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Return of the Emblem Chapter Nine: Consolidating Forces


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Davod uses bard ability, rainbows and stuff. Screw it I'm tired. 13/15 HP


He deals 4 then 5 damage to the thing. 6/15 left on MONK B or something. +1 to whoever Davod's with, I'm not paying attention.

Aneda goes after him too when oh my god, there goes a [body part].



Why not? +5 to whoever Aneda's with, I'm not paying attention.

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A Man Called Gar

The others were actually pretty damn competent, though they still took loses. While Gar was waiting for an oppurtune time to strike, something happened. He felt LIGHT. Light enough to blitz over and turn the holyman Savat that looked like a second-in-command into a deadman Savant who followed his leader into hell.


Gar attacks Savant A, Gar hits, Gar triples, Gar deals 6 damage minimum Gar Vantages. Savant A is Splat A.


Blake/Davod/Gar +5 points (11 total)

Gar Stat Changes

SKL:13 SPD:13

HIT:13 AS:13 AVO:19

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The bard decided to empower his ally in order to fend off the intruders. He also blasted the enemy lancer with fire for good measure.

(5,3,2)= Hit! 10-1= 9 damage. Gabbie 12/21 Bard B 12/15 link

The mercenary charged towards one of the enemy bowman to take him down, striking true.

(4,4,4)= Lethal Hit! 14-0= 14x 3= 42 damage. Valter 0/15 link Mercenary B 12/15

The soldier decided to charge the shaman who had killed the mercenary. His lance stuck true into the elder magic user.

(3,6,6)= Critical Hit! 6+6= 12-1= 11x2 KO! Shadrak 0/18

Seeing his allies fall, the remaining mage decided the best defense was a good offense and decided to charge up his attack, assaulting the enemy pegasus knight(-3 Spd, +3 Mag)

(4,1,3)= Hit! 14-3= 11 damage Aneda 7/18 link

Warlock A (Erratic) 0/21

Bard B (Aggressive) 0/15

Mercenary A (Aggressive) 0/15


Soldier A (Aggressive) 0/15

Mage A (Aggressive) 0/15

Monk A (Aggressive) 0/15


Savant A (Erratic) 0/24

Bard C (Aggressive) 12/15

Mercenary B (Aggressive) 12/15


Soldier B (Aggressive) 15/15

Mage B (Aggressive) 15/15

Monk B (Aggressive) 0/15


Thief A (Passive-Erratic) 15/15

Archer E (Passive-Subvert) 15/15

Fighter C (Passive-Subvert) 27/27

Team Dagger

Gytha 0/24

Synthia 0/12


Aneda 7/18

Gabbie 12/21

Nadya 21/21


Davod 12/15

Blake 15/15

Gar 9/9


Valter 0/15

Shadrak 0/18

Robin 14/15


The bard took a swipe with his knife at the cleric healing the intruders, missing terribly. (1,1,4)= Miss. link

The swordmaster attacked the enemy swordswoman in order to shut her down, hitting her solidly. (2,3,2)= Autohit. Veronika takes 12 damage. Veronika 3/15

The shaman aimed at the pink-haired merchant after destroying the heavily armored one, but missed. (3,1,5)= Miss.

The cleric aimed at the merchant again as well, but missed the mark once again. It was as if she had some sort of divine aura protecting her! (4,1,1)= Critical Miss?

Raquel 17/18

Mireille 21/21

Zachary 15/15


Bert 0/18

Veronika 3/15

Ranyin 15/15


John 0/27

Sophia 12/12

Grant 21/21


Chelsea 15/15

Nanahm 18/18

Faatina 15/15


Bard A 21/21 (Aggressive)

General A 30/30 (Defending)


Knight A 0/21 (Defending)

Swordmaster A 15/15 (Aggressive)

Fighter A 0/15 (Aggressive)


Magician A 18/18 (Defending)

Shaman A 15/15 (Aggressive)

Cleric A 9/9 (Aggressive)


Knight B 21/21 (Defending)

Archer A 9/9 (Passive-Subvert)

Archer B 9/9 (Passive-Subvert)


Knight C 21/21 (Defending)

Swordmaster B 15/15 (Passive-Aggressive)

Fighter B 15/15 (Passive-Aggressive)


Magician B 18/18 (Defending)

Shaman B 15/15 (Passive-Aggressive)

Cleric B 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive)


Knight D 21/21 (Defending)

Archer C 9/9 (Passive-Subvert)

Archer D 9/9 (Passive-Subvert)

Begin Player Phase 3!

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Thankfully nobody else had been taken down just yet, though the swordswoman had been hit by a nasty blow. Deciding on one of the spellcasters of the enemy team Zach began to charge his spell, before starting to drain his own energy reserves for extra power. He was really going to be slowed down after this. Taking aim he fired and blew the spell caster off his feet, dead before he hit the ground.

Zach attacks Magician A

Zach HP 15/15

Magician A HP 18/18

OVERCAST- drain 4 speed, new spell power 20 MT - 2 res = 18 pure damage


Zach crits 36

+5 points for Raquel/Zach/Mireille

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Veronika was cut sharply in the arm by the enemy swordsman, but rather than engage him in her weakened state she decided to slice through the chest of the enemy shaman.

(2,6,6)= Critical hit! 14-1= 13x2= Shaman A KO'd 0/15. +5 Ranyin, Bert, Veronika


The rest of the team didn't seem to be doing so well...Nadya went over and revived Shadrak, who had been lanced.

"Get up, we're not done yet," she said encouragingly, reviving him. Nadya uses Raise on Shadrak! Shadrak 4/18 Aneda, Gabbie, Nadya +2 points

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The Tiny yet Clever Group of Concealment:

As they entered the mansion the group found themselves face to face with the person they were supposed to rescue, namely the girl caked with the blood of many cultists, carrying an axe of some-sort. Chelsea was only midly creeped out...okay scratch that, she was slightly terrified of the girl standing before them. She was pretty creepy, but at the same time the troubadour was impressed with the girl, fighting off those perverted losers while being tired as hell. And then came a creepy old man, that must have been Zach's creepy teacher, who launched a fireball at the girl and his former student. While Zach seemed like he was in acceptable condition, the girl was not.... luckily Faatina rescued her, though that meant the girl would be far too preocupied to help her and Nanahm. No matter, she could handle this, her job was mainly consisting of support role. She would later bash Zach's head in as he killed his teacher... because for some reason she swore to Truth that the mage stole that name from somewhere. Anyways, back to the battle, John had taken a nasty beating so she ran over to get him back up on his feet.

"Come on, John you're strong you can beat these guys."- she told the dismounted wyvern knight as she applied concentrated amounts of healing magic to his body.

Chelsea ressurects John from his deep slumber. John's HP: 6/27

Che, Na, Faa Team has gained 2 points!!

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One of the cultists tried to go after Sophia with a knife. Fortunately the man had bad aim so Sophia was able to get out of the way and away from him. The situation was bad at this point, but she had hope the other group would be able to come in time to help them out. Yeah... hopefully...

But back to this battlefield, she kept alert to see who else was in need of healing. Finally she spotted Chelsea reviving a fallen John.

[sophia heals John to 19/27 HP. John/Sophia/Grant +2 points. Current team total: 6.]

Ugh... Again? This was the 2nd time in a row he'd be blasted with a strong blast of magic. Was he just that vulnerable to it? However, despite being back to consciousness, his body was still in pain... wait, now it had lessened considerably, allowing him to stand up. Finally able to open his eyes, he saw it was Sophia, who had joined Chelsea in helping with the healing. ''Thanks, you two.'' He said. However, this made him aware of something else...

<The battle is not over yet? Seems I didn't spend that much time out of it this time around.>

''Are you sure you should be standing that quickly?'' Sophia asked.

''I don't think the enemies will give us time for that.'' He answered. He still wasn't in top shape, but at least it was better than nothing. ''We must be careful regardless.'' Making another scan of the place, he saw Veronika next to a dead shaman. Most likely the one that struck him down. However, she was badly wounded. So John quickly headed over to her side.

[John defends Veronika.]

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Robin took aim at her next target with one of her arrowheads. This next one was a mage who looked like he had, somehow, managed to escape the fight untouched so far. She was going to change that. She wasn't going to kill the man though. No. That was an act of mercy. This would be a non-lethal takedown. All she had to do was make the mage scream out in enough pain to not be able to do anything. She knew right where her first arrow needed to land as well. She took aim and let the arrow fly! It shot through the air like a black streak before slicing into the mans hand with an edge sharper than any forged blade and as strong as an arrow shot from a bow. It impaled the mans hand through and through before imbedding itself in his chest shallowly, pinning his hand there.

She wasn't finished.

Her next arrow came out swiftly as it lanced through the mans foot, pinning him to the ground as it slid between his anklebones with an expertly placed shot.

She still had one arrow left for this target.

She loaded up her last arrow and then took aim towards the most vital of non-lethal areas. The one place guarenteed to remove the man from battle without actually killing him. Now that he was pinned and incapable of movement, now was the perfect time. She let her arrow fly. It struck true, impaling the man through the groin, causing to collapse in a shrieking pile of pain and arrow pincushion. He was gone. Not dead, but gone in every other sense of the word. She wasn't going to kill. She was not merciful.

Robin triples and murderates Mage B with a no-counter triple 6,4,5/2,3,1/2,2,2 http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3588621/
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A Man Called Gar

Next counter didn't go so well for this side that time. Though staff-woman managed to get stalker-guy back up on his feet, and bow-girl managed to brutally wound one of the cultists, things weren't looking so hot. A tactical withdraw would be called in more militarized settings. Well, they and him weren't military so it didn't matter. And the back-half of the enemies didn't look like they wanted to step into the killing field just yet. Gar hung back with the others, knife at the ready.

Gar Defends Davod
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Something Cloak

Despite his bravery, Zachary was in danger of being overrun, and so Raquel used her staff to quickly relocate him, and left a lot of confused and perturbed enemies in his wake.

Raquel uses Rescue Staff on Zachary!

+2 points for Raquel/Zachary/Mireille

Dark Dagger

The enemy wasn't playing around, and Shadrak wasn't given a chance to catch his breath before being attacked and struck down by someone else. He didn't even get a good look at the guy, either and cursed himself for it as Nadya got him back on his feet. He wanted revenge, so the first thing he thought to do was to ask her who the hell hit him, but a more opportune target appeared a short distance away, and the chance to destroy that guy and test out another technique was just too good to pass up.

His cloak began inexplicably blowing in the wind again as he stared down his next opponent. He held out his el tome in front this time as he began to prepare a darker spell than usual. "Prepare to die ..." He unleashed a powerful spell that not only killed his opponent, but reaved him as well.

Shadrak activates Nosferatu and attacks Mercenary B! Rolls 2,3,1!



-14 hp


Shadrak gains 6 hp!

Shadrak hp 10/18

Mercenary B hp 0/15

+5 points for Shadrak/Robin/Valter!

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The shaman was up again...the soldier tried to make sure he would stay down.

(6,5,6)= Autohit. 11-1= 10 Shadrak KO'd link

The bard fired a blast of fire at one of the enemy archers, as he did not wish to feel the power of the sharp, sharp obsidian arrows.

(5,1,3)= 6-1= 5 damage. Robin 9/15

Warlock A (Erratic) 0/21

Bard B (Aggressive) 0/15

Mercenary A (Aggressive) 0/15


Soldier A (Aggressive) 0/15

Mage A (Aggressive) 0/15

Monk A (Aggressive) 0/15


Savant A (Erratic) 0/24

Bard C (Aggressive) 12/15

Mercenary B (Aggressive) 0/15


Soldier B (Aggressive) 15/15

Mage B (Aggressive) 0/15

Monk B (Aggressive) 0/15


Thief A (Passive-Erratic) 15/15

Archer E (Passive-Subvert) 15/15

Fighter C (Passive-Subvert) 27/27

Gytha 0/24

Synthia 0/12


Aneda 7/18

Gabbie 12/21

Nadya 21/21


Davod 12/15

Blake 15/15

Gar 9/9


Valter 0/15

Shadrak 0/18

Robin 9/15

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Bard A heals General A!

Bard A hp 21/21

General hp 19/30

SwordMaster A attacks John! Rolls 2,5,6!



No damage

SwordMaster A doubles! Rolls 4,1,1!



No damage

SwordMaster A hp 15/15

John hp 19/27

Cleric A attacks Nanahm! Rolls 2,6,3!



Cleric A hp 9/9

Nanahm hp 6/15

Raquel 17/18

Mireille 21/21

Zachary 15/15


Bert 0/18

Veronika 3/15

Ranyin 15/15


John 19/27

Sophia 12/12

Grant 21/21


Chelsea 15/15

Nanahm 6/15

Faatina 15/15


Bard A 21/21 (Aggressive)

General A 19/30 (Defending)


Knight A 0/21

Swordmaster A 15/15 (Aggressive)

Fighter A 0/15


Magician A 0/18

Shaman A 0/15

Cleric A 9/9 (Aggressive)


Knight B 21/21 (Defending)

Archer A 9/9 (Passive-Subvert)

Archer B 9/9 (Passive-Subvert)


Knight C 21/21 (Defending)

Swordmaster B 15/15 (Passive-Aggressive)

Fighter B 15/15 (Passive-Aggressive)


Magician B 18/18 (Defending)

Shaman B 15/15 (Passive-Aggressive)

Cleric B 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive)


Knight D 21/21 (Defending)

Archer C 9/9 (Passive-Subvert)

Archer D 9/9 (Passive-Subvert)


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The Tiny yet Clever Group of Cloaking:

As Sophia approached John as well, the troubadour decided it would be best to survey the rest of the battlefield to tend to other wounded comrades. Before she left however she heard John thanking her, and in reply, Chelsea slightly blushed and muttered a "No problem"- as she left the wyvern knight. It'd be best to check on Nanahm and see how he was faring, thought the troubadour, walking around the battlefield to see her boisterous friend. When she did get to him, she muttered a quick prayer to Mercy that everything was all-right with the man and focused her healing magic on Nanahm, effectively healing his wound completely. "Just stay safe and don't die on me."- Chelsea told the fighter.

Chelsea heals Nanahm for 12 HP. Nanahm 15/15.

Che, Na,Faa team gets 2 points!!

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Both John and Chelsea quickly left for elsewhere. Sophia thought it may be wise to follow one of them, but who? Looking over, she too spotted Veronika injured so she decided to follow John. However, seems an enemy Swordmaster had the same idea, but for totally different reasons. Fortunately, John had intercepted him, leaving her with the opportunity to tend to Veronika's wounds so she did just that.

[Defend successful. Veronika healed to full HP. John/Sophia/Grant +5 points. Team's current total: 11.]

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Just as it seemed Zach was about to be surrounded by his foes he suddenly felt the pull that signified a warp staff, giving a nod of thanks to Raquel Zach began to search for his next target. Seeing that Nanahm had decided to attack the knight previously guarding Kerrigan he decided to follow suit. With a flash of light from Zach's arm the heavily armored man suddenly had a smoking hole through both his armor and body, dropping dead to the floor.

Zach HP 15/15

General A HP 19/30



+5 points for Raquel/Zach/Mireille

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Shadrak went down right after she healed him...oh well at least he took one down with him.

"Try not to die," Nadya advised Gabbie before healing her. +13 HP Gabbie 21/21 +2 points Aneda, Gabbie, Nadya


"Thanks," Veronika said briefly to Sophia who had healed her wound and to John who had blocked that damn swordmaster. "Just hold your ground for now!" she barked out. What the fuck is taking the other group so long? she wondered.

Veronika defends Ranyin!

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Deciding that Veronika had a pretty good idea Zach fell back as much as he could towards the rest of the group, preparing his tome for another spell he called out "We can't hold out much longer Raquel! Veronika and I can only kill so many of them on our own!"

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And so Veronika left. ''You too, you better get away from here!'' John yelled at Sophia as he still kept the Swordmaster busy. Sophia just nodded and complied. Well, now what to do with this guy? He'd rather not get into another deadlocked, and you all know what happened last time it happened.

So without many options, he opted to feint a tackle with his shield, he stepped back evading the blow that will never come as John then begin running away in another direction from the ladies. Hopefully the Swordmaster will follow him taking the bait.

His ran took him near where Chelsea and Nanahm were. Well, now time to make a stand. Whether it was the Swordmaster or another enemy coming this way.

[John defends Chelsea.]

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"Are you kidding? If things go south, I'm the first one outta here. No way you're outrunnin' me without that horse of yours." Gabbie replied before charging down an archer. It at least made sure he wouldn't be getting off a steady shot, but she couldn't impale him like she wanted. He sidestepped the attack only to trip over Gabbie's leg that she conveniently placed in his way. As he hit the ground, she stepped on his neck and prepared to finish him off, and in a desperate move, he stabbed her in the leg with his arrow. She had no choice but to back off after that or risk repeated stabbings from the man. He quickly flipped over onto all fours and began struggling back to his feet to get some distance between them. That was too close for comfort ...

Gabbie attacks Archer E! Rolls 1,1,6!



-6 hp

Archer E rolls 6,2,6!



-4 hp!

Gabbie hp 17/21

Archer E hp 9/15

+1 point for Gabbie/Nadya/Aneda

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Robin had her next target lined up. One of the enemy archers who seemed like he would be a fairly easy takedown. However, just as she lined up the shot, Gabbie rushed in and a tight melee fight between Gabbie and the archer ensued. Robin couldn't fire without being sure of which of the two she was hitting, so she had no choice but to wait for Gabbie to back off. As she knocked the man down and he subsequently sprung up she saw her chance. She lined up a shot for the back of the mans knee, another takedown shot, but the odd angle of the mans positioning was too much for her. As she shot him, the arrow pulled high and, instead of hitting his knee, struck him hard in the neck.

Robin attacks Archer E. 5, 6, 3. Kill! http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3588805/
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Valter had just placed Synthia down when it happened. He had thought his allies had his back, but apparently not. That much he knew when the sword slid through his ribcage. As the mercenary yanked out the sword Valter couldn't scream, much less breathe. His lung must have collapsed.

The first thing that distracted Synthia from her own predicament was that of the friend who collapsed next to her. If she wasn't panicking already, she definitely was now. On the verge of passing out herself, she managed to fumble for her staff and make it to something resembling a sitting position. With one hand holding her own wound closed she tried to at least seal his before he bled out. “Fuck you, Valter, don't you dare die...”

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A Man Called Gar

The last enemy counter only succeed in putting the stalker back to the ground. But Dagger's next attack ensured the archer in reserve joined him in much more painful fashion. Whip guy's whip certainly did a job distracting the big beefy fighter. Gar slipped in and turned that distraction into a fatal distraction.


Gar cleaned his knife as he rejoined the others.

Gar attacks Fighter C, Gar hits, Gar triples, Gar deals 7 damage minimum, Gar Vantages and the Fighter C is stunned anyway.


Gar/Davod/Blake +5 points. (18 total)

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The bard once again sent flames towards the remaining archer, striking her more solidly this time.

(3,6,6)= Critical Hit! 11-1= 10x2= 20 damage. Robin KO'd

The soldier went towards the enemy healer, in an attempt to stop them from getting back up when hit.

(6,3,4)= Critical Hit! 9x2= 18 damage! Nadya 3/21

Shit, Wolfy was right. Without Luca I'm nothin', gotta get outta he- Nadya thought to herself, turning to flee before getting stabbed in the back by the enemy thief.

(4,3,3)= Critical Hit! 9x2= 18 damage. Nadya KO'd

Warlock A (Erratic) 0/21

Bard B (Aggressive) 0/15

Mercenary A (Aggressive) 0/15


Soldier A (Aggressive) 0/15

Mage A (Aggressive) 0/15

Monk A (Aggressive) 0/15


Savant A (Erratic) 0/24

Bard C (Aggressive) 12/15

Mercenary B (Aggressive) 0/15


Soldier B (Aggressive) 15/15

Mage B (Aggressive) 0/15

Monk B (Aggressive) 0/15


Thief A (Erratic) 15/15

Archer E (Subvert) 0/15

Fighter C (Subvert) 0/27

Gytha 0/24

Synthia 0/12


Aneda 7/18

Gabbie 21/21

Nadya 0/21


Davod 12/15

Blake 15/15

Gar 9/9


Valter 0/15

Shadrak 0/18

Robin 0/15

Edited by -Cynthia-
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