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North Carolina officially banned same-sex marriage

Caliban of Sycorax

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Homosexuality being a choice was brought up a few posts back, and though I don't agree with it in the slightest, even if it WAS a choice, the first amendment guarantees freedom of choice does it not? Then again, I'm supposing most NC citizens don't read.

No, the first amendment does not guarantee "freedom of choice." It is somewhat ironic that you are claiming people from NC don't read when you are making things up about the first amendment.

Additionally, there is little or no attempt right no to ban being homosexual.

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No, but the 9th amendment grants additional freedoms the constitution doesn't, which the Supreme Court ruled as including sexuality. Or at least sexual conduct between two consenting adults.

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Homosexuality being a choice was brought up a few posts back, and though I don't agree with it in the slightest, even if it WAS a choice, the first amendment guarantees freedom of choice does it not? Then again, I'm supposing most NC citizens don't read.

Myself, I don't mean to say that sexuality is a choice, but that it isn't always set in stone, and of course that people deal with it differently. What is a choice, is to embrace a given label of one's sexuality, not to say that it's a bad thing to do so.

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But why should one accept not only a book which is censored and biased in its translation, but also inconsistent in its claims (benevolence, yet a desire to harm and ostracize is one example out of book-fulls).

The argument usually comes in a form of "Oh, this was written in a different time, and we have to apply what's written here to today's standards." This opens up more holes in their argument, but I've never gotten anywhere passed this when talking with people about it.

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Romans 1 is calling homosexual intercourse "unnatural".

So is Chemical X but I don't see them complaining that none of Mojo-Jojo's fiendish schemes have come to frutition

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So is Chemical X but I don't see them complaining that none of Mojo-Jojo's fiendish schemes have come to frutition

Not all chemicals are unnatural/synthetic, and looking at the PPG wiki, it is clear that they don't know how chemical X is made. It might be natural.

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Also, out of curiosity, what are you, Dr. Sholes? Most of the ones I'm familiar with have similar views on their religious texts. Though your way makes hella lot more sense.

Lemme just takea guess before he posts and say Episcopalian, or some other anglican denomination. But I am actually interested to find out, if you're willing to share Sholes.

Nope, I'm Judeo-Christian. I'm a Jew for Jesus! It's pretty close to being episcopalian or protestant, though.

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Nope, I'm Judeo-Christian. I'm a Jew for Jesus! It's pretty close to being episcopalian or protestant, though.

Are you actually a jew for jesus? Or is a judeo-christian something else? I've never heard it as a way of referring to an individual organized religion/church. It sounds really awesome.

EDIT-I'm used to the term being used collectively for jews and christians.

Edited by Hawkeye Hank Hatfield
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By the way, I think what's going on in Colorado is a lot more interesting.

Sorry if this was already mentioned, but for the record, what was going on was that Colorado was debating a measure that would have made it the first state to ban gay marriage, yet give (gay) couples in civil unions all the same rights guaranteed to married ones. Unfortunately, that was shafted and lost a vote at the last minute.

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Sorry if this was already mentioned, but for the record, what was going on was that Colorado was debating a measure that would have made it the first state to ban gay marriage, yet give (gay) couples in civil unions all the same rights guaranteed to married ones. Unfortunately, that was shafted and lost a vote at the last minute.

Wait wait wait... so you're telling me that Colorado had a vote that would still "protect traditional marriage", but same-sex couples could have the same rights a married couple has by getting a civil union, and they DENIED it?

This is now blatant prejudice instead of religious bigotry. (though, I always thought it was the former to begin with)

Edited by 1st Mate Bob
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Are you actually a jew for jesus? Or is a judeo-christian something else? I've never heard it as a way of referring to an individual organized religion/church. It sounds really awesome.

EDIT-I'm used to the term being used collectively for jews and christians.

It can be used collectively but it's also a religion. It's not too well known about so it doesn't surprise me that you've never heard of it :p. We don't have a "church" though,

`And when thou mayest pray, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites, because they love in the synagogues, and in the corners of the broad places -- standing -- to pray, that they may be seen of men; verily I say to you, that they have their reward.

`But thou, when thou mayest pray, go into thy chamber, and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who [is] in secret, and thy Father who is seeing in secret, shall reward thee manifestly.

This, and a few other things, are the reason.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, why?

To be safe in the knowledge that all over the great state of North Carolina, a gay man or a lesbian woman was crying themselves to sleep that night, and making all the heterosexuals relationships stronger with every tear?

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To be safe in the knowledge that all over the great state of North Carolina, a gay man or a lesbian woman was crying themselves to sleep that night, and making all the heterosexuals relationships stronger with every tear?

Y'know that's not fair. I'm sure SS has a good reason for not wanting people to have the basic equality afforded to everyone else.

Edited by ISRMMBV
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I supported the Marriage Amendment, and voted in favor of it.

What a huge cocktease.

EDIT-ISRMMBV, please use the edit button instead of double posting. Especially when there is only 5 minutes between the two posts. The button should be on the bottom right of a given post. This applies for every section but FftF, where post quality rules are suspended. Yes mods, I am minimodding.

Edited by Hawkeye Hank Hatfield
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This is why any attempt to interpret religious text remotely literally two thousand years later is absurd.

Not quite the same situation, but it just does to show how even if we know the word that came out of the characters' mouths (and most of us don't in the first place), we have next to no idea what they were actually conveying with those words.

Edited by Othin
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My real argument is that we shouldn't vote for equal rights, it should just be the way.


cool stuff just happened

and to make this post legitimate i did actually read the whole thread. i just don't have anything to add that hasn't already been said.

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In the world of rules and legislation, I think someone might find a way to abuse a system in which any "equal right" should be automatically passed. Loop holes within a legal system is pretty scary. Someone can do a lot of bad and annoying things and it wouldn't be illegal at all. I feel that is some of the worst crimes. So, I'm not really going to complain that we vote for or against an equal right attempt.

Now that I think about it, the only argument I have ever continually keep hearing about for being against gay marriage/rights was are religious arguments. It would be hilarious if the ancient texts people are trying to reference are actually translation mistakes, or because King James decided it should be this way.

Edited by Dark Pegasi
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In the world of rules and legislation, I think someone might find a way to abuse a system in which any "equal right" should be automatically passed. Loop holes within a legal system is pretty scary. Someone can do a lot of bad and annoying things and it wouldn't be illegal at all. I feel that is some of the worst crimes. So, I'm not really going to complain that we vote for or against an equal right attempt.

Unfortunately it doesn't really work that way. Like any law, if it gets passed, the people can petition for a referendum and then the law will have to go to a public vote, and it doesn't take that many signatures. This is scary when dealing with equal rights because it legally gives people the power and opportunity to be prejudice and bigots. And when a public vote does happen, it's really unfortunate when the prejudice and bigots win out when the people who "don't care" wind up not voting on the issue.

In my opinion, not caring if people have equal rights is just as bad as actively fighting against it, no matter what the issue is.

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