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[Final Fantasy Tactics] The First Experiment.

Wen Yang

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As the Title says, this here is an attempt to run a Draft on the game Final Fantasy Tactics. Feel free to suggest improvements/changes and/or comment on how things should go.


1. This draft is for five players.

2. Drafting will take place in 2 stages, with the draft order reversed during the second stage.

3. Drafting will be done with the 1234554321 snake style drafting.

4. You MUST deploy as many people as the stage allows.


Each boss fight will have an assigned level. For each party member that is of a lower level than the Boss's marked level, add a 1 to your score. For every level they're above the boss, subtract 1 from your score. Highest score at the end wins.

Miluda (1) - 7

Miluda (2) - 8

Wiegraf (1) - 9

Algus - 10

Gafgarion (1) - 14

Gafgarion (2) - 17

Gafgarion (3) - 18

Queklain - 20

Zalmo (1) - 24

Izlude - 26

Wiegraf (2) - 27

Malak (1) - 23

Malak (2) - 24

Wiegraf (3) - 28

Velius - 30

Sinogue - 50

Meliadoul - 35

Zalmo (2) - 35

Balk (1) - 35

Worker 7 - 66

Elmdor - 41

Zalera - 42

Dycedarg - 43

Adramelk - 45

Zalbag - 47

Rofel - 54

Kletian - 54

Balk (2) - 55

Hashmalum - 60

Altima - 60

Drafting will take place in 2 stages. In stage one, you will draft the unique characters (and their unique classes). These are:

Mustadio Agrias Rafa Malak Cid Meliadoul Beowulf Worker 8 Reis Cloud Ramza is naturally free for everyone.

After that, we will draft the jobs in the game, with the caveat that you may only deploy characters in the jobs you have drafted, and only one character may use one job at a time, unless you drafted multiples of that particular job.

There are 18 jobs, each of which will be draftable THREE times. Once you draft a job, you may use it as either a main job or a secondary. You MAY grind job levels in random battles if you did not draft the pre-requisite of the job you drafted, but said character is forbidden from participating in actual story battle until he/she is in a drafted job.

The draftable jobs are:













Time Mage






Squire and Chemist is free for everyone... or should I make them draftable?

Any suggestions? Interested?

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You can grind job levels in random encounters, just not in story encounters. Of course, this will have an adverse effect on your levels. :3:

Cid comes in Chapter FOUR. That's around the end part of the game. Sure he's nasty, but he comes damn late.

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Elaborated in chat. Unless there's a PSP option, I can't participate.

EDIT: And check your final Wiegraf/Velius levels. I'd make the Wiegraf part free, because he is that much of a bitch to take down by Ramza's lonesome, especially with the class restrictions.

Edited by eclipse
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He IS a bitch to take down, I know. That's part of the challenge. :3:

and remember that Ramza is free to use whichever class you drafted, including his unique Squire class w/ Ultima.

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I would be willing to participate and test this out. Its been a while since I've played FF tactics. I have a couple questions/issues tho.

1 - You can keep characters at low levels while gaining JPs by having one of your characters use Steal Exp on the low leveled characters in random encounters, and then just not use that one high leveled Thief in the story fights.

2 - There is a glitch that can be used to get 9999 JPs for more than half of the Jobs without ever doing a single battle.

3 - 18x3= 54. How will that work? You could either make dancers, bards, and mimes also free or just leave squires and chemists draftable. Characters gain 10% (iirc) of eachothers JPs when they are on a map together so squire JPs can be gained for others by using Ramza and the other unique character's "squire classes" and im assuming squires and chemist would be free in the 1st map anyway. So having them draftable shouldnt be a problem.

4 - What about monsters/chocobos and Boco???

Edited by Hawk King
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First off, I'd really enjoy being involved with this but just like eclipse above I only have access to the PSP version which has additional battles and other differences that might make this impossible. So unless that is changed (or amendments are made) then I probably wont be able to participate. With that being said, maybe you should add the monsters to the draftable list to help even things out and differentiate it from a standard playthrough a little? Start with the unique characters and their classes (10), then move onto generic human (along with dark knights if you choose to allow/use the PSP version) units (3 sets each + squire and chemist free = 57) and finally down to the various monster types (16 monsters x 3 ranks = 48). That should give you a total of... let me pull up the calculator 115 variables giving us... 23 total draftable options to use in the playthrough for 5 players.

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Like I said I'm open for ideas.

See, here is my dilemma. I DON'T have access to the PSP version, so my knowledge is utterly limited to the original PSX version. :(:

I'm still toying around with ideas myself on how to best handle to draft. Any ideas and/or plans would be greatly appreciated.

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The only way to get monsters is with the mediator's skill so having monsters draftable wouldn't work if only 3 mediators are available to draft.

Im confused about the scoring. Can we deploy random LV 1 units to make our score higher? Could you please give an example using the 1st Miluda boss fight?

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PSP changes:

- Luso is recruitable in a required story battle near the beginning of Part 3. He has innate Poach in his default class, and for all other purposes, is a mini-Ramza.

- Balthier is recruitable in an optional line of events in Part 4. He can use guns by default. If I had to rank him, he'd be in the same tier as Cid.

- Don't think the infinite JP glitch works

- Some stuff involving Genji glitchiness or something like that, which no longer works.

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Yeah im aware of the PSP differences. Thats why the PSP version wouldn't be allowed for this. Although it might actually be the better version for a draft...

How many people are there who are interested in this, with the PS 1/PSX version?

If you want to do a PSP version, you could make a new topic.

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I'd be interested in a PSP version of this. Just putting that out there. If we could get a handful of people that are, then I'd love to be involved in a draft for it.

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That's three for PSP. I think it can work with four, but that might be too many unique characters; I'd prefer six.

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That sucks. I was really looking forward to doing this.

Maybe alot of people just havent seen this thread?

Try advertising it in FFtF, maybe more people will see it?

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I'm too busy ATM to run a draft (or think of the rules), but if I do get inspiration, it'll go into another topic.

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