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Is there a mental disorder which results in/has a symptom in which a toddler is too attached to someone?


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So my bro is really attached to my mum and he's nearly 4. Like, really attached. He bawls once she leaves the house or if she scolds him, unless it's for work. And for some fucking retarded reason my dad thinks it's a goddamn mental disorder. Google tells me the answer is no, but I don't think he'll trust Google, or he'll tell me I haven't searched hard enough, so...

Does anyone here actually know of a mental disorder that results in, or has a symptom where a child is TOO attached to someone? I know of anxiety disorders and the like resulting from a lack of attachment, but this is just to put his mind at ease (even though I don't think anything will work until he's proven my brother has a mental disorder, fucking joy.).

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I'm not a psychologist but he may be dealing with some form of separation anxiety. Or a version of the Oedipus Complex. Both are normal around that age.

Here's a good question: what's his relationship with your father?

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I'm not a psychologist but he may be dealing with some form of separation anxiety. Or a version of the Oedipus Complex. Both are normal around that age.

Here's a good question: what's his relationship with your father?

First part is what Clipse said too. Checked the symptoms, there's 4 main symptoms, he has only 1 and it's rather mild.

Good, but nowhere near as clingy as towards mom.

He's only 4, there's no reason to be worried. If this lingers on in 10 years, on the other hand...

This is what I'd tell my dad if he wasn't so... erm... yeah.

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Don't trust anyone's idea about your brother or your own--if you're really wanting to know, do a little research on your own, not on a public forum or on google.

Considering that professional counselors and psychologists will use web pages obtained from searching google, and refer their patients to web sites and I'm pretty sure you can find a list of recognized psychiatric disorders from the DSM IV with relevant quotations on google (and even on wikipedia), I'm skeptical that advising someone not to use google is very well-informed. Especially considering TC seems to be specifically asking about whether a recognized mental disorder exists, a list of recognized disorders would seem extremely relevant. Rather, research should be done while taking things with a grain of salt, online or not.


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Wait, come again?

By looking into actual dedicated resources. Through sheer Google, you can wind up on places which may not be backed by research, or which are more opinion-based than research based. Heading in with Google, and not the mindset to use it efficiently, can get you very skewed results. Not everyone has an idea of how to avoid those results, or are easily excited by the first thing which confirms what you're looking for--so hedging your bets away from some more free-lance sites would be a better thing to do.

Rather, research should be done while taking things with a grain of salt, online or not.

With a few teaspoons of intelligent searching, too. I don't think the OP is looking for an au natural site to tell him that his brother just needs less toxins and more sunlight.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Basically just check to see if the websites your searching are a reliable source of info.

I don't think there is really much to be worried about tbh. My little sis was the same when she was 4 and she's like 7 or 8 now and she's perfectly normal. I think you guys are just over-thinking it but hey I'm not a professional in child psychology.

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