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June 7th DLC - Eirika


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Excluding heads.

Which is a constant in all classes.

And yeah, for Donny's sake, the last class better be lance/bow/tome for him to use.

Edited by Othin
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There was this Sailor Moon knockoff show that had the magical girls turned into brides(Wedding Peach).

I find Erika's dress really pretty, it's actually lighter than I expected and the skirt is semi-transparent so you can see her legs through it, plus I love the pirouettes she does when attacking. The class doesn't really fit her but I'm not upset or disappointed since I like getting a new class.

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Which is a constant in all classes.

And yeah, for Donny's sake, the last class better be lance/bow/tome for him to use.

Considering that you wouldn't even be able to get it until you could beat endgame it still wouldn't really improve him, would it?

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Bonus characters have generic models in all classes. It really doesn't make a difference.

Do they at least get custom colors? Or will the upcoming Black Knight spotpass wear blue armor when we get him?

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I think you can get DLC during the storyline. Just the 6 spotpasses are postendgame I think.

Good luck beating the (presumably) second/third hardest DLC chapter in time to make Donny useful!

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Guess it depends on difficulty. Donny's never gonna be useful on L and likely not on H, but on Normal I don't think even the harder DLCs will be that bad.

I mean Donny's designed for those people who like babying their units anyway. He's not likely gonna do anything on even a casual efficiency run on any difficulty unless the person likes his character, or something, unless he becomes the first playable male peg which sadly he can't. It's really just that he can't even keep his lance rank if he wants to go to a worthy class that really puts him off from many players other than the die-hard growth unit fans and people who really like him as a character.

Edited by Fat Bunny
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Considering that you wouldn't even be able to get it until you could beat endgame it still wouldn't really improve him, would it?

Practicality isn't really my concern here. No matter what, he's a terrible character who can be babied for fun to get monstrous results.

I have him as a Villager 10 / Mercenary 10 / Hero 15 / Warrior 6 on my postgame NM file and he's already capping several stats and able to fight the toughest enemies. I decided to toss All Stats +2 on him alongside Weapon Saver so his Luck capped at 48 is now 50 and gives him unlimited uses of any weapon no matter what. He never trained with bows, so I have him with a Glass Bow to work with. I think I'll forge it, as well.

Do they at least get custom colors? Or will the upcoming Black Knight spotpass wear blue armor when we get him?

Not that I know of.

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Guess it depends on difficulty. Donny's never gonna be useful on L and likely not on H, but on Normal I don't think even the harder DLCs will be that bad.

I mean Donny's designed for those people who like babying their units anyway. He's not likely gonna do anything on even a casual efficiency run on any difficulty unless the person likes his character, or something, unless he becomes the first playable male peg which sadly he can't.

That was based on comments Othin has made on the difficulty of past DLC chapters. A thing to note is that, according to SF, even on normal mode the boss of Light vs Dark 1 is level 20 and nearing the cap for several stats. It isn't even really a question of efficiency, if you're hoping for a LvD DLC class to make Donny useful instead of switching him over to another class (thus getting his sword/axe rank up anyways) you'd be making him what is essentially the worst Est in history.

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I think level 10 is the minimum to use the change seal and he'd be stuck in E rank, which sucks for a while, is what people's main concern. While, I think Donny starts at level 5? So in that 5 levels minimum he'll need to swap classes Donny might've gotten a few levels under his belt.

Yeah Donny just doesn't sound appealing to use to me in pretty much any case, and unless there's a Male Peg DLC that doesn't require me much effort I'd likely never use him despite him showing an actually pretty cool character (I have my limits for terribleness)

But people who like grinding aka people over in ChinaFE really love him regardless. :B

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Yeah, he's LV1, and there's no way you'd get through LvD without heavy grinding on any difficulty.

I don't like doing that during the main story, but during the postgame, it's a lot of fun. On my NM file, I'm working on maxing out supports, and maxing out a lot else in the process.

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Just saw this:

The entire player party class changed into brides.Also, looking at that video, I really don't know why they picked lances. Aside from not fitting Eirika, there's a lot of clipping with the dress when they're in the victory stance.

Edited by NeonZ
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The sequel should be Fire Emblem: War of the Brides o3o. One of my MU will be a bride. The only classes missing are soldier and halb, I hope they're included.

Edited by Maiden_of_Emblem
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Hm... Rewatching that video, I've just noticed that it seems the characters do retain their original size.

Look at this:

Soso seems to be smaller than Sariya. I don't think it's just perspective.

Edited by NeonZ
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