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Is this game JP only or will it come to the west?

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How about we all decide to stop their product?

Maybe I am being a bit bitter about this, but damnit they don't have a legitimate excuse not to bring it over other than being lazy. I, and others like me, were willing to support with our wallets Nintendo. I thought you liked money? >.>

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I honestly don't believe that twitter post...

I'll need more proof to believe that it is coming to America!

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It's from an executive editor from IGN that was attending the conference, so the chances are that yes!biggrin.gif

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They've no reason not to troll and multiple accounts are reporting the same thing, so yes. I'd say they are.

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Wiat.... so Fire Emblem is coming to america , and were depending an a single twitter. but since the internet can never lie.....

YEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, IN YOUR FACE SWEDISH EXHANGE STUDENT ( who has no idea what fire emblem is, but you never know whether he'll find out)NOW YOU CAN'T RUB IN MY FACE, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAAAA, I NEED SOME CHILI * does happy dance*

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On one hand, it'd be the height of poor journalistic form for these two to outright lie like that. On the other... why am I still skeptical about this? Will I remain skeptical until I see the English boxart or something? I don't even know anymroe

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Hmm "Reggie just told me" who is this guy? If he's legit then yay hope. But im sure it's a troll.

He's an editor at IGN, he's not some random dude.

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And now it's being released in the U.S.?! WTF ... (sigh) If it's released we'll get it. If not, I'll live. So I'm not too fussed.

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