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Shining Force Mafia


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Votes by players, as determined by ISO searching for ##Vote (so if you were cutesy and did ##Pickle ##Fry ##Lynch, fuck you for making life harder. Search also apparently ignores the hashtags):

Split into multiple posts because board's quote limitations. Possible scum first (fmpov)


Manix: ;_; You make me sad by voting for me. That is all.

Since last game I tried to get the town all organized and ended up getting shot for it, plus this time we have a town leader, I will instead jump into RVS!

##Vote: Serious Bananas

Welcome to mafia! Also I don't like bananas. They're icky.

BBM: I've been looking at his posts, and while he's been kinda a little all over the place, I still get the feeling that he's trying to work towards the town. He voted Rapier a while back for maybe not the best reasons, but it seems to me like he's going with his gut. Also, I feel like claiming unlynchable when you're not is really just kinda dumb. Like here's the most likely way it will play out. "Hey, I'm unlynchable!" "Oh really? Let's test that!" "Lol, now I'm dead."

Rapier: My main issue with Rapier is really that I feel like he's not trying to help contribute to the town at all. It seems like he's not really paying attention to what's been going on. At one point he says that the cop should check out Eli tonight. But, if he had looked at the thread, he would have seen that Eli has claimed PGO, in which case putting a cop on Eli is about the worst possible move the town could do. His one major contribution to the thread was attacking Bizz's playing style, which resulted in a nice long argument that didn't actually produce anything of use to the town, when giving out vibes on people he was very reluctant to actually commit to something, and then when listing scummy people, he listed Eli and Manix, and then turned around and voted BBM. He says he can't think of anything else and that he doesn't have time to scum hunt, but previously he had said that scum hunting was the most important thing to do in this game. So,


I wish I had had any interactions with these two outside of the thread, but for the reasons stated above, I think that Rapier is the better lynch right now.

Also Eli: It might just be me, but it really feels like especially in that last post, you've mostly been restating opinions as opposed to going in depth and explaining why you're doing something. What are your reads on BBM and Rapier? Do you find one of them more scummy than the other? I'm not saying that following Shinori's lead is wrong, but that doesn't mean you can't explain your reasons. Bizz I guess this goes for you too. In my opinion it makes the game boring if we all just do what one person says, and don't express any of our opinions. Especially in this case when Shinori said that he'd be fine with either lynch. I dunno. I feel like there could be more conversation going on here.

##Vote: Strawman

Also, Hika I like the new picture.

Ok then~

##Vote: Blitz


##Vote: No lynch

Your wish is my command.

##Vote: Helios


Did I see yet another claim in the thread? Guys, cut it out. Also, Helios, respond to things in-thread, and do so with more than a couple of sentences. The more you talk, the better a read I get on you.

BBM's default is somewhat shaky logic. If his claim is as bad as what I normally see out of him, that would be enough reason to vote him. I'll leave this up to Shinori.

Now, then. . .time to start smacking people upside the head.


##Vote: Proto

Stop acting like scum, no matter what side of the spectrum you're on.

FIRST OFF: The rest of the town roles need to tell Shinori what happened.

SECOND: Someone within the mafia agreed with me. I don't like this. Now, who likes using my logic. . .

##Vote: Helios

Yay, another post~!

After having a nice talk with someone which involved me reading every single post again. . .


##Vote: scorri

That convo with Elieson was too weird to let go.

Yes sir.

##Vote: Blitz

1. Understood.

2. I suspect two hidden players, and we can blame Psych for this one. Not sure if saying any more is gonna get me in trouble.

##Vote: Blitz

##Vote: Helios

You're the one that sees stuff, not me.


Oh Shinori, I just wanted to say that we already have each other added on Skype.


##Vote: Lucina

Just a gentle nudge to be more active.

##Vote: Proto

Whoops, thought I could have put this in the last post. :/ While Shinori deliberates on who he wants to lynch, I want Proto to post something (relevant, of course), as well.

BBM: Pretty scummy from the vibes I get from the thread. I haven't talked to him, but his reactions in thread to other people, and isn't unlynchable a godawful scum claim? Like, if he's clear, and doesn't die, then we have a backup for if Shinori dies.

Rapier: Almost completely a null read. I swear, how many times has he been lynched Day 1 and been scum? Actually, the same group of people get lynched Day 1 a lot. . . Null because I'm not sure how to approach this. His behavior in thread doesn't seem that good IMO, but I haven't talked to him outside. Not townish, not scummy. I could buy that BBM and Rapier could be on the same side, but eh. I'll be okay if we decide to lynch him, but I think I prefer BBM slightly.

Since I have a "leaning scum" on BBM and "null" on Rapier, I'll go with:

##Vote: BigBangMeteor


I just nap during math class. ^_^

This goes for all the new people who aren't quite as well adapted to OC -- Since the game is OC, please send PMs, go onto IRC, etc. We won't be able to get scumreads or townreads from you, and you won't from us if you don't, since people like me don't like to post in the OC thread too much during OC, since, well, it's OC. Someone accused me of not existing when I've clearly been on IRC is really annoying.

guys I'll be doing votals -- yay KRRM -- since psych doesn't seem like he believes in them

##Vote: Strawman


##Vote: Blitz


I hate waiting, though. ): Oh well.

##Vote: Blitz

##Vote: Helios

Since Shinori says so.


##Vote bigbangmeteor

If we don't vote him then on one hand, he could be mafia. On the other, he could actually be a lynchproof townie and now that this information is public only the mafia can be certain about it. or he could be a townie lying about his role because he doesn't trust you, but I think that's quite a bit less likely Really, as long as the mafia knows his role now, us townies might as well be certain about it as well, especially when the other reasonable option is that he's mafia.

Though, I would be fine with a Rapier lynch as well.

You aren't very good at damage control, are you? Alright, this'll make me scummy as shit, but honestly I really really hope that you are mafia Lucina, and I have been hoping as such for a while, so let's just pretend you are as long as we're being this inane~

##Vote: Lucina

##Vote: Strawman

We'll see how this goes

##Vote: Blitz


##Vote: no lynch

##Vote: Helios

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Cleared town + Bizz + myself



There absolutely is a reason to. One more person voting the same as scum could cause a mislynch later on. At this point, they'd need to use the easy mislynch on someone who's quite scummy anyway, instead of killing off a better target. Besides that, his death may well give the town less info later, if people don't go back and re-read, which I think they often don't.


I am. Ask Shinori for confirmation.

Beloved Princess and Hated Townie, too.

Shinori's cop request was weird, but when I talked to him on N0, he made enough sense that I think he's probably town.

##Vote: Eclipse

As I recall, he pretty much confirmed that it had to be a host error? If the mafia know the town wincon, what else would it be? I guess maybe a third-party might have been forgotten or something.

I hate to encourage sloppy play, but Rapier is indeed always scummy. Testing the lynchproof claim sounds okay to me. If we get a NL, well, D1 is pretty much the best time for it anyway, and at least it's OC.

##Vote: BigBangMeteor

I've been using this OC thing, you know.

Lucina, if you know how to catch scumslips, you'll know people need to talk for them to happen. Why would anyone not talk, except to avoid scumslips? I want an explanation from you about this. Kinda reasonable that you wanted to stay in the background, though, if you're used to newbies being lynched.

##Vote: Hikarusa

Reaction test. ##Unvote (Hikarusa)

Nice OMGUS. As I said, outside contact exists. Postcount isn't everything here. Also, since you kinda ignored my request for an explanation of your post, ##Vote: Lucina

If I was gonna warn "my scumbuddy" about anything, why the heck would I do it in the thread?

##Vote: Strawman


<b>##Vote: Hikarusa</b> cause I don't like his name.

Lol I was joking, some of your previous names caused me to chuckle heartily. Unvote

I used <> instead of [] whoooops.

Ok, so an OMGUS and a NL on n1? ## Unvote: Hikarusa. ##Vote: Serious Bananas

##Unvote: Bananas not going to achieve anything from keeping my vote there. If we vote to lynch BBM, it also incriminates Marth, as they were apparently conversing about me. Not placing this vote juuuust yet, I want BBM to defend himself.

vote: no lynch

Can't post much ATM irl things

##Vote: No lynch


##Vote: Captain Flint


Sadly choices are rough here from all the claims we have. So I'm going to go with the one that seemed the most scummy, BBM.


Based off his claim and the way he has acted in response to a few situations in thread. Such as his talk with rapier and his talk with Bizz I feel lynching him is the best bet at the moment.

A few people have come online and looked in this thread since it became day phase, have gotten their night results and haven't claimed to me what happened with said night results.

I want night results. And until I get said night results ##Vote: Lucina

So I think chances of one of the two people I've trusted with info is quite possibly scum. However I'll deal with the first bit of info at the moment.

Our announcer was supposed to be role blocker last night and wasn't. Go go thoughts. Converse and talk about this, I'm not saying any names yet, but the roles should be enough info for you to effectively talk about.

Also if you are going to vote someone, please explain why you are voting the person.

##Unvote for now.

Lynch Strawman. Cop report scum.

##Vote: Strawman


Lynch the fuck out of blitz aka cap'n flint.

##Vote: Blitz

Okay, today we are lynching Helios. I've got a plan and for the most part I'm sticking with it. This plan is assuming I die at the moment.

Lynch helios today and I will reveal the plan on the flip, because the flip is what determines how the plan continues moving, same with the mafia NK.

##Vote: Helios

If you are town. I still love you.

[spoiler=adios Bizz]

I'm getting scum reads from Aere, somewhat Bananas. I won't let anyone play the newbie card anymore; not paying attention/skimming through the thread is a notable scumtell or, at best, a lazy townie, which either way is not helpful to us at all.

##Vote: Serious Bananas

Actually, I'm just going to be honest here.

I do have my reasons this game for what I've been doing. My scumvibes from Aere? I have legitimate reasons for them (or, should I say, had), but I cannot share them at this time. If this is inconvenient for you and makes you uncomfortable, attack me. I don't mind.

I would like to inform you all, though, that Aere is not exactly giving me scumvibes anymore. Not really. I have different information and I'm going to start writing some notes down so that I don't forget about how and why my opinions have changed this game.

##Unvote: Serious Bananas

My vote on him was a test. I got some nice reactions out of it.

He would do well to read the thread, though, and provide actual opinions, because so far he has done neither of these things.

Sorry; I have to be incredibly cautious at this moment in time.

guys, you don't have to call me aT, it is okay

I'm on my phone so unfortunately I cannot answer the questions right at this very moment (in an organized fashion at least, since I can't copypaste and my answers might be a little long). I did, however, want to address that anyone with doubts should contact me. I would rather the mafia leave me alone, and I mean to say that they should leave me alone period. There are much better targets out there to hit with all sorts of your magical powers. If the mafia targets me with anything, I'm going to weed them out. Yes, this means the kidnapper too. No really, I promise that. So let me be in peace. As I said before, anyone can contact me about this; so far I have been in contact with a few people, and I'm probably not going to answer all of your questions if you approach me first, but it'll at least serve to, perhaps, ease any qualms you may have regarding me.

As for Rapier, though I am not fond of his attitude at all, I'll wait for more information on him. As for Bananas, I thought that the mafia might want to coach him a bit better, because he's doing a shit job right now if he's scum.

##Vote: adiosPlatanos (serious bananas)

got a few scum reads from bbm earlier but ehh

##Vote: BBM

Wonderful! I see this mafia is a rather friendly one, and I respect that. This better stay that way for a while.

I think that when I get back from helping my mom and sister out with a few things, I'll go ahead and compose a color list. I'll also compile a few reasons why my suspicions have changed so often over the course of this game, and some proof that I've been having a little too much fun with the OC.

##Vote: SB

I'm going to leave this here until I come across more information; can't really say more than that, sorry!

I'm also incredibly wary of Lucina, Kay, and Iris. Lucina especially, for pretty much doing nothing but echo everyone else and "waiting for the right moment" which is a pretty convenient excuse for not contributing.

oh, so mafia knows my role. Well then, fuck.

##Vote: Strawman

I'm just going to go ahead and out that I'm third-party since there's no point in hiding it anymore

##Vote: No Lynch


Also SB voted me for an argumentum ad hominem, his only reason was "because it's stupid". He didn't do it because I attacked Bizz and as such I looked scummy (as Straw stated).

For me, Straw's answer was focused on my behavior, and not on my action. So I like his answer.

Imo that's enough to vote BBM. We're supposed to scum hunt here, saying someone is being dumb and needs to be voted isn't the point.

##Vote: BBM

The roleblocking is a lie, I guess? If I knew about what happened between you three, I'd be able to answer properly, but that's asking too much.

- Aere: After we confirmed his claim and after Proto shot him, it should be clear that he's Town.

- Elieson: Imo, he rushes to conclusions a lot. But I'm not sure if it makes him scum, or if it's just the way he plays the game. I've got neutral vibes from him.

- Lucina: She has already played Mafia before, so the newbiecard doesn't save her from our arguments. I'm unsettled about her because she said she'd rather wait for scumtells/slips, which doesn't help the Town at all. Leaning scum.

- Manix: His nice wall of text made me change my opinions about him. He's pretty decent and the stuff he says makes sense, so I trust him. Leaning Town.

- Shinori: Our L, and trusted Town Leader. I'm leaning Town.

- scorri: I'm not sure what to say about her because of her lack of posts/because I hardly PM people and chat. Neutral for now, although I think she was dramatizing a bit about me in the post she decided to vote me.

- BigBangMeteor - Hanzou, Mafia Kidnapper Lynched Day 1

- Luster Purge: RIP dude.

- adiosToreador: I'm pretty sure she's Third-Party. She's being helpful to the Town, but she also wants to be "left alone", which I see as a Third-Party reaction. A Survivor has more chances to survive when it helps the Town hunt the Mafia, so I can understand that.

- eclipse: Has been posting decent stuff, and she was kidnapped by BBM on D1. I'm pretty sure she's Town.

- Kay: Oh, Kay. No, it's not ok. Your situation is terrible, you see. On your last post, you gave many reasons to lynch Lucina, yet you decided to vote Hikarusa without justifying yourself. Not to mention you have been too inactive for my tastes. I see your vote as a way to draw attention from Lucina. Leaning scum.

- Rapier: Damn it I always look scummy

- Bluedoom: Buddies with BBM. Enough said. Leaning scum.

- StrawSloththeSawSlothStraw: Says decent stuff when he's here. I'm neutral towards him, but I'm leaning Town slightly.

- Cap'n Flint: Forgot you existed.

- Iris: Post more. I know you're busy, so I'm giving you a break. =P

- Helios: Another player who I forgot existed. I have null reads from him, and I should talk to him through PM as soon as I can.

- Serious Bananas: Leaning newbtown.

- Hikarusa: Also not sure about him. He makes some decent posts, but that's it. Neutral, leaning Town.

With that said...

##Vote: Lucina

There's a good chance that you're scum. And if you are, things will get pretty bad for Kay. It's a good opportunity to kill two birds with one stone, and I'm willing to bet on that. That's pretty much the only reason I'm not voting Marth for buddying with BBM.

I do. That's why I said we should only trust someone who's absolutely cleared. But it's better than letting him think by himself, and more effective. Of course, if there is no one to be trusted, just don't do it.

Good point... I didn't notice that, since I've only been scum in two Mafias.

By the way:


##Vote: Elieson

On boss' orders.

... They were only 5 pages, actually.

##Vote: Blitz

I trust you, Shinori.

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flipped scum


Shinori is terrible for not talking to me



Would you believe me if I said the EXACT same thing just happened to me. I don't think random.ord is as random as it claims. I felt bad randoming for someone who was already randomed though :/

The third try gave me ##Vote: Aere though.

Eh, but once something happens that you don't expect like that, it makes you realize your scum hunting has some holes and you had better look out for scum trying to play the noob!town card. Its not for sure, but it'd be silly to not pay attention to stuff like that.

On the topic of Rapier. ##Vote: Rapier Hmm, unless you were reaction testing on Bizz, I think your reaction was pretty anti-town. Attacking other people's play styles doesn't have any in game relevance, at all and doesn't really count as relevant discussion. :/

And then about what Proto said: I see what you're talking about but I'm more inclined to believe him off his claim. It seems like a mostly dumb role for mafia since they'd basically want that guy to die and seems like a bad fake claim because it would become suspicious if he didn't die or have have at least something happen to him. I dunno, and it seems like a risky move that someone might just pull in order organize the town. Granted, we don't and won't have the actual cop come in here and tell us because that would be silly and skepticism is understandable(since I've got some myself), but it would also be silly to hinder what could lead to town organization.

I know I should probably wait for shinori to get in here and give us direction but being a sheepy sheep sheep is boring so ##Vote:Lucina Who/Where are you? (Yes, I am a hypocrite)

Hey sorry for inactivity havent since yesterday at like 4 pm. But here I am.

Anyways, I thought I had a vote on Lucina, but votals didnt show that... so ##Unvote just to be safe.


##Vote: Aere cuz I don't like Squirtle.

1. Rapier. Ad hominem is dumb. I think SB is newbtown, not newbscum. Look at how SB signed up. "Uh, Okay." Not very enthusiastic. And I talked to Eli, and he said that although SB had wanted to learn mafia, he did kind of give him a push to join, because we needed only 2 people at the time. I think he's just not paying very much attention to the game, and while that's annoying and frustrating, I don't think we should lynch him for it. So ## Unvote, ##Vote: Rapier

2. Disregarding Shinori, I have to say Proto and Hikarusa. Neither have made very many posts, but the ones they have made look good. Bizz would be here too, but her claims about being able to know if she got targeted are weird and while I don't think she's mafia, I'm not quite sure what she's up to.

3. Not Shinori. Possibly Eclipse? None of the people who had any suspicion on them today and are actually townie, because from the mafia POV, those could lead to mislynches later on.

4. Objectively speaking, any of the people who have/had suspicion on them this phase. In order, that's:





I think those were the only real suspicions, but I might have forgotten someone. Other than that, I dunno.

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Currently, I'm leaning more towards Aere and Bal being the scum team with maybe a third in there somewhere, but I'm not sure who'd that be. Maybe Iris. Apparently Snike is clear, which throws my suspicions of Kay out the window. Bal is doing a good job at contributing now, but that could just be to try and save himself from getting lynched because Rapier just vanished and didn't contribute basically anything. Along those same lines, Aere has basically only poster one or two line posts and maybe a list post every now and then. When I look back over the rest of the scum team that's be found, both Straw and Blitz were doing essentially the same thing. Not really posting a lot, giving a one liner here and there, and voting when told to vote. This is similar to why I suspected Kay in the first place, and also why I sorta suspect Iris. Iris is slightly more clear in my mind because I've had some good conversations with her outside of thread, while I've had barely any contact with Aere, and none with Rapier outside of the thread. I briefly talked to Bal yesterday, but that was just to clear things up from some confusion some of my posts had had.

Now, before you look back over the last day or so and say that I'm doing the same thing that I'm finding scum tells from, I'd like to point out that from the start I was writing more involved posts. It's only been since the town leader has found some scum that I've stopped talking so much. And even then, I'm still talking a lot outside of thread. Honestly, I can see where people start to dislike town leaders, because all of a sudden it turns from "Let's talk and scum hunt and do a good job at figuring things out" to "Hey guys follow me, I found scum. And no need to post your opinions, just vote." I'm not saying Shinori has done this on purpose. He has asked for people to talk, it just turns into that easily because people view it as freedom to just vote and run without having to justify their actions. Meh.

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Aaand Vanilla lynch. Helios, why were you being so useless?

Alright, now time for Shining Force Mafia: NOC Edition.

-Shinori asked to be inspected N0, and claimed inspected D1 with Leader, a nice mafia target. This is N5, and despite the Night 2 doctor kill, neither he nor his magical inspector have been nightkilled. Instead, there's the power roles. Going down. Every consecutive night. That's some cause for concern, considering the existence of a permanent non-death tailor and the tracker flip N3.

-I think Aere is clear, if only because mafia BP doesn't make sense unless the vig is REALLY strong (two-shot is not, despite it being immediate). This does not mean he isn't wrong, as I am clean according to the announcer.

-Eclipse is clear FMPOV due to the nature of her claim and checker meta.

-Iris is clean, and I will verbally eviscerate anyone who tries to lynch her tomorrow.

-I have no idea why Hika is clear, so I'm a bit suspicious atm as a result.

-Of Bal and scorri, I find scorri the scummiest, due to her unquestioned loyalty to the town leader and previous piggybacking Bal brought up recently. That's not to say that Bal isn't mafia, but I feel that scumri is more mafia-aligned at the moment.

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Snike: I went back and reread everything Bal said, and the only thing that I can remotely see being what you're talking about wrt the piggybacking is the confusing exchange between me, Helios, and eclipse. One of whom has flipped town, and the other whom you trust. All I was doing in that situation was trying to clear up some confusion and ended up causing more because my computer was refusing to allow quotes for some odd reason.

Moving on from that, my "unquestioned loyalty" is because my role works better with someone telling me how to use it. That being said, I wouldn't call it unquestioned. I've considered the possibility that Shinori is scum. I just don't really find it that likely. That would mean that he would have had to bus three of his own teammates. I can see bussing one, or two, but three? Ugh, I dunno. I can see where you're coming from with implying that Shinori could be scum, but I'm not sure I'm buying it.

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Alright, my turn. I've had experience as a mafia town leader, and it was. . .interesting. Here's a similarity/difference chart:

+ Shinori's acting EXACTLY LIKE ME in Unicycle

+ He also called for the N0 inspect, and we know that there's a tailor with permanent suits

- I didn't start killing town power roles immediately

- Nor did I bus my team until absolutely necessary (and definitely not D1)

Now, depending on how Shinori flips. . .

- If he's mafia, then I'll know that there's a redirectional role within the mafia; it also means that one of Strawman's suits was used on him.

- If he's town, then I smack him upside the head for being so horribly sloppy with information; it also means he needs to examine every single past conversation, to figure out just how bad the leaks were.

. . .and from what info I have. . .

- Aere is BP, and not much else can be said; given the way this game's going, it doesn't indicate his alignment.

- Snike is clear based on announcer stuff

- Not really feeling scorri/Iris as mafia

- Bal's Doing Stuff, but I'm not sure why he felt the need to point at "not me being leaky".

- I keep forgetting that Hika exists

- There's nothing like having the HOST prove your role for you.

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You all wake up in the morning and notice Hika is dead. But at least he didn't commit seppuku.

Hikarusa, Town Rolecop, has died.

Dear Hikarusa,

You are Musashi, Town Rolecop.

You are a samurai, and are a very powerful frontline fighter. You adhere to the samurai code of honor and justice.

At night, may reply to your Role PM with 'Night X - Test USER's honor.'. USER will be insulted and demand that you duel with them. You, of course, will win, and as a prize, USER will give you their Role PM.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

Also, a royal messenger has delivered a small piece of paper. One of you picks it up and reads it aloud.

Alright guys, we've got this. I know we can do this. I've been given free reign of my announcements once again, and so I will use it to encourage us all! We can do this. We must stand up, band together and work towards this goal of finding scum! We will fight, we will question, we will--- OOOH SHINY THING! *runs off after shiny thing*

~5 minutes later~

*ahem* Right, where was I. Oh yes. We must work together. Remember, at this point in the game, we can trust no one. There was a tailor on the prowl at the start of the game, so you can never know who was tailored. Trust only what you know and what your instincts tell you. We can finish this!

Bizz is standing outside in front of all of you. You wonder what's going on, as she seems to have a speech. "Hey you guys! I'm better than all of you losers!" Bizz takes out these weird cards from her pocket, before throwing them in the air. You all look at her like she's gone insane. Only the cards don't come down. They turn into weird clones of eclipse, Hika, Blitz, Iris, Snike, and Scorri. This is weird. Bizz tells them to keep you guys busy. Apparently they will do anything she says. She runs away after that, never to return. The clones seem pretty nice though.

Eclipse, Iris, Snike, and Scorri all receive an extra vote this phase.

Bizz has also won. She was Mawlock, Third Party Card User.

Dear adiosToreador,

You are Mawlocke, Third Party Card User.

Very little is known about you, but you aid the Shining Force and Princess Narsha. You use cards in battle to take on the powers of friend and foe alike.

At night, you may reply to your Role PM with 'Night X - Ask USER for their card.' USER will give you their card so that you may prepare for battle. You will learn the name of USER's character as well. You also have the ability to survive one attempt on your life.

You are allied with yourself. You win when you successfully retrieve 6 cards.

Day 6 will end 6/28 at 1:30 AM EST.

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I could reveal the ideals of my plan if nesacarry but I would prefer waiting for now and see who scum kill. If they kill me tonight the cop can tell people the original thoughts of my plan.

That being said however, I think we should be attempting to scum hunt not thinking of my plan I have involved. As there are variables that can drastically change which line the plan follows........

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Snike: I went back and reread everything Bal said, and the only thing that I can remotely see being what you're talking about wrt the piggybacking is the confusing exchange between me, Helios, and eclipse. One of whom has flipped town, and the other whom you trust. All I was doing in that situation was trying to clear up some confusion and ended up causing more because my computer was refusing to allow quotes for some odd reason.

Moving on from that, my "unquestioned loyalty" is because my role works better with someone telling me how to use it. That being said, I wouldn't call it unquestioned. I've considered the possibility that Shinori is scum. I just don't really find it that likely. That would mean that he would have had to bus three of his own teammates. I can see bussing one, or two, but three? Ugh, I dunno. I can see where you're coming from with implying that Shinori could be scum, but I'm not sure I'm buying it.

1: Yeah, I misread that.

2: I would call it unquestioned, seeing as there has been no public doubt. Even after LYNCHING THE BOMB CLAIM AND APPARENTLY A COP INSPECT on D2, your read on Mr. Shinori is 'obvious town leader'. That's pretty unquestioned.

2:Shinori has also bussed the interceptor in a mafia game before. I wouldn't put it past him to bus multiple mafia members for town cred. Especially after the trainwreck that was D2. Plus, he's still alive. Why is he still alive, considering the doctor died N2?

Postedit: Just saw the flip. There's the role cop. What the fuck.

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