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[FE10] Boys Draft


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My only problem chapters:

3-11: No flyer to work with, which is unfortunate. I can't pick Luchi before Boyd or Aran though, who are my main units for the two big factions. Maybe I could have foregone Aran for Luchi and get Tauro if he is gone. Well, hindsight is 50/50. Probably a mistake in the draft here...

4-2/3/4: Really hard to balance. I have 8 offensive units available, but needs 9 to cover these in a reasonable time frame. I may end up just using Miccy and a tiger for the Silver army. The turncounts are going to be through the roof. Everyone else is also short on hands though, so maybe I won't be hurt too badly.

For the rest of the chapters I should be getting good results, if not the optimal TC that is only possible with Oscar.

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I'm getting so used to playing these chapters. Only 4 hours in on the game clock and already more than halfway finished.

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Better not get so used for when an NM appears 8B

This is why I'm playing EM drafts in succession.

Well most of my PTs are on NM so I should hopefully be fine. Now HM on the other hand...

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This is why I'm playing EM drafts in succession.

Well most of my PTs are on NM so I should hopefully be fine. Now HM on the other hand...

LOL, don't talk about HM cause I have two to clear, they're a pita. Anyways I'll be doing them, ANYTIME....

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I reckon when i get back ill breeze through these, maybe even film them and comment on them.

Although i have to do loads for study etc, so that is my priority. Hopefully.

Great! I'll be anticipating them. tongue.gif

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LOL, don't talk about HM cause I have two to clear, they're a pita. Anyways I'll be doing them, ANYTIME....

I hate HM. Square counting is so unnecessary and ruins the experience completely.

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gee_wiz_emoticon.gif It isn't so painful to calculate enemy range. Bushes require one more move to foot units, 2 for cavs and gens, 0 for whispers/assassins. Ledges 2 for most units, 1 for thieves, 3 for gens. :S, although it's annoying...
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Yeah, but its just a cheap way of making it "harder". You now just have to count the tiles yourself, which is annoying but not hard. Same with a lot of other design choices of HM.

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Yeah, I know the penalty amounts fairly well because I do play HM. It doesn't take away from the fact that counting is stupid and boring. :/

I'm fine with a bit of counting, especially when planning the chapter. Doing it every turn, sometimes on multiple enemies is tedious though.

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That was quick. I'm pretty much on auto-pilot with these EM chapters now.

[spoiler=Part 1]

Drafted unit: Aran

1-P 5 turns

The usual.

1-1 3 turns

Nolan got 2 spd level ups so he can double in the next chapter.

1-2 4 turns

Didn't get any of the treasures.

1-3 4 turns

Had to spend an extra turn since I only have Miccy to break the door.

1-4 4 turns

Aran got a forge with max crit and as much mt as possible. I had to crit the boss and one other tiger out of two for 4 turns.

Got it on the first attempt, awesome.

1-5 4 turns

Sothe went west then north. Aran went north for delicious exp.

1-6-1 4 turns

Max mt and high hit forge for Sothe. Miccy naturally doubles the armors, what is this.

1-6-2 3 turns

More standard stuff. Aran is almost promoted after killing a bunch of cavs.

1-7 5 turns

Halb!Aran shoved twice, Sothe carried his love to the throne.

1-8 5 turns

Aran is amazing (but not as amazing as Sothe). Had to experiment with positioning and rescues so the draco come back into range.

1-9 4 turns

Miccy is still doubling naturally. Wtf this is some insane stuff I'm looking at here. Do they still have the same growth rates in EM? I have two spd blessed Miccy out of three now.

1-E 6 turns

I tried to maybe cut a turn, but it's really not possible. Aran took the boss kill and Sothe opened the two chests close by. Aran is almost ready for third tier now.

Total: 51

[spoiler=Part 2]

Drafted unit: Mordecai

2-P 8 turns

I tried to kill everyone with Elincia out of boredom. Leanne is not allowed so things are kinda slow.

2-1 3 turns

Neph needs a str proc on level up on turn 2 for this to work.

To be honest that second pass doesn't affect anything beside 3-13 and MAYBE 4-5, where it's surely not going to save more than 2 turns. I don't have a use for the rescue staff either.

2-2 4 turns

No Leanne = extra turn. Mordy cleared out path blockers, Neph killed the boss.

2-3 5 turns

Geoffrey solo. He has to hold back on using his full move on turn 1, or he'll get blocked.

2-E 6 turns

Fed Mordy exp until he is level 31 and has 11 spd. He then slowly grassed his way to Ludveck. A 5 turn may be possible if I can somehow manipulate the gauge so that he eats a second stone, but it's a headache to do.

Why can't we eat stones while transformed? It makes no sense.

Total: 77

[spoiler=Part 3]

Drafted units: Boyd, Shinon, Mordecai, Kyza, (Aran)

3-P 7 turns

I'm sorry I questioned you Shinon, balista access is amazing for this chapter.

3-1 3 turns

Shinon is GODLY here and saved me another 2 turns. And to think that I drafted him fifth. Boyd did stuff too, more than usual since he got extra stats from last chapter.

3-2 3 turns

Shinon saves another turn. Don't underestimate marksmen indeed, because they are fucking awesome.

3-3 8 turns

Boyd and Shinon both got to third tier before I can obtain the Crown. Now it's completely useless.

3-4 7 turns

Kyza is trained while the three beorcs rushed.

3-5 1 turn

Shinon saves yet another turn (-5 now) because Boyd is one square short. Guess who has three range?

3-6 5 turns

Aran ate Bexp and crown, and ORKOs tigers. Manly men for the manly draft.

Miccy also ORKOs tigers, is she manly now?

3-7 12 turns

Kyza is trained. Zihark carries over stuff. I could have went for the BK kill here since I have Boyd on EM, but I wasn't actually prepared enough. I didn't buy the silencer for Shinon and Boyd can't double, so I don't have enough offensive power.

3-8 4 turns

Boyd doesn't need forge to ORKO everything. Mordy got halfshift because his stats are way too high.

3-9 4 turns

Geoffrey solo again. He is on low bio, so I gave him adept to improve the odds.

3-10 5 turns

Boyd went up and right, everyone else right and up.

3-11 7 turns

Ike with Celerity moved slowly over, with the others taking out path blockers. Shinon is awesome here as well due to the extra flexibility of three range. Tanith is used to plug holes.

3-12 3 turns

Not sure if boots on Aran would save me a turn here or not (probably not). I'm never good with boots distribution, it's that item that is good on everyone and the best choice is not immediately obvious.

3-13 3 turns

Aran naturally ORKOs Ike, since he is capped in str and has 32 AS. Could have saved a turn if I have both Pass and boots on Aran. Questionable resource dump for just one turn though, probably costs three turns in return.

3-E 6 turns

Kills. Boyd survived two rounds against Nailah.

Total: 155

[spoiler=Part 4]

Drafted units: Tibarn, Bastian, Volke

4-P 5 turns

Units: Micaiah, Sothe, Mordecai, Kyza

Miccy walked through the middle and doubled the boss with resolve. Mordy started with halfshift since I need to conserve a stone usage for 4-3. Some positioning tricks are involved to get the gauges right and quickclaw procs are required on any one of the bottom bow pallies.

4-1 4 turns

Units: Ike, Boyd, Shinon, Rafiel

I tried to push for a three turn clear since Celerity is on Boyd, but no luck. Too many stationary pacifists near the boss area, and that reinforcement halb always blocks the key spot.

4-2 7 turns

Units: Tibarn, Aran, Reyson

I decided to short-staff the Hawk army since they only have one rout map. Probably only lost two turns compared to having another unit here, so I'm happy with this setup.

4-3 10 turns

On the first attempt, Miccy went down the middle and got boxed in by 20 enemies. Poor Miccy.

4-4 7 turns

Ike to throne and Boyd to doors. Shinon cleaned up the corridor and did some other stuff.

4-5 2 turns

Tibarn drops Aran, who one-rounds Izuka.

4-E 7 turns

Tigers = no one-round finish. If only I got some nicer endgame units to go with my Boyd/Tibarn/Shinon.

Total: 197

I had such a nice TC, until part 4-P/2/3 collapsed square on my head. Oh well, this is what I get for not drafting Luchi.

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nanobot >_>

Yeah those part 4 TCs are atrocious. I don't think anyone will do particularly well in them though, since all the flyers have no two range. There are also simply not enough usable units on any of the draft teams to cover the rout maps.

Look at Maiden's team, she is going to take a million turns on 4-3.

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  • 3 weeks later...

[spoiler=Boys Draft][spoiler=Drafted Team]Edward.pngNealuchi_FE10.pngRhys_FE10.pngSkrimir2.pngTormod.pngRanulf.pngRenning_FE10.pngGareth.png

[spoiler=Part 1: Silver-Haired Maiden]Main Unit:



New Unit:


Turns: 4

TC: 4

Master Eddie tells you what to do. Miccy hits, Eddy kills. In that way, Eddie rushes and needs to hit Pugo, lv. up and get Str in order to Wrath Crtkill Pugo and get the 4 turn clear. Miccy does her thing hitting and killing a bandit.



Free Unit: Nolan

Turns: 3

TC: 7

Nolan kills the soldier, Eddie moves and blocks the fighter's way. Nolan, then, gets the Hand Axe, Miccy full moves as well as Eddie, who moves in front of the other fighter and get into Wrath range. He then Wrath Crtkills Isaya and gets an awesome level up.

BEXP: 120P


New Free Unit:


Turns: 5

TC: 12

I don't know if this is 4 turnable. Miccy blocks the soldier at the east, Eddie kills the myrms in the center and then heads to Zaitan's room. Nolan goes to the chest room and hand axes the javelin soldier, and, finally gets both the Wind Edge and Thani. Sothe heads to Zaitan's room and gets the Energy Drop, Edward Wrath Crtkills the boss.

BEXP: 180P


Turns: 3

TC: 15

Micaiah, Sothe and Edward take the eastern path. Miccy and Eddy break the door, Sothe full moves, steals Burton's Discipline Scroll and CrtKardKills him.

BEXP: 647P


Turns: 4

TC: 19

Lol at this chapter. Bought the Ellight Tome and the Beast Killer. Eddy deals with southern beasts while Miccy and Sothe head north. Miccy Crts Agony and kills him at PP4, hence, why I couldn't get the 3000G, however, Sothe did get the Seraph Robe, the kills and quite good lv. ups.

BEXP: 450P


Free Unit: Volug

Turns: 4

TC: 23

Lol, Volug crosses the map in 4 turns. Sothe goes east from his initial position. Eddy kills the fighter in Volug's way so the daug can kill the mage. Miccy gets abnormal Sp gains. Volug heads to the other corner as Sothe steals the Master Seal and Eddy and Miccy kill central fighters. Sothe heads to Wystan and kills the priest, Volug heads then south to deal with the soldier reinforcements. Derp.

BEXP: 733P


Stage 1

Turns: 4

TC: 27

Eddie gets BEXP lv. ups and promotes. He is a BAWS. Sothe heads northwest, Eddy to the center, Miccy northeast, lol.

Stage 2

Turns: 3

TC: 30

Everyone to Laverton's area. Eddy Crtkills him with a Wind Edge. Who says Wind Edges are LAWLS? Sothe even got an unnecessary extra Seal. HERP. A Marado Knight and an old man died 8S.

BEXP: 4360P


New Unit:


Turns: 5

TC: 35

Edward gets Paragon and shoves Micaiah, then, Sothe. Sothe rushes to the throne carrying Micaiah, and as he drops her near the seize spot and Tormod gets next to him, he recruits him and gives him Ilyana's Elthunder. That way, Tormod Crtkills Djur. Eddy got two level ups.

BEXP: 1564P


New Free Unit:


Turns: 4

TC: 39

Hmm, now I know why Radmin's priest moves next to him. HE IS WAITING FOR CELERITY ADEPT DISCIPLINE TORMOD!!! GO AWAY SOTHE, CAUSE TORMOD WILL BURN YOUR DIRTY SKIRT! Here I changed my strategy, it's time for Tormod to seize Sothe's P1 throne. Tormod is 5 swamp tiles from Radmin's isle, he moves east and deals with both the dracoknight and the bandit trying to kill a prisoner. Sothe goes south and deals with more bandits, while Micaiah kills northern enemies with Eddy. Later on, Edward heads west with Rafiel's vigor and kills at EP4, the bandit that killed the prisoner. Returning to Tormod's job, at EP2 he kills the draco, at EP3 he kills the bandit and the soldier. Sadly he is at worst bio, so the chances aren't really that good but better than having Sothe drain more kills and EXP. Tormod equips an Elwind Tome and Adepts the priest staying in Radmin's and the mage's attack range. For the 4 turn clear, Tormod Adept kills Radmin with Elwind, he needs to get +1 Mag for this, or if you prefer a forged tome.

BEXP: 3250P


New Free Unit:


Turns: 4

TC: 43

Miccy goes north, then west. BK Eclipses Jarod.

BEXP: 3000P


Turns: 6

TC: 49

Eddy accompanies Sothe, who carries Micaiah, to the throne. Tormod kills southern enemies and gets S Fire, A Thunder and B Wind, precisely for ArcTomes use at P4, cause I love magic! Eddy gets to lv. 15 with capped Hp, Str, Skl, Sp and Def. :O

BEXP: 3750P

Micaiah's Promotion:


Cleared Part 1: Silver-Haired Maiden in 49 turns

[spoiler=Part 2: Of Countries and Kings]2-P

New Unit:


Free Units: Elincia, Marcia

Turns: 8

TC: 8, 57

Luchi gets to S rank and gets 5 level ups. 8O

CREDITS TO VICIOUS SAL gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

BEXP: 1000P


Free Units: Nephenee, Brom

Turns: 5

TC: 13, 62

Brom goes south to recruit Heather, I really need her and Pass for 3-3 and other annoying chapters were Celerity is not enough, although this is EM. Nephenee kills a bunch of enemies. The 4 volunteers are left alive for more BEXP.

BEXP: 4100P


Free Unit: Nephenee

Turns: 5

TC: 18, 67

This is ridiculous, Luchi is S rank and a half. Raven's lack of vision made me spent an extra turn, Luchi got another level up, Neph got some kills but she was useless and unnecessary.

BEXP: 3250P


New Free Unit:


Turns: 5

TC: 23, 72

Bought some items at the bargains and awarded BEXP to Geoffrey up to 3rd Tier, capping Str, Skl, Sp and Res. Geoffrey solo and rush, he gets 3 level ups, {[Hp, Str, Skl, Def, Res], [Hp, Str, Skl, Lck, Res], [Hp, Str, Skl, Sp]}. He is a BOSS.

BEXP: 9265P


Turns: 3

TC: 26, 75

Luchi is awarded BEXP up to Lv. 34. Luchi flies to the center field where enemies attack him and he builds Strike Rank. At PP2, he moves, still untransformed, near the barrels near Ludveck. The thing is that he is lured but not the Crossbow Sniper adjacent to the Duke. However, a Bowgun Warrior is lured but Luchi dodges him. Enemies engage combat with him, but he's a dodgebot. Luchi has Hp, Str, Sp, Lck and Def capped. At PP3, Luchi shifts and cantos so Duke Felirae engages him in melee combat. Luchi wasn't in Wrath range but he got to SS rank right before Ludveck attacks him, so Luchi deals 23*2 dmg to Ludveck. 8X

BEXP: 3446P

Cleared Part 2: Of Countries and Kings in 26 turns

[spoiler=Part 3: Intersecting Vows]Main Unit:



New Unit:


Turns: 10

TC: 10, 85

Stupid Skrimir and his gang. Rhys got wtf level ups, sp thrice.

BEXP: 7664


Free Unit: Boyd

Turns: 6

TC: 16, 91

Awarded BEXP to Rhys up to Lv. 14.96, capping Magic and Res. Rhys gets Adept but it's almost useless cause, who won't double with 22AS? Ok, to the strat. Rhys goes to the generals and heads north, NOOOOOO! Ellight BROKE! Fortunately it was used against the last enemy. Boyd crtkills with Killer Axe some enemies including the reinforcements. Lyre and Lethe teamed up and killed a halb! I got the 6 turn cause Ike crtkilled Vommit and a gen, killing these enemies made 1-2 ranged enemies engage melee combat.

BEXP: 3074P


Turns: 3

TC: 19, 94

Awarded the rest BEXP to Rhys, he crtkilled an EP wind sage with a 2% crt rate o_O. Rhys got to 3rd Tier before killing the Draco, he ORKO'd. LOL, Rhys's DA BEST.

BEXP: 3750P


Free Unit: Gatrie, cause Soren would die. :/

Turns: 10

TC: 29, 104

Rhys gets the northwestern and northeastern supplies with Celerity Miracle, killing bunches of enemies. Ike Passes on and burns the far most supply, the northern one, he gets Hammerne, btw. Whereas Gatrie burns the southern supplies, as well as the central supply.

BEXP: 5350P


New Unit:


Turns: 7

TC: 36, 111

Celerity Ike and Pass Gandalf kill the gens by PP6, herp. Rhys has Lck, Def and Sp capped.

BEXP: 6292P


New Free Unit:


Turns: 2

TC: 38, 113

Celerity Rhys is awarded BEXP and caps Res and Magic, he's by Lv. 11. Actually, he raises to Lv. 13 after this chapter. Reyson vigors Rhys so he can kill the other gen, and protects the Heron Prince. He eats enemies like Kirby at EP, then move, kill, vigored and ORKO LAWMBROSSO.

BEXP: 4000P


Turns: 5

TC: 43, 118

Miccy and Sothe UP, and MOVE! Eddie EAST. Eddy was BEXP'd to lv. 17, he caps lck. Crowned and +.99EXP. I left Caladbolg and Storm Sword cause he's fearsome with'em. Yellow Units crtkill.

BEXP: 4727P


Turns: 12

TC: 55, 130

Recruited Zihark for Savior. Gandalf gets to S rank. Ike and Rhys kill shit.

BEXP: 5014P


Turns: 5

TC: 60, 135

Celerity Rhys rushes to Septimus, extra turn cause lol positions (Ranulf) and lack of Canto. No more BEXP awards cause Rhys and Ranulf has capped everyhting but Str and Res, respectively. Rhys is like lv. 17, I don't remember.

BEXP: 8250P


Turns: 4

TC: 64, 139

Adept on Geoffery, +.99EXP, rush, dash, kill and smash Roark against the stairs.

BEXP: 11642P


Turns: 5

TC: 69, 144

Celerity Miracle Rhys to Sergei's area, Ike follows. Gandalf gets SS rank and deals with Paladins and such in the south. LOL.

BEXP: 13497P


Turns: 8

TC: 77, 152

Pass Savior Daunt Ranulf rescues Ike and carries him all the way to the seize spot. Rhys bumps to lv. 20, he's like Lehran's copy, lol.

BEXP: 10675P


Turns: 3

TC: 80, 155

It's just inconceivable that I was short of 2 enemies for 2 turning it. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

BEXP: 7501P


Turns: 3

TC: 83, 158

Killing Edge Astra! I'm pretty sure Pass Boots on Eddie would have shaved a turn here and a turn in 3-12. Let's see if Boots on Ike is better. But I'm thinking Boots on the DBer is just better for shaving turns.

BEXP: 9122P


Turns: 7

TC: 90, 165

Reyson was really important but the bunch of paladins have so much attack range that Reyson, practically, did nothing. Ranulf helped the hawks, anyways. Sighs...

BEXP: 15797P

I have like 60000+ BEXP cause Rhys and Ranulf capped everything, lol. But that BEXP may be useful for one or two lv. ups for Luchi, promotion on Tormod and some statboosters and levels for Skrimir, maybe the drop, the robe and something else for BEXP purposes, he comes at S rank so it won't be a problem to get him to SS rank. Luchi and Ranulf have SS so lol. Eddie has capped everything, he just needs one or two res procs to cap it. Renning and Gareth can Kirby some BEXP.

Cleared Part 3: Intersecting Vows in 90 Turns

[spoiler=Part 4: Gods and Men]Ike's Promotion:


The Goddesses's Armies:

  • Silver Army - Micaiah*, Sothe*, Skrimir*, Rhys
  • Greil Army - Ike*, Rafiel*, Edward, Tormod*
  • Hawk Army - Reyson*, Ranulf*, Nealuchi, Geoffrey*

" * " indicates that said unit is forced in that army.


New Unit:


Turns: 5

TC: 5, 170

Lack of Leanne SUCKS. Skrimir and Rhys go north and then northeast. Skrimir gives a warm welcome to reinforcements. This army is full of redheads X_X.

BEXP: 3000P

Sothe's Promotion:



Turns: 5

TC: 10, 175

I thought having just Eddie and Ike was awfully bad, but no, not that bad. Just an extra turn because Celerity Edward had to patrol. Ike rofls enemies with hand axes, LAWL. He gets to SS rank in just dat' chapta' o_O. Go GO URVAN!

BEXP: 3751P

Note: The +1 on BEXP corresponds to Ena fighting...and dying XS.


Turns: 11

TC: 21, 186

LOVELY! Laguz Draft PRELUDE...

BEXP: 3750P <- Shameful BEXP, it should have been 4000+Facepalm_emote_gif.gif


Turns: 8

TC: 29, 194

This was boring. Leanne, I need you!

BEXP: 5276P


Turns: 8

TC: 37, 202

Messed somewhere, had to send Tormod to Oliver's throne, DERP. Whatever, I was bored...and tired.

BEXP: 6000P


Turns: 3

TC: 40, 205

I AM TIRED! Pass Luchi got the Icon from nowhere. Kill cat adjacent to Izuka, canto back, vigor, it's so dark...

BEXP: 7500P


New Unit:


Micaiah's Promotion:


Disciples of Chaos:

  1. Ike
  2. Micaiah
  3. Sothe
  4. Sanaki
  5. Ena
  6. Kurthnaga
  7. Rafiel
  8. Sigrun
  9. Soren
  10. Edward
  11. Tormod
  12. Nealuchi
  13. Geoffrey
  14. Rhys
  15. Ranulf
  16. Skrimir
  17. Renning


Turns: 2

TC: 42, 207

Pass, Pass and Pass! Geoffrey Sol'd and Crtkilled Lekain with Killer Bow, unexpected with 22% crt rate and worst biorhythm.

BEXP: 6000P


Turns: 1

TC: 43, 208

Hammer Bros.

BEXP: 7500P


Yune's Blessings:

  1. Ike - Ragnell
  2. Micaiah - Rexaura
  3. Sothe - Baselard
  4. Sanaki - Purge
  5. Sigrun - Wyrmslayer
  6. Soren - Meteor
  7. Edward - Brave Sword
  8. Tormod - Rexflame
  9. Rafiel - Galdrar
  10. Nealuchi - Beak
  11. Geoffrey - Brave Lance
  12. Rhys - Valaura
  13. Ranulf - Claw
  14. Skrimir - Fang
  15. Renning - Brave Axe
  16. Gareth - Crimson Breath

Turns: 1

TC: 44, 209

Ike, Skrimir, Ranulf, Renning, MARCH!

BEXP: 12000P


New Unit:


Turns: 1

TC: 45, 210

Gareth, Ike, Skrimir, Ranulf, Nealuchi, GO!

BEXP: 15000P


New Free Unit:


Turns: 2

TC: 47, 212

Wasted time transforming the laguz.

Cleared Part 4: Gods and Men in 47 turns

Final Turn Count: 212 turns

[spoiler=Items]Part 1's Items:

  • Dracoshield - Edward
  • Energy Drop - (To Greil Mercenaries) Skrimir
  • Spirit Dust - (To Greil Mercenaries) Tormod
  • Ashera Icon - (To Greil Mercenaries) Ike
  • Seraph Robe - (To Greil Mercenaries) Ranulf

Part 2's Items:

  • Talisman - (To Greil Mercenaries) Ike
  • Energy Drop - Renning

Part 3's Items:

  • Seraph Robe - Skrimir
  • Dracoshield - Rhys
  • Secret Book - Ranulf
  • Ashera Icon - Skrimir

Part 4's Items:

  • Ashera Icon - Renning
  • Arms Scroll - Micaiah (Light)
  • Arms Scroll - Micaiah (Staff)
  • Arms Scroll - Micaiah (Staff)
  • Arms Scroll - Micaiah (Staff)
  • Arms Scroll - Tormod (Staff)
  • Arms Scroll - Tormod (Staff)

[spoiler=Unit Info]LOL EM

[spoiler=Unit Records - UNBELIEVABLE, YET TRUE...]Victories:

  1. Rhys - W 221
  2. Ike - W 178
  3. Edward - W 131
  4. Ranulf - W 95
  5. Micaiah - W 84
  6. Nealuchi - W 68
  7. Sothe - W 66
  8. Geoffrey - W 49
  9. Tormod - W 42
  10. Skrimir - W 38
  11. Renning - W 9
  12. Gareth - W 4 (he killed one spirit in 4-E-4, one spirit in 4-E-5, one aura and Ashera O_O)

Edited by Quintessence
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Added Credits (at Part 2).

I actually recommend you to do this cause Bananas has not updated since 4 or 5 days, and PicKLes has fallen in the FE8 ABYSS. 8X

We actually need a volunteer for the Rankings Draft for it to continue.

Edited by Quintessence
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