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What's with so many teenagers thinking they're bipolar

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because large amounts of hormones produce something mildly reminiscent of bipolar disorder and they're dumb teenagers

^ This

Highly distractible, unable to concentrate, Impaired judgment and impulsiveness, and Acting recklessly without thinking about the consequences are all symptoms of bipolar disorder and being a stereotypical teenager.

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'Cuz they are teens and they are tards. They want to feel like they are somehow special and bipolar makes them so apparently. Well, I'm just glad that I've graduated and don't have to see their ugly mugs anymore. I also don't really check on my facebook regularly but when i do....it's apparent that even after graduation they keep acting like idiots to get attention.

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I've never actually seen somebody on my facebook complain of an undiagnosed mental disorder or anything remotely close, myself. I've also never actually seen anybody try to excuse their behavior with one, either. Has it really been such a problem for some of you? Like to the extent that maybe if you saw somebody you didn't necessarily know very well wondering whether they had one, your initial reaction would be

"Oh fuck look at THIS asshole trying to get themselves a free ride"

Edited by Rehab
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I've never actually seen somebody on my facebook complain of an undiagnosed mental disorder or anything remotely close, myself. I've also never actually seen anybody try to excuse their behavior with one, either. Has it really been such a problem for some of you?

I've only seen it once, and I avoided taking part in the discussion. It was on fanfiction.net, where someone who was relatively new to a specific FE forum on that site asked a few people to read and review his story. It had quite a few formatting issues, and there were people who pointed it out to him - gently, might I add. Then he throws a hissy fit and when called out on it claims that he has Asperger's syndrome and waves it around like an excuse.

And while I'm not sure how frequent, if at all, this kind of behavior is, just because you don't see it happening doesn't mean it isn't a problem.

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I'm not going to waste my time unsuscribing to all of them. @_@

You'll waste a lot more time reading them than you would unsubscribing from them all. Save your brain now!!!

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You'll waste a lot more time reading them than you would unsubscribing from them all. Save your brain now!!!

LOL "Save your brain now!!!" would be a great slogan. Anyway it seems to me subscribing is not the same thing as reading. Better not to subscribe in the 1st place however.

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I must be out of the loop. I thought self-diagnosed Asperger's was the trend.

Oh wait that's tvtropes. My bad. I can't tell one idiot collection ground from another.

My best guess is that they're trying to get away with being two-faced twats by pulling the mental illness card.

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It's so annoying. It's everywhere on FB.

While I agree its annoying.

Why are you making a thread about something that's annoying you? Its like an honor. smug.gif

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what's the deal

with airline food

Its shit, that's what it is.

Also, is Soul trying to reach our souls through this? Wait, is this what they call 'soul searching'? :3

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The meals given to me on my flight to Japan were so bad, I'm considering just stuffing my face with whatever fast food restaurant is in the airport when I head back to the states. :/

When I flew there a few years ago, they were good relative to other airline food I have had (though by that time, most airlines weren't serving meals on domestic flights anyway). I think that would've been in summer of 2009 or 2010.

Edited by Hawkeye Hank Hatfield
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