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Referring to the USA as "America"


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Pssh, way to show off your ignorance of the histories. England is Wessex, Mercia, Essex, Sussex, Kent, and East Anglia. And also part of Italy?

And depending on what era of history, Wales can mean different things. If the Welsh ever try for independence, will they claim West Wales too?

Phoenix is Wright. I'm not sure why you're trying to bring up any history on the matter.

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There's some truth in the following video:

I found it amusing.

David Mitchell is just that amusing. Just listen to him about signing a girl's tits.

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Obviously, to correct people's lack of education. England is not "just" England, it's not some homogenuous mass.

But as an alliance of nations it doesn't get smaller than England, which is what he was trying to say. Like, when people are talking about NATO they don't think of it as being an alliance of San Diego, Los Angeles, Sacramento, etc. They think of it instead as the largest and easiest to dissect portions.

I can't speak directly for him, but if he doesn't live in the UK he probably has no idea about the counties that make up England. Hell, as can be easily shown above by my example above, I don't. I don't even know if they're divided up into things called counties. And unlike basic geography and dividing lines, I don't think it's so necessary to learn for everyone. Cut him a bit of slack.

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But as an alliance of nations it doesn't get smaller than England, which is what he was trying to say. Like, when people are talking about NATO they don't think of it as being an alliance of San Diego, Los Angeles, Sacramento, etc. They think of it instead as the largest and easiest to dissect portions.

I can't speak directly for him, but if he doesn't live in the UK he probably has no idea about the counties that make up England. Hell, as can be easily shown above by my example above, I don't. I don't even know if they're divided up into things called counties. And unlike basic geography and dividing lines, I don't think it's so necessary to learn for everyone. Cut him a bit of slack.

I don't think that basic geography is necessary at all. What good does it serve someone in America to know about the distinction between Scotland and Wales and England? After all, foreign policy issues are not devolved. In terms of foreign and macroeconomic policy, the UK might as well be one homogenuous mass. I have a pretty good handle on how American domestic politics functions and understand the distinction between states and federal government and can probably name most states, because I'm personally interested in such things (and because they are well-documented), but knowledge like that isn't useful to me. And I'm certainly never inconvenienced by my lack of understanding about the domestic politics of Russia or China or Brazil or some other great economic power. I have a vague awareness that there are seperatist movements in Quebec in Canada, and in Basque in Spain, but that's about as far as my awareness goes, and I can't say that it's ever proven necessary.

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Obviously, to correct people's lack of education. England is not "just" England, it's not some homogenuous mass.

He's still correct. I'm sure he doesn't need to know the counties that make up the country of England. There are a lot.

David Mitchell is just that amusing. Just listen to him about signing a girl's tits.

Trust me I've already watched as much of the guy as I could find on YouTube.

I don't even know if they're divided up into things called counties. And unlike basic geography and dividing lines, I don't think it's so necessary to learn for everyone. Cut him a bit of slack.

Yeah, the whole of the UK is divided into counties. And agreed.

I don't think that basic geography is necessary at all. What good does it serve someone in America to know about the distinction between Scotland and Wales and England? After all, foreign policy issues are not devolved. In terms of foreign and macroeconomic policy, the UK might as well be one homogenuous mass.

Depending on the individual person's needs and interests, maybe a lot, or maybe none at all. In your case, none at all, it would seem. I'm not really sure why we're still discussing this. What are you trying to achieve exactly? Myself, Wist and Esau have already tried educating you about the basic makeup of the UK. I'm not sure why you challenged Phoenix since there is really no need to go deeper into the countries and start discussing their counties. Again I ask, why?

Edited by Raven
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I don't think that basic geography is necessary at all. What good does it serve someone in America to know about the distinction between Scotland and Wales and England?

Because of the fact that terms such as "Welsh" and "Scottish" are used in common conversations between individuals, and distinction between these different areas is something done daily on a worldwide basis. It's as useful to know where Wales is as Italy, in my opinion, whether or not it's part of a larger state.

After all, foreign policy issues are not devolved. In terms of foreign and macroeconomic policy, the UK might as well be one homogenuous mass. I have a pretty good handle on how American domestic politics functions and understand the distinction between states and federal government and can probably name most states, because I'm personally interested in such things (and because they are well-documented), but knowledge like that isn't useful to me. And I'm certainly never inconvenienced by my lack of understanding about the domestic politics of Russia or China or Brazil or some other great economic power. I have a vague awareness that there are seperatist movements in Quebec in Canada, and in Basque in Spain, but that's about as far as my awareness goes, and I can't say that it's ever proven necessary.

The difference between what is useful in supplementary knowledge and fairly simple to learn, and unusable for many while also being very difficult to memorize can be pretty evident, here. Do I think it is completely useful to know exactly where Malaysia is for everyone in the planet? Well, no, but then the same thing could be said of simple algebra skills for many if not most. It's still useful to know, and much easier to learn than all of the smaller cities and territories that make Malaysia up, or non-linear mathematics or something.

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Because of the fact that terms such as "Welsh" and "Scottish" are used in common conversations between individuals, and distinction between these different areas is something done daily on a worldwide basis.

No, I'm pretty sure that outside of the UK nobody really cares. America only really pays attention to us when there's, like, a royal wedding or whatever.

It's as useful to know where Wales is as Italy, in my opinion, whether or not it's part of a larger state.

Riiiight... except that Italy is actually a country, that is constantly in the news because of it's economic position, is a major factor in European and even world politics, and has about 20 times as many people as Wales does and is 15 times bigger, not counting the significant community of Italian immigrants in the US and the impact Italy has had on world history. It's also where the Vatican is located. You know, the head of the single biggest religion on earth with a billion people in it? By that standard, Canada is as important as the US.

The difference between what is useful in supplementary knowledge and fairly simple to learn, and unusable for many while also being very difficult to memorize can be pretty evident, here. Do I think it is completely useful to know exactly where Malaysia is for everyone in the planet? Well, no, but then the same thing could be said of simple algebra skills for many if not most. It's still useful to know, and much easier to learn than all of the smaller cities and territories that make Malaysia up, or non-linear mathematics or something.

I'd say that unless you actually live in the United Kingdom, knowing about Wales is just not useful, pretty much ever. Wales is about as important as Basque, or Brittany, or Quebec. Or less, since it's smaller and less populous. The fact that it's easy to learn doesn't make it more useful.

Edited by Anouleth
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No, I'm pretty sure that outside of the UK nobody really cares. America only really pays attention to us when there's, like, a royal wedding or whatever.

You forgot soccer games I'm American that's what I call it, but I still don't get why we call the other football football, they only kick the ball once every possession. I'm not trying to offend anyone, sorry if I do, but I care more about the EPL than the royal wedding.

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Well America is the country where being gay is a choice and being fat is genetics. Mexico and Canada arent too bad... yeah, I can see why people would be offended.

I'm embarrassed reading this. My face honestly turned red and I nearly vomited all over my keyboard. Could you be any more of a raging stereotype?

The sheer range of pseudo-intellectualism some people on this board are capable of is rather astounding.

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No, I'm pretty sure that outside of the UK nobody really cares. America only really pays attention to us when there's, like, a royal wedding or whatever.

Speak for yourself. Not every person is like you.

Riiiight... except that Italy is actually a country, that is constantly in the news because of it's economic position, is a major factor in European and even world politics, and has about 20 times as many people as Wales does and is 15 times bigger, not counting the significant community of Italian immigrants in the US and the impact Italy has had on world history. It's also where the Vatican is located. You know, the head of the single biggest religion on earth with a billion people in it? By that standard, Canada is as important as the US.

"Italy is actually a country", as if Wales isn't? Here, let me lift a quote from Wikipedia to help you out a bit here:

"Wales is a country that is part of the United Kingdom and the island of Great Britain, bordered by England to its east and the Atlantic Ocean and Irish Sea to its west." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wales

Size and population and history and whatever else means nothing when it comes to actually being a county. How fucking arrogant can someone get? Maybe you should read up the article on Wales and learn something about it just so you show a little bit more respect towards it, instead of posting here with your current level of arrogance and continuing to trod it into the ground the way you are right now.

I'd say that unless you actually live in the United Kingdom, knowing about Wales is just not useful, pretty much ever. Wales is about as important as Basque, or Brittany, or Quebec. Or less, since it's smaller and less populous. The fact that it's easy to learn doesn't make it more useful.

All right, what's your point? You've been saying all this stuff, but what is it you're trying to achieve by doing so? So what if we're a population of 3 million which is very much a minority compared to many countries? We have a huge history and played an important part in helping start the industrial revolution. We may not be "useful" these days (however one defines that), but hey, we're still here, we have factories etc. which creates steel which goes towards manufacturing, and everything else - even if it is all going down the shitter because of our government. There's no need to bully us little guys just because we're small in size, is there? I'm not sure why you're even trying to belittle the country. You offended by it or something?

Edited by Raven
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Okay? It's trivially obvious and goes without saying that the Welsh are raising sheep en masse. Doesn't change that it's pretty hilarious. Up there with "leading exporter of potassium."

Farmers do it for income. Lots of sheep, lots of money for said farmers. They take advantage of whatever they can to earn a living. It so happens sheep farming works really well in Wales, as that article explained. That's why some of the English like to dub us "sheep shaggers".

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I'm embarrassed reading this. My face honestly turned red and I nearly vomited all over my keyboard. Could you be any more of a raging stereotype?

The sheer range of pseudo-intellectualism some people on this board are capable of is rather astounding.

This is Kai. Kai just says shit. He's only serious in Serious Discussion.


This is better for you, Raven.

Edited by Life Admiral
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Speak for yourself. Not every person is like you.

Yes, not every person pays attention to international politics and takes interest in other countries. That was precisely my point: thanks for agreeing with me.

"Italy is actually a country", as if Wales isn't? Here, let me lift a quote from Wikipedia to help you out a bit here:

Fine: "Italy is actually a nation". Like, it's in the EU, and the UN, and has it's own army and central bank and legal system. Wales does not have any of those things. Country was the wrong word.

"Wales is a country that is part of the United Kingdom and the island of Great Britain, bordered by England to its east and the Atlantic Ocean and Irish Sea to its west." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wales

Size and population and history and whatever else means nothing when it comes to actually being a county. How fucking arrogant can someone get? Maybe you should read up the article on Wales and learn something about it just so you show a little bit more respect towards it, instead of posting here with your current level of arrogance and continuing to trod it into the ground the way you are right now.

Yes, size and population and history DO mean something. I would not expect people to know much about countries like Bahrain, or Sri Lanka, or Trinidad because they are small, minor nations that do not have big effects on other countries. The same applies to Wales: moreso, in fact, because it is not even an independent nation and is rather uneventful in any case (unlike Bahrain and Sri Lanka which have actually seen political unrest recently). You are being arrogant by expecting that everyone has to pay attention to your country.

All right, what's your point? You've been saying all this stuff, but what is it you're trying to achieve by doing so?

Being right is it's own reward.

So what if we're a population of 3 million which is very much a minority compared to many countries? We have a huge history and played an important part in helping start the industrial revolution. We may not be "useful" these days (however one defines that), but hey, we're still here, we have factories etc. which creates steel which goes towards manufacturing, and everything else - even if it is all going down the shitter because of our government. There's no need to bully us little guys just because we're small in size, is there? I'm not sure why you're even trying to belittle the country. You offended by it or something?

I'm not trying to "bully" anyone. I'm merely saying that it is far, FAR from "necessary" and not even useful for people outside of the United Kingdom to know anything at all about Wales (when Esau said it was). When is it necessary, or useful for people in this country to know about Brittany? Or Basque? Or Quebec? Or even Iraqi Kurdistan? You are clearly the person who is "offended". You have done nothing but overreact and get mad, by me pointing out that your country is minor.

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This is Kai. Kai just says shit. He's only serious in Serious Discussion.


This is better for you, Raven.

Oh wow. I've not seen that yet. Thanks for sharing.

Yes, not every person pays attention to international politics and takes interest in other countries. That was precisely my point: thanks for agreeing with me.

You said "outside of the UK nobody really cares". I'm sure you're not right there. And when it comes down to it, it's just an opinion, so whatever. Believe whatever you want. I'm sure as hell your ignorance is not correct.

Fine: "Italy is actually a nation". Like, it's in the EU, and the UN, and has it's own army and central bank and legal system. Wales does not have any of those things. Country was the wrong word.

Wales is both a nation and a country. We have a Welsh Government. We have the Welsh language. We have a flag :Wales:. We participate in the 6 Nations rugby tournament every year. The key word there being "nations", in case you missed it.

Wales is also in the EU and the UN. While Wales and England share many laws, Wales has its own government in the form of the National Assembly for Wales. Refer to the David Mitchell video I posted before in regard to laws.

Wales does not have "it's own" army. The same as England and Scotland don't have their "own" army. All of these countries' members of the armed forces are a part of the nation-wide British Army. What's the point in keeping English regiments, Welsh regiments and Scottish regiments apart when they can merge into one powerful British Army? Sigh.

Being right is it's own reward.

Your original post was:"I'd say that unless you actually live in the United Kingdom, knowing about Wales is just not useful, pretty much ever. Wales is about as important as Basque, or Brittany, or Quebec. Or less, since it's smaller and less populous. The fact that it's easy to learn doesn't make it more useful."

What a lovely opinion. Wales is there. It's small. So what of it's size? It's doing things and has done things which may or may not have had an effect on the way some people live their lives in the world. I'm not trying to "big up" Wales and make it seem like it's overly important and that everyone must know it's there, I'm trying to defend it from your troll-like ignorance in trying to state it's good for nothing and "useless".

I'm not trying to "bully" anyone. I'm merely saying that it is far, FAR from "necessary" and not even useful for people outside of the United Kingdom to know anything at all about Wales (when Esau said it was). When is it necessary, or useful for people in this country to know about Brittany? Or Basque? Or Quebec? Or even Iraqi Kurdistan? You are clearly the person who is "offended". You have done nothing but overreact and get mad, by me pointing out that your country is minor.

I agree the country is minor. Nobody ever said it wasn't. And it indeed isn't necessary for people to know about it, but it's pretty nice to know, isn't it. But when it comes to people believing the whole "England = 100% UK" thing and disregard my country all together, that is when I feel people's ignorance needs to be educated on the matter. I'm annoyed because you're attempting to downgrade it from the nation it is, trying to justify why people shouldn't attempt to remember that Wales exists as part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. It's not nice, to say the least - especially to myself who is Welsh, and proud of my heritage. Being proud of my nation is on par to following a religion. Wales, you could say, is almost like a religion. It's the same for many of us living here. We don't take too kindly to being downgraded by ignorant individuals who outright refuse to acknowledge us just because we're small and "useless".

Yes, size and population and history DO mean something. I would not expect people to know much about countries like Bahrain, or Sri Lanka, or Trinidad because they are small, minor nations that do not have big effects on other countries. The same applies to Wales: moreso, in fact, because it is not even an independent nation and is rather uneventful in any case (unlike Bahrain and Sri Lanka which have actually seen political unrest recently). You are being arrogant by expecting that everyone has to pay attention to your country.

What's wrong with defending my country against the likes of people like you who think of it as "useless"? As I said above, it's all about educating people who are misinformed and decide to talk about what they think they know as if it were fact. I don't think everyone has to "pay attention" to Wales at all. All I would like is for ignorant folks to realise that the UK is not just a single country called England. Being aware something exists and paying attention to it are two different matters to me.

You know what, I don't care, really. I'm not sure why I'm letting you wind me up like this. Your ignorant words and ill-informed opinions are somehow finding a path into the pride I have within me for my country. I just hope you've learned something in regards to my heritage on the matter. We are small but have as much pride and a heart as that of the people of the USA. But someone such as yourself who doesn't believe in nationalism would never understand how it feels to have someone talking down your nation, dubbing it "useless" just because it's small.

I believe this discussion is getting stretched out and quite frankly I'm getting bored of fighting your ignorance towards my country. If you have something to say about this, I will read what you have to say, but I doubt I'll reply since trying to educate a person who thinks he already knows it all is pretty boring and degrading.

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No, I'm pretty sure that outside of the UK nobody really cares. America only really pays attention to us when there's, like, a royal wedding or whatever.

I'm pretty sure that the Welsh are, while not paid attention to by the common American, recognized as existing, for lack of a better way to put it.

Riiiight... except that Italy is actually a country, that is constantly in the news because of it's economic position, is a major factor in European and even world politics, and has about 20 times as many people as Wales does and is 15 times bigger, not counting the significant community of Italian immigrants in the US and the impact Italy has had on world history. It's also where the Vatican is located. You know, the head of the single biggest religion on earth with a billion people in it? By that standard, Canada is as important as the US.

I don't know why any of this is relevant to the point being made. Ireland and its inhabitants make up an incredibly minute portion of the planet, both in terms of area and population, yet the Irish are a very well-known and recognized group of people in America. Wales might not be as big as Italy, but what I'm saying is that the Welsh --much like the Scottish-- are quite recognizable entities in common parlance. Even if people aren't sure where they are at, as many are wont to do, they are at least aware of them and have some knowledge of stereotypes and such associated with these places.

I never said anything about Wales' impact in history, so you can slow down with the putting words in my mouth now Turbo.

I'd say that unless you actually live in the United Kingdom, knowing about Wales is just not useful, pretty much ever. Wales is about as important as Basque, or Brittany, or Quebec. Or less, since it's smaller and less populous. The fact that it's easy to learn doesn't make it more useful.

The fact that it's more commonly known makes it more useful. As one of those silly Americans that doesn't know much about the outside world, I know what Wales is. It will be recognized in everyday conversation to say something is Welsh in nature, be it folklore, design, whatever. I don't know where Basque is, or Brittany, and I doubt anyone I know would be able to identify those things as being significant in common parlance stateside.

Yes, size and population and history DO mean something. I would not expect people to know much about countries like Bahrain, or Sri Lanka, or Trinidad because they are small, minor nations that do not have big effects on other countries. The same applies to Wales: moreso, in fact, because it is not even an independent nation and is rather uneventful in any case (unlike Bahrain and Sri Lanka which have actually seen political unrest recently). You are being arrogant by expecting that everyone has to pay attention to your country.

Size, population, and history are all very important to knowledge of a place and its cultural heritage, but for the average person it's a culmination of many factors, and knowledge of world areas isn't always consistent with what would be expected. Example: Tibet is recognizable by a huge number of people in America. It's not even a nation but I can assure you ten times the number of people stateside would recognize it compared to, say, Nepal, itself far larger, more populous, and a recognized country to boot.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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You said "outside of the UK nobody really cares". I'm sure you're not right there. And when it comes down to it, it's just an opinion, so whatever. Believe whatever you want. I'm sure as hell your ignorance is not correct.

How am I ignorant? I am not ignorant of anything. Maybe I'm rude by pointing out that Wales is not, in fact, an independent nation, and is not really major and people in other countries have little reason to notice it, but I am not ignorant. So perhaps you should stop throwing around that word, because the only one that comes off as stupid is you.

Wales is both a nation and a country. We have a Welsh Government. We have the Welsh language. We have a flag :Wales:. We participate in the 6 Nations rugby tournament every year. The key word there being "nations", in case you missed it.

Then Basque is also a nation: as is Brittany (since it's considered one of the six Celtic Nations and has it's own language); as is 21 Republics in Russia (with their own presidents, parliaments and constitutions). And quite frankly, it makes me wonder what all the fuss about independence in Scotland is, since according to you they already are an independent nation.

Wales is also in the EU and the UN. While Wales and England share many laws, Wales has its own government in the form of the National Assembly for Wales. Refer to the David Mitchell video I posted before in regard to laws.


ctrl + f "Wales"

not found sry


ctrl + f "Wales"

not found sry

No, Wales is not a nation.

Wales does not have "it's own" army. The same as England and Scotland don't have their "own" army. All of these countries' members of the armed forces are a part of the nation-wide British Army. What's the point in keeping English regiments, Welsh regiments and Scottish regiments apart when they can merge into one powerful British Army? Sigh.

Good, so you agree with me.

Your original post was:"I'd say that unless you actually live in the United Kingdom, knowing about Wales is just not useful, pretty much ever. Wales is about as important as Basque, or Brittany, or Quebec. Or less, since it's smaller and less populous. The fact that it's easy to learn doesn't make it more useful."

What a lovely opinion. Wales is there. It's small. So what of it's size? It's doing things and has done things which may or may not have had an effect on the way some people live their lives in the world. I'm not trying to "big up" Wales and make it seem like it's overly important and that everyone must know it's there, I'm trying to defend it from your troll-like ignorance in trying to state it's good for nothing and "useless".

I never said it was useless, or good for nothing. I'm saying that it's minor. I'm saying that knowledge of it's existence is not useful unless you live in the UK.

I agree the country is minor. Nobody ever said it wasn't. And it indeed isn't necessary for people to know about it, but it's pretty nice to know, isn't it.

Good to see you agree with me.

But when it comes to people believing the whole "England = 100% UK" thing and disregard my country all together, that is when I feel people's ignorance needs to be educated on the matter. I'm annoyed because you're attempting to downgrade it from the nation it is, trying to justify why people shouldn't attempt to remember that Wales exists as part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain.

Do you remember Basque? Or Brittany? Or Kurdistan? Because I'm guessing you probably don't, and the majority of people don't; assuming they don't live in Spain or France or one of the Middle East nations with sizeable Kurdish communities.

It's not nice, to say the least - especially to myself who is Welsh, and proud of my heritage. Being proud of my nation is on par to following a religion. Wales, you could say, is almost like a religion. It's the same for many of us living here. We don't take too kindly to being downgraded by ignorant individuals who outright refuse to acknowledge us just because we're small and "useless".

I never called you useless, but yes, I agree that it's exactly like religion.

What's wrong with defending my country against the likes of people like you who think of it as "useless"?

I don't think Wales is useless. Wales is an important part of the UK, and accordingly, everyone in the UK should at least understand the distinction between Wales, Scotland, and England. If you are not in the UK? Then no.

As I said above, it's all about educating people who are misinformed and decide to talk about what they think they know as if it were fact. I don't think everyone has to "pay attention" to Wales at all. All I would like is for ignorant folks to realise that the UK is not just a single country called England. Being aware something exists and paying attention to it are two different matters to me.

No, it is called England, along with many other phrases that might not be literally accurate: like referring to the UK as Great Britain, or Britain, or the British Isles, or the British Islands, which are all inaccurate in some way or another but not worth getting upset over. When people refer to the EU (or the Eurozone) as "Europe", they are tacitly ignoring the presence of several European countries that are not in the EU.

You know what, I don't care, really. I'm not sure why I'm letting you wind me up like this.

"ooh, you're only winding me up because I'm letting you, just on a silly whim".

Your ignorant words and ill-informed opinions are somehow finding a path into the pride I have within me for my country.

You mean my masterful debating skillz are penetrating your thick skull.

I just hope you've learned something in regards to my heritage on the matter.

I hope you've learned not to take your country so seriously. Wales is not special. Unless you want to crack open Wikipedia and memorise the names of every country and major ethnic group on Earth, you should not expect people to remember yours.

We are small but have as much pride and a heart as that of the people of the USA.

I don't consider that a good thing.

But someone such as yourself who doesn't believe in nationalism would never understand how it feels to have someone talking down your nation, dubbing it "useless" just because it's small.

Neither of us know how that feels, since I never used the word "useless". And just because it's not useful to know about something doesn't mean that it's not useful. I can't say I know how the advanced electronics inside my computer work, nor do I need to, but they are extremely useful.

I believe this discussion is getting stretched out and quite frankly I'm getting bored of fighting your ignorance towards my country. If you have something to say about this, I will read what you have to say, but I doubt I'll reply since trying to educate a person who thinks he already knows it all is pretty boring and degrading.

Don't worry: I'll just assume that immediately after you read my post you had an epiphany and realised I was right about everything. My posts tend to have that effect on people.

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How am I ignorant? I am not ignorant of anything.

My friend, you are ignorant of your own ignorance~~

I'm saying that knowledge of it's existence is not useful unless you live in the UK.

How can knowledge of something that actually exists be 'useless'?

Knowledge of any kind has many uses, in my opinion.

EDIT: As for your original post to me, I thank you for educating me on that particular subject matter, but, in relevance to the point of my post, it was unwarranted.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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Don't worry: I'll just assume that immediately after you read my post you had an epiphany and realised I was right about everything. My posts tend to have that effect on people.

There are some things I disagree with and would normally challenge had this discussion been fresh. Discussing this with you feels like chewing on stale bread.

As a result, it seems as though my giveafuckometer has run out of juice.

I'll just let you continue thinking the way you want to think. It's not killing anyone, so whatever.

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No, I'm pretty sure that outside of the UK nobody really cares. America only really pays attention to us when there's, like, a royal wedding or whatever.

Hey, I live in the "land of ignorance" United States, and I care that Wales (and Scotland and the two Irelands) exist. I prefer to expand my horizons and know a little about other countries besides just the one I live in.

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I just remembered Anouleth lives in England. This totally backs up the video I posted a short while back, as well as backs up his rather foul attitude towards Wales!

"The English, meanwhile, are smug and inherently right-wing." - David Mitchell.

Intriguing. I'm just glad not all the English think like you, Anouleth. However I think a lot of people in England (not all, but some) do have a superiority complex - allowing their smug and arrogant attitudes to spill all over the place, resulting in the neighbouring nations holding some resentment towards it.

Oh to be British.

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I will never understand a nationalist's point of view.

What did I learn from this thread? Wales is Serious Business. That and nationalism is retarded.

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