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I don't want to be a little boy anymore


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hw do u becum an adult

is ther liek sum anchent richooal unvolvled

plz tell b/c I will give u my lunch monies if u tell me and maybee a drawing 2

also y is drawing spelld w/ a dubble u



much luv,

a little boy

Edited by Esme
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First, we cut off ur foreskin if u still have one.

Then, you learn some prayers and memorize enough torah to read a day's portion outloud, lead a service, and you give a speech about what it means.

Then we put you on a chair and hoist you in the air.

And then you are a man.

Drawing is spelled w/ a w for the same reason that awful, awesome, pawty, etc are. English is not a phonetic language.

(EDIT - The older u are when you get circumcised, the more manly you are, especially if it is with no anesthetic and is done in a forest behind your house by someone with no training).

Edited by Hawkeye Hank Hatfield
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First, we cut off ur foreskin if u still have one.

Then, you learn some prayers and memorize enough torah to read a day's portion outloud, lead a service, and you give a speech about what it means.

Then we put you on a chair and hoist you in the air.

And then you are a man.

um wat is 4skin

but other than that omg it sownds so funn

oh btw wat is a tower rah

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um wat is 4skin

but other than that omg it sownds so funn

oh btw wat is a tower rah

A foreskin is useless, you won't miss it.

A tower rah is a tower dedicated to the god ra. Except it's rah so I guess it's a sun god who can't spell.

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A foreskin is useless, you won't miss it.

A tower rah is a tower dedicated to the god ra. Except it's rah so I guess it's a sun god who can't spell.

oh ok

w8 god is the sun?! i taught he wuz a bearded wite man from the united steaks

i gess I wuz rong

how did u bcum so wize mistur

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oh ok

w8 god is the sun?! i taught he wuz a bearded wite man from the united steaks

i gess I wuz rong

how did u bcum so wize mistur

No well I don't know if god is the sun, it's just some people say/said so once or twice. My god is a duck but that doesn't mean god is a duck (though even if god was a god my god would be a duck).

I became so wise b/c i am a ekanomix major (it's a cereal made from ekans). It's better than being an ekanomix lieutenant.

Edited by Hawkeye Hank Hatfield
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omg gasp

is tat were ppl go 2 lurn stuffs

i lik 2 lurn stuffs!!

i hope dey hav da Giving Tree ther dats my fav book if i had a facebook i would give it a thums up and if i were on youtob i wood give it a liek and den fav it

by da way i had ekonomix ones and it had a hair in one of da flaks :< omg it was nast-e

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esme shut your whore mouth

um esqueeze me but tat is v v bad langwhich mistur!

I <3 you, too. :>

and i thought i make bad threads

dis is a plee not a thred get it rite!!!

ok im sorry 4 being meen hers sometimng I draweded


ok bye sea u l8er

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if my tocking is not gud then we cna ried biks or soemting funn i dunno

You're legal in my state

im legull in all steaks buddy bc i can just wlak or take da bus or somethin and go 2 them


yes is gba

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