little...unreliable. A sword doesn't stop working after you swing it a few times," Veronika pointed out.


"I doubt the Kigenese military handles the situation like we did though- which was to fight the demons and get the hell out of there before they could hit us. Which was a good plan on our part by the way, none of us ended up dead," Nadya said after hearing John's remark.

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''True, but we did came close to it, remember the explosion?'' John said. ''At the very least Axel survived.'' <I wonder how's he doing these days. Enough time has passed, he probably has already recovered. Well, once we made it back we'll find for sure.>

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A Man Called Gar

Aye aye aye, so many people who's name he did not know. Who all probably had increasingly odd names. Armor Guy made reference to Kigen fighting the Fallen, which brought in some other woman who talked simply of how her group--other group?--fought the demons. Fast and hard, just like the Guild's goal. Smart. Might work if Guild was needed to fight the Fallen. Light girl gave up on her fighting Sardis idea, also namedropping yet another new person called Amon. Probably a Rexian from Sanctuary if Aisha was the reason he/she/it wasn't around. Or Amon was dead, but "jerk" would have been an exceptionally light insult for that. Armor Guy also dropped some other person named Axel. So many names flooding in it was like having to memorize the Guild roster again.

Veronika's comment about firearms though, was what got a response out of Gar. "Proficiency huh?" Gar's firearm skills were, pretty good actually, he just hadn't packed on account of the whole not actually believing this whole damn mess existed clause. Maybe he should have just taken that pistol from that girl that was trying to rob him instead of letting her off with a stern warning. Well, anyways, the only in this group who had shown pistol proficiency was that Gytha woman. While the circumstances of that weren't the best, Gar's positioning during that didn't exactly inspire confidence in her abilities. "Sword also has all of a foot and a half of range. While also dealing with whatever crazy swordplay he's gonna pull out. But eh." Gar shrugged. No point in continuing guns as the future of warfare when he couldn't demonstrate.

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To say Zach was shocked by Aneda's question would be an understatement, but it seemed Robin didn't exactly understand

'Is she still struggling a bit with Common? I thought my lessons had helped her out with that problem'

"Uh well Robin, Aneda is asking if, umm, she's asking if you and I are together in a relationship." He clarified for her

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"Yeah pretty much what he said, the little stinker. Shouldn't you be drawin? She was talkin to me, not you, GOSH!" Aneda turned away in disgust with her arms folded. It was but a moment later that she went back to finishing her stew up, wiping her mouth on her arm, "Damn, that was some good food. I'd sure as hell love to be able to cook like that." An honest truth followed by a quick glance to Zach and then Robin, "But... yeah, you two together or not?"

Nanahm smiled and waved back to Chelsea, but his face went back to the stoic one he always had on as he went back to wolfing down his portion. Aisha? A jerk? Oh Raguni, what did I miss? I thought it was just a peaceful trip!

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"No. Not like you are thinking. Adena, even if we were, we have been apart for two years. I know this may sound shocking, but I am just very glad to see my childhood friend again. I believe I would react the same to any friend of mine if I had not seen them for two years as well. I just... Zach is my only friend ever too be honest. He was the only one who could put up with my isolation and the only one outside of my family who ever bothered to be there for me when I was hurt. If that might have turn into a relationship like you are thinking with time, I do not know, but as of right now he is... like what my little brother should have been like."

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The discussion in the galley began innocently enough, what with the group discussing an enemy hunting them, which was apparently not the cult. Ex-military was what was proposed. Then, there was the mention of an a dark magic user who could allegedly crush tanks. It was worse than that since apparently they had also fought a couple who were wielding steel coffins as projectiles, a feat impossible to humans, Grant thought. Just when he thought it was already an incredible story, this band of mercenaries had also apparently met with Aisha and Lilith, two of the vasili from myth. Which was rubbish, because they were last seen thousands of years ago, if they really did exist.

Grant glanced to Reign, who was apparently just as skeptical. Great, so even the recruiter didn't know about this. What had he gotten himself into? Grant kept a faltering smile on his face, and began to look for ways to leave this room of crazy.


When the majority of the group moved to the galley, Blake remained behind to plan battle teams in peace. Food could wait. Unfortunately, that piece was interrupted by Shadrak, who asked him where everyone else went.

"Galley, to eat and apparently hammer out details on the mission," Blake said, without looking up from his roster. "I'm just trying to play around with combat teams."

The swordsman then looked up and saw that Shadrak was accompanied by a purple-haired woman and what seemed to be a yellow-winged female avian... who apparently had a tail. "Just a second, she isn't a Fallen, is she?", he asked, frowning.

Edited by Snike
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Galley Of Myth

Raquel managed to finish her stew despite how awkward the conversation had her feeling. Honesty felt insane in practice. Before long, she was so caught up in those feelings of being crazy that she forgot how all of this started. She was left with only three choices; ask, change the subject, or remain suspiciously quiet. She chose the middle options and looked over to Zachery who was working on the map she'd requested. The map was anything but the topic he was on, however. "How's the map coming?" she asked sheepishly.

Reign, noticing that Raquel was now more interested in battle preparations decided to shelf the rest of his questions for the time being.

Deck Of Rosters

"A bit early for dinner, isn't it?" Mandy's comment took the form of a rhetorical question as she glanced at Talitha. The winged girl returned a shrug. "Or maybe it's lunch." she added as an afterthought.

"Galley, got it." Shadrak replied, immediately turning to head for the galley, of course Blake's following comment stopped him in his tracks. He was just about to step in and explain Talitha's situation to Blake, but she turned around to begin walking away before he got the chance. Mandy stopped her by simply placing her hand on the girl's shoulder.

"He's not being mean. It's just an honest question." Mandy explained, attempting to convince her friend to stay put. Talitha turned back around to face Blake and answered the question, herself.

"I'm only half fallen, and I'll have you know that I'm a member of the Warrior's Guild, not just some fiend from the wilds failing miserably to masquerade as a dark avian."

"Okay maybe that was a tiiiny bit more than necessary." came a quick review from Mandy.

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Half-fallen? That was... curious. Well, she was a member of the Warrior's guild, a respected organization, so there must be some truth to that. "Alright then. Sorry if I offended you," Blake said, as it was evident the winged woman was sensitive to his questioning. "I was mostly concerned about how some of the others might react. Shadrak, you might want to make it clear to everyone anyways that neither of them are threats. Anyone who believes otherwise can take it up with me, if necessary." This statement was most certainly not a thinly-veiled request for a duel, no siree.

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"Well played, you turned a jab right on me~!" She clapped lightly. "But really, I had no idea. Zach, why aren't you jumping her, eh? If you don't find it weird, Robin, you are pretty good lookin, I don't know why he's not all over you~. Aside from decency I guess. Stiiiillll..." Aneda gave Zach a sly, knowing grin before turning back to Robin with her eyebrow cocked, "You didn't have many friends, huh? I uh... I don't know what to say to that. I'm used to having tons of people around me, befriended plenty of people but I can't say I remember em all.. Reeeeeally brings to question what friendship means, hm? Anyway, if he's your only friend, I'd have to say that you can use a little tweaking on your attitude if you want to be more accepted, Robin. I ain't saying change who you are to fit in, but really. I'm still kinda miffed you insulted me earlier after I literally picked you up from the sky and kept you from a rampaging flying bitch. Now I'm not a vindictive bitch, but come on... You know what? I apologize, that came out of nowhere. You're with your friend here, I'm a third wheel. I'll just stop teasing yall and keep to myself..."

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"What? I did not mind your teasing one bit. As you just said 'I am not some vindictive bitch'. The only person here who I hate is G... No. Everyone is happy and having fun eating the stew. It is not the time to bring that up. But yea... Zach here was the only person to ever actually try approaching me and talking to me to find out who I am. Well... More like we started playing together as kids but... That is the thing. To me a friend is a person who puts forth the effort into understanding who and what a person is like and... I am sorry for how I acted before. Truth be told... I already forgot why I was so mad at you in the first place."

Robin took a deep breath. "Besides, I know why he is not climbing all over me. I am a tough woman who is a might lacking on the intellect. I can survive winters in the wild and can skin a deer, but I cannot speak prose or even read common for that matter. Zach is a bookworm, I am a tomboy. You have a better chance than me. Besides... You look nice as well and know your way around makeup and dresses better than me."

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"You interested me when we were kids Robin, you weren't like the other kids that lived in Ohka. You accepted me for who I was and I just did the same for you, and I wouldn't trade our friendship for anything." Zach responded to his friend

"And you know that's not true Robin, both you and Aneda are beautiful women and any guy would be lucky to have you. Don't think of yourself so lowly okay?"

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What in the hell are they getting into, right now? I'm not sure I'd feel lucky. Beauty's worthless if I can't enjoy someone's company. Reign thought to himself, looking almost nauseated by that point. So I guess I'll have to wait awhile to see what these legendary figure appearances are about ... and they're too busy pepping each other to focus on the cultists. Reign slumped forward in his seat a bit, now looking less sick, and more bored.

Main Deck

"Don't worry about that. I'm going in first to make sure they know what Tali is, first. Or at least her version of what she is. Can't imagine what Bert or Nadya might have said by now." Shadrak replied. He quickly turned to Mandy and Talitha to confirm that saying "You got that? I need to go in first to make sure Gytha doesn't whip out her gun if Bert or Nadya blabbed."

"I should probably just stay out here." Talitha muttered, putting her head down. "I don't want all of the attention today, I really don't."

"If that's the case, I'll bring you a plate of whatever's cooking in there, but I want you to hear this." Shadrak pleaded.

"We're not really allowed to help you right now. The only way we could get away with it is if the governor or someone working for him asked for us personally." she explained.

"Like I said, I just wanted to bring you here to find out what's happening for yourself. We'll worry about the governor later."

She finally conceded with a sigh. "Fine, let's just stop arguing. I'm hungry."

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It looked like the conversation was gonna change direction, however, it seems another emerged in-between.

<That sure came out of the blue.> John thought. <Well, I guess it's understandable if they spent that long without seeing each other. Ah well, what would I know about such things anyway.>

Aw, isn't that cute? Even after all that time apart they still care for each other. Sophia thought.

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Torin took a dramatic pose and pointed at Fred. “Ha! She won't fall to such petty insults!”

“I thought I told you to shut up,” Synthia grumbled. She sighed. Beating this loon was going to be harder than she thought. She attacked again, but it didn't work out like she hoped. Not all of the wind blades hit Fred. Some even went flying off to the side. “Shit. I'm still not good at this.”

The kid shook his head disapprovingly. “Healers aren't supposed to curse...”

Mage skill activated

+4 mag -4 lck (10 mag, 0 lck, 7 evade)

Roll: 4, 1, 5

7 + 4 = 11 – 5 = HIT

10 + 1 = 11 – 7 = 4 DMG

Fred's HP: 18/30

Synthia's HP: 12/12

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Fred watched in disapproval as Synthia's wind blades shot wildly about into the walls of the stable. Plums of hay and other stable goods went flying as Fred stood his ground, taking Synthia's blow with ease. She hadn't hurt him too badly, but judging by the scattered strands of hay now flying about, she had downright MURDERED the hay! Which was sad really. She needed a lot more practice. A LOT more practice! Fred groaned slightly. This would be an issue if she was to sight in the arena. She was a healer and he was a tank! They might be able to last a hundred rounds, but when it came to actually beating the enemy? This was pointless. The broom Fred had been sweeping with was laying against the wall, having been spared the wrath of the hay-murderer, which was perfect. He quickly picked it up and rushed as fast as he could (which wasn't fast at all) towards Syntha before swinging it wide at her head, stopping just before hitting her with the broom bristles.

"Lady, no offense, but unless you're planning on fighting hay-golems or something, you need more practice."


Fred rolls a 4, 1, 1! CRITICAL HIT INSULT!: Fred deals way more than 12 damage!

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“Mgh!” Distracted by the flying hay and her failure, Synthia hadn't noticed the broom until it was inches from her head. She was pretty unobservant as well, it seemed. The mage swatted the broom away and stumbled a few steps back. She would definitely have to get some practice in later... “That was a fluke. I'm not normally that bad.”

The kid chose this time to interrupt. “Hey, I think he won. That means you'll pay for him, right?”

Syntha sighed and put her tome away. “Yes, but entrance fee only. I don't know what other debts you have, and I don't care. You'll get a third of the winnings.” She offered her hand to shake. “Deal?”

Torin fistpumped. "Yes! Best team ever."

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"Well... huh." She didn't really expect all that to happen, but it happened anyway. Looking beyond those two there was a Raquel and a Reign apparently. Holy crap the world just expanded by two people. "Hey Zach, I think Raquel is talkin to ya..." the pegasus rider who was not currently riding a pegasus said as she minded her own business until further notice.

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'Oh shit someone else heard all that?' Thought Zach as he turned around to face Raquel. "Uh, map is almost done I guess. Just a few more little things here and heeeeeere and there ya go." He said as he handed her the completed map. "There's a guide off to the side of what each of those little markings stand for, like windows and such."

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Veronika and Nadya

People began discussing Robin's love life or something, a topic of conversation which Veronika found uninteresting and irrelevant to the current issue. She was relieved when Zachary finally finished the map and handed it to Raquel. Looking over her shoulder at it, she turned to Zach. "So, where are the entrances other than the front?" she asked him, figuring that was the most important information at the moment.

"Could we get some kinda summary on what all is goin' on here? Like why we're attackin' this cult thing instead of just sailin' away?" Nadya asked the group as a whole.

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A Man Called Gar

Things took a dull turn when talk about Sardis' wonderful tank-crushing prowess was edged out in favor of eating, map-talk and Zachary's quickly developing lovelife. Though the map was done, which was certainly a step in the right direction. Only having one entrance though? That could be a problem. "On further map news, how close are the woods to the manse?" Gar said for a particular reason.

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