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The Resistance V


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Ah, I see. I don't doubt Proto, but being wrong about Blue means instant loss. Being wrong about Proto only means almost certain loss. Honestly, you're reading too much into that last sentence I think, when my loyalty will probably be obvious from the results of this mission (unless the vote fails - if the mission goes ahead and succeeds, we're all confirmed resistance, if it goes ahead and fails, it's game over anyway)

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Ah, I see. I don't doubt Proto, but being wrong about Blue means instant loss. Being wrong about Proto only means almost certain loss. Honestly, you're reading too much into that last sentence I think, when my loyalty will probably be obvious from the results of this mission (unless the vote fails - if the mission goes ahead and succeeds, we're all confirmed resistance, if it goes ahead and fails, it's game over anyway)

How does being wrong about proto mean almost certain loss?

You would be confirmed resistance unless the slim chance spies feel like dragging it out another round and trolling resistance.

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emphasis on almost btw. Because the way i see it, being wrong about proto, means insta loss no questions asked. Same with being wrong about blue.

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Almost certain because: Spies could be Proto/(not Blue), this proposal fails, Blue SL and makes a not-losing proposal. It's very unlikely, hence, almost certain loss.

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Almost certain because: Spies could be Proto/(not Blue), this proposal fails, Blue SL and makes a not-losing proposal. It's very unlikely, hence, almost certain loss.

I see.

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Guys. All votes are in.

For the record, SlayerX voted No. Everyone else said yes.

Proposal 4.4 Passes.

Marth, Proto, Skitty, please submit your Suppport/Sabotage.

Expect me to reply to this tomorrow, if you send yours in quickly. Helluva day, and now I'm minus one dog.

Activity here will ensue tomorrow, as I would enjoy having a distraction.

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nvm, ignore my last post. I was finding it odd that at least one Spy voted Yes to this proposal, but then I remembered that voting Yes now would have been equivalent to claiming Spy unless you're sure that Slayer is Resistance.

Thinking back on it, I think it would have been better to have Shinori replace I eat tables/Blues. The reason why I feel Shinori should have been in is because scorri would have had NO reason whatsoever to vote Yes if she were Resistance, and she'd have no choice but to pray that this mission fails and that Slayer isn't a Spy that will auto-fail 4.5. I doubt it'd have changed the outcome, with the proposal still passing but then getting rejected by Slayer's No Confidence, allowing us to send Proto+I eat tables+Blues, but having scorri's No vote as valuable info for Mission 5.

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I am not thinking straight today. nvm my last post because if Shinori+Slayer is the Spy team, Slayer wouldn't use No Confidence and we'll have lost the game for nothing. The current proposal is the best proposal and please ignore my previous two posts.

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Me using no confidence ight now would just be useles. I'm extremely sure that the soy team is Proto/IET. Blue might replace IET but that doesn't matter. The team i would have sent would have been Shinori/Scorri/Me. However, it was made clear that Blue would just Strong leader me, and he would likely send a team of Blue/IET/Shinori(or proto) again.

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Round [4.4]: Mission [2] Results

Co-Operate 2 / Sabotage 1

Mission [Fails]. Score is now Resistance - [1], Spies - [3]

Spies Claim Victory. GG guys!

Just for fun, go ahead and guess the spy team, publically. I will work on a postgame in the meantime, but I work for 8 hrs, so expect it around 1900 EST.

I hope I was able to provide a fun game for you all!

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I so totally told you... However, that means

a) Proto/Tables wanted to troll while the other one wanted to finish

b)I was wrong about the proto + either blue or tables team.

Which ever the case >:(

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IO's won't blab.

Off to work, but I'll be on my phone as best as I can for this (and for SSBU too)

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Also, Shinori/Tables could make sense. Would explain why shinori voted yes to blue/proto/tables mission, despite saying he didn't feel comfortable with Proto (according to blue anyway).

Edited by SlayerX
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Thank you fr your lovely time everyone. The spies were Proto and I.

And thank you Tables, for underestimating my gameplay when I took strong leader from you. I considered you to be the 3rd spy :3

Sorry Eli, I so wanted to do that. XD

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