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Return of the Emblem Chapter Nine: Consolidating Forces


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"Probably best to go get the mounts right now, that way we're prepared once we finally leave. Guess I can show you the way, so anyone that's coming along let's go." Zach said as he rose from his crouching position in front of Aneda.

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"Wait Sophia, what do you mean by- FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"- Chelsea was cut short as Zach immediately took matters into his own hands and tried to pull the bullet out, making Chelsea squeal in pain. After the bullet was removed the troubadour was twitching in agonizing pain, she made a mental note to hit Zach for catching her off guard. Thankfully the pain and the even more damaged wound Chelsea had was healed by the cleric who told her about her own bullet wound.

"Thank you, for helping me"- she told Sophia with a weak smile, as she stood up and tried moving herself around a little. Everything seemed to work when she moved her arms and legs so all was well with her physically. She made another mental note so she could thank Zachary later on. Man that was three things she needed to talk with the mage about.

Now the conversation shifted in topic, and it was about the girl they just rescued. Apparently she was an artificial human, only not like those she fought in Ursium with Shadrak and Nanahm. This was one the same in destructive capability, but still... she looked different. She decided to take Shadrak's attention off before there was a stupid argument coming, no thanks to that Gar character.

"Either way she looks... different from the ones we fought. Let's give her a chance before coming to any conclusions, actually we should probably get going back to the ship. We all need to rest and here isn't a great place to discuss such matters."

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Robin watched as Zach tended to Aneda. The other woman had been badly wounded during the fighting, as had, it seemed, almost everyone else. However, she looked strong enough to pull through. She was going to be fine. What Robin wasn't sure about was this new girl and who, or what, she was. She was obviously important as Zach had saved her and Raquel made the group attack the mansion to rescue her, but she wasn't sure at all what exactly she was. There were a lot of girls in the world after all, so what made this one so special as to be locked away in a mansion? Not to mention those... eyes... The hair might have been odd as well, but with Aneda's multi-colored hair, someone would need a birds-nest in their hair to be sporting an odd hairdo in Robin's eyes again.

Being careful and slow so as not to frighten her, Robin approached Lia, trying to distract her from the blood and wounded/dead bodies. "Hey there... What is... Ummm... What is your name? Can you tell me about yourself?" she asked, speaking slowly as if she were talking to a small child. She had no clue at all what she was doing.

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Shadrak was back to his views on the artificial humans, it seemed. The others were talking to him about it, though, and Gytha didn't really feel the need to say anything regarding that. When Aneda staggered over, others immediately started seeing to her, so Gytha didn't really pay that much mind either, opting instead to look over as she noticed Synthia coming closer. That turned out to be nothing -- just one of the group wanting some healing. When John suggested Synthia's earlier idea, she honestly thought it would go ignored much like it had when Synthia had suggested it, but was surprised, relieved and slightly irritated when it was answered. She didn't have to say anything, though, as Synthia proved as she often did that she was perfectly capable of standing up for herself. Sophia asked if it really mattered who suggested it first and though it did, seeing as a time may come up when people need to listen to Synthia but choose not to, Synthia was wise enough to let it slide for now. She'd just have to make sure she was heard next time.

Well, now all there was left to do was to wait for everyone to be ready to get back to the ship, whatever that entailed. Then Zachary offered to lead people to the stables. Well, Gytha didn't know how to ride a horse, but one might be helpful anyway. Someone else could handle the horse, maybe. It wasn't as though she had to be the one to carry this guy. So, Gytha began following the mage to the stables if only to drop the unconscious guy she was carrying there.

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''I'd rather wait here and let someone else handle the horses.'' John said. ''Once they're back I can help carry the bodies or something.''

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The girl who had been holding her when she awoke approached her now, asking her a few questions, though the girl was not sure what she was trying to say. Something about a name? The girl recognized that word, it was what someone said when they meant you...

'My name... what is... my name? They always called me Goddess... but that seems... it feels bad... what did papa call me...? Oh, right...'

"Li- Lis- L- Li... Lia." The girl eventually choked out, through her own coughing. That was wrong, it wasn't the right 'name', but she couldn't say it right... a look of sadness washed over the girl at this fact.

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"Lia, huh? Well, Lia, my name is Robin." said Robin, placing her hand on her chest as she did so to give her a visual aid so she wouldn't go around pointing at random objects like tea kettles and such saying 'Robin'. "Robin." she said again. "Zach, Robin, friends. Lia and Zach friends?"

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A Man Called Gar

"What makes her a weapon anymore dangerous than your tome, my knife or a gun? Well, whatever," Gar shrugged. "Let's leave things at you being whipped then." He smirked. The little girl was waking up after that though, struggling out her name: Lia. Granted Gar already saw her full name in the report, but whatever the princess wanted ha.

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"You don't get it; it's not that she's anymore dangerous than a mindless weapon, just that she is a weapon. That's what her kind are made for, and that's what I was trying to point out, earlier. And call it whatever you want, I've got bigger things to worry about than you, like figuring out what Lilith's hiding from us before she gets us all killed." Chelsea chimed in with her own viewpoint, as well. "Looking different from the others doesn't really change anything, and I thought I said I wouldn't go against anything Raquel decided, so why are you trying to convince me of anything?" Shadrak replied to Chelsea. "I don't really see the point of talking about it at the ship either, to be honest. Nobody's changing their minds about anything tonight, that's for sure."

Reign glanced around a various people, reading the situation once more before answering "Yeah, let's go." With that, he carefully hoisted Raquel up off of the ground. There was no blood beneath her, but that was only because she hadn't lost enough of it all at once for it to make it past both her vest and her cloak and onto the floor. Not feeling comfortable with her head lying back and over his forearm, he quickly knelt down and tilted her upright to get her head on leaning on his shoulder instead. There, it looked far less dramatic, now.

That alone is what go Shadrak's attention away from his other exchange. "What are you doing with her?" he asked in an expectant tone.

"Taking her to the nearest horse, I guess." Reign replied blankly. "No need for her to wait on the floor while you guys patch up and loot the place is there?"

"... maybe you should let someone else do that." Shadrak came back, showing a bit of distrust for the man.

Reign smiled halfheartedly and shook his head in response. "Sorry, not happening." I get that he doesn't trust me. I don't trust him, either. I don't see any decent counterarguments to me doing it, so there's no reason to wait for one. If he wants to argue seniority, I've got a whole year on anyone in this place. If he wants to argue ownership, I'll hurt him. With that little conclusion made, Reign brought Raquel over to Sharif and carefully placed her into the saddle before turning back to Faatina. "Alright, let's go."

No one was asking, and Gabbie certainly wasn't volunteering, so she decided to head for the exit. Hopefully Ringo hadn't wandered too far. The doors seemed to open up by themselves just before she reached them, and she took a step back and readied her lance. They hadn't signaled for reinforcements or anything, so either more cultists were coming, or it was the port guardsmen, the latter carrying the possibility for a good or bad outcome. The first one to come through the door was a guardsman, and then another, and another, and the fourth to step through was a man in sky blue armor and silvery hair. He looked like his day had just been made as he eyed the room, his men already fanning out to 'secure' the area. Gabbie was all too familiar with that kind of look; the authorities were here to do what they do best, talk smack over the bodies of enemies they had no hand in defeating and steal everything in sight. Better wrap it up fast, Nadya. Gabbie thought to herself as she lowered her lance.

"Ah what a sight." said the silvery haired man as he spread his arms out at the room. "This is justice ..." he expounded with a few nods of his head.

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A Man Called Gar

"I suppose you're one of those who won't have their mind changed," Gar got in one last dig before the local guard populace arrived just in time to put a stop to the after-battle cheer. Gar immediately ducked the bribe logs aside and put the belt and tool away. Just one from completion. "You certainly have a fine sense of justice dear captain," Gar smirked, trying to bait the captain into revealing his name.

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Seems they had guests, which turned out to be the town guards.

<Looks like it's time to deal with them now.> John thought. <Hopefully things will go fine, especially now that someone like Grant got to hear about this in advance.>

Are those guards? Well, I guess we had to explain this sooner or later I guess. Sophia thought.

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Carefully taking Raquel from Reign and steadying her atop Sharif, Faatina turned the steed towards the door just in time to notice the guardsmen enter.

"That Grant guy went to talk to the officials, right? So they should be on our side... could have used them a little earlier though..." Faatina muttered.


Lisandra gave this Robin girl an inquisitive stare.

'Does she think I'm handicapped just because I can't talk? Isn't that a strange assumption?'

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"If I remember right, the governor's daughter sent word to him about our situation." Reign explained. "Either she took her time, or these guys are a little cold." he added as a bit of a jab.

Gabbie decided to maneuver around the oncoming guards so she could get outside. She didn't look like she wanted to talk, so the silver haired man let her walk on by and focused his attention on those who did seem to want to greet him. "Heh, I'm sorry but you have the wrong man. The captain of the guard is outside coordinating the sweep. You can call me Eamon."

"That's the governor's son." Mandy clarified, though it was just her thinking out loud.

Reign figured that the son wanted to handle this one himself or something. He didn't care too much about his motives as long as they didn't become a scapegoat or anything. It seemed like a good time to get going either way. "We should definitely get going ..." he said, politely reminding Faatina.

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"It's no problem." Faatina replied, giving Reign a hand mounting. After the muscled mage was settled, Faatina urged Sharif forward, slow enough not to draw a terrible amount of attention, yet at the same time not too slow. Giving this Eamon fellow a quick nod before departing, Faatina began riding Reign and Raquel back to the Leverager.

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A Man Called Gar

"Well, you certainly cut a heroic figure, an easy mistake to make if I do say so myself," Gar replied to sonny-boy. Reign-guy was taking Raquel away with some horse from another-girl. That seemed like the perfect time for all of them to disappear right quickly. "Well if you don't mind, we should really get to leaving. Need to rest our weary bodies for future trials and such."

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<Well, I guess we are mostly done here.> John thought. <Unless they want to talk with us, though if they also plan to talk with Raquel they'd have to wait until she wakes up, which may be until tomorrow or something. I suppose we can just leave, although, too bad I didn't brought Gil. Well, we did came here mostly by walking, it won't hurt heading back the same way.>

At this point whoever was still unconscious was already taken care of, so if there was nothing else to stay for, then might as well.

Seems people were starting to leave. I guess if they want to talk things over, it would have to be with Raquel, but she is unconscious right now. Sophia thought. Heading back to the ship was probably for the best right now.

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Some more back-and-forth and people who were proficient at arriving just in time to not have to really do anything more than file a report arrived. As it turned out, this was the governor's son leading some guards. Well, no harm in asking a simple question. "Hoy, sir, we have some o' us who're unable t' travel on their own. D' ye have a land-boat 'r somethin' we could use t' carry 'em o'er t' our ship?" she asked Eamon.

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"The lady is right Sir, several of our companions are injured or unconscious. Would it be all right if we used some of the horses and wagons out back to transport them?" Zach asked the rather useless guardsmen

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Main Hall

"Hmm, well I do hope at least one of you stays long enough for us to get a proper accounting of how all of this played out ..." Eamon replied to Gar. The woman atop the horse along with her passengers didn't waste any time in heading out, either. Talk about a hasty retreat, but he could understand the worry if there was any. Anyone without any context could have taken this little raid and rescue mission the wrong way. Best to get out of the place as soon as possible. Not everyone was leaving just yet, though, and one of the others spoke up asking him about boats or something. "Land boats ...? I'm not sure I understand." Zachary spoke next and helped to clarify. "I suppose we could allow that ... for all your 'good deeds'."


Gabbie left the mansion and walked a fair distance to the edge of town. She couldn't see him, but she could hear him shifting around on a nearby rooftop. She whistled for him, and he swooped down to get her. The port's lights weren't all that helpful with navigating at night, not for her at least, and Ringo kept to a safe altitude to avoid hitting everything as they stealthily flew back to the docks.

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Well, it seems they were given the okay to leave. And also about using the horses. <Well, I guess we can go ahead to the stables now.> John thought.

''Well Zach, lead the way.'' He said.

The stables... would certainly be better than walking all the way back. Sophia thought. Yeah, she'd go with them too.

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"All right then let's get going, shouldn't take too long to get everything ready." Said Zach as he began to make his way out to the back followed by a few


Low and behold it actually didn't take all that long at all to get the wagon ready, leading the horses around to the front of the manse Zach popped back inside and called out to the group "We're all ready to go out here, got a wagon and a few horses."

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A Man Called Gar

"Yes, well, I'd say you emptied your pile of hope waiting for some anonymous do-gooders to come by and rid you of a cult on the outskirts of your city." Gar plainly said as he began to set his cloak back up. "And any one you want to meet won't be me." Gar finished setting his cloak and left the mansion with haste. He wasn't in the mood to deal with any authorities at all, corrupt or not.

Zachary-boy had managed to scrounge up some transport back. And as much as Gar would have preferred to head off on his own, he needed to play little guard boy in case the guardsmen had a sudden change of mind, so he hopped up on one of the wagons and waited for everyone else.

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"Well, we split inta two groups, so ye'd have t' talk t' one from each t' get th' full tale," Gytha replied to the governor's son, "I have t' drop this 'ere jack off so he can get back t' th' ship, so I can't help ye right now. That guy Zachara can tell ye a lot about what happened, though. Most knowledgeable about these manse-dwellin' bottom-feeders apparentla. Least he likes t' brag about that. S'far as I can tell, we'll be in port fer some time, so ye can talk t' him I'll wager. He was on th' team that pretended t' fall inta th' trap. Hmm not sure who from our side could tell what happened t' us from start t' finish... Maybe Gar, but he said he doesn't want t' talk t' ye. Too bad, realla. Probabla can do th' best out o' all o' us on Team Cloak since he lead it."

Turning to Synthia, Gytha asked, "Who d' ye think'd be best t' tell this fella what happened from our side?"

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