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Stop Crying Psych Minimafia - Night 2


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Also, if the three modkills are dealt and Ether can self-protect, then NL today and have him hug himself every night. Scum will have no potential kills that won't remove a suspect, and the rules say nothing about allowing them to no-kill.

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If they CAN nokill and the mod just didn't say (just like he didn't say whether the doc could self-protect or not :/ ), I'd personally lynch Obviam anyway, since Bal and Manix both claimed or implied claims at times where it didn't look like they would have wanted to out a counterclaim.

...honestly, I don't know why I should care since I'll lose if I get modkilled anyway.

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one last thing on this before I shut up until it resolves: I have this really bitter taste right now. And I'm not feeling great, either. :\

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just because it isn't in the rules shouldn't automatically make it the right thing to do

Eh, it's not really immoral like you're painting it as. If I used emotional blackmail to make somebody out themselves as scum then that would be a horrible thing to do despite not being in the rules. Comparing paraphrased role PMs is just kinda a gray area - it doesn't cause physical or psychological harm to anybody and it's within the scope of the game. (again, that's why you just have the mod make rules against these things or give you fake PMs)

but we should probably stop arguing about what we said we'd stop arguing about

ps sry manix >:

Edited by Prims
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That said, in future games I'll probably just point the problem out to mods pregame instead of abusing it. I didn't actually notice the loophole until Aere proposed it (not to blame him or anything). vOv

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...you know, in hindsight, you totally could have gotten out of that by saying "I thought of that earlier and asked Paperblade if it was alright, he said no".

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second post was a silly thought and not justification, though if anything i could see how you'd interpret it as talking down to you, but it wasn't intended that way since i probably wouldn't have thought of what i said either

Edited by Prims
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Prims, Villager has been modkilled for editing 3 posts when the rules clearly say not to.

Also, all the role PMs can be found at the game I linked in the OP and I would have told the mafia if they asked. I'm not sure why Prims thought this was a good strategy considering I know he actually read that game. As a result I really don't care what you do with it.

Phase continues as usual, but with the phase extended another 24 hours if this is needed at all.

Edited by Paperblade
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I'm actually asking for a second opinion because I feel that getting a specific letter is technically quoting the PM because otherwise you could just go "What's the first letter of the first word" "what's the second letter of the first word" etc. etc. and I feel like I should just draw the line here.

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yeah, sorry, when people implied I fucked up the game I thought it was getting called anyway and started post-editing

i'm dumb, gogogo town

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Actually on second thought I am calling this game. I'm really sorry guys, but I am just kind of not wanting to deal with what happened and am both kind of annoyed at the people that thought it was a good idea to abuse loopholes and myself for being lazy and not adding a "Don't abuse loopholes I will shoot first and ask questions later. If you are confused ASK ME" rule like I normally do as a catch all. I will try to get SFMM2 signups up after the next time I talk with Haze.

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I kind of expected town to win anyway since even on a Bal mislynch Obviam was up next (imo) and then it would be, like, Bizz vs. Aere/Ether.

Hi. Bomb still here waiting to explode. I'm surprised people didn't jump on my softclaim much earlier anyway (hi breadcrumbing ("I don't care if I die"))

Also, apologies to Bal, I was kinda a bit of a dick this game as well. Soz. :(

But anyway... bleh.

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Ehh at least I played decent :/.

@Manix: I caught it but didn't want to say anything, cuz you know, if I jumped on it then Mafia wouldn't kill you and your role would be pointless.

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