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Not only he gave her the mask, but they had some backsotry together, it'd be interesting if IS releases some gaidens showing us that Bad Future.

And on topic: While it makes sense how that pairing can come to pass, I think it'd be nice to see how Lucina deals with Azure, opposites end of the spectrumm or something like that.

Actually ... I'd like to see how all the ladies manage to tame him, but that's just me lol.

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I thought the whole purpose of the numerous supports was to prevent any sort of OTP's?

No, the only way to ship in this game is OTH, MUxEveryone.

One True Harem?

Well, even though no OTPs is intended, that doesn't mean that it will work.

Some supports seem much more convincing, cuter, cooler or just plain better than others.

For example Frederick x Sariya was hardly convincing in my opinion.

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And on the same lineLexington propsoed, Vake X Tiamo made look the former as a bit of a jerk in their S support (Sol handled the matter of Tiamo's crush more tactfully than Vake. Yes, I know that blondie is a bit of a hot-blooded soul but still, he was a tad too obnoxious about it). Vake X Nono on the other hand showed him a better side of him.

And I wonder what pairing might be more convincing for Frederick ... Maybe Serge ? Maybe Liz ?

By the way, you might want to know that Sol X Nono and Sol X Loran are available in the chinese thread.

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The Chinese thread available pairs spoiler is pretty up to date in the OP since I check it every few hours or so. I didn't include Sol x Loran since it's almost exactly the same as Callum x Loran except 1 sentence.

I personally liked x Miriel wrt Fred. He was pretty fucking badass and a smooth motherfucker there. But I'm interested to see the others~

Edited by Fat Bunny
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IIRC OTPs are more of just a fandom thing? Like, a fan's favourite pairing. IS just didn't want canonpairs.

IMO it can be argued that whenever there is a semi-canon(because you have choices after all) true pairing IS likes to throw hints of it in the main story , the best example of this is Eliwood x Ninian in fe7 ( maybe Roy x Lilina in fe6) and Krom x Sumia in fe13(judging by the supports maybe sariya x mu ?), they just give you the freedom to make whatever pairing you want because well, you do need the player to decide some sort of interaction between the characters in an rpg like this.

Edited by Velth
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The point is that OTP is still used by fans to describe their favourite pairings (for example, a slash HP fangirl may be going Harry x Draco OTP! but that's far from being either Harry or Draco's canon pairing). And while Sumia is the implied canon, IS allowed you the freedom to make your own OTPs rather than explicitly say "NO YOU MUST MAKE KROM MARRY SUMIA" which is nice of them. Calling a canon or implied canonpair an OTP outside of the context of it being that person's favourite pairing anyway isn't exactly...well, what I usually see, since it's usually just a declaration of "hey I like this pair, a lot".

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It's not like there aren't canon pairings though. Levin x Fury or Sigurd x Diadora. And then FE10 has a bunch Micaiah x Sothe, Jill x Haar, Boyd x Mist, and Geoffrey x Elincia that are almost canon because those are the only ones that result in endings.

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It's not like there aren't canon pairings though. Levin x Fury or Sigurd x Diadora. And then FE10 has a bunch Micaiah x Sothe, Jill x Haar, Boyd x Mist, and Geoffrey x Elincia that are almost canon because those are the only ones that result in endings.

Canon pairings happened more in the original 5 games, with just about every lord (save Celice) having an actual canon lover, and some other characters along the way as well, so long as both characters survived I think? (Though things like Levin x Fury and Leaf x Nana were only confirmed as canon in Thracia while they were left ambiguous in Holy War I believe?)

I wouldn't count anything that doesn't happen on it's own as a canon though, even if it's the only possible pairing that could happen, such is like, everything from FE9/10... Only because it also means that it won't happen if you don't put effort into it. It's implied, but FE is still ambiguous enough in nature in that aspect that you can have the game go anyway you want.

FE13 is like FE4 and is gonna set up/already set up for shipping wars.

Edited by Saria
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It's not like there aren't canon pairings though. Levin x Fury or Sigurd x Diadora. And then FE10 has a bunch Micaiah x Sothe, Jill x Haar, Boyd x Mist, and Geoffrey x Elincia that are almost canon because those are the only ones that result in endings.

Well, yeah. There are a few canon pairings, like Levin x Fury, Sigurd x Diadora and Marth x Shiida. And then there's a bunch of basically canon pairings, by which I mean IS hit's you over the head with the fact that THESE ARE WHAT THEY WANT YOU TO DO, such as Eliwood x Ninian and Roy x Lilina, on top of those you mentioned.

The unique thing about FE 13 however, is that it has no canon pairings at all. Even the suggested pairing(s) (Of which Sumia x Krom seems to be pretty much the only one) are much toned down in how much they're/it is hyped by the main plot.

Edited by Onestep
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Well, yeah. There are a few canon pairings, like Levin x Fury, Sigurd x Diadora and Marth x Shiida. And then there's a bunch of basically canon pairings, by which I mean IS hit's you over the head with the fact that THESE ARE WHAT THEY WANT YOU TO DO, such as Eliwood x Ninian and Roy x Lilina, on top of those you mentioned.

The unique thing about FE 13 however, is that it has no canon pairings at all. Even the suggested pairing(s) (Of which Sumia x Krom seems to be pretty much the only one) are much toned down in how much they're hyped by the main plot.

I think the "canon" pairs are like FE4, where the child is the father's class. Noire, for example, has the same archer sleve thing that Viole has. Then again, ViolexSerge seems like it's suggested. ViolexEveryone

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I think the "canon" pairs are like FE4, where the child is the father's class. Noire, for example, has the same archer sleve thing that Viole has. Then again, ViolexSerge seems like it's suggested. ViolexEveryone

Well, that argument really doesn't hold up water. After all, some children start of with their mother's class I believe, such as Nn and Chambray. Not to mention, without reclassing on the fathers part, it's a bit of a waste to do that as you won't pass down as wide a variety of skills to the child.

And I think the archer sleeve thing is just part of the body model for the archer class.

Also, everyone knows FE4 doesn't have canon pairs.

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Well, that argument really doesn't hold up water. After all, some children start of with their mother's class I believe, such as Nn and Chambray. Not to mention, without reclassing on the fathers part, it's a bit of a waste to do that as you won't pass down as wide a variety of skills to the child.

And I think the archer sleeve thing is just the body model for the archer class.

Also, everyone knows FE4 doesn't have canon pairs.

I think that Nn & Chambray are sort of different. Chambray's dad isn't the one we pair him with anyway, so that doesn't work. Nn is just a motherfucking dragon.

I don't know if it's just the regular archer thing, since I haven't seen them ingame. o.o

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Or maybe it's a standard thing for archers to wear as a calss?

It is. Character designs are heavily based on the standard model of the class. For example, If you look at Ronku promoted, you'd see similar armour platings and that whole kimono coat thing that Sairi wears in her official art. Even the toilet bows of cavaliers are supposed to hold a helmet, which is present in the generic model but IS probably just wanted to show face for the players so they took the helmet off but the toilet remains. All armour knights have jetpacks, etc

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It is. Character designs are heavily based on the standard model of the class. For example, If you look at Ronku promoted, you'd see similar armour platings and that whole kimono coat thing that Sairi wears in her official art. Even the toilet bows of cavaliers are supposed to hold a helmet, which is present in the generic model but IS probably just wanted to show face for the players so they took the helmet off but the toilet remains. All armour knights have jetpacks, etc

Oh, okay. I wasn't sure. D:

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I think that Nn & Chambray are sort of different. Chambray's dad isn't the one we pair him with anyway, so that doesn't work. Nn is just a motherfucking dragon.

I don't know if it's just the regular archer thing, since I haven't seen them ingame. o.o

The point stands that saying 'The child's starting class shows who the father IS intended is' is incredibly tenuous and shaky logic, to the point where it can be pretty much dismissed offhand.

And yeah, I'm pretty much certain that it's standard archer wear.

Y'know what?

I'm going to save everyone some time and summarise the next two pages.

Person A: Man, I really like shipping character X and character E. Obviously, IS intended them to be together ! *Insert's argument for this into thread*

Person B: What! Someone is trying to say that character X and character E are canon!? Foolishness! Character X is obviously meant to be with character R! *Inserts counter-argument to person A's argument into thread*

Person A: Someone is disagreeing with me on the internet!? This cannot be! *inserts same argument as before, but now with thinly veiled insults against person B*

Person B: That asshole! How dare he ignore my perfectly formulated argument! *repeat counterargument, add more insults about person A*

Person C: Man, look at these prats arguing about shipping. This isn't a love story, it's a eugenics program! *Inserts this thought directly into thread*

The thread devolves into chaos and within five years the chaos has spread worldwide. 90% of the human population is dead. Countries as we know them have ceased to exist, to be replaced with fortified city-states, such as Tiamoton, Nonopolis and Sariyaville. While an uneasy peace currently remains, hints of alliance between Nonopolis and UMU (United My Unit), threaten to set the world ablaze, as the other citystates claim that UMU must remain neutral. No-one knows what the future holds...

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Request Ahead

So Gaia likes teh Lollies.. how about a loli?


It's probably not that they can't, but that any use of a curse on a living being has nasty side effects. Remember the time reversal curse? Henry specifically states that it was developed for torturing people.

Restoring Emelina's memory through Dark magic (something a Sorcerer/Dark Mage MU should be more than capable of) would probably have some nasty caveat like forcing her to relive her worst memories (like nearly dying) endlessly.

Anyhow, that's interesting. Does the epilogue mention how her life with MU goes without memories? I'd presume quite well, given the existence of Mark and the fact that the ending is called bittersweet, rather than a sad ending.

Also at this...

If you take FE4 into account... there IS a curse for that. (Restoring lost memories)

Manfroy uses it on Yuria after he kidnaps her. (What good that does them or anyone? No one knows. It also didn't have any side effects... unless it was part of the other spell that turned her into a puppet.)

Sure, we're talking a spell that's more than 3000 years old at this point (and from another continent no less), but it exists.

Edited by Airship Canon
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