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Is this game JP only or will it come to the west?

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I think we can change the thread title now.

Naww, it still isn't really officially confirmed. I'll believe when I see Nintendo coming out and saying "FE13 will come to America"

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Lol. Again, I'm not going to get my hopes TOO up. But I suppose this isn't bad news.

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Everyone, just shut the fuck up, and clap your goddamn hands! Keep the hype up!

This. Just this.

Maybe if we get FEfans all over hyped up enough, they'll HAVE to release it.

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Naww, it still isn't really officially confirmed. I'll believe when I see Nintendo coming out and saying "FE13 will come to America"

This. Call me a downer if you will, but I will not believe this until I myself hear reggie or nintendo officially announce it.

Or maybe part of me just really wants a jap. 3ds for monster hunter...

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The reason why it wasn't in the conference is because it's not been translated into English yet. Every game in E3 is normally fully or at least partially translated before being shown, from what I've seen.

So now, my brother North Americans, you do not have to slit your wrists or anything of the like. Rejoice with us Europeans in the fantastic news this title is not a Japanese-only title, like FE12 before it.

I told you. you had nothing to worry about.

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"Update 2: Sounds like Reggie let this one slip! He didn't realize that Fire Emblem 3DS wasn't in the press kit until after he stopped talking."



It could just mean it was supposed to be kept secret. Don't see why he'd be inclined to say yes if there were no plans at all.

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Christmas release would be awesome, but I don't see it happening until next year.

The translations haven't even began, so its not like they'd have anything to show us even if they wanted to. 

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And with this news I can finally go to sleep. Its funny how a few mins ago people were getting made becasue it wasn't shown at E3 and now were drunk happy!!!

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Oh, and by the by, I may just get a second copy of this game because I want it so much. And that it deserves every sale it can get.

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In the darkness of the room, a lone man is found slumped against his chair, illuminated on by the light from his computer monitor. It seemed as if he just come to the realization that there may be no hope for that which he cares for so deeply. As if, it was the end of the world. Sure, there have been songs and praise of other things, some what he even cared about. Alas, nothing could stop this gaping hole in his heart, one that could perhaps never be fulfilled...The 3DS conference was over. An hour was wasted, just goes to show how hope is such a futile emotion, as it tends to be crushed rather easily. The man gives it around round. He drinks his beverage, and decides to have just one more try, just one more look in the forum thread. He witnesses other cries of despair, agony, and anger. The others too, shared his pain. Some members stated their luck of already being allowed access or have even played said game, and..

Wait just a second...

A certain post caught his eye. It on an page 27, post 535... It was but a simple link to Twitter, but once opened, it would open up a whole new Pandora's Box...

"Reggie just confirmed to us that Fire Emblem Awakening is coming to the United States."

"Reggie just confirmed to us that Fire Emblem Awakening is coming to the United States."

"Reggie just confirmed to us that Fire Emblem Awakening is coming to the United States."

He had to read it several times. He took a healthy drink of his handy beverage (which can be whatever you wish), slapped himself in the face, and read it again. He remembered reading once that true happiness only comes to those who have experienced great sorrow, but in such short a period of time? It cannot be!

The previous cries transformed themselves into a certain kind of happiness that is hard to describe. People begin celebrating in their own ways, others doubled check sources, and still a few doubted that such claims were actually real. It didn't matter anymore. All that mattered, is that Fire Emblem: Awakening, is coming to the United States.

* * *

Well, back to lurking for me. Sleep happily people.

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