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Could anyone please make for me new sprites for my hack ?


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Nayr, it's common sense that if you're going to do a hack, you announce it. Even if it's an idea. He hasn't even done that much. Literally, his one thing is "I like FE8 and I want to make a hack of it called 'FE8 Advanced' and I need sprites"

He hasn't even seemed to try spriting on his own, let alone show his work. It's one thing to not be able to sprite well, it's another to not even try it.

Why has he not posted hack progress? Why has he not even made a topic? He made this topic and only this topic. There's no hack announcement. There's no questions about hacking. Face it, it's a useless cause, unless this guy does, in fact, make something.

FYI, Arch was working on Elibian Nights and getting help a couple months before he announced anything(I was there). Also we all have the benefit of experience to dictate our common sense.

And that doesn't excuse rude behavior from the other posters. You're expecting a bona fide newbie to instinctively know all of the nuances of interacting on an FE board. That's just not possible. You have to give a person time to learn these things and when the situation calls for it, point him to the things he needs to know, not pick on him. I fumbled around plenty when Xeld first got me into the FE communities, but I learned. One of the first things I noticed is how everything is just expected of new members, there's no patience.

Edited by Nayr
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FYI, Arch was working on Elibian Nights and getting help a couple months before he announced anything(I was there). Also we all have the benefit of experience to dictate our common sense.

And that doesn't excuse rude behavior from the other posters. You're expecting a bona fide newbie to instinctively know all of the nuances of interacting on an FE board. That's just not possible. You have to give a person time to learn these things and when the situation calls for it, point him to the things he needs to know, not pick on him. I fumbled around plenty when Xeld first got me into the FE communities, but I learned.

I wouldn't call it a nuance of interacting, as if it's some sort of social convention exclusive to SF. No matter where you are, it's pretty presumptious to expect other people to go out of their way to help you when they don't know you or anything about you. It's not like he's gone out of his way to introduce himself or post in any other subforums.

Edited by Anouleth
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I wouldn't call it a nuance of interacting, as if it's some sort of social convention exclusive to SF. No matter where you are, it's pretty presumptious to expect other people to go out of their way to help you when they don't know you or anything about you. It's not like he's gone out of his way to introduce himself or post in any other subforums.

What would you call it? Forums with hacking, spriting, and request forums are pretty uncommon. If it's the first forum of this type that he's been on, not to mention he doesn't appear to have a good grasp of English, it's logical that he would go to the place with the things he recognizes.

You make it sound like introduction first and moving to the proper places is forum procedure that everyone should automatically know. Biggest problem I saw when I first came around was that everything was just expected. I was expected to know the proper names for everything, as well as all of the lingo and jargon for spriting, as well as all the unwritten/unspoken rules of the community. Expectations too high and no allowances. And when people refused to understand that I couldn't understand, I got treated like crap, like you all are doing to this guy. So pardon me if I take offense to it.

I never said everyone should commit themselves to his project, but is linking him to the appropriate tutorials, forums, and whatnot so hard? It's a lot easier and takes much less time than the way he's being treated.

Edited by Nayr
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What would you call it? Forums with hacking, spriting, and request forums are pretty uncommon. If it's the first forum of this type that he's been on, not to mention he doesn't appear to have a good grasp of English, it's logical that he would go to the place with the things he recognizes.

You make it sound like introduction first and moving to the proper places is forum procedure that everyone should automatically know.

It's not forum procedure. It's social procedure.

Biggest problem I saw when I first came around was that everything was just expected. I was expected to know the proper names for everything, as well as all of the lingo and jargon for spriting, as well as all the unwritten/unspoken rules of the community. Expectations too high and no allowances. And when people refused to understand that I couldn't understand, I got treated like crap, like you all are doing to this guy.

You're probably right that sometimes this community can be very unwelcoming, and often it's unjustified, but this guy has made no effort to socialise at all. Forums are social places.

I never said everyone should commit themselves to his project, but is linking him to the appropriate tutorials, forums, and whatnot so hard?

They're stickied at the top of this very forum.

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It's not forum procedure. It's social procedure.

You're probably right that sometimes this community can be very unwelcoming, and often it's unjustified, but this guy has made no effort to socialise at all. Forums are social places.

They're stickied at the top of this very forum.

1. Not everyone has to make an introduction, a lot of forums don't even have a place for it.

2. Considering the response the guy got right after his first post, I'm not surprised. If you notice, the guy never made a second post.

3. Spriting resources and tutorials. Not hacking, which is another thing he needs help with.

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Hey sir.

It'd probably be a good idea to head over to the introductions forum and introduce yourself.

Your next stop should probably be the hacking forum. There, you can create a new topic with your hack ideas and give us a summary of what you are planning these sprites to be used for, you know? Spriters are willing to work more when they see work being done AND like the whole idea of what you are going for.

Don't sweat it, either, if your first language isn't English. If you do your best to use legible grammar, we can do our best reading it, and then we will just be able to communicate just fine.

Have fun.

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Internet at its finest.... *sigh*

SF is starting to become more like FEE


When it gets like this, you usually let it burn. Because what's worth salvaging isn't greater than the muck corroding it--it's too late for that.

Edited by Celice
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Wait, if it's twenty per sprite and the guy needs like sprite sheets won't that be like over hundreds of dollars?!?


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It takes me about 4-5 hours to make a sprite

that means I'm working for under minimum wage

it's a discount I say

well it's not like you deserve any more lumi

considering you're going to be a part of this guy's awesome hack, i don't even think you should be charging

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Well, I've started work, but I'm having a little trouble getting it down to 16 colours.

:wub: Holy crap ByronFE so awesome :wub:

It is already the best FE.

Edited by Hawkeye Hank Hatfield
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I love how this topic has derailed into bids for Lumi's work.

That being said, if Lumi charges $30/pop, then I'm using that as my bottom line. It's summer, and I needs some moneyz.

Edited by jellyFISH
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being that I have university in two years and next to no money the only sprite I'd pay money for would be a personal mug. Lol I should not even be posting this, this topic is sooo derailed at this point.

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I'd pay at least 50 for yours if I had the money hurr

i would pay $50 and a blowjob

pick me jelly, pick me

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