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Cue the music!


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FE13's music makes love to my ears. Is it still Yuka Tsujiyoko who made the soundtrack? Because HOLY CRAP this is just AMAZING. Also, I've noticed the main Awakening theme is implemented in many songs- that's not often used in Fire Emblem games, does it?

Do we have canon names for each song, like in the other FEs? If not, I suggest temporary names until we have them.

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Track 3 is the Fire Emblem theme that I had been hoping for (the one from the Story Trailer). The music in this game is incredible both from a listening and a composition perspective.

yes the most EPIC one of them all, i ready got my copy of the soundtracks from nintendo jpwub.gif

track 5 is cool as well!

Edited by H-Bastaki
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FE13's music makes love to my ears. Is it still Yuka Tsujiyoko who made the soundtrack? Because HOLY CRAP this is just AMAZING. Also, I've noticed the main Awakening theme is implemented in many songs- that's not often used in Fire Emblem games, does it?

Do we have canon names for each song, like in the other FEs? If not, I suggest temporary names until we have them.

No names yet. Le sobs...

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in my opinion we could just refer to each piece by track #

This works for now. Though, I've personally tagged Track 3 as "The Sleeping Dragon awakens the Emblem" ...No, I'm not sure why I thought of that.

Edited by Shun One
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Track 11 10... holy hot damn, Track 11 10:

My link

I can't imagine when this will be used in-game, but it's so amazing. I might even try to learn parts of this on piano.

Edited by Geriba
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Typically, I find Fire Emblem music sort of.. lacking.. despite how good of games they were, the music in Radiant Dawn and Path of Radiance I found to be incredibly bland.. I feel like they were going for that Story-Epic feel, but just kept with it TOO much.

Awakening's music is, so far, MUCH better. I'm very much impressed with what i'm hearing so far. It's varied enough, the tunes are unique from each other, and they carry emotion really well.

God this game is awesome as hell.

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You are not alone.

In any way. At all.

More on topic: I can't find 3!! I love Number 8 though. Favorite out of them all so far.

EDIT: I found it. Epicness. Aside from the vocals, it reminds me of Pokemon B&W. Go figure.

Edited by Melonhead215
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