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I've been lurking this forum for AGES but I never found the time to actually make an account... that is until I recently entered a FE craze (to which it is my mission to play through every game in the series).

Pleasure to be a part of this community, you all seem... no ARE smart people.

I look forward to arguing with you :p

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Don't let the better part of us fool you. Most are morons and I'm the greatest in that category.

Blah blah blah try a draft blah blah blah Folgore Rangers are recruitting blah blah blah insert some sort of greeting blah blah blah do you prefer LeoXEddy or EddyXNolan?

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blah blah blah Folgore Rangers are recruitting blah blah blah

Only enemies though!

Welcome to SF, enjoy your stay, newcomer.

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Welcome! Smart really is just a relative term anyways. Who/what really has the power to determine what defines one as "smart." Definitive statements, uggggh :/

I hope you have what you could think of as a "fun" time here. (But really, what is fun and what isn't, anyways?)

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Don't let the better part of us fool you. Most are morons and I'm the greatest in that category.

Blah blah blah try a draft blah blah blah Folgore Rangers are recruitting blah blah blah insert some sort of greeting blah blah blah do you prefer LeoXEddy or EddyXNolan?

EddyXNolan, Leo is an ineffectual loser. I'll look into the Folgore Rangers, but i'm afraid I'm in the middle of my FE10 hard mode playthrough (1st time) so I can't really draft.


Thanks for the brisk welcome. Ok I may have come on a little too strong by saying "smart" but a good amount of the users on this site can come up with some good arguments when given the opportunity.

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Didn't wise man once say that once you know you know nothing you are smart?

Translation is awful but I'm sure some of you know the guy

Umm, while he did say that, he was wrong. Once you know you know nothing you know you are stupid.

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