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Return of the Emblem Chapter Nine: Consolidating Forces


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"You and Lia should be able to spend the night on board, provided the captain doesn't have an issue with it," she said, turning to Zach as they were about to approach the Leverager. "After that...well we'll see after Raquel is ready to discuss it I suppose," she said dubiously.


Returning back to the Leverager, Nadya decided to immediately go below decks to visit Luca. "Small haul today boy- not much carryin' room, got interrupted by authorities, and I just wasn't feelin' all that up to it. I'm chargin' Raquel double next time we have to fight indoors," she vowed wearily, slumping up against her horse.


Connor was awake and came out towards the entrance of the Dauntless, seeing Gabbie lean against the wheel. "Hey you're looking pretty good- I'm guessing we won?" he asked, scanning over her quickly. Doesn't look like she took many hits at all really- those cultists seemed to have gotten the worse end of it.

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If their early departure had given them anything, it was that they were the first to arrive back at the Leverager. Once they were on the main deck, Faatina dismounted from atop Sharif with Raquel in tow, and it seems that Reign also quickly got himself off.

"You know the layout of the ship better then me. Where should we take her?"


So, this was one of these 'boats', was it?


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"Well that's a relief, where are we sleeping? Is there enough beds or cots for everyone or are we doubling up/taking the floors?" Zach questioned Veronika, who seemed to become the default leader when Raquel wasn't around.

'Need to remember that, I wonder if there's some type of chain of command in this group.'

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There on the deck, Gil lied once more in sleep. Or was it? The sudden noises made him wake up. Grunting, he raised his head to see what was going on only to find that the humans were coming back. Well, seems whatever business they attended to went fine apparently. So for now Gil decided to stay awake until John came back.

What the...? What was the meaning of this!? One thing was to see them coming back together, well, that didn't seemed out of the place now was it? No, what bothered him was that they came back mounted in a horse! So John told him to stay behind, fine. So some of the humans brought their own mounts with them anyway, fine. Didn't looked like a big deal. But then why he came back mounted on a horse then? He might as well have brought him then if he was planning to not walk the way back.


Well they finally made it back on deck. ''Finally, back on the ship at last.'' John said.

However, after getting no response, he turned to saw Sophia was practically sleeping already. <Heh, looks like she didn't made it despite what she said.>

''Hey, we're back.'' He raised his voice a little.

''Nnnngh...'' Well, she finally responded. ''Are we finally back?'' She yawned.

''Yes we have.'' He dismounted from the horse and helped her down next.

''I'm going to bed already.'' Sophia said. ''I think I had enough for the night.'' Seems nearby some were talking sleeping arrangements already. Good, she decided to approach them.

Before John decided on what to do next he heard a grunt, and turned to find himself almost face to face with Gil.

<Oh, hehe, seems he really didn't took well us coming back on the horse.> He sweat-dropped.

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A Man Called Gar

The trip back to the Leverager was thankfully pain-free, so once he set his boots up upon that deck, Gar finally let himself feel at ease, the exhaustion of killing so hard having drained him. He would still be capable of fighting were a sudden attack launched, but right now he just wanted to relax. Unfortunately he couldn't do that just yet. Too many things to still do. "Alright," he spoke up. "Who wants to play guard for one of our little insurance policies?" Gar brought out one of the bribe logs he had swiped from the manse. "Better to keep these separated in case things go south."

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"The captain gave us a few cabins- it's tight but it should do. If there's not enough room people can sleep in the Dauntless," Veronika said, disembarking from the wagon. "I'll go inform the captain of the mission," she said, heading towards his cabin and knocking on the door, hoping he was inside.

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Seems it was the usual place, though now with their new people, she raised a good point, did they had enough room now? At any rate she left to inform the captain. Maybe she should just retire to ensure she had a place in there.

That is, until Gar spoke up.

''Insurance policies?'' Sophia repeated, looking at the scroll. Whatever was in there and what could they possibly need insurance for anyway?

Meanwhile, back with the duo...

''Alright, I guess I should've brought you with us.'' John said. Gil just grunted. ''But at this point it's too late for that. Well, next time, I'll be sure to drag you along, heh.''

Well, that was enough for Gil. Besides, if John were to not act on his words, he'd just have to take matters on his own claws then. For now, he had a bigger concern to deal with after all.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Noticing that Aneda was still kinda stumbling around half asleep Zach took it upon himself to help her again

"Come on, I'll help you to a cot. After today we could all use a good nights rest."

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A Man Called Gar

"That guard intervention was just-oh-so-perfectly timed. They clearly don't want their dirty laundry aired, so to speak," Gar replied to cleric-girl-who-didn't-get-knocked-out.

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People started moving out of the wagon. Synthia sat up, yawning. “We're back?” she asked. The answer was pretty obvious. She picked up her staff and Valter's equipment. “Gytha, do you mind helping me again?”

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"Pfft.... Night or day, I don't care. I could sleep for weeks here and I wouldn't care, I just want to sleep and... recuperate..." A little feeling was back in her system, but Aneda knew she wouldn't be fine until she had a restful sleep of course. She was lead to a cot and it couldn't have looked more divine. Thanking Zach, she attempted taking her armor off, starting with her leg-guards then her arm guards and then her guard guards I mean torso armor. Feeling a little lazy and hoping Zach had at least some muscle on him, "Hey, do you mind lifting this off of me?" An honest question as she halfheartedly lifted her arms up.

Hey, you know, that Synthia seems to be pretty good with a staff, Sophia too... perhaps you should try talking to one of em, maybe learn it proper this time? "Yeah that'll happen..." It could... "Yeah I bet. Look, I'll try it out if you'll quit bothering me about it." Sounds good to me... "Good."

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"Yeah sure" Zach said as he lifted the armor off Aneda, setting it down next to the rest "Get some sleep and rest up, you'll definitely feel better in the morning."

Moving to cot close by Zach patted it, "You can sleep here Lia. I'll be here if you need anything." He said as he took a seat near it

'Wouldn't be right for me to steal someone else's bed, besides I've slept in worse places.'

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Now Sophia was confused at this. ''What are you talking about?'' She asked, but then she yawned again, and shook her head. ''Nevermind, I'm too tired, I'm heading to sleep already.'' And with that she proceeded to walk in the direction of the entrance to the insides of the ship.

At this point John was able to head over, having finished dealing with Gil already. ''Hm, what you got in there?'' He asked Gar, having noticed the scroll he had in his hands.

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A Man Called Gar

Cleric-girl felt the sudden need to not be present. Well, not that Gar could blame her really. But armor-guy seemed interested at least. For now. "Insurance, in case the 'authorities' written within feel the blind urge to clean things," Gar said.

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"Yaaay..." Aneda said as she let herself collapse on the bedcotthing, a heavy sigh of relief as she simply laid on the bed, sleeping on her side. "Goodnight." was the last thing she got out before completely zoning out, a little drool slipping out the side of her mouth.

Edited by RainbowKitty
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''Insurance huh...'' <Concerning the authorities, might as well be something regarding those bribes Zach mentioned earlier.> ''Well, you better keep that hidden or something, if you feel it's that important to carry.'' He said.

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As the group left the mansion and headed back to the ship Robin didn't really have much to add or say, so she kept quiet. She wasn't really sure what she could do anyways, but there was one thing on her mind. Since Zach had returned the two of them had yet to talk together at all for any amount of time. Had he been anyone else, that would almost be normal, but Zach and her were VERY close. She wanted to talk to him, she NEEDED to talk to him.

As Zach put Aneda to bed Robin calmly waited beyond him, then once he was done, she finally approached.

"<So she's finally asleep then? This damned meeting, business with the cult, and all that over junk that's taken up the entire day is finally done? You and I can finally meet each other again properly without some mega-crysis happening?>" she asked in a hopeful and somewhat sarcastic tone.

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''Well, good luck with that,'' he said. As important as it may sound, he wasn't interested. They were going to be largely useless once they left port at any rate, and true, they were still going to stay a few days. But if the authorities were to have a real interest in cleaning up, they'd have ways to counter them having the logs, and only if they find out they had them in the first place. And of course, the possibility that nothing of the sort could happen as much as it could was also there. Overall, it was kinda pointless. Better to be cautious, yes, but overall... not so much good it could do.

So with everybody else already leaving to sleep, John figured he might as well do the same. Not inside with everybody else of course, he had a different spot for sleeping after all. So with that, he proceeded to start heading to where he left Gil.

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A Man Called Gar

Annnnnnd armor-guy left as well. Just bleeding great. Was competency scary or something? Gar sighed and hid the visible half of the bribe logs again. He'd just have to shoulder it all by himself it seemed. No one else was the slightest bit interested in anything but resting. Well, he couldn't really blame them for that, hell, after all he was calling out people earlier to hurry up so they could just do that. And one night wouldn't be impossible for him to manage. Just had to get a nice--crow's nest--vantage point to overwatch things...

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"<Yeah, it's all done for today at least. Hell of a day though, we finally see each other again, go kill some cultists, and I end the day becoming a guardian for a kid that can't talk without hurting her throat. Not how I pictured this day starting.>" Zach said as he stifled a yawn

"<Sorry, had to put down ten men on my own and using that much power really took it out of me. Though looking at those burns on you clothes you didn't fare much better. But yeah we can finally finally be together again, The Huntress and The Bookworm of the backwater town of Ohka.>'

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"<The Huntress? Were you the one that started that nickname behind my back?>" asked Robin with a small laugh as she came closer to him. "<It's been two years though, Zach, and you're still a bookworm. You need to get out more, spend more time out in the wilds rather than cooped up inside of some musty old building studying cults and little girls. You HAVE been doing that, right? You never told me why you left so suddenly and you worried me so much. I thought everything from you just angsting out to you being kidnapped by Urswine and held for ransom on the first day alone!>"

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Giving a sigh Zach answered "<I wasn't thinking right after Mom died, she was all I had aside from you and her dying really messed me up. I just felt like I had to get away from Ohka to get my head straight, always planned on coming back though. Just leaving you that stupid note wasn't right, I should have told you what I was doing but like I said, wasn't thinking right. Once I got down here though I got involved in the cult and there was just no way I could leave though once I learned about Lia.>" As he looked towards the girl

"<Really though I think one of the main reasons I left was so I could become powerful enough to protect the last person I had left in my life. I mean yeah I've gotten better at socializing and I can speak and read Common as well as any Ursian, and some Rexian as well, but you're still the only friend I've ever had Robin.>"

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A thin smile crept across Robin's face as Zach spoke. "<This is a bit belated but... Zach, you need to get out of that cult and start doing some good, wholesome, things! You can't stay secluded away in some mansion forever! You need to go out and find someone to help you free this 'Lia' girl!>" She then laughed softly. "<Ahhh... That felt good. Two years of not being able to help you at all. I should be chewing your ear off, reminding you to wash behind your ears and getting mad at you for not having found a girlfriend yet. From the sounds of it though, you haven't. So much has happened to you and I over those two years though, I'm sure, so I'm not mad at you.>"

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Giving a chuckle with his friend Zach pulled Robin down into a sitting position next to him

"<Well I'm glad you aren't mad at me, that would be a real downer to reunite and you not like me anymore. Though you still want the best for me I see, always pulling me out of the house to go swimming or something.>" Giving another laugh Zach continued "<No girlfriend for me though, cult had rules against that. But even if it was allowed I really had more important things like Lia on my mind rather than romance. How about you though, got a boyfriend or interested in anyone?>" He questioned his friend

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