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I Can't Believe It's Still Not SFMM2 Minimafia - Randomlynch Wins


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Holy shit. I-

This is an absolutely appalling showing by me this game. I'm so sorry.

And, what a surprise, I was blocked again last night. Scum hooker exists.

I have a feeling that we won't win this game, just so you know.

##Vote: No Lynch

The two scum have just walked over us. And, here's the problem. I'm not getting results, and there isn't a lot to find those two scum with.

Scum shot Paper to frame me. There is no other explanation. They want the mislynch. I'm going to try and stop that. I don't know how yet, but...

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I hate to just jump on a bandwagon, but I think Aere has a point. There was something going on between Manix and Paperblade (when Manix said he detected a town vibe from Paperblade's inspection), and I really thought that Paper/Rapier were struggling through this together. But I still don't understand how all of this roleblocking or antikilling or whatever happened from night 1 (since I joined in day 2).

But now, Paper and Rapier have been mislynched, and the only thing I have to go on now is Manix openly admitting to fakeclaiming his role. I said it before, that I thought Rapier defended himself more poorly than Manix (I suppose due to experience), but I don't know what else to do on. Shinori's been pointing fingers, Aere hasn't said much of anything, neither has Ether (other than helping push the game forward), and Eclipse is at least bringing something to the table each time she poofs in.

I got nothing else to go on, but Manix lied, and we lost 2 townies.

##Vote Manix

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Also, for the love of god

You put anyone at L-2, the scum can then hammer in unison. They can force the mislynch very easily.

I'm not going down without a fight, scum! You heard me.

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This is the worst defense I've ever seen. My vote stands, and it will probably remain there.

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MyLo: Mislynch and Lose

Lylo: Lynch (mafia) or Lose

currently, it is 4/2, MyLo.

if it was 3/2 would be LyLo.

Ok, I understand now. Thank you

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So, it comes down to a gamble with you? I'm liking my odds.

I'm not.

Town will fucking lose if you lynch me. And I'm not kidding around either.

Actually, I have a great idea. Considering the amount of contributions by the rest of the player base (re: next to none)

##Vote: Aere

Okay, that's it. I don't even know anymore.

I should also mention I targeted Clipsey last night, still got nothing.

Also, I suggest that we ALL claim. Now, if there is a good reason not to, please, speak up. Because ever notice we only had two claims? One's dead, and the other is being roleblocked.

*sigh* fml.

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OMGUS, with no reasoning provided? And you want us all to claim so mafia knows who to target after you get lynched?

Yeah. No.

Also, if you die, it's like a vanilla townie dying. You haven't brought anything with your role.

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here's your reasoning: you are trying to get a townie, who has been showing town vibes most of the game, lynched. Happy now?

Remember when I self-voted myself? That wasn't just me breaking down, that was me trying to prove a point. Scum wouldn't risk getting lynched like that.


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If town is going to lose anyway, why do you care if you die?


you have got to be kidding me.

Let me spell this out for you. We mislynch, we LOSE. Mafia will control the lynch.


you are now number one scum target for your logic. See ya later.

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I'm here. Considering pulling my vote for the sake of hearing others' opinions on the matter.

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in fact. I hit post before I did, but


I'd like to hear what the other 3 have to say on the matter. Us 3 bickering here isn't gonna bring a single conclusion to the table.

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... Really starting to think I should have done through with the self-vote lynch last phase now. Would have left us in a better position, anyway.

Because, let's face it. Town has made an appalling showing this game, because we have 3 other people who haven't really contributed much, and 2 mafia, who have just managed to lurkscum their way through.

Frankly, I'm quite pissed off right now.

Also, @Aere: I really shouldn't have to explain my answers to those questions. The answers are incredibly obvious, and the fact that I have to keep explaining them makes me incredibly suspicious.

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Also, for reference, a list of my mistakes this game:

- Claiming too early

- Fakeclaiming as town

- Which I might add, shouldn't be a thing here. Town should be able to fakeclaim and not be berated for it

- Managing to coincidentally be seen opposing the townie lynch and kill

- Not weeding out the lurkscum/active lurkers

- For all of the fuss about lurkers D1, we completely forgot about it D2

etc. The list goes on.

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And you want us all to claim so mafia knows who to target after you get lynched?

Before I forget to address this; There may not even be any need for the mafia to know who to target. A mislynch means they can shoot anyone and they will win. IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT ROLE THEY HAVE.

Should we (somehow) manage to lynch mafia, they won't be able to use their hook (see rules, it's there), meaning that they will either:

1) Kill me

2) Kill a more dangerous PR

But here's the thing. Their best option would be to kill me in any case, because I might out them the next day if I'm lucky.

ie: Claiming has no easily noticeable risk to town. That is all.

Feel free to disagree, but know I will argue this (and my innocence) to the bitter end.

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