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Return of the Emblem Chapter Nine: Consolidating Forces


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Deciding that his next course of action should probably be to help get everyone outside and ready to go Zach went over to where Aneda was still sitting and offered his hand "I'll help you get outside, you're in no shape to be walking by yourself."

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Seems there was to be a little wait for Zach and the rest to return.

<What a night,> John thought, looking over in the direction of the entrance. <But that sure was a close call. This better had been the most eventful thing during our stay here.>

Hopefully we can get back to the ship soon, Sophia thought. I want nothing more than to get some sleep after all this. She glanced where the arrow hit her. I guess there is nothing to be done about the blood, but maybe I can do something about the hole. Well, that would have to wait for tomorrow.

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People seemed to be taking the severely wounded back to the ship- part of Veronika wondered if she fell into this category, but after Chelsea's healing she felt mostly fine. No one aside from Gytha seemed to be talking to the governor's son, so Veronika decided to step in.

"I'm Veronika- was there any sort of information you were looking for in particular?" she asked Eamon, covering up her wound with her hand. It was no longer bleeding, but she figured it was probably unsightly at best.


Nadya had begun to empty some valuables into her pack when news of authorities coming reached her ears. Oh Wrathdamn it. she grumbled to herself, despite not having much more sack room anyway. She followed the group heading towards the stables before speaking up.

"I can ride with a wounded person if y'all want," she offered halfheartedly.

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The majority of what was happening not concerning her, Synthia sat down before she could fall over. Her reprieve was short lived, however, as a few minutes later the fuzz showed up. Thankfully Zach showed up with a wagon soon after. She got up to leave when Gytha asked her question. She really had no intention of sticking around any longer.

“Honestly, there's not much to tell,” She told Eamon. “We sneaked in through the back to flank the cultists, but ran into some on the way. They kicked our asses. Of the four people who could tell you what happened after that, two left already and one's unconscious. You'll have to talk to Davod. He's the old guy over there."

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As Robin saw that other people were starting to load up to go she turned back to look at Bert. Someone needed to get him out of here and, while she was sure other people would be willing to do it, she felt a bit wrong leaving him there for someone else... but at the same time, Lia... She didn't want to just leave her alone either or make Zach the only one responsible for her.

"Lia. Would you be willing to help me move him?" she asked, pointing to Bert, unsure if she could understand her or not. "His name is Be--... His name is Angry-at-everything. He needs to be moved to the cart outside. Can you help me with that?"

No harm in giving Bert a name like that. He would wake up, tell her the truth, and all would be fine, but for now... Might as well have some fun.

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Well, it looked like that was taken care of. "Zachara's that 'un o'er there," Gytha told the governor's son, indicating Zach with a jerk of her head, "Th' one helpin' out that lady o'er there. Well, we have t' go now. Come on, Synthia." And with that, Gytha walked away out of the manse to drop Valter off int he wagon, also figuring she might as well hitch a ride herself.

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This Robin girl did it again. As she went on to give the name of one of the fallen, she began to say one thing, but corrected herself to something that sounded rather doubtful.

'Is she so insistent that I'm some sort of idiot?'

"M-me... not... s-stupid." Lisandra managed, with a slight cough, before looking over at the man she had pointed out. Something about moving... perhaps the man needed to be relocated? The other injured were being moved as well, so Lisandra assumed this was the case, and made her way over to him.

'I'll show her...'

Finally reaching the man, she looked him over. He was wearing a decent amount of armour, and seemed rather decently built. He appeared to be tied like some sort of wild game... the position was odd, but Lisandra could still carry him that way. Snaking her arm beneath him, with a heave, Lisandra lifted the unconscious man and slung him over her shoulder, gently as she could. He was a bit on the heavy side, but nothing she couldn't handle. With the man secured, Lisandra turned towards this Robin girl with a slight smirk.

"Where... go?"


The guardsman did not accost them, and so Faatina began to pick up speed once they were outside, hoping to quickly make it back to the ship.

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Synthia gave Eamon a polite nod and followed Gytha out. She climbed in the wagon first to help move Valter in. After situating him in the back, she removed his quiver and sword belt and placed them aside along with her staff.

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Gytha's explanation was a bit much to take in all at once, partially because he got caught up in the multitasking; interpreting what she was saying, keeping an eye on half the people in the room with quick glances, speculating about what had happened versus what he was being told thus far ... "Hmm." Next came Synthia's explanation of Dagger Team's woes. Their heroics weren't quite smiled upon by the gods, it seemed, but at least they were alive, so perhaps they were. He nodded thankfully at Synthia before she and the stocky woman turned to leave. When Veronika approached and offered her take on things, Eamon grinned saying "Anything you can tell me about the battle itself. We arrived a bit too late to aid with anything besides recovery, but a report still needs to be filed. I also need to find out what happened to Sir Krausche as soon as possible."

Shadrak stood in place for the moment, scanning the entire room. There were bodies everywhere, but their own had been mostly recovered. When Lia hoisted Bert over her shoulder, though, he grimaced realizing that they might not be slipping out of this so easily after all. He could already spot a pair of guards heading over. Damn.

"Whoa, look at this! Girl is built like an ox!" one of the two guards said, being rather impressed with Lia's strength and not understanding where it came from. The other guard looked intimidated and probably understood a bit more about the implications.

"H-how can you do that ...?" he asked while pointing his finger at her.

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After she and Synthia had loaded Valter into the wagon, Gytha took a seat next to Synthia and let herself begin to relax, taking a deep breath of the night air and slowly letting it loose. They were done with this place. "How ye feelin'?" she asked her ally.

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I dragged him here all by myself with him slung over my shoulders after recovering from the battle and no one cared, but now that Lia does the exact same thing, they're complimenting her?

"I did carry him here on my own in the first place." she said with slight irritation in her voice. She might not be able to lift him single-handedly, but... She wasn't some weakling either! She gave an annoyed sigh as she stepped in front of Lia. "There should be a cart outside for you to take him too. It should not be hard to find, I will go with you."

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People were starting to leave the manse now.

<Looks like it's almost time to leave.> John thought. <I wonder if we can just start leaving already. But I suppose they'd want to all leave together. Well, a few more moments of waiting I guess.>

So now that we rescued the girl, I guess she's going to travel with us now. Sophia thought. I think it would be better than to leave her behind after all the trouble we went through. And due to that whole Artificial detail... she certainly doesn't have another place to go to I think.

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A faint smile and an outstretched hand, Aneda attempted to hoist herself up weakly. It was an awkward ascension, to be honest, but she did manage to stand her full height before having to resume leaning on her lance again, dizziness invading once more. "You sure you'll be able to keep a half asleep rider in armor up on her feet, mister mage man?" I suppose there's no need to be so teasing right now but hey, I'll take what I can get...

Davod and Nanahm both decided to scram outta there, not wanting to be bothered. Both also seemed to jump in the wagon. Is there enough room? Who knows. "Oh, thanks Synthia." Davod said. What kind of gentleman would he be without thanking a lady for healing his petty injuries? A terrible one, that's what,

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Hoisting up Aneda and putting her arm around his shoulder Zach began to walk with the injured Pegasus Rider, "Well what kind of guy would I be if I didn't help a woman in need?"

Noticing that there was a bit of trouble brewing up due to Lia throwing Norbert over her shoulder Zach quickly called out to both her and Robin "Hey Robin, Lia. Come on, time to get out of here."


Walking outside with his half sleeping companion, Zach noticed there was almost no more room on the wagon left. Odd considering he kinda got it for the injured people, not those that felt up for a free ride.

"So we have two options, you can squeeze into the wagon with the others and I take Lia on a horse. Or you double up with me and the girl gets in the wagon, your choice."

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When the two men approached her with a bit of an awed look, Lisandra wasn't quite sure what to do about it. They appeared to be asking her something, but she did not recognize the words, and in the end merely gave them an inquisitive stare, giving her head a slight tilt, with sporadic blinking.

Eventually, Zachary came forward and seemed to be motioning for them to head outside. Being unable to fulfill the man's request, whatever it might have been, Lisandra obliged following Zachary outside until they reached the cart, where he had stopped as well.

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And with that they were almost all outside.

<I suppose anyone staying back there is gonna be for talking with the guards.> John thought. <I suppose it wouldn't hurt to start leaving now. Though I'm a bit surprised it didn't took that long for them to leave. She carrying Bert like that was bound to detain them for a much longer time.>

Wait, she's carrying him... just like that? Sophia thought. Wait, how did they got past the guards inside? That would've made them still be inside.

''So I guess it's time to leave.'' John said.

''I suppose so but,'' Sophia said. ''I think they all choose to ride in the wagon. Is there still room in there?'' She wondered.

''Well, there are still the horses, just in case.''

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"You seem to know that we were split up into two groups, both of which were nearly overwhelmed. They had a variety of weaponry, lots of mages. As for Krausche, neither of our groups saw him I believe. Either he escaped or he was dispatched by the...girl," Veronika said, rather uneasy of discussing her. "In any case, I suggest you sweep the town for any remaining cultists- they're quite dangerous," she said. And if any of them get back to the Organization, we could be in danger...

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“Uh huh,” Synthia said absently to Davod. She was exhausted, not really in the mood to talk. Gytha asked her how she was feeling, so she replied honestly. “Fucking tired. I feel like I'm going to pass out. I hope we get back soon.” The mage fingered the drying patch of blood on her shirt. That was going to be hell to get out...

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"Well..." Aneda didn't want to think, or talk but it seems she's not allowed nice things today. "I need help and so does she... However, you seem to have been telling the truth from earlier so... You go with her, I'll manage. We can... talk later, I'd really like it... Need to give you a proper apology and whatnot... But right now I think she'd be much more comfortable with a friendly face than a plethora of... strangers..." A weak pat to Zach as she struggle out of his extremely complex grip of 'arm over shoulder', she rather pathetically tried to climb up the wagon. Even with some of her strength slightly recovered she wasn't able to do it, so Nanahm decided to help the poor girl out and he hoisted her up none too gently. "Oof!" she gasped. And honestly, she would have gotten pissed or soemthing, but the energy was ripped out of her for some unknown musclebound reason.

Wow, she seems incredibly bitter. The hell did you do to her? "Huh? I... didn't do anything" Davod mumbled to himself. Well... whatever, don't do it again.

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Main Hall

The two guards weren't sure what to think at first when Robin chimed in jealously. One of them still managed to comment on it though. "What, do you want a cookie or something? I'm sure you weren't throwing full grown men over your shoulders when you were ten."

"Mmm girl looks about thirteen if you ask me." the other guard chimed in.


"Hey!" one of the other guardsmen yelled from across the room. On first glance one could see him aiming his spear down at a bloodied cultist on the floor. "We've got a live one!" Saying that seemed a little silly in hindsight, as the cultist tried to lunge at him with a small blade he had hidden on him and was run through while still on his back. The other two guards still abandoned their current exchange to hurry over and check it out.

Eamon only spared the exchange a glance. Well no one can say we did absolutely nothing, now can they? Heheheheh. Thinking back to Veronika's explanation ... "So ... no confirmation on their leader, then ... troublesome at best. And do you mean that girl who was carrying ... wait." He paused to turn and try to find her but didn't see her anywhere. She had already left the area. Bah, careless. "Well, Miss ... thank you for your cooperation. My father's people and I will take things from here." he ended with a sigh, both of relief and of annoyance. I suppose it's about time to launch our own little investigation ... and just hope these people didn't take anything my father could make use of.

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Seeing Aneda needing help to get onto the wagon, Gytha began heading over to help out, but Nanahm got there first and from the other side, he hoisted her roughly into the wagon. It was all Gytha could do to try to help Aneda into a more comfortable, secure spot in the wagon. "Ye goin' t' be okay?" she asked.

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At this rate it seemed everybody would be riding the wagon, or at least until it didn't had enough room left. Besides, even the horses weren't that many, so better take one before they were all taken for some reason leaving them with no choice but to take the wagon.

''Well, the horses it is.'' John decided. No contest, was certainly better than having to crowd in inside the wagon. So they approached the nearest horse to mount. Seems they'd be waiting and leave all together after all.

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All right then, Zach would be going with Lia. Walking over to one of the horses he motioned for her to come along with him.

"You're gonna be going with me, Lia, so toss sleepy head there in the back of the wagon." He said while first pointing to Bert, then the wagon.

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Wait, if Zach was riding a horse, which was where he seemed to be going, who was driving the wagon? Synthia groaned. She sure as hell wasn't volunteering. “Seems ladies' man is deserting us. Who's driving this thing?”

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