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Just finished the Hunger games series


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It's a good series and all, but I've always found them depressing. So many people dying, and it seems nothing really rewarding comes out of it. Part 3 of Mockingjay was just horrible, it seems like someone dies every page. When I got to the end of it, it just felt.. wierd. Like something wasn't right. The original book and some of Catching fire were great, but Mockingjay.. Good book and all, but I just didn't like it. I have that bad feeling in my stomach now.

And killing Prim (and to a lesser extent, Finnick) was just outright terrible. That really needs to be changed.

Edited by Melonhead215
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I finally read the rest of the series a while ago. I found Catching Fire to be an utterly worthless book, but Mockingjay was pretty good IMO.

I wasn't happy that Finnick died, but Prim's death served a purpose: to shock you, and it sure as hell worked with me. It just kinda sucks that it totally eclipses Finnick's death.

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I didn't really like how the last one was written. It had a lot of fragments, like: "I did this. Because of this. And this."

I don't remember if any of the other books did this, but it's been a while since I've read them. It had these on almost every page as far as I remember, and it irritated me quite a bit.

Oh and Fiiinnnniiick. :( I felt like that they were just like "oh, Finnick's dead. 'Kay." I know Katniss brings it up once it a while, but I think Collins could've went more in depth in regards to his death.

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I liked it. I suppose it was really different from the other two books though, in terms of there was less action for a while.

Finniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick D:

Edited by Serious Bananas
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Yes, Prim;s death was very shocking. I even had to re-read that part to get what happened.

IMO the arena idea for Catching Fire was pretty cool, a giant clock. Also, I forget who Finnick is or was but ah well. Although I will admit Mockingjay did go overboard with the death, but

what President Snow did to Peeta was absolutly creepy

But Book 2 was defenitly the worst, but it was still good. Also, did you see the Hunger Games movie?

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I have a funny story with these books. I intially ignored them for the sole reason that they had become so popular. I had my fears that they would be something along the lines of Twilight because of the insnane popularity, which I never liked much to begin with, and I feel as though I've outgrown that demographic. All I can say is that I was naive and wrong... mostly. I was eventually coaxed into seeing the movie by my boyfriend, and enjoyed it. I then went back and read the books, and was just as impressed. It's a a shame tat the characters you become the most attached to always seem to be the ones who get killed off, but I'm sure that's what Collins wanted to do.

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I found the end of Mockinjay too happy, myself. Probably because it had been so sad and then stopped being sad for no reason. Of course, there was also the problem that a certain someone's death was ridiculously anticlimactic.

Edited by Rewjeo
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The end of Mockingjay was one of the worst I have ever read in my life. Jesus Christ that fucking ending ruined the entire other two books. The entirety of the third book just plodded along.

Really quite a shame, as the first and second were certainly engaging.

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