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First Difficult Run

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First off let me say that this is my first post, so hi everyone!

Okay now getting down to the brass tacks, I first played Sacred Stones a few years ago and I've beaten it a couple times but I have never beaten it on Difficult mode. I recently began playing again after starting to play FE7 and Shadow Dragon. Sadly, as SS was my first FE game, I didn't know about the lack of a tower in the other games, so foolishly I would beef all my units up to level 20 in the tower and i had rediculous teams early in the game. So this time i decided I'm going to attempt this runthrough on difficult with no tower. To spice up the deal for me I'm going to do one, if not both, of the following;

I'm going to use characters I have never used before or I am going to promote them opposite of how i think they should be and/or how I've always used them. I will be going Eirika's route this run as it is the one I'm least familiar with.

Here is where i turn to this forum, I want tips on what people to use and what to turn them into, I have a few people I have chosen but the rest is up to you all! I also have a nasty habit of running through the game and using no Supports, so I would like tips on those as well, although i would potentially like to have the supports the best possible support of my team as I can't be too cruel on myself :P. One more preference of mine, I refuse, in any FE game, to use a pre-premoted character, it just irritates me. So after my selected few I will leave it all up to you!

My Picks:

1.) Eirika: Lord -> Great Lord (I actully have never used a Lord in combat in any FE game >.<)

2.) Gilliam -> Great Knight (I have never used him as a GK and have always wanted to try it)

3.) Ross -> Fighter -> Hero (Same as Gilliam)

4.) L'Arachel -> Mage Knight

Characters I've nver used:

1.) Any Pre-Promotes

2.) Moulder

3.) Colm

4.) Lute (Don't be angry at me for never using her, i know she is alot of peoples favourite, i just always prefered Artur :P)

5.) Forde

6.) Amelia

7.) Gerik

8.) Marisa

Okay now If people can pick one more person and formulate teams that would be fantastic, and please give me a reason for why each choice is the least desirable promotion as i am curious to ideas and such!

Also note that just bcause I havent used them doesnt mean I HAVE to, I want the best team, just with the worst promotions for each person. (if that makes sense)

Please don't Hate for my many FE flaws, i just started playing the other games and I'm learning the ways!


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Welcome to Serenes! :>

Seth is one of the best units in the series history, so I would seriously consider using him. Gerik and Forde are also two solid units that don't usually disappoint. In general, higher move units (Vanessa, Cormag and Franz predominantly) are some of the best units in the game (yes, Gerik isn't mounted and no, don't make him a Ranger), and you cannot go wrong using them.

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Welcome to Serenes! :>

Seth is one of the best units in the series history, so I would seriously consider using him. Gerik and Forde are also two solid units that don't usually disappoint. In general, higher move units (Vanessa, Cormag and Franz predominantly) are some of the best units in the game (yes, Gerik isn't mounted and no, don't make him a Ranger), and you cannot go wrong using them.

I hate Seth... I just do... lmao but yeah I thought Gerik could be good so I was planning on using him, though since your saying no to Ranger Gerik I may make him a ranger :P seeing as I want the least desirable team for a harder playthrough. I always thought Forde seemed far behind Kyle and Franz. Any other tips from anyone for teams!?

I'm currently on chapter 3 and stopping for the night so if there could be some feedback soon thatd be helpful!

Thanks everyone!

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1) Obligatory hint to not use Seth. The guy is so good he takes the fun out of the game by tearing it a new one.

2) Do not bother with Amelia. She is royal pain in the ass to train and results... Unit inferior to Seth/Franz/Gilliam/Kyle/Forde/Duessel

3) Use Duessel. He rocks. He is like a duracell bunny that just keeps going and going and going while slaughtering stuff left and right.

4) Hand Axe is the best weapon in the game, there is reason why everyone and their mother uses Gerik as Hero.

5) Saleh conbines healer with ability to blast shit up. So incredibly worth using.

6) Colm is not really meant for combat. Just give him few random kills so he can keep his speed good enough for stealing goodies and then replace with Rennac.

7) Marisa is kinda awful. Joshua owns him any day of the week. And Joshua is kinda average himself.

8) Moulder heals and explodes monsters as Bishop. Some make him a Sage because he can throw Elfireballs without speed lost. Fyi its practically pointless perk.

9) Lute has very slow start. I'd rather Saleh dat shit up.

10) actually Hero and Great Knight are the best options (weird indeed but practically superior) for Ross and Gilliam. Of course both are useless because you have GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARcia. I still like the manly beard of Gilliam. Not as manly as GAAARcia's but manly still. Their support convo is so much win anyway.

11) Even without the Tower and Skrimishes and Arenas and other bull**** I tend to ignore, This is the easiest game in the series to the point where I need hack where every enemy is made noteably stronger just to not get bored enough to just stop playing. You should have quite the easy time as you seem to have played this game your fair share.

12) Supports barely have any practical effect. Save your time and don't bother with them.

Edited by Shoptimus Prime
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Ross normally prefers Pirate -> Berserker, actually. He gets some SPD earlier, has higher CON, and as for Swords, he doesn't really need them for most enemies, and the only things he won't be hitting (Heroes and SMs) he shouldn't be going near. Plus terrainwalk, for whatever that's worth, and quicker Garm access for his SPD woes.

Figher -> Warrior is probably the worst for him, if you want that challenge.

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Ross normally prefers Pirate -> Berserker, actually. He gets some SPD earlier, has higher CON, and as for Swords, he doesn't really need them for most enemies, and the only things he won't be hitting (Heroes and SMs) he shouldn't be going near. Plus terrainwalk, for whatever that's worth, and quicker Garm access for his SPD woes.

Figher -> Warrior is probably the worst for him, if you want that challenge.

My bad, I have the great dislike of Ross that makes my brains hardwired to think of GAAAAAAAAAAAARcia. But yeah, warrior sucks. Bows in general do.

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Welcome to Serenes! :>

Seth is one of the best units in the series history, so I would seriously consider using him. Gerik and Forde are also two solid units that don't usually disappoint. In general, higher move units (Vanessa, Cormag and Franz predominantly) are some of the best units in the game (yes, Gerik isn't mounted and no, don't make him a Ranger), and you cannot go wrong using them.


Gerik insta-promoting is one of the better ideas overall

Ranger Gerik is still like Seth minus lances in exchange for bows.


Oh, and to the OP, Duessel and Sage!Moulder are fun, and so are eall the other prepromotes.

And getting Rennac to S swords and raping monsters with dat S rank sword is fun.

Difficult mode is kinda easy, but Seth trivializes everything.


And, Amelia is a PITA to use, even with tower and going pally.

Ewan is...............................

that's 13ths territory.

Edited by Folgore Green
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Doing no noticeable damage, not doubling, being killed in one shot and facing high hit rates is "bleh" question mark

Sounds more like bad joke to me.

Sounds like Marisa.

Ewan can at least chip for 1 or 2 damage with 8 base attack

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Of your list of "never used" I can only really recommend Gerik and (if you actually feel like it)Seth.

Other than that just keep using who you normally do, I suppose. However, I do agree that Ross -> Pirate -> Berserker is the better way to go. fuck yeah pirate bias

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no it wouldn't. this is fe8, game so boringly easy i have tried it 5 times without bothering to finish

Play this game with only the following:













I believe that's a full endgame team.

Go Ephraim route and good luck. You'll need it. Lots of it.

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that sounds like...


TC, sorry about somewhat stealing your thunder.

oi exy, care to answer few questions?

1) Is meatshielding allowed?

2) Can I use a healer untill I run into full roster issues

3) Please let me use Orson -.-

4) I can do the Vanessa thing to save Ross right?

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Actually I think I can answer them myself

1) Is meatshielding allowed?

2) Can I use a healer untill I run into full roster issues

3) Please let me use Orson -.-

4) I can do the Vanessa thing to save Ross right?

1) Fuck no, you have Gilliam

2) Fuck no, vulneraries are plenty

3) all he does is make Ephraim weaker so sure

4) Of course, the map is bullshit luck abuse without

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that sounds like...


TC, sorry about somewhat stealing your thunder.

oi exy, care to answer few questions?

1) Is meatshielding allowed?

2) Can I use a healer untill I run into full roster issues

3) Please let me use Orson -.-

4) I can do the Vanessa thing to save Ross right?

1) No. Unless You absolutely need it to beat the chapter. (but in my opinion you've already lost when you need to meat shield)

2) No.

3) Nope. The chapter can easily be Ephraim solo'd. Hell you should be happy about that because you get a nice and overleveled Ephraim

4) Yes

Additional rules:

All units on this list MUST be recruited

Valni is allowed on trainees to get them to 10/1

All characters MUST always be fielded

All characters MUST survive

GG guessing my answers

Edited by Daigoji Excellen
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TC, got probably the most challenging run for you. It's main lord (go Eirika, trust me) and trainees only. No tower, skirmishes, or arena. For promotions, if you really want to be masochistic, go super trainee for all of them, though I'd suggest going something that uses staves for Ewan, having to rely entirely on vulneraries and elixirs is no bueno later in the game.

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TC, got probably the most challenging run for you. It's main lord (go Eirika, trust me) and trainees only. No tower, skirmishes, or arena. For promotions, if you really want to be masochistic, go super trainee for all of them, though I'd suggest going something that uses staves for Ewan, having to rely entirely on vulneraries and elixirs is no bueno later in the game.

Solo weapon type runs are harder.

Run that only allows units that can only use swords is silly. Go go Swordies only run. Pure lancers would be a bitch until Vanessa gets up to speed thou

Edited by Shoptimus Prime
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