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My dad is a major strategy gamer. He watched me play RD one day and loved to watch it. He thought it was just a big chess game, so he kept wanting to learn more about it until a few days ago where he started playing (Sadly, he doesn't get the concept of stat growth and bonuses, so I fear that he may not do too well until a game over or 2). For my mother, though, she is an amazing racer, but not so big at all on FE and any other form of strategy game.

@Nightmare: Just keep inviting him to watch you play. If he's anything like my dad, he'll pick up on it pretty quickly.

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My dad plays his Wii occasiounally, he always is game for some GH3, or some Wii Sports while we are at his house.

He can't play F-Zero, he get's real bad motion sickness

no serene our dad dont get sick playing games

My folks say Brawl is to hard (maybe it's because I can kick their ass in 1 minute or less when they have 5 lives

our parnets have not played brawl before

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no serene our dad dont get sick playing games

our parnets have not played brawl before

Oh right that was mom's ex boyfriend I forgot (he played while you were at moms work)

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My mom yells at me for being addicted, yet when I got windwaker and Mario Sunshine she was up till all hours playing. Feh.

Luckily she doesn't like FE though, otherwise I'd have to guard my save files.

my mom yells at me for being addicted as well, although shell play the occasional game of Wii Sports. my dad used to play Wii Tennis a lot, but not really anymore.

they arent very good.

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Well, my mom played her brother's atari ages ago when she was a kid. Space Invaders, Asteroids, etc.

She's played Wii Sports, but that's about it.

My dad is decent at arcade type games, he used to be able to get to 1 million points on Galaga. In Gauntlet, he used to be able to play just about forever, after wasting at least $100 on the arcade machine when he was in college. XD

Neither of them seem to be able to play any newer games, or even want to bother trying. <_<

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when i play with my parents, i usually go easy on them so that they want to play again.

my mother really doesn't like videogames, but ever since wii sports, i've had her bowling and playing golf like crazy!


My dad accepted the fact that he was inept at videogames, so he talked to some of his friends whom children were interested. This happened when I was about 8 years old. No one was able to beat me in Super Smash Bros. I was no Isai, but I was pretty darn good. Melee went the same way, although I noticed some of those same friends were starting to get better, but not enough to emerge victorious. Oddly, when Brawl was released, I was the only one in my circle of friends who even owned the game. I eventually found a new group, but turns out they're just as good as I am! ( I am thinking, where the hell have you guys been hiding, although it makes sense since I attended high school out of my district.) After watching most of the Brawl vids on Youtube, I would consider myself tournament level, but I'm not godly....yet.(just joking, when I'm in college, I'll probably just stay on the level I'm on now.)

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well they did not have games like the ones we have now

You're right, they had funner and better games than what we have now.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My mother DESTROYS at Mario Party and the Sega Genesis games. Since I was ~7 when I played 'em, she was better. She beat Zombies Ate My Neighbors. I'm 16 now and I still can't beat it. The only game I'm better at is Clue for the Sega.

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I once got bored enough that I had my dad play Kirby Air Ride with me.

He ended up getting stuck some where near the beginning :/

As for my mom, I can't even get her out of her room :/ ( though I really would never want to, I'd probably go deaf from the close-range whining XD)

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