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Return of the Emblem Chapter Nine: Consolidating Forces


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"I'd like to do something else, preferably less to do with shooting me if you don't mind..." She joked, taking a more relaxed stance. Smiling at the previous comment, she still had to wonder just how high these numbers went, seeing as she felt very confident in her supposed four defense.

Taking another bigger bite, Davod suppressed the coughing as much as he could, to very little effect. To put it lightly, he wasn't tasting the food all that much anymore. "Oh if only it were that easy for mt to just ignore pain, yeah?" Oh the irony... I mean, keep on digging your grave, Dav! And he did just that, taking yet another big mouthful of the curry, almost immediately going for his water.

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"I suppose they went out to the field then?" Getting a nod from the door man Zach started to walk out towards the field while giving a wave. "Thanks for the help."

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Robin nodded as she took the pot and started to get to work right away. Making the stew would be a simple matter on the whole, she had done it before, and she could easily do it again. In fact, her concern wasn't if she could make it, but if she had managed to buy enough food for everyone in the first place. Most of her ingredients were already ready for use, except for the meat, and that would be her first task. She took her new knife out and started to cut into it right away. As she pressed it down, she noted with some minor annoyance that it didn't cut as smoothly as her obsidian knife did, causing her to switch out for her normal knife. As she started to cut again, she could barely feel the meat parting as she gently pushed down, a testament to the sharpness of her own knife. Smoothly and quickly she cut the meat off of the bone, removed any bad parts and set about cutting it into small pieces. When that was done, she put the pieces in the pot before moving it to a cooking fire. As the pot started to heat up she watched it carefully, trying her best to make sure it remained the right temperature without becoming too hot, before she started to flip and move the pieces about with her knife to ensure none were charred as she started to brown the meat.

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Aneda's defense and resistance was noted, it seemed and the guild members wanted to move on to strength. "Were you able to tell her endurance from that?" Norbert asked, fairly certain that was what they originally wanted to test them for. Maybe they're just indecisive.

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Main Deck

"Well, this is all really convenient," she began, mostly admitting to herself that like it or not, they could still be walking right into a trap. "I'm confident we can take on other mercenaries, even if they outnumber us. We've already taken on that organization itself plenty of times, and not only them. We've taken out an opposing ship crew, desert fighters on their own turf, a military unit on their own turf, artificial humans, flying metal coffins, and even those vicious creatures the fallen unleashed on us. What I'm really worried about is the aftermath. I ... really don't want to get labeled as a criminal wherever I go ... and right now, it seems like we're relying on luck alone not to get caught in the act." They're not taking us into custody, so we'll have to fight our way out if a bribe doesn't work and then we can never come back and have to hope Sardis doesn't use the notoriety against us. That's not what I want .... "Thinking about it might help if I could at least find a guaranteed way to not get arrested after this." she replied to John. "... a way that doesn't involve harming the guardsmen." she added thoughtfully.


Gabbie reached over with the fork that had ended up coming with her sausage roll and took a single bite's worth of Davod's spicy meal. One bite would certainly be less hot than what Davod was going through, and she was curious. She took a bite and set the fork down. Now we wait ....

Warrior's Field

"Almost. I at least know how good she is with that lance, but I'm not convinced that her defense is only tier one without it. That's why I wanted to see it one more time." Talitha explained.

"Something else?" Mandy replied to Aneda. "Well how about a duel? Tali can just watch and get the numbers she needs that way." she suggested.

"It's still probably more fun than you deserve." Talitha noted. "I'll get the numbers faster with some natural fighting going on, but you'd all be at a huge disadvantage."

Mining Town

Cecily glanced over at Simon. He didn't realize she was singling him out until a few seconds later. "'Notice'? They'll probably notice, but I don't think they'll care if Simon vanishes for a little while. Being an information broker, he'll have to do a little traveling eventually, right?"

"Oh well ... yes, I suppose. One must do all they can to establish new contacts, and reinforce existing ones, and so on." Simon clarified shyly.

"Okay, then you can deliver the report." she concluded.

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A Man Called Gar

Gar listened in an Raquel's reactions and recollections of past events. Quite the excitable group they had here. Was it rotten or good luck that he had made contact? There was a part of him always craving bigger and badder problems to solve. Usually that was tempered out by reason and realism. But if they survived an encounter with fallen, then that just bent things didn't it? It was all quite exciting, if it was true. "Convenient?" Gar smirked. "Yeah, that's the word to use. All options but confrontation with this cult being ruled out sure is convenient. Not saying that dear Zachary's a double-agent, just that it's possible they knew his shifting loyalties and sent him to force you outside the town and not have to deal with any authorities." Gar shrugged. "Things get a problem with the guard, get whatever money you loot from the manse to bribe them away. They bully through that? Blackmail them with any documents the cult had to indicate a connection. It's something I find a lot of illegal groups have a way beyond simple gold to ensure cooperation with the corrupt that let them slide." Gar crossed his arms. "Not that my works are all that trustworthy right now."

And hey, if all else fails living outside the laws influence isn't that bad, Gar thought. Better not to say that out-loud right now though.

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"That poses little issue, so long as we could speak to your witness and maybe see those dossiers before we make a decision," Grant said genially, as he retrieved a crossbow bolt from his pouch. His next words were spoken while he twirled the bolt around his fingers absentmindedly. "As for information, well, depending on how a discussion with your witness goes, perhaps we can one up your request and lend your faction a few warriors. I for one would be interested in assisting the effort, as I believe Mr. Krausche has many crimes to answer for, cult or no cult."

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Main Deck

"You're making a direct attack on the mansion seem like the better option." Raquel commented. "I don't really mind either way. I like our chances compared to what we usually have to deal with. We should probably gather everyone up ... going in without as many fighters as we can get isn't a risk I want to take, good fortune or no."

Best Seats

"It's up to my friend if you see the dossiers. I'll see what I can do about the turncoat." Reign replied. So this guy might be helping out, huh? I won't look a vastly connected gift horse in the mouth. That's someone else's job, I think.

"I should at least inform father. He won't like this, but at least the guardsmen won't be a problem." Claudia chimed in.

If she's going to tell him anyway, why won't HE help us? Hmm ... on second thought, it might not be a good idea for the governor to randomly attack another bigwig out of nowhere like that. Probably better to chalk it up to assassins and incredible timing. Reign figured.

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A Man Called Gar

"Do I?" Gar raised an eyebrow. "Well, that wasn't quite my intent. Frontal attacks need to be done with overwhelming force, and if you had overwhelming force you wouldn't be having a bad feeling. If you lure out a partial group of them cultists then you need to hit the mansion anyway. You lure out all of them, then you can hit up the mansion quick and easy." Gar explained quite simply.

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Main Deck

"I doubt we could lure them all out. They wouldn't leave the girl completely unguarded, I don't think. At least I wouldn't if I was watching over someone." Raquel speculated.

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"Wait, what's going on now? A duel? With who???" Aneda hit confusion land pretty hard, things flew over her head and almost made her dizzy. This ain't normal... Either way, she just kinda looked between the two talking ladies, hoping one at least would specify.

And Davod kept doing his thing, destroying his stomach and his tongue at the same time. LIKE A BOSS.

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A Man Called Gar

"Hope for the best, prepare for the worst," Gar expressed. "Either way--partial or full-is better than dealing with them full-strength on their home turf. You let an enemy dictate the area of engagement you give them an advantage. You drag them outside their comfort zone, you drag them from where they're strong, and you hit them from where you have the advantage. Find a location for a good ambush if they pursue with their force size down, or find a good defensible position if the come out full force." Gar explained. "As for the girl, hmmm," he touched his chin, "three possibilities there, they keep her manse-safe in a split, leave her with minimal protection during an all in, or bring her with them during an all in. First two don't make a difference in the long run, third option's a bit tricky, they might use this girl as a hostage if things go too bad for them. Granted that's also a problem in the first cases, but those would be easier situations to handle." Gar finished.

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''I doubt they'd bring the girl with them.'' John said. ''Whatever they do to her, they also refer to her as a goddess. Depending on their level of obsession with that, I don't think they would bring her outside their manse and make those kind of threats using her, especially if they worship her like some idol.''

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Main Deck

"Well at least they don't know that we're trying to rescue that girl. That way they won't be guarding her as heavily. If she wasn't there, then attacking them would be a lot easier, though. I didn't think it would become a rescue mission when Zachery first mentioned them." Raquel replied.


Welp, Davod's food was indeed hot. Gabbie was glad she approached it with some caution and only stole a very small bite. It was still making her sniffle and her eyes tear up, though. "Okay now I can somewhat empathoize." With that, she placed a hand on his shoulder and patted it a few times.

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"To be honest, I don't consider the girl a priority here. We're primarily here to protect our own interests with regards to the threat this cult poses. Of course we'll rescue her if we can but...I'm not factoring it into my plans much," she admitted.

Clara and Cloe

"If 'Darksider' can deliver what we know so far, we can focus our efforts on figuring out what this Cassandra project is all about. Provided Sardis doesn't send us off somewhere else," Cloe interjected.

"Ohh right, an information broker wouldn't have to stay in one place, Simon is a good choice. Do you feel confident delivering the report? I know Layla can take some...getting used to," Clara said to Simon.

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A Man Called Gar

"Never doubt the panic of a cornered man," Gar said. "But goddess hm? Ha, they might even throw her into battle against us then. What better way to prove divinity than a proper display of power?" Gar smirked. "Well, that's all a load, but we'd have to confirm with Zachary that she's the rescue target if she shows up anywhere, or get him to describe her when we have a plan of attack." Gar explained. Gar pondered a bit on Veronika's words before speaking again. "I have a feeling Zachary would shout at you for saying something like that. But anyway, Raquel, you're the one I'm contracted to, if you want this to be a rescue mission then that's what I'll treat it as in my advice."

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"I don't think he'd like the fact that apparently rather dangerous cult exists within his city, either," Grant said pleasantly. "Anyways, I think things are mostly settled. Mr. Reign, do you mind if I accompany you back to where your source is? That'll speed things up a bit, I presume.

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Main Deck

"I understand, but I'm confident enough that we can beat them to try and focus on rescuing her too." Raquel replied to Veronika. Or maybe I'm just getting overconfident, but we haven't lost to anyone, yet; not even the fallen. To Gar she said "It's just one person, and as long as she's not chained to something or being manipulated, I think we could just whisk her away with one or two people. Just factor her rescue into the planning for now. I'm sure we can do it."

Expensive Seats

"I guess that'd be alright, but I can't promise there won't be guns aimed your way before it gets out that you're related to the Governor." Reign warned. "They're a little paranoid, understandably."

"Barbarians ..." Claudia muttered, descending into a foul mood once again. "Haidar. Could you have my father informed of the ... 'situation', please?"

"Ma'am, wouldn't you prefer to tell him in person?" Haidar inquired. "This matter is important."

"And miss this beautiful man's bout for survival? I think not." She sighed wistfully as she returned her attention to the fighting. "Such lovely wings."

Warrior's Field

"A duel with me~" Mandy clarified for Aneda. "It would be a little faster that way ... as long as Tali pays attention that is. I think it would be fun, and with your lance, you'd have the advantage. Consider it a friendly handicap."

"I'm always paying attention ... and that's barely a handicap at all." Talitha interjected.


"While I am a bit put off by the woman, I can assure you that I can have the report delivered. I promised to help you sisters and I shall do so, even if I must face great peril. The Darksider will not be shy away from unnerving women." Simon explained.

If he keeps up this loyalty to the three sisters act, I'm going to start feeling guilty for using him like this. Cecily thought to herself.

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A Man Called Gar

"I'll do as you want then," Gar answered. "In the case of the split we'll need to hit the mansion to finish the cult off. Send a small infiltration team around a different entrance to locate and secure the girl. Hopefully Zachary can help with layouts and such. Might even want him on that team to get a little fool in on any guards. If they have their all-in and leave the girl behind the whole thing becomes dreadfully easy so there's no point worrying about that. The big problem is them taking her with them during an all-in. If they chain her up or anything, even the best lockpickers wouldn't be able to spring her instantly, so we'd need to swipe the key. It'll probably be on the big bad boss, or in the manse in that case. If all that happens we'd need someone on standby for an emergency rescue, and well," Gar looked around the boat. "Even with the mounts I'd wager you have, that would reduce battle power during a situation it can't be afforded in. So you'll have to take your time and strike when the opportunity presents itself."

Gar sighed. Now was time for the difficult part. "The most dangerous situation is her being uncooperative to the point of force. Once Zachary gets back it'd be best to grab any information whatsoever about the girl from him."

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"Well now I'm motivated to give it my all." Said Aneda as she rolled her eyes at Talitha's comment. Either way, she was just wanting to get this all over with anyway. Each moment spent thinking about an arena match was another moment she wanted to walk away from it. "Let's just get this over with. I assume it's cool if I'm on Hannah? It'd be a pretty retarded duel otherwise. Of course, who am I to say..."

Coughing, Davod had to take another large gulp of water. "Oh it's... It's not that bad, it's actually exactly what I was expecting! This is fun, I don't know about you, but this is fun!" He felt daring and stuffed two more huge bites into his mouth and began to chew, his face getting incredibly red. Davod couldn't help but laugh a little (keeping his mouth closed though, he's a gentleman after all).

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As Norbert watched, it looked like the ones testing them really were flippant about their testing methods. Aneda seemed to be getting tired of her testing. He could understand her annoyance, but it also sounded like she didn't want to do her best with the testing, based on what she said. "Hey, Aneda," Norbert spoke up, "Try to get as high a score as possible." He was attempting to be encouraging, not that it probably mattered much.

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With the meat finally browned, Robin started on the next bit of work in making her stew. First she added the water, then a small amount of flour to give it consistency, than the vegetables. After doing so, she started to slowly churn the stew, bending in close to smell it as she made sure that it didn't overcook. This would be a masterpiece of cooking if she could manage it! Not a disaster waiting to happen!

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Main Deck

"Hopefully she'll be 'cooperative'. I can't imagine her not wanting to get away from people like that, but we don't know all that's going on in there. If she's really their 'goddess', she might brainwashed or something ..."


Gabbie took a drink herself, though she didn't quite need it yet. As Davod pressed on, Gabbie began laughing and almost choked on her drink in the process. "Don't kill yourself, hahahah." She quickly looked over to Connor and warned him saying "Yeah, don't you go gettin' any oideas, now."

Warrior's Field

"Yeah, make sure you're mounted up. You can start off the round. Oh one more thing!" Mandy quickly pulled out some small trinket from her saddlebag. "Take this!" She immediately tossed the thing over to Aneda. "You can borrow that until the end of the match."

Aneda receives Lucky Charm!

Lucky Charm:

The bearer only needs two dice to match in order to automatically strike the opponent. The effect overrides amulets.

"Well there's a handicap." Talitha remarked. "That's really not necessary. I could figure out how accurate or inaccurate she is without the charm."

"Taliiii~, that's the wrong line." Mandy hinted.

"Oh ... right. Whatever. Begin the match." Talitha announced in a very dull tone.


Class: Level 4 Ranger

Raw Stats

HP: 7 STR: 6 MAG: 0 SKL: 12 SPD: 12 LCK: 4 DEF: 2 RES: 2

Simplified Stats

HP: 21 MT: 6 Hit: 12 Evade: 16 AS: 12 Defense: 2 Resistance: 2

Weapon 1: Razor Sword

Weapon 2: Divine Bow

Special Weapon:

Item: Stimulant

Special Item: Champion Ring

Book: Skill (Act+)

Overall Stats

HP: 21 MT: 6 Hit: 12(17 if RS) Evade: 16 AS: 12 Defense: 2(-1 if DB) Resistance: 2(-1 if DB)

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A Man Called Gar

"Well that'll be the bridge to cross when we get there," Gar said. "Or girl to liberate, whatever." Things were more or less over here, should he throw up a list of recommended supplies? Wait until a bunch of other people came back before bringing up his ideas and the inevitable problems that would spring from it. Yeah, that should wait, he wanted the Captain there anyway for that. But, well, what to do until then? Might as well try and get in good with the contractor. "Oh yeah, sorry for bringing up all this strategy talk and all when you wanted a break." Gar apologized. "When I make plans I like to make them as soon as possible which led to all that."

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