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Return of the Emblem Chapter Nine: Consolidating Forces


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Seems Bert was gonna be find now, despite remaining unconscious. Well, staffs healed wounds, not unconsciousness.

''That was quite a sever wound.'' Sophia noted.

''Indeed. I had already given him an elixir before, and it wasn't enough.'' John said.

Not even an elixir...? Just how much did he went through? She wondered. Although, on the other hand... She had already seen he was prone to getting himself into injuries. The battle may have only mean bigger injuries then.

''Well, this is the most we can do for him.'' She said.

''I suppose we can leave him to rest here.'' John said as he stood up. ''And I guess this is it regarding the injured. Other than the rest of the other showing up, but I guess are probably already tending to their own wounds.''

''I suppose.'' So with nothing else, they walked over to where Raquel and company were gathered, which now included Reign, having come from the outside.

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A Man Called Gar

"Shade drake?" Gar raised an eyebrow at stalker-guy after the archer-girl who walked off without even acknowledging Gar's presence called him that. "You poor, poor man." Gar shook his head in sadness. Looting-woman conceded to getting a move on so.... "Well, looks like it's time to follow weird-girl," Gar shrugged. "Or see if our quieter members have something to say, whatever."

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Cloak and Dagger

"Urgh, why is she-!" he cut himself off to change his tone. He was upset, but he could keep his cool. "Why is she even fighting like this if no one can protect her? I'm sure you did everything you ... could, but if that's not enough then ..." He was soon assailed by alternate outcomes of the situation, and a particular outcome made him grimace, since it could have so easily come about. A simple headshot would have ended everything and it wouldn't have taken much of a shot adjustment either ...

Gabbie returned and updated those present saying "The girl is safe, but Faatina's leg is really messed up. Any of you got experience with broken bones? If so that'd be a great help."

Shadrak was just glad Robin was up and about, and glancing back at Gar wondering if he was just echoing Robin or actually wanted something. One less person to carry a back either way, and he didn't lose a friend over a nearly botched rescue/raiding operation. He quickly stood up and brushed himself off, quickly realizing that his cloak was stained with his own blood. "... dammit."

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"I can set the bone for her, but someone else will have to use a stave on it. I can't work those things very well." Said Zach as he made his way outside to the injured woman.

Finding her outside with Mandy and Tali with the girl nearby Zach got on his knees and looked at the damage before speaking "So I can fix this, but it's gonna hurt like a son of bitch. Just let me know when you're ready and I can snap this thing back into place."

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''Well, after we rescued her from the kidnapping, she kinda was tired of just doing nothing and waiting on the wagon during fights.'' John answered. ''And this battle went as badly due to splitting up into two. This is the first time we've come out this bad actually.'' Well, if it didn't eased his worries, it was the thought that counts, right?

Then Gabbie came back saying about Faatina being hurt. Seems her escape attempt faced it's own troubles. But at least she was safe and so was the girl. Zach offered to fix the bone's positioning, but as he said, staff usage was also needed.

''Wait, I'm going too.'' Sophia said before going after him. Fortunately it wasn't far, so now she'd wait for him to do it before using her staff.

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"She volunteered for this one...and may have been the reason we won," Veronika noted. "Usually we don't get a choice, either Raquel does nothing while we are attacked or she helps. It's the emblem piece that's making her go through all these battles, but she can't just get rid of it or there will be...complications apparently. Something magical I don't understand, the point is there are going to be more battles and Raquel's going to be there," she said to Reign somewhat sadly.

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Destiny Gauntlet

That was grim news indeed. What was going on here that she was going to be going into even more battles like this? "How is the fire emblem behind all this? Wait, you mean she's forced to fight because she has it ..." Reign corrected himself. "Why does she need it if this is what she's getting for it?"

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A Man Called Gar

Gar looked at Shade Drake staring at his own bloodied robes. Gar then looked at his own bloody-as-hell clothes and shook his head. "Man, at least you're covered in your own blood. Look at how drenched I am with a bunch of asshole cultist blood. And you can be damn sure this outfit cost more than your robes." Gar shook his head again. Nearly all of his cut of the up-front payment was spent getting his clothes custom-tailored. The emblem wasn't real, he wouldn't be getting into any giant life-or-death battles at all! Bah, stupid world.

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Well, no one was answering her question, so she decided to ask again, "Anaone need help? If any o' ye're havin' trouble walkin' on yer own, I could help ye." Shadrak and Gar were talking about blood or something. Well, Gytha actually got out of this one clean and without needing her clothes mended. That was worth a smile.

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A Man Called Gar

"If we're all feeling as impatient as I am, you could just grab the guy still laying face-down. Not like he'll object, and not like I'd carry someone if there was an alternative," Gar said to gun-lass and shrugged. He thought he knew her name, but it didn't come to mind so probably not.

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All Dagger

"Well at least you're getting paid; you can buy a new one once we're out of here." Shadrak shot back to Gar before sighing. That sounded more logical before he said it. Whether or not Gar was actually going to get compensation didn't matter to him(he could always go looting with Nadya and get the money that way), since all that shot really did was remind him that he was only nibbling at the mission funds to buy simple rations and keep himself alive. "Not sure if I'm just being stupid or focusing on what's really important ..." he muttered to himself. "Maybe someone can help me fix this hole."

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The sage from earlier... and Sophia. It seems they were here to fix her leg.

"Yeah. I got ya... here." Faatina replied, shifting herself to that the wound was more easily visible. Gritting her teeth, Faatina gave Zach a smirk.

"I'm ready. Do your worst."

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Having already felt where the bone was broken Zach got to work, first that arrow had to come out though. Seeing that it was already poking through the other side of her leg it would just be easier to force it on through, would also cause less damage. Breaking off the feathered end Zach muttered a quick "Sorry about this" then forced the arrow out through the other side.

While she was still feeling the pain from having the arrow removed he immediately snapped the bone back into place. Turning to face the cleric that had followed him Zach quickly said "Your turn, heal it up before this gets any worse."

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After finishing off whatever healing Nadya hadn't, Synthia stumbled over to where people seemed to be leaving. Gytha seemed to be fine apart from a buise forming on her head, she noted. A quick heal and that was fixed. Well, since she had offered... “Help me carry Valter?” she asked quietly. The others seemed strangely intent on moving on and leaving him to die. Bastards. Well, aside from maybe the knife guy. But he was a bastard too.

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Zach made quick work on putting the bone back in position, now Sophia took care of the rest by using the staff to treat it, hopefully it wouldn't take long.


''Because the organization that sent this cult after us wants that emblem.'' John answered. ''And Raquel can't just part with it. She seems to have... developed, a dependency to it. If she parts with it for so long she'll die. That's why she can't afford the organization taking it away from her, in addition to whatever else they have planned to use it for. But since the organization won't give up in trying, hence why she needs to keep at it.''

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The arrow removed and the bone snapped into place, Faatina gave a wince at the pain, though managing to endure it for the most part. Afterward, Sophia moved in with her staff, and the major damage was dealt with, though the area was still tender and a tad sore. Getting herself up off the ground, Faatina gave a quick check, at the very least her leg was not giving way under movement.

"The rest of my wounds are fairly minor, so you should get back to helping the more severely wounded, Sophia." Faatina said to the girl, before turning towards the gates and giving a sharp whistle. It did not take long for Sharif to ride to Faatina, coming to s stop beside her, allowing her to mount him.

"Zachary, was it? How bad is the damage? Anyone need to be evacuated?" Faatina asked, seeing that Talitha was tending to the girl.

"So long as I don't get ambushed again, it should work out much more smoothly this time."

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"Things pretty much went to hell right after you left. I was one of the few that didn't go down though thankfully. Most people are injured and have lost a lot of blood, I had to kill around 10 guys on my own after most of the other attackers were taken out early. Dagger team didn't fair much better though, only a few of them managed to get to us, I think the other healers are dealing with them right now." Zach explained to the Paladin

"How is the girl doing? Is she just unconscious or is something wrong?" he asked

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"I'm no medic, but she seems the same as after she was healed. None of my attackers hit her, though I can't speak with any knowledge of her condition, she merely appears unconscious." Faatina answered, before wheeling Sharif around.

"Now then, let's see what I can do to help out inside." Faatina continued, urging the war horse towards the building.

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''I don't know about the other group, but in ours they're already mostly healed, they are just unconscious now.'' Sophia told Faatina. The little girl thankfully didn't needed to be healed again so Sophia decided to head back inside so she followed Faatina back in.

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Rather than walking back into the manse Zach chose to check on the unconscious girl. Crouching down next to her he asked Mandy and Talitha "How is she doing? Just passed out?"

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As Robin headed to the main area where she was sure the others were she noticed Bert's fallen body lying in a pool of his own blood.. She could see that he was no longer bleeding out though he was probably in very poor condition. She approached him and knelt down beside Bert, making sure that he was in a state that could be moved.

She quickly looked him over, trying to make sure he was in a state to be moved, before she reached out to grab his arm and tried to pull him up and out of the pool of his own blood. Even if he was going to rest, he shouldn't be resting in the pool of blood. She had taken care of full-grown deer before, so Bert should be nothing as well, right?

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Well, both Gar and Synthia seemed to think her helping to carry Valter was a good idea. Synthia had even taken care of the pump on her head, so that helped out a lot. "Aye, I'll carry 'im. Ye just worry about yerself, a'right?" Gytha asked Synthia before walking over to Valter and hoisting him up onto her back. It was a bit of a comical sight, seeing as she was essentially piggy-backing him. "Let's go, then."


Norbert remained limp and unconscious, even as Robin lifted him up. His fingers had been loosely gripping Splinter and Crunch's handles, but as he was lifted off the ground, they slipped from his fingers.

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A Man Called Gar

Gun-lass hefted up face-down-guy Valter and with that the remainder of Dagger was on its way to Cloak.

And with that Gar skillfully led Dagger over to Cloak and they were all one big party again. Yay. Gar noticed things were a bit different, including the girl who was probably the gun victim had moved herself somehow, Zachary had disappeared, and Reign-guy and some other girl had appeared.

"Well, here's the party," Gar dryly said.

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“I don't see how this is a party..” Synthia grumbled. Cloak wasn't in much better shape than they were, it seemed... This whole operation had gone to hell. The mage made a mental note. Next time some crazy they didn't know asked them for a favor, ignore it.

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Robin's teeth gritted together in annoyance as Bert's weapons fell to the floor. How on Earth was she going to manage to carry those back as well? He weighed enough on his own and more than filled up her hands, not to mention being totally incapable of using his own. If only his little magical flying pony was here she could just drop him on that and lead it along while she carried his weapons but nooo... Too easy. To make it worse, the awkward distribution of the weight made carrying him even HARDER! She could already feel her balance starting to teeter about as she carried him.

She had no real choice though. She had to pick up his bizzare weapons. Why can't he just use stone arrows like me? Or even a bloody axe like a normal person? she thought to herself as she leaned forwards. As she did though Bert's weight suddenly shifted forwards as she bent over. The sudden shift of weight was all that was needed to send Robin pitching forwards into the ground. As she fell forwards, however, the floor was not the only thing in her path. Bert's maces lay on the ground and she could not pitch to the side to avoid them. She fell forward as the maces maced hard into her belly, knocking the breath from her like only a mace could. Before she could finish hitting the ground though, Bert's body came loose due to the shock and, as Robin hit the ground, Bert came tumbling down right on top of her head.

It took a moment for Robin to stop gagging for breath and finally stand up again. This was not working. She had hoped that carrying a person wouldn't be too bad, but it was now clear that that wasn't going to happen. She had to do something about both his limbs and weapons and she was NOT going to make multiple trips. Besides, this would likely make it easier in the long run. Robin quickly unslung her quiver and reached in to pull out three lengths of string before looking at Bert with a wicked glance. She would stop those flailing limbs for certain!

It took her only a minute to 'dress' Bert by tying first his arms, then his legs, together like a deer fresh from the kill, then tying his weapons to his backside so that they wouldn't cut into her. Then she was ready. Once again she lifted Bert off the ground and headed for the main area. Without the swinging limbs and dropping weapons it was MUCH easier to manage.

"Hey, guys." she said as she reached the rest of the group. "Sorry I took so long. Had to help Bert." she said, pointing to his body being carried on her back and tied up. "He is heavy!"

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