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First LTC Attempt

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This is my first attempt at LTC-ing the game. I have only beaten hard mode once before and while I finished it somewhat efficiently, I decided not to be too aggressive with things and start my LTC on normal.

Having no battlesaves can be quite troublesome when I'm pushing my units to death's door every turn so I decided to take the easy way out. :P

I won't be looking at other people's logs since I prefer to figure out stuff on my own. I will be using that 1-9 strategy though.

Progress so far:

1-P  6 	2-P  9 	3-P  6 	3-8  4 	4-P  2
1-1  5 	2-1  6 	3-1  5 	3-9  3 	4-1  3
1-2  6 	2-2  3 	3-2  3 	3-10 4 	4-2  4
1-3  6 	2-3  5 	3-3  5 	3-11 4 	4-3  4
1-4  4 	2-E  2 	3-4  4 	3-12 2 	4-4  6
1-5  6        	3-5  2 	3-13 3 	4-5  1
1-6  6+2    	3-6  8 	3-E  4 	4-E  7
1-7  5        	3-7  13
1-8  4
1-9  8
1-E  6

Total: 186

If I play again right now with the same transfers I should be able to cut another 6 or 7 turns. I think there is room for at least 10 turns here, some of them are just more RNG reliant than others.

Another thing I only just noticed is that the game still counts the spillover turn of defense chapters. Seriously IS, after all this years you still haven't fixed that bug?

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1-P 6 turns

I had some luck with crits. If I was luckier a 5 turn is probably reachable, but resetting is really not my forte.

1-1 5 turns

A reckless charge towards the boss. Somehow managed to position Nolan well enough that I took out most enemies. Can't complain here.

1-2 6 turns

Is it even possible to get any lower? Those soldiers prevent Laura from advancing and if I do some sort of shove chain for a 5-turn clear I would miss out on the Thani and the Wind Edge (which is actually very helpful in 4 and 5). Now I think about it maybe I could have pulled out a 5 turn by moving Sothe south instead of east and skip the energy drop. Not really sure here...

1-3 6 turns

Went through the right side with Micaiah, Sothe and Nolan while everyone else makes a defensive line. Aimee died a heroic death. For some reason one of the enemy Javelin soliders opted to attack Sothe for two straight turns instead of one-shotting Micaiah, and I managed to scrap through. I didn't even bother trying to go through the left side. It probably takes quite a bit longer. Discipline was not acquired, no big loss here.

1-4 4 turns

Sothe went south and around east to deal with most the enemies. Those reinforcements on turn 5 are a pain and basically forced me to finish in 4 turns. Broke the wall on turn 1 and have Nolan rushed out of the corridor, drawing the left side boss and allowing me to kill him untransformed next turn. Leo on best bio picked up the beastfoe on turn 4 while I barely manage to finish off everyone. Missed out on the Seraph Robe, which could come back to hurt me later on but I really don't want to redo the whole thing with the chance of getting beastfoe low as it is. I also tried moving Sothe through the left side but that means it took forever to clean out the right and moving Sothe through the top had similar problems. If only the corridor at the top opens on the right side instead...

1-5 6 turns

It's not like you can get any other turncount... Fed the boss to Nolan and killed most enemies. Sothe pilfered another master seal.

1-6-1 6 turns

Argghhh! Die in hell, Javelin pegs! (Thought I'd never say anything bad about pegs. :3)

I can reasonable wipe out everything on the map by the end of the enemy phase on turn 4, but there are just too many ranged reinforcements and they always take some additional trouble to kill. I tried this map three times using a different approach on each and got 6 turns all three times... Maybe I could have cut a turn with some (much) better positioning, but as it is I have had enough of these pegs.

1-6-2 2 turns

Jill (did not seal) picked up Tauro and dropped him over the river. He promptly burnt through both of my Javelins. Red gem is acquired and Volug got some more strike. At the rate things are going so far I'm not sure if he can actually reach S in time. This is also the first time I beat this mission without losing any generics. I was considering maybe delaying a turn so I can feed the boss kill to Jill, but eventually decided that it would take too much RNG abuse and one level may not even matter when she can pick them up easily in 3-6.

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Stats update!

Micaiah  7.54 18  4 12  9 10 15  3  9
Nolan   17.99 32 17  2 17 13 13 15  7 (shield)
Jill	16.99 25 15  1 15 18 14 15  5 (drop,transfer)
Edward  10.89 24 11  0 14 16 11  6  2
Sothe    3.52
Leonardo 6.78 
Illyana 14.48
Aran      8.95

Edward had some nice gains, but since I'm already using Nolan and Jill having a third tier one is unreasonable.

Nolan is quite screwed in speed (-2) but blessed in Str and Def. If this was hard mode he'll need a wing to avoid getting doubled, but luckily...

Jill has a full set of transfers except HP.

It's been a while so I'm not very sure, but some of the transfers are probably


Nephenee (Str Skl Spd)

Ike (lol)



Titania (Spd, maybe Str too)

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You can get the 5 turn even if you send Sothe to the east and get the drop, the only thing you need is have another unit battle the soldiers and kill the archer that hits Sothe.

Thanks. I'm not sure how to pull that off exactly and I already overwrote that chapter... I'll definitely have a try next time.

1-7 5 turns

I think it's theoretically possible to get a 4 turn CL using Volug,and shove chains, though I have no idea how to actually execute it. There are so many enemies along the way and Volug has no range. There is also the problem with taking out the boss on turn 4. Unless I can somehow trick the Muarim AI into moving his max move north I don't see it happening. Anyway, Sothe went east and recruited Tormod on turn 3. Vika picked up Micaiah and dropped her near the throne on turn 4. Vika weakened the Boss and Jill killed him with a Hammer, then Micaiah got shoved to the seize spot.

1-8 4 turns

Sothe went right with a max knife forge that is just enough to one round the boss. Tormod got shoved into the swamp on turn 1 to take out the draco, Vika and Muarim both grassed to take out nearby bandits on turn 3 and 4. Nailah took out the west. I played pretty sloppily this chapter, there is a lot of indecisive and ultimately useless unit movement. I could have maybe experimented with Celerity Sothe too, but I completely forgot. Well, cutting another turn is kinda difficult due to that priest near the corner.

1-9 8 turns

Credit to oval for the strategy.

1-E 6 turns

Ah the pain. This chapter is pretty difficult as it is, with the three star disadvantage, countless ledges and tough enemies. Now I have to rush it too! Bye bye all those delicious treasures.

I initially tried to send the Pass scroll to the GMs but this chapter just takes way too long without pass. The shortest route to the throne is the middle set of ledges and gaps but BK is too slow to take out the knights and Nailah cannot attack across ledge. After some messy fooling around I decided to just sacrifice a Pass for this chapter. GM has another one, so hopefully this decision doesn't haunt me later on. Illyana is sending over Celerity, Saviour and a Hammer. Speedwing would normally be quite important to the GM, but this is normal mode and Haar and Titania do not actually have much doubling trouble. Especially Titania who has a speed transfer too. Haar is a bit shakier since there will be no more 12 turn 2-E to give him levels, but he should be okay. If it really comes to it I'll just dump him some BEXP.

Anyway, Nailah rescues BK and makes a beeline for the throne, with Jill carrying Micaiah and Sothe follow closely behind. I killed one of the thieves and let the other one open the Reaper card chest, and then killed him too. Sothe reached both the wing and unlock. Vika hauled Rafiel to the second platform so Nailah gets an additional action to take out the Javelin soldier blocking the east ledge and let Vika reach the Vantage chest. Not sure how useful that will be. The hardest part was the end of turn 2. There are quite a few mages on the platform and they love to come in and block the gap. I tried all sorts of Laguz baits to lure them away from the gap.

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I don't think you really need a shove chain to 4 turn 1-7, but from first glance it does look like Micaiah needs to be able to survive an attack from the Iron Longbow archer.

Or wait, I think you're talking about shoving Sothe. IIRC 2 shoves on turn 1 lets him recruit Tormod on turn 2, and you'll have no trouble getting Muarim to the boss by turn 4.

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I don't think you really need a shove chain to 4 turn 1-7, but from first glance it does look like Micaiah needs to be able to survive an attack from the Iron Longbow archer.

Or wait, I think you're talking about shoving Sothe. IIRC 2 shoves on turn 1 lets him recruit Tormod on turn 2, and you'll have no trouble getting Muarim to the boss by turn 4.


Oh shoot I totally forgot about shoving Sothe. Man...

I probably won't replay the chapter though since it would entail me playing through 4 chapters again. Maybe next time...

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2-P 8 turns

Nothing notable happened here. Marcia got MVP because Haar took too long to show up.

2-1 6 turns

Transfer Neph is quite a bit stronger than her usual self. Managed to take out the lower armor while tanking a bunch of ranged hits while Brom went to pick up the steel axe. Brom then went to have a chat with Yeardley while Neph recruited Heather. Maybe a 5 turn clear is possible, but that would require a ton of luck against Yeardley and the generics.

2-2 3 turns

I don't think it's possible to get 2 here. Lucia and Mordecai got Vigored and rushed ahead on the first turn, Neph and Nealuchi catching up on the second. Heather just shoved Leanne. Lucia took out all the ranged dudes on the enemy phase of turn 2, Neph got a wraith kill against the armor and Nealuchi combined with Mordecai took out the boss.

2-3 5 turns

Same as 2-2, I think this is the minimum achievable. It takes Geoffrey 4 turns just to reach the seize point, and Kieran is too far away to destroy the gate on turn 3. I finished with about 30 enemies left on the map. The speedwing was not obtained, fortunately it's probably not necessary.

2-E 2 turns

Turn 1, Haar equips the short axe and flies straight down. Calill attacked the nullify general twice and Marcia scored the kill with a Javelin. Elincia also gets vigor'd and kills the bowgun warrior. Turn 2, Haar kills the energy drop general who moved left to chase after him. Marcia passed the Arms Scroll and Nullify to Nephenee. Elincia stunned Ludveck. I can probably get the dracoshield with another turn, but it's not worth it.

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which characters do you have transfers for?

It's a file from a few years ago so I'm not entirely sure. The ones that have showed up so far are:

Jill (Str, Skl, Spd. Def)

Marcia (Str, Skl, Spd, Def)

Nephenee (Str, Skl, Spd)

Ike (Str, Skl, Spd)

Titania (Str, Spd)

Astrid (Str, Skl, Spd)

Lucia (Str, Skl, Spd)

I think that's all of them. I don't think I was playing with transfers in mind, which explains the lack of good transfers.

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3-P 6 turns

Kind of a dodgy chapter, your progress is almost entirely based on the cooperativeness of the laguz AI. I played this chapter three times and got vastly different outcomes on each, so there is quite a lot of finger crossing. Titania needs to crit Silvano on the enemy phase of turn 6 for a 6 turn clear, which would be a huge pain without battlesaves. I don't think 5 turns is possible without some sort of miracle.

3-1 5 turns

There is definitely room for improvement. There are just so many ways to fight this chapter and each option has its own merits. In particular, a 3 turn clear might be possible to avoid the reinforcements on the top left. No idea how to pull it out though, as it stands Titania cannot be on every front at once and there are so many fronts. If I cut across the grass then the halb hiding in top right cannot be reached in time, and if I swing Titania to the right I can't kill the boss and that pacifist javelin halb.

3-2 3 turns

I seem to remember reading somewhere about a 2 turn clear. Elthunder crit maybe? I probably should redo this chapter to try it out...

Oh man, an exact OHKO. Titania also cannot equip both celerity and savior, so a 2 turn would be way too difficult to pull off for my taste. Instead I went with a more conservative three turn finish, picking up a whole bunch of exp for Haar and Titania in the process. I kinda wish to train Mia and Neph, and they'll probably come in handy in part 4, but I'm not sure how far I can go without sacrificing turncounts.

3-3 5 turns

Titania took Pass and Oscar took Celerity. Haar traveled along the right hand border to light the crates and eventually swung in for the top one. Titania rushed for the top left crates while Oscar drew the boss. I ended up getting everything except the Hammerne, which is probably not that useful anyway. Nephenee took out Veyona with a wraith crit.

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It's surprisingly difficult to make a good stats table, so I stole one from Anouleth.

Stats update:

Name 	Level Exp   HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Ike      --/14  33   47   27   2  30  28  14  22   9   C Mia
Titania  --/20  00   39   26  12  25  25  22  22  16   C Oscar
Haar 	--/16/1  0   54   30   7  28  26  17  28  13
Mia      --/12  00   38   19   6  30  30  21  15  09   C Ike
Nephenee --/ 6  99   33   19   7  24  23  15  16  15   C Heather
Oscar    --/14  70   39   20   8  24  21  19  17  13   C Titania
Shinon   --/14  99   44   21   7  29  25  15  21  14   C Gatrie
Gatrie   --/11  22   44   25   5  19  21  16  25  11   C Shinon
Soren    --/ 6  90
Boyd  	--/ 9  73

One thing about NM is that exp gain is so much higher. I'm starting to regret doing this run on normal now, promoted Haar will definitely make the rest of the chapters not nearly as interesting.

I'm going to try raising most of the higher level GMs so I have more hands to rout maps with later on. Haar got some amazing speed gains and was promptly early crowned for his performance. Titania will have to promote the hard way. Nephenee is quite a bit behind everyone else, I may dump her if there isn't enough exp (there probably is).

Oh and Oscar badly needs a wing right now. Guess who is the guy that missed both wings?

On another note, I have a drop, a shield, a robe, a talisman and goddess icon x2. Any recommendations?

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There are quite a few ways to 2 turn 3-2. You can use celerity titania to drop a thunder forge soren. If the boss hits, wrath soren OHKOs him, if not, he still has a chance to proc adept and max mag soren can OHKO with a +2 MT coin in the thunder forge but thats obviously not reliable. There's also tomahawk/short axe haar...You can also drop one of the 2 snipers with a killer bow + adept but said sniper will need 24 AS and enough str to ORKO with at least 1 crit and adept. Not recommended if the sniper is not in a good bio.

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There are quite a few ways to 2 turn 3-2. You can use celerity titania to drop a thunder forge soren. If the boss hits, wrath soren OHKOs him, if not, he still has a chance to proc adept and max mag soren can OHKO with a +2 MT coin in the thunder forge but thats obviously not reliable. There's also tomahawk/short axe haar...You can also drop one of the 2 snipers with a killer bow + adept but said sniper will need 24 AS and enough str to ORKO with at least 1 crit and adept. Not recommended if the sniper is not in a good bio.

My problem is two folds. Titania has trouble surviving against double attacks from all of the bottom cavaliers as well as the mages. This is a big hurdle to overcome already. Another problem is that my Soren did not manage to gain HP or Def, so he is still OHKOed unless placed in a bush square, but if I do that Titania is also within boss' attack range, and he loves to attack her over Soren for some reason. Then Soren still needs to pull off the wraith crit. All of these factors combined really makes for a rather risky setup. I tried a couple of times and it didn't really work out. I thought about Shinnon but decided that the chances are too slim for him to pull off multiple activations. And I did not have the Tomahawk, if I did Titania doubling with it could have produced a fairly good crit chance.

3-4 4 turns

Ranulf gets Celerity and Pass, Haar gets Savior and Provoke. Haar picked up Ike and dashed straight for the top cliff. Ranulf got shoved and smited and also dashed for the top. Everyone else just sort of sat around for support building and getting in last hits on enemies. On turn 3 Haar drops Ike, and there is a bit of luck required to not get boxed in by mooks. Provoke really helps here. On turn 4 Haar takes out the short spear general, Ike moves into the space and crits Callum with Ettard (about 36% chance), and Ranulf arrives.

3-5 2 turns

Now that I have Reyson things are much more interesting. Haar has Savior and Titania has Pass. Heather picks up the right side coin, Haar rescues her and moves to block the right side choke point. Titania rescues Mia and moves down. Everyone else protects Titania and does other stuff. Reyson eats a Laguz stone. On turn two the four units form a diamond for Reyson to vigor over the little hill, Haar took out a cavalier, Heather nabbed the drop and Mia took the kill. I'm not sure if there are actually enough stones to go around that I can waste one on a drop, hopefully it's not a big deal.

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3-6... This chapter may take a while as I try to figure out various ways to push the kill count. Anyway, before I start here is a stats run down of some DB characters. I have a spare robe which will probably go to Jill.

Name 	Level Exp   HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Jill 	20/ 2  00   31   20   3  19  22  17  19   7
Nolan   20/ 1  99   35   19   4  20  17  16  17  10   C Zihark
Zihark  --/ 4  37  
Sothe   --/ 5  73  

Nolan is not doing so well statistically, and since he probably won't be able to get exposure on a lot of the 3-12 and 3-13 exp he may get benched after the DB chapters. We'll see.

Volug is about 3/4 way to S strike. Looking back now I'm not really sure what I could have done to get him more strike, except for two turns on 1-8 when he sort of just ran around. If I tried to 4 turn 1-7 he might miss out on even more strike.

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I really doubt 1-7 can be 4 turnable. That'd require Volug climb the ledge and drop Micaiah by PP3, Jill or Sothe can't do it though and no one can shove Volug in case an extra tile is required.

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3-6 8 turns

7 turns is probably possible if I took more risks and had a better idea of where enemies and reinforcements are. I'm pretty happy with the 8 turn clear though, Jill reached level 17 and will be crowned next chapter, Nolan got some much needed speed ups and Volug finally got S strike. I think I actually got Jill to level 19 on hard mode last time I played this map, not sure how that happened...

3-7 12 turns

A good time to feed some exp to Shinnon and Nephenee. Janaff and Ulki went and pulled Jill and both ended up dying, wasting all of the remaining uses of the Brave Axe. This is unfortunate because I distinctively saved the last 2 uses for Haar to bless in endgame. Hopefully it's not too big of a thing.

I ended up killing everything on the map except BK and Sothe.

3-8 4 turns

Janaff got BEXP'd to 30 and equips Adept, Haar gets Celerity and Provoke. On turn one, Reyson gets smited and vigors Haar to move furthur ahead, Janaff eats a laguz stone. On turn two Reyson chants Janaff. Turn three Haar takes out the priest and Janaff grasses outside range, turn four Haar and Janaff takes out the archer and a short spear general, and killed the remaining generals on enemy phase. Haar needs to proc stun on both Septimus and a short spear general on turn 3, but it's not too difficult as he was on high bio and doubles. Janaff needs to proc either Adept or Tear to kill the remaining generals on turn 4, which he does in spades.

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There are quite a few ways to 2 turn 3-2.

You can also use a max MT max crit Steel Bow forge, which is definitely affordable.

I really doubt 1-7 can be 4 turnable. That'd require Volug climb the ledge and drop Micaiah by PP3, Jill or Sothe can't do it though and no one can shove Volug in case an extra tile is required.

Volug just goes up the stairs near the beginning... he'll drop Micaiah 2 tiles short IIRC, but you have units available who can shove her.

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3-9 3 turns

Marcia got BEXP'd to level 18 and then crowned. Easy three turn. I decided to dump all the BEXP into Marcia since I figured that pegs would be great for LTCing chapters.

3-10 4 turns

Haar takes Celerity and Provoke and rushes for the boss. Titania takes Pass and goes east and north. Janaff grasses up and try to join Haar. Reyson chants Haar on turn one and Janaff on turn two. As usual, Haar needs to either stun or crit the boss for a 4 turn clear. It's really annoying that none of the units around boss move because they all have different attack ranges. On the enemy phase of turn 4 Janaff needs to trigger tear or crit (Mia needs the Adept to clear bottom) on one of the dracos, which took way more resets than should have been necessary.

I'm also kind of regretting not shipping Zihark's Adept to the GM now. They can put it to so much better use and right now it's just sitting there wasted.

3-11 4 turns

It's at this point that I realised I should have kept a stun counter for fun. It's the only mastery I have seen so far (well there is a bit of Savage and Eclipse way back), whether it be coming from Elincia, Haar, Marcia or soon-to-be Jill. In true Fire Emblem fashion, wings dominate LTC like no other's business.

Anyway, the bridge chapter. Celerity and Savior goes on Haar, Paragon and Provoke on Marcia, Paragon on Tanith and Pass on Ike. Mia gets Bexp'd to level 16 and crowned after capping all offensive stats. Shinnon gets Bexp'd to 20/1.99, just because I have so much. Titania already promoted last chapter.

On turn 1 enemy phase, it's best if that mend priest can move away from his spot. Then Haar and Marcia gets double chants and both move further ahead. On turn 3 Marcia clears out whoever may be blocking Haar's way and Haar drops Ike next to the sniper. On turn 4 Haar stuns the boss and Ike seizes. I managed to get most of the exp too, with Marcia reaching level 5 and almost the whole map cleaned out. Tanith got to level 19. I'm not sure if I'll be using her, but right now I have a ton of stat boosters and none of my units want them. If they are to go somewhere it might as well be a unit with 9 move and wings.

3-12 2 turns

Jill flies down. Everything dies.

3-13 2 turns

...Would be what I say if Jill can actually stun Ike. Even on worst bio Jill should still have 18% activation rate, but it feels more like 0 right now. Haar the sexy beast had no problem stunning every boss in his way, clearly Ike is just not into hot redheads. Back to reloading...

In the end I decided that the extra turn is not worth me scratching my disc, so I settled for a 3 turn clear. On the third turn Jill is back to normal biorhythm and stunned Ike in one or two tries. Go figure.

3-E 4 turns

Fairly self-explanatory. Haar got the Celerity and took out the sleep staff bishop on turn 2 with the help of Reyson. Titania, Marcia and Tanith just moved forward and made quick work of enemies along the way. Haar recruited Jill on turn 4 for some additional slaying power. Nailah moved on counter 79 and doubled Haar. Thankfully there was no Savage proc and Haar survived. I picked up the rescue staff. I think Elincia is the only person who can actually make use of it, all the other staffers I have are way too frail to charge forward, and they have low move.

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Stats update!

Name 	Level Exp   HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
Ike 	18/ 1  00   54   29   7  32  32  17  28  15   A Mia
Titania 20/ 3  33   44   29  17  29  27  23  26  21   B Oscar
Haar   	16/ 8  43   54   33   7  32  28  19  33  13
Jill   	18/ 7  17   52   33   9  29  30  29  29  20
Mia    	16/ 3  25   45   27  11  34  33  23  22  13   A Ike
Neph    17/--  38   41   24   9  26  27  23  21  18   B Heather
Shinon  20/ 3  31   51   28  14  33  28  19  26  21   B Gatrie
Marcia  18/ 7   7   48   30  11  28  32  20  27  29
Tanith  20/ 3  91   42   29  15  28  29  24  25  26
Oscar   --/15  43
Gatrie  --/12  36
Janaff  30
Ulki 	29

Haar got some horrible levels after promotion such that he basically gained no stats in 6 levels. I fed him a wing so he can keep up with the speed. Nephenee will get another level of Bexp and be crowned at the next opportunity. Shinon and Jill are going to endgame, probably Marcia too. The rest have to fight for their spots against royals.

What would be a good spread for part 4? I'm currently thinking:




















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Yeah, i recommend sending a flier with 1-2 range to the hawk army. It helps a lot. Gold/silver knights are also decent here if only for 4-2. For 4-5 have elincia rescue (staff) someone over to kill izuka in 1 turn. Your silver looks way too overkill. You only really need haar, maybe jill for it. Ur greil looks decent but ur hawk could use 1 or 2 more 1-2 range high move units, so yeah, send marcia to hawk.

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Thanks guys, I'm going to send Marcia to hawk.

4-P 2 turns

For a relatively simple-looking map, this thing's sure got some irritating kinks. The priest in the corner only heals the boss and his two body guard armors, so extra caution needs to be taken so that he never has a healing target. To make the matter more complicated the tempest blade armor does not attack unless taken damage, but if he takes damage the priest will heal him.

Jill gets Paragon and Provoke (it doesn't help), she also has boots for 2-turning 3-13 but I forgot to reload to a previous save after giving up on the 2 turn. Naesala goes north with Jill, Leanne gets shoved thrice and vigors them. Naesala moves further north while Jill dives headlong into the swarm of enemies. Ulki eats a stone and stops just outside bow range at bottom while Haar flies across and stays in the river area with a hand axe. On enemy phase Jill either needs to stun Yuma or miss one of the hits with the hand axe, the second option not possible on hard mode. On player phase again Jill and Haar equips Tomahawks and take out the longbow knight and the tempest armor respectively, and on enemy phase everything suicides. Ulki needs a tear proc on one of the two bottom reinforcements to take out everything in time.

Edit: Just realised that Jill does not actually need to miss one hit on Yuma. If she has enough strength (probably with a short axe or a forge) she can just bring him down low enough that even after a physic he will still be one-rounded with a Tomahawk on turn two.

4-1 3 turns

Beside fog there is really nothing to it. Neph got crowned after Bexp'd to level 19. No notable skills. I'm still not sure who would put the Celerity to better use, 3-3 or 3-4. Right now it's on Haar.

Anyway, Titania, Shinon and Gatrie went left while Nailah went right. Ike, Mia, Neph and Heather moved down south and got vigor'd. On turn 2 the south squad vigors again and took out the three warriors and two druids. Soren starts chipping at the general who warped in in the top right corner. On turn three Neph took out the lower mid priest, Mia took out the mid right priest and the lower right priest, and Ike Aether'd Catalena. Apparantly she moves after been attacked, so Aether is actually necessary here. Soren chipped further and Rhys destroyed the sandbag so the general can suicide into Soren on enemy phase.

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4-2 4 turns

Tibarn is fucking broken.

Paragon on Marcia, nothing else notable. On turn 1, Tibarn shifts and kills a warrior, then Reyson chants him and he flies next to the generals. Lucia crits the other warrior, Janaff eats a laguz stone and moves right. Everyone else attacked the generals and Marcia canto'd south with a spear. On enemy phase everything dies to Tibarn, Marcia dodgs a crossbow (about 50 hit) and killed everyone. Turn 2, Tibarn and Marcia move futher west while Tanith moves south to pick off stragglers. Elincia got vigor'd and stuns a falco, Janaff starts working on the north group. Reyson dodges one of the blizzard hit on enemy phase. Turn 3, Tibarn kills the short spear halb and parks next to Valtome, Elincia kills a sage. Janaff kills the Blizzard sage and then grasses next to the remaining general at the top. Marcia kills a sniper and parks next to a lower general. On turn 4, Tibarn kills a bishop and moves to Valtome's spot. Janaff kills the other bishop. Marcia weakens the remaining bottom general. Lucia wraps up the north leftovers and Elincia picks off the bishop outside. The last three enemies suicided on their phase.

4-3 4 turns

Jill takes off paragon and gets resolve. Haar takes off celerity for the Greil army.

Turn 1, Ulki and Skrimir eats a laguz stone each. Jill moves down and Leanne chants her. She kills the purge bishop and moves down into the range of a bunch of enemies with a forged hand axe. Naesala engages the three on the west border. Haar flies to the east and equips the Tomahawk. On the enemy phase, elsleep misses on Haar.

Turn 2, Jill kills the elsleep bishop and jumps into the thick of enemy forces with a fresh forged hand axe. (Funny story, I made about 8 forges total so far and got 2 goddess cards.) Naesala also starts moving towards the bosses. Haar continues the clean up in northwest. Ulki, Skrimir and Sanaki starts to work on the middle enemies with Leanne's help. The second purge from Numida also triggers resolve, and since Jill is on high bio she stuns everyone attacking her.

Turn 3, Jill kills the elsilence bishop. Haar moves into the narrow channel with Stefan. Sothe picks up dragon foe.

Turn 4, Jill kills Numida and picks up the laguz gem. Naesala kills Lekain, Ulki kills the stationary physic bishop. Micaiah gets dropped and chanted, and recruits Stefan. Three halbs suicide into Naesala to finish.

Black Knight where you at?

4-4 6 turns

I have no idea what the optimal strategy is here and just sort of messed around. Nailah with Celerity, Pass and pure water rushed straight for the sleep staff bishop while Ike followed behind, also with pure water. Shinon and Nephenee took out the west while Mia and Titania took out the east, then they all converged and did the clean up. I tried to finish the map in five turns without realising that you have to kill the hidden enemies too, so there is a big rush to cover for those in the last two turns. Overall it was pretty messy play. I also skipped all the chests except Fortify, which Micaiah actually does not have the staff rank to use (yet).

Maybe I could have 5-turned the map with a celerity+pass reaver? I'm really not sure here. I want to recruit Oliver for completion and it's hard to get Rafiel so close on turn 5.

4-5 1 turn

My first one-turn finish! Elincia rescues Marcia, gets vigor'd and rescues Marcia again. Marcia kills Izuka.

Now I think about it how exactly do you one-turn 2-E? Elincia is the only one with mastery, but her sword is one range so Ludveck only attacks her at range. Haar can't one round him with a ranged weapon and will not be able to get in a counter attack when equipped with a hammer. Am I missing something?

Edited by nano
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