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June 7th DLC - Eirika


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I also thought the same thing, since she didn't quite fit anywhere as there are more fitting swordmasters (Celice Serlis and Lyn) and mounted lords (Ephraim, Eliwood and Sigurd). I thought Eirika was going to be a Dark Knight or Bow Knight just to keep using swords and stay mounted.

I think Lyn would be a myrmidon since the attire is more fitting for her than the swordmaster one, but she might not have a DLC version since Eliwood is the obligatory Red in Red vs. Blue.

I haven't checked well in the web, but does someone know the colors/time of day of the King vs. King set? Also, is there any text confirming that LvD and RvB will also be sets of 3 aside just fitting a pattern? IS could just stop at this for now and then continue later on with other DLC, maybe once that WiiU FE gets released probably next year.

On Eirika's DLC, I like the art and the class just not the fact it's named Bride and is the female-only class while the guys get Demon/Magic Fighter. The implications that could have been avoided with a different word. Hopefully, Hector comes with a Groom class to avoid the rocket-equipped armor.



Those are my thoughts on the future DLC. There just isn't room for Lyn and Hector: Lyn's only plausible class is taken, and even if being unpromoted were considered not redundant, it's not an option because unpromoted characters don't exist in the remaining DLC. As for Hector, there are three character maps left, and Sigurd and Ike are certainly getting two of them. So he's not getting in alongside Eliwood, and as Eliwood has taken his place in past DLC maps, he's not getting in before Eliwood, either. All DLCs so far seem to be coming from the hero teams seen in ST, and Hector isn't among them.

And yeah, the patterns matter. Specifically, we saw Light vs. Dark specified as "Light Side". There would be no need for such a specification if we weren't also going to take the opposite side in the next iteration. Also, with the classes and skills IS is attaching to the second and third iterations, they also get to charge more for them. No sense in giving that up.

The idea of them stopping now is just ridiculous anyway. If they were planning on making RvB2 the last for now, they would have just released it last week. They dropped back to the slower pattern of every two weeks because they have more to release, and they're spacing it out as such. Currently, they're alternating the DLC maps with the SpotPass maps, and with three more SpotPass maps left, that fits with the timeframe of three separately released character DLC maps remaining. And as I noted in the posts I linked to, that would put Ike's announcement immediately after Paris's release, which is something very interesting to consider, especially if the actual Hero class would be too redundant with Roy for Ike to use as DLC.

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Well, Roy could promote to Bow Knight.

Something I've been wondering for a while though- with Sigurd, Celice, Leaf, and Roy all getting DLC classes, that's a lot of characters that less hardcore FE fans over in NA/Eur might never have heard of. Well, they might have heard of Roy, but eh. Do you think it's a possibility that if this game is released over here, they'll replace some of those guys with characters people here would be more familiar with? Say, Hector, Lyn, or Sothe? Lyn, at least, could easily take Celice's spot as a Swordmaster. Sothe could also be a Trickster like Leaf, but Assassin might be more fitting.

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Well, Roy could promote to Bow Knight.

Something I've been wondering for a while though- with Sigurd, Celice, Leaf, and Roy all getting DLC classes, that's a lot of characters that less hardcore FE fans over in NA/Eur might never have heard of. Well, they might have heard of Roy, but eh. Do you think it's a possibility that if this game is released over here, they'll replace some of those guys with characters people here would be more familiar with? Say, Hector, Lyn, or Sothe? Lyn, at least, could easily take Celice's spot as a Swordmaster. Sothe could also be a Trickster like Leaf, but Assassin might be more fitting.

Well, redesigning them would require new art, etc., which seems like a lot of trouble for nothing. Also, the DLC characters have to appear on their maps in some form. For replacing Roy, this would not be an issue. For replacing Leaf, Alm, and Celice, however, it would require redoing those chapters entirely.

Then there's music. With the 9 ingame character maps having one character from each of the first 10 games (except FE3), they also bring along their music. Would multiple Lords from one game in that group use redundant music, or new music from a less-consistent place in the same game? Sounds a bit odd.

LvD and the monster maps seem to be doing something a bit different. LvD1 uses FE3's music, while MH uses some basic music from one of the DS games. IDW uses FE4 Ch10, fitting for an endgame mission. GaS, notably, uses the basic Lyn's Mode theme, which may further cement Lyn's lack of chances.

Of course, Celice uses the FE4 Prologue theme which is for Sigurd, not him, as FE4's first rep, so Lyn could take on the music used in Eliwood's early maps, but it would be rather odd with the more fitting alternative having been available. This seems to designate Eliwood's Mode as the considered starting place for FE7 with regard to the DLC, which is a point in Eliwood's favor in general.

As for Sothe, I was thinking he could be an Assassin, but he shows up in LvD as a Trickster.

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@Othin: Yeah, I've read those posts and it mostly fits with what I have been thinking. I don't think IS would have much issue with redundancy if it was necessary. Also, as you mentioned in a post somewhere, Othin having a weapon named after him (when it could have been just Pugi and not much issue) meaning he could come in one of the out-of-set DLC maps like Eltshan in IDW; Lyn (and maybe Hector) could also appear on a special DLC map. I think the lack of Othin so far is because of the fighter sprite, but the lack of a mask wasn't an issue for Roro, so I'm not sure.

When I said stop now, I meant stop at the sets we've seen so far, probably at #3 each. Maybe after the last release of these, they stop for a while, and continue with sporadic releases of DLC the rest of the year and the next when the new FE (14/15) is out. I'm wondering what type of connectivity it will have, maybe allow some dual tags and give you extra weapons. Or maybe that's how you get Paris, not by spotpass, but by connectivity with the WiiU game, sort of like the trial maps in FE9 with the GBA games.

Sothe's probably a trickster because he was a whisper not an assassin, and that's the rogue equivalent here. He could have learned how to use staves from Micaiah, and his magic stat got better between games compared to many of the other guys.

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I like how all the DLC is still "eh, close enough" quality o 3o

I think IS will need to try a little harder to make the characters they bring feel more like their original counterparts in FE14 (if they still think DLC is a good idea by then)

till then, we have a sword-less Elinicia, a Knight Nephenee, and Eirka who is your [sarcasm] subservient woman thing [/sarcasm]

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Elice wasn't important enough to be DLC, and Elincia would have made even less sense.

It is also worth noting that Eirika out of the characters was particularly difficult to place within the existing classes, especially with Swordmaster unavailable. So certainly in terms of organizing the characters into suitable, unique classes, it makes sense as a way of fitting in Eirika, who I had thought wouldn't fit at all.

I think elincia would have fitted,because before she becomes playable she's always seen in a similar dress(would be nice if elincia would wear an orange dress,when she's in the bride class),if the bride class is able to use swords,it would fit even more as elincia uses swords and staffs.

But maybe they simply wanted to give her the falcon knight class because you could never play her in that dress and because they felt eirika doesn't fit into any class

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I think IS will need to try a little harder to make the characters they bring feel more like their original counterparts in FE14 (if they still think DLC is a good idea by then)

After seeing this Eirika - and when you consider the guest artists - I don't think that's their intention at all for the actual paid DLC. Even if the past lords had received their own models, I'm pretty sure they'd still look different from the way they looked in their original games.

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How so? She's wearing a big frilly dress and has a staff (and may even use a sword)

How does that class not fit Elincia?

Because when she becomes playable she's a Pegasus/Falcon Knight type unit. Is what I believe Othin is referring to.

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@Othin: Yeah, I've read those posts and it mostly fits with what I have been thinking. I don't think IS would have much issue with redundancy if it was necessary. Also, as you mentioned in a post somewhere, Othin having a weapon named after him (when it could have been just Pugi and not much issue) meaning he could come in one of the out-of-set DLC maps like Eltshan in IDW; Lyn (and maybe Hector) could also appear on a special DLC map. I think the lack of Othin so far is because of the fighter sprite, but the lack of a mask wasn't an issue for Roro, so I'm not sure.

When I said stop now, I meant stop at the sets we've seen so far, probably at #3 each. Maybe after the last release of these, they stop for a while, and continue with sporadic releases of DLC the rest of the year and the next when the new FE (14/15) is out. I'm wondering what type of connectivity it will have, maybe allow some dual tags and give you extra weapons. Or maybe that's how you get Paris, not by spotpass, but by connectivity with the WiiU game, sort of like the trial maps in FE9 with the GBA games.

Sothe's probably a trickster because he was a whisper not an assassin, and that's the rogue equivalent here. He could have learned how to use staves from Micaiah, and his magic stat got better between games compared to many of the other guys.

Ah, I see. My thinking about redundancy is, the art is heavily modeled after the original class. So two of the same class would either need to have art with a lot of similarities, or be dependent on different artists' stylistic differences to set them apart, which would look rather odd. I think they're going for something different here.

Characters joining in the monster DLCs don't get lines, they don't get redesigns, they really don't get anything. It's pretty much StreetPass status for characters who didn't make the StreetPass cut. Doesn't really make sense for that to apply to Lyn and Hector when they're obvious choices for the regular FE7 team.

As for Othin, I really don't think the Fighter model is an issue; he could believably be a Fighter, Warrior, or Hero in this game. And if it was an issue, he'd probably have been excluded entirely rather than being mentioned with his axe.

I like how all the DLC is still "eh, close enough" quality o 3o

I think IS will need to try a little harder to make the characters they bring feel more like their original counterparts in FE14 (if they still think DLC is a good idea by then)

till then, we have a sword-less Elinicia, a Knight Nephenee, and Eirka who is your [sarcasm] subservient woman thing [/sarcasm]

IS has done enough to demonstrate that that's not their intention whatsoever. SpotPass characters are as similar to the originals as FE13's class setup allows for. When you have those, having another DLC that shows the same thing as what you can already get for free would be idiotic; what they're going for instead is a totally new take on the characters. They're clearly all intended to be radically different from the originals for that reason: I don't even understand how you can look at them, especially as a group, and not see that.

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Men should not feel threatened in a dress. It's a sign they're confident in their masculinity. Just like Hizaki

They are quite comfortable as well. Skirts and heels, on the other hand, suck. I don't see how y'all wear them.

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I don't wear skirts, shorts are easy and comfy to wear. Skirts allow a healthy breeeeeeze 'round your privates according to HP4, though, but so does dresses.

Heels are good for adding extra damage when you kick people due to P = F/A. As the kicker exert a similar amount of force , a small heel area would increase the pressure exerted on the target than the regular heel of your foot. It's not particularly comfortable, but it's not entirely impractical in a combat situation either. Granted, if you aren't confident you can kick somebody and make it hurt, just go with running shoes and run away. Some of my friends are more comfortable in heels than in flats, though. So it depends on the person.

Of course, that's given the kicker has enough balance and skill to pull that off, which is plenty doable given training or even just natural talent.

I once thought of a design where a knife pops out of high heels. Maybe I spend too much time thinking about weapons.

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They are quite comfortable as well. Skirts and heels, on the other hand, suck. I don't see how y'all wear them.

Depends on how used to them you are. I can barely stand in heels, while some of my friends have no problem running up and down stairs with them. Dresses are pretty comfy, and depending on how you carry them, aren't very hard to move in.

Unless you're wearing a really short one and would prefer not to flash people

My school skirt was incredibly comfortable, but I hate formal ones, and I'd far rather wear a dress.

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I prefer pants so I don't have to care how "unladylike" I sit and I'd rather not flash people. :B

Flowy summer dresses are the more comfy type, but some of the really tight minidresses or those formal gowns seem a bit more difficult, though I can only speak for the latter since I dress rather modestly (and androgynously at that 90% of the time) so anything short and tight is out of the question.

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I prefer pants so I don't have to care how "unladylike" I sit and I'd rather not flash people. :B

This I can agree with all day and night, but I've had to wear a ton of dresses recently for various events so yeah. Still avoiding the heels though. Fuck heels forever. :(

That and my highschool had a uniform :V

Eh, minidresses are manageable, though I'm terrified of sitting in them. They're not very mobile though...

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I'm glad my high school didn't and now I'm in college anyway. Although I can see a point to them, I don't like uniforms personally, and I dislike it even more if girls don't get the choice to wear pants. If girls want to wear skirts that's their choice but I don't like it when schools are all like "you're a girl so you can't wear pants to school now" :/

And I'm all for boys wearing a skirt if the uniform has one too

Yeah, stuff I wear need to be very mobile since I have a tendency to jump over things and take shortcuts and pants/shorts are generally the best choice here.

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I like how all the DLC is still "eh, close enough" quality o 3o

I think IS will need to try a little harder to make the characters they bring feel more like their original counterparts in FE14 (if they still think DLC is a good idea by then)

Gotta agree. The only characters' art I've been completely satisfied with are Leaf's and Celice's. Everyone else has ranged from that to awful.

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I'm glad my high school didn't and now I'm in college anyway. Although I can see a point to them, I don't like uniforms personally, and I dislike it even more if girls don't get the choice to wear pants. If girls want to wear skirts that's their choice but I don't like it when schools are all like "you're a girl so you can't wear pants to school now" :/

And I'm all for boys wearing a skirt if the uniform has one too

Yeah, stuff I wear need to be very mobile since I have a tendency to jump over things and take shortcuts.

It isn't too bad in the summer. The guys had long pants after the 8th grade, and the temperature hits like 40 degrees C from April onwards to like October, so yeah. Skirts are nice when it's that hot. Some of the guys used to tell us that too so B)

It's better than a pinafore. *Yes, some places do have pinafores.

In the winter though, we used to get really mad about not having pants, since for some reason, it'd be about 8 degrees in the morning and they'd have the AC on at full blast regardless.

I never actually thought about how sexist the whole thing is, since it's kind of normal for kids to have uniforms where I live. It's just so commonplace that the implications pretty much flew over my head :\

That's not something I'm particularly proud of though.

Gotta agree. The only characters' art I've been completely satisfied with are Leaf's and Celice's. Everyone else has ranged from that to awful.

No Marth? I thought his art looked pretty nice, even if it wasn't very flashy.

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I like Marth's a lot. It's simple and to the point and the art is good.




Yeah. I say uniforms should just have skirts, shorts, and pants and make it by personal choice regardless of gender, because I'm sure a number of guys would actually like that summer breeze with the skirt if they could get away with it and if they don't they can still wear shorts in the summer. Not having pants in winter do suck. I don't get some girls in my school who come in in the dead of winter wearing a miniskirt and then complain about how cold it is, since they brought it upon themselves.

Also I really hate kneesocks and hosiery in general but that's just my personal preference so I'm just really glad I have no uniforms to deal with

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Ahaha that reaction XD

I wanted to find a picture of that place with the pinafore dresses (which I hated, and thankfully left in like the 4th grade) but then I discovered they have a student "Minister of Discipline".

I don't even want to know.

As far as socks were concerned, we were terrible children and used to fold 'em. If a teacher objected, which they usually didn't, we'd just pull them up until they went away :D

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Minister of Discipline what



Haha I'm legit laughing here, though this is insane by anyone's standards. So Orwellian.

I'm itching to get to college because I can't stand the oppression anymore qq

I'm kind of getting why Eirika's dress doesn't bother me that much tbh :\

If people can do full splits in a skirt during PE without flashing everyone, anything is possible. ANYTHING.

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Best thing about college is no more hallway traffic and I can eat whenever the hell I want and go to the bathroom whenever the hell I want |D

Whoa, that takes skill.

Eirika's skirt bothers me as a battle outfit since I've taken fashion design and knows what it takes to make a skirt poof out like that. I made my own prom dress and it was a poofy one (though not as poofy as this, nearly) and making the petticoat took a crapton of mesh and it wasn't fun. My room was uninhabitable afterwards .____.

The alternative is a metal hoop like Liz's except bigger. A lot bigger. I guess they could give her mad defense on that. SUPER METAL HOOP DEFENSE GO

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