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Experimental FE4 Draft

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Restarted since missing Hero Sword is bad.

Prologue - 18 turns

Pretty much same strategy as before. Sig solo the first half, with Noish and Ardan getting scraps. Took about 5 restarts (Sigurd, why you get hit by 26% all the time >.<).

Ch.1 - 60 turns

The Holy Trinity goes crazy from the get go. Noish tries to lure out Ayra, but she's blinded by Sigurd's beauty and follows him around. The Return staff is also gotten, and will be needed next map (though I almost forgot about it). The trinity gains a fourth member, and although he won't be jumping into bed with anyone any time soon, Jamka's chip damage is pretty cool.

Lucina: 60 turns for Ch.1

Lucina: dunno if that's good or not

Refa: i don't think that's good haha

General Horace: i'm about to get 19 :P

Yeah :/

Chapter 2 - 69 turns

asdf I hate this map. Royal pain. Everyone goes everywhere. I used Lachesis' units as meatshields because they're incredibly bulky (58 base HP while Sigurd didn't even have 50 at the time). I didn't get the Knight Ring, but they provided me with a fair amount of Staff EXP for Lachesis. Deirdre's Aura tome is a freaking nuke, killing things left and right. Ardan gets Pursuit Ring. I'll pass it down through Fury or Sigurd so that one of my subs can have it (probably Amid). Jamka kills the first few bosses with Charge + Killer Bow, while Fury kills the last two.

Chapter 3 - 65 turns

Not as bad as chapter two, but still really annoying. I did a bit of camping in the beginning, because my team was attacked from all directions and I didn't have enough units to cover three teams of enemies. Madino is captured n turn 15, with Noish getting the Thunder Sword. The Thunder Sword was crucial in eliminating the Cross Knights, and it weakened them enough to the point where Fury, Beowolf and Lachesis can mooch kill them, with Lachesis gaining about 4 levels from doing so. More importantly, Lachesis got the Earth Sword, and then proceeded to dodge all Javelin attacks from the remaining Cross Knights, after which I saved. Silvail was captured on turn 35. with Jamka getting the boss kill. The Orgahill pirates killed off Briggid, Claude and Tiltyu. I don't need them (in fact, I can't risk Briggid or Tiltyu falling in love because I have their subs drafted, and I don't have anyone who can use the Ichival. After the Orgahill mini-boss (dude with the Leg Ring) goes back to get reinforcements, lots of things die. Lachesis gets to Lv.20 sans usage of the Elite Ring. Speaking of Lachesis, she also got the Leg Ring :D. Everyone except Fury is ready to promote, and Fury should get it in the Ch.4 Arena. Oh yeah, and Deirdre got kidnapped. The horror!

Chapter 4 - 53 turns (lol i'm lucina and my turn counts are beyond high)

All units run towards Thove, while protecting Dew's frail little behind. Both of my couples fall in love (<3). After seizing Thove, Jamka plants himself on the castle to attack Pamela's team, while Sigurd uses the Return ring to get a jump start (and 12 move Lachesis doesn't need the Return Ring). After seizing Selisia (or however one spells it), Lachesis gets put to sleep by Lamia's Sleep Sword swordfighter, which slows the team down. From there on, its just a rush to Zaxon and the boss dies. Yay. Nice small summary because I was doing this map all day and I don't remember what I completely did this morning, and this map is mostly just moving all over the place with not a lot of action.

Chapter 5 - 52 turns (includes penalty) (yay my best yet)

Rush, rush, rush. The longest part of the map is the desert segment. Sig gets Tyrfring and cleans house. I love when Aida betrays Veptor, and he gets slammed down my Meteor (foreshadowing what's coming). Silver Sword Lachesis is pretty beastly, and I think Nanna will enjoy having it. Beowolf is pretty confident that Lachesis has a thing for Fin (establishing FE5 story gogogo). The penalty was used with Sylvia to dance Sigurd. Beowolf and Lachesis closer to Byron so that the Tyrfring can be obtained. Speaking of Sylvia, she decided to get into bed with Jamka, and with no enemies left on the map once I realized this, yeah, this sucks (I drafted Laylea :/). And now, we all die.

Fun fact: I've never played Gen.2. This should be exciting. :] What did I get myself into? :/

Chapter 6 - 52 turns (hey, I'm getting better :])

Pretty easy chapter, just kinda long. Delmud and Oifey were MVPs due to their high move. Julia got Resire. Radney is beyond frail, and Delmud has 20 defense (15 + shield ring), which was invaluable in this map and hopefully in the maps to come. Don't really have much of anything to say. It was a simple map with lots of moving around.

Gen 1 Stats

Character	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spe	Luck	Def	Res
Sigurd   		30.00  	60    	25    	0    	22+10   20+10   16    	22    	5+25
Noish        	27.73   53    	24    	7+5    	16    	14+5    11    	21    	5
Ardan        	Still useless and single. Yo ladies.
Jamka        	25.50   55    	24    	0    	18    	21    	15    	14+5    5
Beowolf   		29.88   56    	23+5    0    	30    	27    	8    	19+5    5
Lachesis    	30.00   43    	27    	9    	23    	20    	19    	19    	12
Fury            30.00   41        15        9        22        26        12        17        18

Gen 2 Stats

Will be posted later.


Edited by Lucina
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Someone's going to have to do a video recording of this draft and I think I have the best team so why not.

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^Holy crap, the RNG loves you. I've never made it to Jungby with full health on anyone. Also Reach For the Stars YESZ

i'll concur on the no leg ring on masterknights

not that anybody but me has been cool enough to do rescue!lachesis anyway :P

If you go through the trouble of setting up Rescue!Lachesis you probably deserve to be able to use it. (Besides, it's around for what, two chapters through Azel, 1 through Claude?)

Edited by Knuckles
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for claude it's available for like half a chapter but you can potentially have it on lana

for azel you get it for c4/c5 but you lose it in c7 (which is where it's actually really useful)

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The best way to finish multiple drafts is to play the GBA ones during FE4 Enemy Phases. :>

Ch.7: 63/432

Go Up, Get Yeid, Go way down and kill Ishtar, then get Dancer, then go kill Blume's first clone, because there's no way he can survive Shanan :P

Ch.8: 40/472

HOLSETY GET. Celice promotes and goes and stomps the map.

Ch.9: 48/520

Holsety saves the day, alongside his charming sister Fee and her boyfriend Celice. Oh, and Shanan too.

Ch.10: 45/565

Fee secures Tyrfring while the other competent fighters (read as: Not buttface or daisy) kill stuff.

Final: 65/630

Everyone goes up to go kill Alvis' dastardly son, except it's Julia who does the killing. Had Amid and Daisy die as fodder for the peg sisters, and then they eat Holsety.

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