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This board needs more Paper Mario

Metal Rabbit

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It actually needs more tales. But on topic:

I only played Paper Mario 2 and Super paper mario.


They should make a Paper mario for DS

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It actually needs more tales. But on topic:

I only played Paper Mario 2 and Super paper mario.


They should make a Paper mario for DS

No they don't need more tales, there's like five of those fuckin topic's

But on topic, I've only played TYD and I think I'm about to pick it up again. Or play Golden Sun but IDK

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I KNOW! They could use the touch screen in so many ways...

The first paper mario is out on VC, and it is fucking awesomer. The only thing I hate about it is there's no post game.

Im debating on wether i should get Paper Mario 1 or not.

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No they don't need more tales, there's like five of those fuckin topic's

But on topic, I've only played TYD and I think I'm about to pick it up again. Or play Golden Sun but IDK

OH NO 5!

And theres 1. The video topic.

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Paper Mario: Awesome

Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door: Best standard Arr Pee Gee ever (Yes, I have played Final Fantasy 7 and Super Mario RPG and all that crap), also Glitzville is the best level in any RPG ever.

Super Paper Mario: Cool and all, but I prefer the first 2.

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Paper Mario: Awesome

Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door: Best standard Arr Pee Gee ever (Yes, I have played Final Fantasy 7 and Super Mario RPG and all that crap), also Glitzville is the best level in any RPG ever.

Super Paper Mario: Cool and all, but I prefer the first 2.


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The only one I've played was Thousand Year Door. It was a decent play, although I never got around to finishing it. I might finish it up when I'm not busy playing something better.

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The first one is probably my favorite 64 game (that or Kirby 64, hmm). It is simply great. The part that frustrates me is the nigh impossibility of getting to the max level. I haven't bothered to actually get in a Super Bullet Bill Canon battle when Super Bullet Bills still give 2+ experience. Then you would have to keep battling them, for a very long time, until you hit the max level, because in that game, things stop giving you exp. I think the closest I've ever come is to when the canons themselves give 1 exp. But you have to practically leave Bowser's castle in order to respawn the enemies, soo I haven't gotten past that/those levels yet.

The second one was good, and probably a better game, but at the time, I didn't like it, simply because the first one was so epic. It's grown on me, and I really like it now. 2 words that make this game fun: Danger Mario. And if you want a challenge to deserve beating Bonetail in 1 turn, try getting to Danger Mario by only using 1 stat change, ie:don't level up your HP, ever, then drop it when you can actually activate Danger Mario. Try beating Smorg with next to no HP, that was one of the toughest boss battles I've faced. Smorg is the boss right before you can get Power Rushes from the arcade. So after him, everything is a breeze. And there will be many breezes trying to blow you off as you spend an afternoon or two on the paper arcade game, because that's the one that is easiest to win. But all that sacrifice is worth it to do 99 damage a hit. All I have to say is get good with timing Multibounce, because it's the Pit of 99 Multibounces, and 1 Rally Wink (or the one where you keep jumping on the same enemy, forget it's name). The funny thing is the game only lets you do 99 damage, even if you are supposed to do, say 107 damage. Oh and equip all the badges that cause the enemies to miss when you are in danger, I had like 3, the enemies almost always miss (stupid tarantulas, very hard to time multibounce on)

Super Paper Mario. I beat it, but it is far out-shone by its predecessors. Not to mention it completely betrays the series by not actually having RPG-style battles. It's an ok game, but the victor is by far the first Paper Mario.

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The first Paper Mario was awesome and thousand year door somehow outdid it. I still have yet to play Super Paper Mario. :(

It's not an RPG if you haven't noticed already

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I love it so much I use the word "fuck" in every single post I make.

No but seriously, I haven't even beaten the Wii version and I got it almost 2 years ago.

It hasn't even been one full year since the Wii one came out...

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