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I Can't Believe It's Still Not SFMM2 Minimafia - Randomlynch Wins


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Votal Time !!

Rapier (2) - Shinori, Elieson

Manix (1) - Ether

Paperblade (1) - Rapier

Shinori (1) - Paperblade

Not Voting: Aere, eclipse, Manix

With 8 alive, it takes 5 to lynch. You have 3 hours left in the day.

Remember, No Majority means Random Lynch!

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I can't tell if Rapier is actually being thick or is mafia coming up with a dumb reason to vote me.

Let me re-read, I might be able to shed some light on it. I'm feeling less shitty today, so maybe I'll be able to contribute better.

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Basically, my thoughts are this:

If Rapier is town, you are probably mafia and were hooked since you were acting suspiciously anyway, hence the failed kill. Obviously I could be wrong and a Doctor or other role stopped the kill.

However, as I mentioned above, I can't tell if Rapier is just being dumb by refusing to consider other possibilities, urging me to selfvote, etc. or if he's scum.

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So you put your vote on me to test the theory? I get the idea from your point of view, but what's also stopping it from being manix being blocked and unable to do the kill and rapier who could possibly be his scum buddy joining up with him trying to defend claiming town Roleblocker before the town RB could claim it, thus making whoever blocked manix scummy and him blocking me look scummy.

This could go one of multiple ways, he could be no RB at all and is mafia choosing to pick me for his supposed target since i said i had a passive role, it fits the situation, then i look scummy because of your stated reasons above.

There could still be two roleblockers as well and the above still stands, failed kill and he claims RB, but he could have still roleblocked me even though i am passive, and this way he could be town or scum, either way looks weird though. If he's scum he is protecting manix while also putting pressure on me, if he's town then it makes me look scummy cause i'm a passive role that doesn't help that much at all.

Frankly I'm fine with claiming if you would like to hear my role. My vote still stays on Rapier but I'm perfectly fine with an ether lynch as well because of her lack of contribution or conversation, however she did post a few pages ago commenting on the fact that she doesn't like either manix or rapiers claims, which no one really seems to.

In those words I'd also be fine with a lynch on manix, however i'm etchy about it because if he is cop I'd rather we didn't lose that. However any one of these three lynches give us info that we can use.

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If there is a town roleblocker that isn't Rapier they would have claimed by now. However roleblocker isn't something you necessarily see in every game so he could be lying.

##Unvote, ##Vote: Rapier

I suggest you wait until Day 3 to claim.

I'm also really annoyed with the inactivity coming from Ether and eclipse. eclipse at least seems to be busy with something since I haven't seen her around but Ether doesn't have much of an excuse =/

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Votal Time !!

Rapier (3) - Shinori, Elieson, Paperblade

Manix (1) - Ether

Paperblade (1) - Rapier

Not Voting: Aere, eclipse, Manix

With 8 alive, it takes 5 to lynch. You have 2 hours left in the day.

Remember, No Majority means Random Lynch!

Edited by Prims
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I'd rather not have him lynched, because he did claim cop. However it does give us info, which is the only reason im okay with it at all. For example if he came up scum, then rapier's chances of being scum would also go up. However if he's town then rapier could swing either way, but it would make him more likely be to town, which would let me believe his roleblocker claim more as well.

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Look, I found some gold here. Let me enlighten you:

It's because I don't like his attitude, but he's been saying nice things. Also, Manix didn't almost have Blitz lynched, you can't lynch someone when we still have 42 hours left. Maybe he noticed that later, after the vote count, and then he thought he still had time to save his scumbuddy and bussing wasn't really necessary.

ummmmmmm what. Hold this thought.

I don't think there's a SK, the Doctor would have to be the luckiest person alive to stop two night kills. I also think Manix hit someone who was being protected by the Safeguard, that's why I wanted to know who he targetted, I think the only reason a Safeguard would protect someone in D1 is if it's his scumbuddy, since the only claim we had was Manix's.

Rapier assumes that there is only a safeguard, Part 1.

I think what I'm about to do is very stupid, but... I'm the Town Roleblocker. So that means Paper was protected by a Safeguard. And that means his scumbuddy protected him.

Rapier assumes that there is only a safeguard, Part 2.

Also, stop holding that thought now.

Don't do it, we won't know anything if you're lynched. Lynch Paper instead, and we will know if this Safeguard is Mafia or not, and we may be cleared out too. Come on, we have much more to learn from lynching him.

So, I'm thinking this is an attempt at getting me to mislynch Paper and then be seen as a scum rolecop, and then meaning Rapier can say he actually blocked me N1, hence meaning that's why I didn't get any results. I hate to say, but that's not gonna happen.

Also, Rapier assumes that there is only a safeguard, Part 3.

Yes. Tracker usually doesn't die on D1, unlike the Cop.

If it's the only thing claimed, then it should be. Mafia would be stupid to leave it alive unless for another reason.

I suppose Manix can prove his role this Night, now that he knows I'm the Town Roleblocker and so I won't hook him in this phase. He could even prove my innocence, if he wanted, by watching me. But that's if Paper flips scum. Somehow, being protected by a Safeguard that soon seems very very suspicious to me.

Rapier assumes that there is only a safeguard, Part 4.

Jailer is a role that protects its target (either from just kills or all actions, depends) and also roleblocks it. The role that kidnaps is called Kidnapper. Hence why it is called kidnapped.

Also why are you still assuming there's a safeguard?

And while I'm here, may as well point this out again. This is completely a possibility, and for some reason, I think this might be the case. Because I should have died, and I was roleblocked. Matches quite well. I should say that this is not a guaranteed, as well.

Also, throughout my re-reading, I noticed that my opinions seemed to jump all over the place. Yeahhhhh.

##Vote: Rapier

So yeah, scum!RB trying to claim cred in an opportunistic claim to take advantage of my uncertainity. nope, you can't stay around.

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Votal Time !!

Rapier (4) - Shinori, Elieson, Paperblade, Manix (L-1)

Manix (1) - Ether

Paperblade (1) - Rapier

Not Voting: Aere, eclipse

With 8 alive, it takes 5 to lynch. You have under 2 hours left in the day.

Remember, No Majority means Random Lynch!

Rapier is at L-1!

Edited by Prims
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I can't tell if Rapier is actually being thick or is mafia coming up with a dumb reason to vote me.

So in answer to your question, I think the latter. Yep.

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I'm glad I didn't just vote for Rapier, I don't want to hammer him. Honestly, the thing that seems most scummy about him is his Paperblade-lynch reasoning. What in the hell is motivating us to lynch Paper?

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I'm glad I didn't just vote for Rapier, I don't want to hammer him. Honestly, the thing that seems most scummy about him is his Paperblade-lynch reasoning. What in the hell is motivating us to lynch Paper?

Umm what

Hammering at this point might be a good idea, given what I just said, but anyway.

Paper lynch reasoning is that there is a safeguard on Paper from his "scumbuddy" that prevented me from scanning him. Which I already addressed myself.

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Yeah you addressed it, but it doesn't mean that Rapier's reasoning is probable. You already talked about the safeguard, anyway.

##Vote: Rapier, I guess we'll have to see.

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Rapier (5) - Shinori, Elieson, Paperblade, Manix, Rapier (L-0)

Manix (1) - Ether

Paperblade (1) - Rapier

Not Voting: eclipse

Rapier, the Town Roleblocker, has been dulled!

You have 24 hours to send in your night actions. Don't post at night, etc

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Paperblade, a Vanilla Townie, was shot through the heart last night. It was very tragic.

72 hours. With 6 alive, it takes 4 to lynch.

Town is in MYLO!

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At least our deaths may clarify some things. Meh, I should've taken my vote after the possibility of a Jailer, but what's done is done.

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