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I Can't Believe It's Still Not SFMM2 Minimafia - Randomlynch Wins


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Voting Patterns:


Day 1: Manix -> Unvote -> Blitz

Day 2: Rapier (hammer)

Day 3: Manix


Day 1: Aere -> Unvote -> Blitz -> Rapier -> Manix -> Ether -> Paper

Day 2: Rapier -> Helios/Elieson -> Rapier

Day 3: Eclipse


Day 1: Ether -> Rapier -> Unvote -> Ether -> Unvote -> Blitz

Day 2: Rapier

Day 3: Manix -> Unvote -> Manix -> Shinori -> Aere


Day 1: Blitz -> Unvote -> Manix -> Aere -> Manix -> Paper

Day 2: Aere -> Ether -> Unvote

Day 3: Shinori


Day 1: Paper -> Blitz -> Manix -> Unvote -> Shinori

Day 2: Manix

Day 3:


Day 1: Shinori -> Helios/Elieson -> Unvote -> Paper -> Blitz

Day 2: Manix -> Unvote -> Rapier

Day 3: NL -> Aere -> Shinori -> Unvote

Current to the present time.

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I initially claimed watcher to try and make the mafia think I wasn't as strong a role. What I didn't think through was that

1) What if a theoretical watcher counterclaimed

2) No were no other claims

1) implies that I could have been lynched and town would have lost a rolecop and outed the watcher

2) means to mafia would just target me because I was the only claimed

I'm going to admit, it wasn't my finest moment. I should have picked a different claim, tbh.

What's done is done, I suppose.

Reminder of my intended targets:

N1: Paper

N2: Eclipse

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Your targets haven't brought anything conclusive to the table. Paperblade was confirmed/killed as town, and you were apparently hooked every night. I'll bring back what I thought of before, you were probably hooked because it was thought you would watch a mafia player. While this doesn't mean clipsey is mafia, it means somebody who you were initially wary of may be.

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Using my magical votal table:

Major suspects were Blitz, Paper and Rapier, all of which flipped town. I think that mafia are blocking me just in case I hit one of them.

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Assuming you aren't the only town power role, wouldn't the mafia rather just kill you straight up? Seems like a much easier and safer option for them.

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Assuming you aren't the only town power role, wouldn't the mafia rather just kill you straight up? Seems like a much easier and safer option for them.

Not always the case. There are ways to make PR's like mine useless, and will make town think I'm scummy, and get an easy mislynch, saving them the bother of having to kill me. Given my track record this game, I suspect that's exactly what they're going for.

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Actually, next best question while I remember: Why the daffodil am I not dead? I would think that maf would try and kill a watcher, because it can be dangerous to maf. I'm thinking there may be a doc present, really.

Huh, well this is strange then.

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Well, it's the most logical process for the mafia to kill me. But, what I just described was an alternate plan that is a possibility, and a very likely one at this point.

In other words, I'm being hit with exactly what happened to me in Training Mafia. Although, they had a Tailor in that set-up, but didn't really use it.

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That is true, but was that because of the doc, the hook, or mafia choosing to not kill? That's what we don't know. And seeing as how there is absolutely nothing out there to suggest another mafia PR, I would actually think that it is a vanilla or something.

I doubt that they have a Tailor, because they shouldn't keep blocking me like that.

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Not saying there has to be a tailor, but that could have been a night for that second mafioso to use his role? Or was he foiled by a doctor.

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I really don't think mafia has a vanilla and a hooker, and that's it. Wasn't cause of the hook, I don't think both mafia guys would target the same person...

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I think there might be. I have something in my role PM about results on vanillas for both sides, where they will just turn up as vanilla. It's a possibility. Although, I can see the mafia still having the second PR, because otherwise odds should have been against them.


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Actually, I want to bring up the possibility of opposite aligned neighbours again. It was kinda skimmed over and assumed they would be the same alignment.

I'm getting a feeling they actually are opposite alignments, given what I see in the voting trends. One of the possibilities makes a very strong implication that the mafia didn't kill night 1.

Discuss the possibility of opposite aligned neighbours, please.

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I wouldn't doubt there's a second mafia PR. However, I think that your logic needs some tweaking.

First off, consider two groups. One is Shinori/Aere, who are claiming OC. The other is Elieson/someone else, due to that doc claim. When Elieson was Helios, he accrued a really early wagon on him - Rapier, Paperblade, Manix, and Blitz. Three of these have since flipped town, and I'm pretty sure the fourth one is town. Later came the Blitz fiasco - that was Ether, Helios, Rapier, and Aere. We know that Rapier's scumhunting was terrible, since he was on two wagons. What I can't decide is whether or not Ether/Helios is believable town (especially after the timing of that doctor claim, and who the doc protected N1)--wait.

If Elieson isn't the doctor, then that would mean that Rapier stopped the N1 kill. If there is a doctor, then it's a very slight possibility that the neighbors are one scum and one town, in which case we should be yelling at the mafia for targeting Ether of all people. I can't come up with a good scenario for the lack of a N1 kill without a doctor, given that we know who Rapier targeted. Unless I see something extremely convincing, my vote stays put.

The rest of you, read, respond, talk, and think about how N1 could've happened, given that we know who the town hooker is. I will be most unhappy if I don't see more speculation regarding that, as it's an anomaly worth talking about.

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I want Shinori to get back in here,

Mainly because I've seen him come in here like 5 times and not post once, when he really needs to be a part of this discussion.

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If Elieson isn't the doctor, then that would mean that Rapier stopped the N1 kill. If there is a doctor, then it's a very slight possibility that the neighbors are one scum and one town, in which case we should be yelling at the mafia for targeting Ether of all people.

Can you explain this a bit? Rapier claimed to have targeted Shinori on N1, which would do nothing to his Neighbor role. Roleblocker also doesn't stop the mafia kill, either, so... I don't know what you mean.

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Can you explain this a bit? Rapier claimed to have targeted Shinori on N1, which would do nothing to his Neighbor role. Roleblocker also doesn't stop the mafia kill, either, so... I don't know what you mean.

Roleblocker does stop the mafia kill. I'm sure we've been through this.

Aere, question: What have your discussions with Shinori been about?

I have a sinking feeling that scumteam is actually Shinori/Elieson right now. Doc claim too stronk

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