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Return of the Emblem Chapter Nine: Consolidating Forces


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"<No. No boyfriends. I mean, you lived on Ohka. Most of the boys were too afraid to even approach the little girl who could skin a deer. That's why they didn't pick on you so much after we became friends. Since you left I spent most of the time out hunting. Shadrak is nice though. You know I like magic a lot. But we haven't had the time to even think about doing anything and he just... shuts up and seems to disappear at times. Bert is a Ursium and he's so... Angry... all the time. I don't think I could really be interested in him until he cools off a bit. Plus dad would skin me alive if he knew I kissed a Ursium boy.>"

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Sophia reached the cabin. Seemed there wasn't much activity other than Robin and Zach talking, though it was in Neviskotian. Not that Sophia minded much, she just approached the nearest empty cot to just lie down and sleep.


When John reached Gil, he found him lying down once more, though still awake.

''Finally got over it?'' He asked as he sat down next to him. Gil just grunted.

''Heh, thought so.'' He crossed his arms behind his head and shifted his gaze to the night sky above. ''Not like you missed much anyway, we had to go indoors.'' Another grunt. ''This is more about the horse isn't it?'' Grunt. He sighed. ''Fine fine, like I said before, it won't happen again.''

Well, at least that one was buried for good now.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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"Aye, might as well move 'em t' sick bay. If th' Leverager has a surgeon he'll know how t' take care o' 'em better than we would I'll wager," Gytha replied to Synthia, still behaving fairly seriously, though adding with a somewhat more sympathetic tone, "Ye should just go t' bed. I'll handle th' others." Already she was getting up and moving Valter back onto her back so she could carry him. It looked like she'd be making several trips, but she didn't mind.

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Synthia nodded absently, feeling too tired for a proper response. When Gytha said she was going to carry everyone though, she did say something. “Are you sure? I can find someone to help... I'm sure some of the crew are still up,” she said, already leaving.

Or not. She found John still on deck, talking to his wyvern. “Uh, hey, John. Do you mind helping carry people from the wagon? Everyone just kind of left.” The lizard would be helpful for that, she thought.

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"<Shadrak and Norbert eh? Not really fond of either based off what I've seen of them, but hey it's not my place to judge who you like. I don't doubt The General would hurt Norbert though, heck your dad still scares me Robin.>" Zach said ending with a laugh

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"<You just need to know how to approach him. He is the power and he is the center of attention in the room, not you. I learned that as a kid, but Wil never did. He always tried to defy dad. Don't worry though, he doesn't hate you. If he did he wouldn't let me anywhere around you for fear of you 'tainting' his strong daughter. Though you have pissed him off in the past though... but so did I. Remember how mad he was when I switched his stuffed bear with a stuffed rabbit before he had those guests over? He was bragging so much about his 'impressive new trophy' only to open the door to see a RABBIT! My ass was red for a week after that paddling, but DAMN it was worth it!" she said before laughing for a bit.

After she finished she wiped a small tear from her eye. "<Don't worry though about me and Shadrak and Bert. Nothing is going on between me and them worth talking about. It's not like I'm some cheap floozy to throw my clothes aside on a whim and sleep with a man just because he has nice eyes.>"

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“Gytha suggested we take them to the sick bay, since they're still unconscious. She can show you where it is,” Synthia said, and turned to leave. “Goodnight, then...” A short while later and the mage was in a cabin, laying her things on the floor. Her head hit the cot and she was out like a light.

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"<No kidding he was mad about that one, but I'll only say it was worth it because i wasn't on the receiving end of that paddling, I'll try to avoid those any way I can thank you very much.>" He said giving another laugh.

Turning somber he continued "<Good thing about Norbert and Shadrak though, if they hurt you I'd kill them myself. Then drag the bodies back to Ohka to let your dad have a go a them himself. And there's no way you'd ever be a floozy, you have way too much pride to ever stoop that low and your parents raised you too well. Besides I'd be dragging you back to The General if that was the case.>"

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''The sick bay, got it.'' With that John proceeded to head back down the ramp to where the wagon was. Looking inside it seems Bert was the only one left, and still tied up. <They most likely just need to rest, but I guess it won't hurt the extra precaution I guess. But first...> He thought before proceeding to untied Bert. Once that was done, he proceeded to carry him, and only HIM, up to the deck.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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"No, realla, it's...fine..." Gytha began to reply, but Synthia was already gone. Well, not a whole lot left to do besides get to work on carrying people, so, with Valter on her back, Gytha jumped lightly down from the wagon and began carrying him to the infirmary and knocking on the door.

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"<Eh, it's a possibility>" Zach admitted with a shrug "<But it's true, I've always cared about you and don't want you to get hurt. Like I said though what you choose to do is your decision, and I'll support you no matter what.>"

Glancing around and noticing how many people were going to bed Zach realized how loud they were being

"<Maybe we should call it a night Robin, I don't want to disturb everyone else after how much we fought today. I don't think there are enough beds though so I'll take the floor, wouldn't feel right to make someone who's been with the group longer have to lose out on their bed.">

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Robin sighed as she facepalmed into her hand and laughed softly. "<Zach... Zach... Zach. It's nice that you're being chivlerous, but I'm not some dame you need to impress. I'm your best friend. If anyone needs the bed over you it's Lia or people who got badly wounded, not me. I'll be fine.>"

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Seems Gytha had decided to go ahead. Well, it didn't mattered, John could just find it on his own, ask a sailor, or just plain drop Bert in a cabin and call it a night. Well, as he headed inside the ship, the time of searching was about to begin. Hopefully it wouldn't take long.


Sophia had wanted nothing but to sleep. However, it seems the pair were still talking. I wonder when they'll stop... She thought, still not moving. If this kept up she'd do something about it.

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"<A compromise then, considering this won't end otherwise, why don't we just share then? We can fit no problem if we keep to our sides. Is that acceptable? I mean we slept together all the time as kids so this shouldn't be that different should it?>" Zach suggested

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"<We were KIDS then Zach. Children! Not adults! Even when I took you into the woods I made sure we had separate areas in any caves or lean-to's I made. Not that it mattered in the end as we ended up spending time together but... We were alone, friends, and still young. Not... The last time we spent time alone...>"

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"<Fine, if the thought bothers you that much I'll just take the bed for tonight, but you know I wouldn't care about what they thought about us. But we do need to talk in private soon. We need to figure out what that day meant to us okay?>" Zach said as he gave his friend a hug before making his way to a bed. "<The offer still stands though if you get too uncomfortable and change your mind though.>"

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"<I will be fine.>" said Robin as she headed out onto the deck and found a small place in one of the corners. It wasn't ideal, she wished she could dig a small furrow where her hips and shoulders were to help, but it was all she could do. Out of the way, not likely to be stepped on, and safe.

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Ri-kun and Lu-sama

Riley was lying around nearby and watching as Luca was reunited with his human. Raquel hadn't come to see him yet. The sadness set in quickly, and with Sandrock fast asleep, he had no one to whine to.

Luca had finished his deep sleep a long time ago but kept lying on the floor for the sake of comfort. When Nadya returned, he stood up and greeted her with some quiet nuzzling. That's when he smelled the blood and it worried him, but thankfully she seemed alright. One of the other healers must have had half a mind to heal her. What was wrong with these humans? Why was the most valuable human among them being left to fend for herself? How cruel and absentminded could they be? One way or the other, Nadya was going to have a difficult time convincing him to stay on the sidelines in the future. If no one was going to protect her, he would have to.


Gabbie nodded affirmatively at Connor's question and then closed her eyes while she elaborated. "It was close, but we won. The cultists fought to the last and made us earn it. I got off just foine, but half of everyone else is out cold, still injured, or can't move around on their own roight now. They'll be back any minute ..."

Reign and Raquel's Unconscious Form

"Well the ship's doctor is probably the best first stop for her, but let me. You just had your leg fixed and should be resting." Reign replied. "Honestly, you should see him too, just to be sure everything's alright with you."


"Just a moment, Captain, I'll get it." came a familiar voice after Veronika knocked on the door. When the door did open it was Filat standing there and he had the strangest mixture of expressions on his face. "It's you ... uh, what happened? You look injured." It seemed the blood on her outfit didn't escape notice.

Le Docteur

A knock on the door reached a lone man's ears and he grimaced. Either someone was hurt, or one of the sailors was there to ask for more painkillers ... damn addicts. He sighed and stood up. "Coming, coming." he said begrudgingly to stave off any other knocks. When he opened the door, he sighed again. "Put'em on the cot over there ..." he indicated with a soft head jerk.

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Huh? Seems they finally stopped talking. Well, either way, Sophia was glad for that and that it didn't require some intervention. So, the path was clear to a good night's rest.


It didn't took long for John to reach where the doctor was. He had to ask a passerby sailor, but he still reached the place in the end. And after turning around a corner and seeing Gytha waiting on the outside, though he didn't quite reached her before the door opened. Well, at least he wasn't arriving that late at any rate.

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Nadya heard Riley whinny, but didn't much care for the moment. I doubt Raquel's comin' anytime soon anyway. "I'm gonna be fine boy...just fine," she said sleepily, resting her head upon the horse. She was snoring several minutes later.


"Oh, that really doesn't sound very good at all," he said somewhat sadly. "Maybe they should consider investing in armor and defensive weapon upgrades. Not much else I can do really," he said sighing a bit.


"Well there was a battle- didn't go quite as well as expected. Still, we were fortunate enough to have no one die at least," she remarked to Filat. "Sorry if I'm interrupting a captains' meeting here, but I thought Captain Bogdan would like a status update as soon as possible."

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"I suppose, huh?" Faatina replied, passing Raquel over to Reign.

"I suppose she'd be better off seeing Mr. handsome friend when she wakes up then some dingy bloodied knight, anyway. Thanks for the help with everything." Faatina continued, giving Reign a quick pat on the back before heading off towards the ship doctor.


Lisandra ended up following Zachary to the sleeping quarters, and slipped into the bed he had pointed out for her. The day had been tiring enough, it did not take her long to drift to sleep.

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