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Gridhood Civilization


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So I go on another forum, and I am playing this game there with some other people. It's really fun and I wanted to try and bring it here.


Welcome to the world of Gridhood S2. What looks like an ordinary 12x12 grid to you is no ordinary grid. When the high gods created their universe they had some leftovers, cast aside into the void. Those leftovers are what you see before you. It is places like this that the lesser gods play.



There are two kinds of players in this game. There are to be four different "Civilization" players and 8 lesser gods. The goal of a civilization player would typically be to survive and prosper in this world, and the lesser gods don't have any set goals and will mostly be left to their own devices. The lesser gods are not linked to any civilization, and can do as they please.

Civilization Details

The Civilizations are the intelligent mortals which inhabit this world; sentient beings deemed not good enough for the high gods. Each civilization will start with 50 units of food and a population of 10. Each citizen will typically consume 1 unit of food per turn, and without food a citizen will die. Citizens will breed every few turns, increasing population. The player takes up a leadership role and tells all of their citizens what to do, from food collection to building construction to military action. An adult civilian can also be assigned a 'class' such as woodcutters, soldiers etc, which will permanently make them more competent at a certain job. Citizens can only be assigned a class once.

Lesser God Details

What the lesser gods do is form and shape the world. Each space on the 2d grid represents a large three dimensional area with their own properties. Each turn a lesser god can take one action each turn, they can create a tile, or change a tiles features. A Lesser God can also use their turn to cause weather effects in a tile. Tiles can hold any type of terrain, such as plains, hills and forests. These tiles are essential for civilizations to prosper. Remember to clearly define which tile you are modifying with the proper letter and number combination. A1, B3 etc. The tile that you are updating should have another adjacent non void tile next to it but that is not 100% mandatory. A white tile is a void space which cannot be entered by a civilization, a yellow tile is the home tile for a civilization. The homes can not be modified.

To Join

A civilization player will need to fill out an application sheet in this spoiler:

Species Name:

Special Traits: -There is no strict maximum to how many bonuses and penalties a species can have but don't go overboard, all players will be more or less balanced.

Optional additional info:

A lesser god will simply need to give their name and any other info they wish. We will have a total of 8 lesser gods.

Do not apply to be a civilization player if you are not going to be capable of posting your action at least once every 48 hours. If you fail to meet that deadline at any time anyone else who is not already a player may permanently take your place by merely posting and stating that they want to do so. Lesser god players may come and go as they please. People eligible to play as a lesser god include anyone who is not currently nor has ever been a civilization player of this game and has not annoyed the GM to the point of revoking their godhood status. Turn 1 will begin when we have 4 civilization players. Lesser god players may input their actions for turn one starting right now.


Player Info:

Lesser Gods:




Edited by Papermate
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Can I be a lesser god, and do lesser God's have specific titles, e.g. "God of the sea" or somethin along those lines? Can I create the tile B12?

Edited by GoldenEmblem7
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