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What the hell is this anyway? "Smoother" doesn't actually mean much.

It's actually choppy in a way. but "Cooler" probably describes it best. It glides and comes to a halt instead of scrolling in increments.

1. It's just a web browser so calm your tits.

2. I have it updated and enabled and don't notice anything. If anything it seems worse than it was before.

Get your pessimistic presence away, it's dimming my aura.

Firefox's one fault compared to IE as far as my preference goes has always been that scrolling distorts the page, rather than "pausing" it or whatever IE does. Looks about the same to me, still.

Had to remind myself how nasty IE is to see this. Don't know what you speak of.

Man, I just updated FF to see what the fuss is about. Turns out there's no difference as far as my computer goes whether the option is checked or not. Do you need a mouse for this or something? I've been using my inbuilt trackpad scrolling ever since I got the computer and never saw the use for a mouse.

Gonna stick with Chrome like I always do.

It could be only with the little scrolly thing inbetween the mouse buttons, certain laptops may have the ability to use it while others don't. One of you or Freohr could have a Mac/Dell/HP while the other has alienware or something.

I turned it off because it sucks and makes scanning through lists a lot harder.

False. When skimming it functions just like it used too.

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It could be only with the little scrolly thing inbetween the mouse buttons, certain laptops may have the ability to use it while others don't. One of you or Freohr could have a Mac/Dell/HP while the other has alienware or something.

Yeah. I have a macbook so I just use the two finger scroll since I like it and I'm used to it. I might attach my wireless mouse at some point to test it but my parents borrowed it since I don't use it much and it's the best mouse we got in the house.

Actually wait I do have another mouse let's try this

Okay I see what you mean now. Yeah it doesn't work with two finger scroll but it does work with the scrolly thing. I see the difference~

Edited by Fat Bunny
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I wish my laptop would let me do that two finger scroll thingy. My brother was allowed to borrow a macbook from our high school and that was the first time I ever used a laptop and so I got too used to scrolling that way XD

On here you scroll with the skinny right sliver of this touchpad. It's super inconvenient when I am just trying to move the mouse around and I accidentally scroll on the edge then suddenly the page scrolls down/up.

Edited by Freohr Datia
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One of my friends' Dell have two finger scroll too if you want to consider a cheaper option and is in need of a new computer at some point. I heard from him it's not as good on his particular machine, though, since he also had a mac to compare.

Then he spilled coffee on it and I yelled at him forever because a proper compsci major keeps his or her computer out of harm's way. >|

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It's actually choppy in a way. but "Cooler" probably describes it best. It glides and comes to a halt instead of scrolling in increments.

Man I think mine always did that? Or it's not doing it now...?

So confused.

On here you scroll with the skinny right sliver of this touchpad. It's super inconvenient when I am just trying to move the mouse around and I accidentally scroll on the edge then suddenly the page scrolls down/up.

I wish I could disable my mousepad on my laptop (in such a way that it wasn't disabled permanently, in case I did want to use it again), simply because sometimes I end up using it by accident. Not a big deal though.

What do you guys mean by a two finger scroll, and what's the advantage over a one finger/hand scroll?

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It's just one trackpad. No buttons though you can click on it, but I set mine to tap. Two finger tap/click is right click, two finger dragging up/down/side/diagonal is scroll (useful in PS especially since my canvas is huge and I can scroll in a diagonal direction rather than only vertical and horizontal). Three finger swipe back and forth is back and forward on a browser, and four finger up shows desktop while four finger side is the same as alt tab.

I mainly like it due to the versatility of two finger scroll in my art, though. The tablet scrolling pad isn't nearly as sensitive on my tablet so I usually have my right hand on the tablet and left hand handle all keyboard shortcuts and scrolling and the jazz. It's pretty efficient when I art.

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four finger side is the same as alt tab.

Lol apparently I've been alt tabbing and not even realized I was pressing the alt key.

If you have a mousee with a pressable scrollbar you can usually press that and get a relatively omnidirectional scroll. It even worked in warcraft III! (so I didn't have to go to the edges of the screen to shift it with the mouse) But presumably you and other people using touchpads might not even want to use a mouse.

...lol, In warcraft III, if you pressed the spacebar you could quickly alternate between a transmission sent by the game, including pings placed by your allies. I wonder if firefox lets you mark part of a large page like that. Not like, bookmarking a specific section in the bookmarks page so much as just being able to scroll through highlights with a hotkey.

Edited by Hawkeye Hank Hatfield
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Don't think I have one of those. I'm so long accustomed to not having a mouse anyway. It's either the trackpad or the tablet. For three and a half years now.

Tablet does everything I want it to do regarding precision since I have to draw with it.

Edited by Fat Bunny
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Ah, like using a touchscreen?

Not really.

Yeah. I have a macbook so I just use the two finger scroll since I like it and I'm used to it. I might attach my wireless mouse at some point to test it but my parents borrowed it since I don't use it much and it's the best mouse we got in the house.

Actually wait I do have another mouse let's try this

Okay I see what you mean now. Yeah it doesn't work with two finger scroll but it does work with the scrolly thing. I see the difference~

Diagnostics. BOOM NAILED IT!

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FF just updated itself. The smooth scroll is quite welcome. If I'm reading something, it helps me keep track of whee I am since ost the time, I have to highlight a point before scrolling just to find it easier after the scroll down.

Edited by Raven
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