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Dragon Quest fan without a single care for Dragon Quest X

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So Dragon Quest X is apparently done, and is going to be released in August in Japan.

From the get go, I had kept my expectations muted, hoping for the online requirements to be just a rumor, but sadly, that was not the case.

Required online, meaning that the game will be WORTHLESS after the servers inevitably go offline.

Clunky looking combat that has taken away the interesting animations, and replaced them with your standard MMO trash of characters standing around, or point blank and attacking in stiff recycled animations.

being forced to be a race other than human, and the races having very wide empty lands that pale in comparison the the environments of previous installments.

and roughly $35 for a 3-month subscription to even play the damned thing.

Basically, when the games features had been announced, I was hoping they would be willing to put in the same amount of effort they did with DQIX; and by that, I mean making the appropriate changes before rushing out the door with this heavily online-focused mush. For those who remember; DQIX was essentially going to be an ugly action RPG, but thanks to the fans, that was changed. It's a good thing too, since we saw how well that gameplay worked in Blue Dragon Dark Shadows. . . i.e. it sucked.

As a fan of Dragon Quest; even as far back as the "Dragon Warrior" days, I just don't think I'm gonna be touching this one. . .

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So far the only dragon quest I played was dragon quest 9 for the ds. I'll be looking forward to this one, but after this news I will probably first follow the news about this one.

The online aspect might work better on the wiiu though.

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I'd like to play this game. My only concern other than a 'not being localized' (but this being Dragon Quest, I think it will), is if I could really get it. Not a money issue, just being able to buy it. So yeah, I'm looking forwards to this.

Required online, meaning that the game will be WORTHLESS after the servers inevitably go offline.

Funny, I read somewhere that you could play offline, with any other player replaced with NPC's. Let me remember where I read that and link it for proof...

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I'd like to play this game. My only concern other than a 'not being localized' (but this being Dragon Quest, I think it will), is if I could really get it. Not a money issue, just being able to buy it. So yeah, I'm looking forwards to this.

Funny, I read somewhere that you could play offline, with any other player replaced with NPC's. Let me remember where I read that and link it for proof...

sadly, offline only extends to the beginning portions of the game. . .

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As far as I know, that's the case. The "tutorial" part is offline, then it's mandatory online play. However, there is a "kid's time" where online is free (not every child is expected to pay for online pay, apparently). But that's Japan's option--how that will operate locally is another matter altogether.

The game also apparantly requires, or at least heavily uses, at least a 16GB USB memory stick, which can be bought bundled with the game for a bit more. It also is shipping with two disks. How big is this game actually going to be?

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As far as I know, that's the case. The "tutorial" part is offline, then it's mandatory online play. However, there is a "kid's time" where online is free (not every child is expected to pay for online pay, apparently). But that's Japan's option--how that will operate locally is another matter altogether.

The game also apparantly requires, or at least heavily uses, at least a 16GB USB memory stick, which can be bought bundled with the game for a bit more. It also is shipping with two disks. How big is this game actually going to be?

the real question is if all the stuff that it requires will be worth it in the end

I love Dragon Quest; but I can not for the life of me get excited for this one at all. . .

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Required online, meaning that the game will be WORTHLESS after the servers inevitably go offline.

Sounds like a normal MMORPG release to me, actually. That's where this one seems to be going.

Clunky looking combat that has taken away the interesting animations, and replaced them with your standard MMO trash of characters standing around, or point blank and attacking in stiff recycled animations.

Haven't seen any battle animations. Could you link some?

As for taking away interesting animations, DQ never really had them in the first place. I mean I guess later ones pumped it up a bit but they've always been pretty light on animations.

being forced to be a race other than human, and the races having very wide empty lands that pale in comparison the the environments of previous installments.

Both sound lame.

and roughly $35 for a 3-month subscription to even play the damned thing.

Absolutely not going to buy it, then.

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and roughly $35 for a 3-month subscription to even play the damned thing.

That's not really that bad AFAIK if you actually think you might use those 3 months...I'm pretty sure MMORPGs tend to be around $10-15/month to play.

But, generally, I am not that interested in this either, from what you are saying. Of course, I've only played a few mainline DQ games - 4, 7, and 8.

Edited by Jet Black Gunner
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Haven't seen any battle animations. Could you link some?

As for taking away interesting animations, DQ never really had them in the first place. I mean I guess later ones pumped it up a bit but they've always been pretty light on animations.

well, they've shown some of the combat in early trailers, in which it pretty much looks like the standard MMO-fare. Characters standing around and attacking in canned animations over and over again. It apparently plays something like FFXII. . . but that could just be just from the way they described the speed based "turns".

Well, considering how much effort Dragon Quest VIII and IX put into making the character animations enjoyable, it's a big step down. . .

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To be honest, the recent footage of the game looks just as well animated as VIII. There is a sense that is lost when the camera isn't locked to specific angles--like they were in VIII and IX. But the animation quality seems just as well. It just will feel more "enclosed" and thus "weaker" in comparison because that lack of locked camera. But really, at this point, your gripe is with the MMO-style of battle animation in general.


Good amounts of battle footage here, though the recording is choppy.

Edited by Celice
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To be honest, the recent footage of the game looks just as well animated as VIII. There is a sense that is lost when the camera isn't locked to specific angles--like they were in VIII and IX. But the animation quality seems just as well. It just will feel more "enclosed" and thus "weaker" in comparison because that lack of locked camera. But really, at this point, your gripe is with the MMO-style of battle animation in general.


Good amounts of battle footage here, though the recording is choppy.

yeah, it definitely does lose the impact when the camera doesn't focus on it.

Attacks like that need more impact, or attention from the game, just seems lacking when you do this BIG attack, and it barely looks like it affected the enmy at all, because the game didn't bother to give it any real flare outside of a pretty animation on the attack.

I really don't see why the game couldn't have been more like DQIX, but on consoles. . . honestly, I just don't see the drawing power of this game, what is it trying to do?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I... can't really bring myself to be excited about this installment at all. Maybe if there was a PC release of it, since then we'll inevitably see reverse engineering after the servers die, but like... as it stands... I just can't see this as a Dragon Quest game. Dragon Quest is by definition, a series that adheres to tradition very strictly. Its the opposite to Final Fantasy, which constantly reinvents itself.

Just the same, I'll probably play it anyway, due to fanship... but... sigh.

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And how is this game breaking that tradition? The story and gameplay seems to be just as much a mashup of DQVIII and DQIX, though only from a different camera and battle perspective. And while those two definitely switch up the aesthetic view, they don't nearly touch on the actual story presentation that Dragon Quest is best known for (which, if you haven't noticed, RADICALLY DIFFERS between EACH game--suck it tradition :P ).

Once it changes genres as a main title, I'd be a little more worried. But this seems more like it's Dragon Quest being ran under a slightly different system than we're used to, and the reason for this isn't radical redesign, but necessity of the game's purpose (global player interaction).

At least we'll still have the DQ Monsters remake on the 3DS for those of us who desire staunch, reused games :P

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I'm not looking forward to this game nearly as much as I was DQVIII and IX. Nonetheless I plan on getting it, and considering my tendancy to get addicted to MMOs, will probably be unable to but it down until i inevitably get bored of it and go back to Maplestory or ZOMG. Graphics aside, it's a bit of a downer to me after years of hoping for a new RPG epic. However, I can see DQ going the way of Final Fantasy in the future in order to be more marketable stateside. At least the series doesn't have guns and space travel... for now. But admitedly, that would be kind of cool.

Edited by Mystical Mermaid
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