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Where does the brand come from

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So the branded are a result having both laguz and beorc ancestry. They get a brand and their laguz parent loses the ability to transform. This is attributed to the Goddess punishing them yet later in the game it is implied that Ashera doesn't know about the branded. So where does the brand come from and why do the laguz lose the ability to transform? I can't remember if this is ever addressed in the game after it is suggested Ashera doesn't know about the branded. Does anyone have any answers for me?

Edited by Jotari
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It's a birthmark that forms when certain genes from a beorc and laguz are active in conjunction with each other? I'm basically pulling stuff out of my ass. I'd chock it up to IS needing a way to give cross-species offspring a somewhat but not completely obvious way of being identified and not really thinking about the specifics.

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Accepting magical nature in video games is expected. Whats weird about this case is that they gave a fine reason for it and then took it back for no real reason. What does Ashera not knowing about the branded really accomplish plot wise?

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Accepting magical nature in video games is expected. Whats weird about this case is that they gave a fine reason for it and then took it back for no real reason. What does Ashera not knowing about the branded really accomplish plot wise?

Makes it so the Branded aren't a sin.

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Accepting magical nature in video games is expected. Whats weird about this case is that they gave a fine reason for it and then took it back for no real reason. What does Ashera not knowing about the branded really accomplish plot wise?

It gives Stefan a scene in which he laughs like a (jackass) about the irony of the entire situation?

I didn't really like this decision as well, because it basically invalidates everything that was previously established by the branded? Why on earth would the Laguz parent (regardless of gender mind you!) lose their powers? Why do laguz have an innate hatred of the branded (see Soren). I was fine with the goddess punishing them because Ashera is an asshole. I guess the writers wanted to give the goddess a shred of good for not hating on branded (she's got a serious god complex and imposes her own will on everyone else because "she can" BUT AT LEAST SHE ISN'T RACIST GUYS)

whatevs, Stefan's got his country of branded and now he knows the goddess didn't curse em.

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That's one of the many examples in RD which make me wonder if IS really thought their story trough lol

I was fine with the Ashera punishment thing too, godly intervention explains such strange happenings...

But I read the script again, and I didn't find anything that states Ashera really didn't know of the branded. It's just Yune's thinking.

So maybe she did know? ...

The only thing I can imagine to explain the Ashera-did-not-know-scenario is... Ashunera failed.

At some point it was mentioned that Ashunera divided the tribes into Laguz and Beorc, to kept them away from killing each other. (Bad idea btw)

Obviously she didn't thought that through as it had the excat opposite effect from what she wanted.

So maybe it just never crossed her mind that these people may mix blood?

Hence it exists no rule what's going to happen with the Laguz' Powers, other than a beorc can't have the transforming part of the Laguz' Powers cause Ashunera was dividing the tribes (and abilities).

Maybe the Laguz parent losing his/her own abilities is just... an error then lol

In a world in which a godess created everything and formed every natural rule... overseeing some could-be-cases would just result in some ... strange things I guess.

What's with the "showing a brand" thing is...

Especially the "the first branded had no sign of anything abnormal on them, it was several generations later when they started to show marks on their body"-information was something in RD I really hadn't need...

cause I can't get anything logic out of it LOL

It just violates the prior rule that children of mixed blood show marks... And having inconsistency in the rules of a world is a bad thing in a fantasy world. (You can make whatever rules you want, but keep them through your story, otherwise it's just not plausible.)

It was just fine with "some people get special powers and show marks then, while others just give it to the next generation".

And since RD the first Branded... weren't even branded in that sense... ehhh? All of them not inheritating the laguz powers over some hundred years, while after then it suddenly gets more common... that's not making any sense at all.

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I guess the simplest explanation is that Ashera did know about the branded but then just forgot about them when she was preparing her whole wipe out all life attack. Even though she was diligent enough to remember to subconsciously punish them and their parents when she was asleep...

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Why do laguz have an innate hatred of the branded (see Soren).

I'm going to take a guess here, and its because:

1) It gives them the creeps (see Vika and miccy)

2) Its taboo for them since the Laguz loose their powers in other words other laguz will be bastards towards the branded because of the implications that the branded's existence has.

As for where the brand comes from, I'd say the easiest thing to say its a byproduct of having Laguz and Beorc genes inside your body. The brand could also represent the Laguz ancestor's power trapped in the branded... Also, it may be that Laguz don't entirely loose their powers as shown by Lehran in his flashback (and like a 1000 years later). They might have a way to get it back, just that no one knows how to do it...

Edited by SlayerX
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What's with the "showing a brand" thing is...

Especially the "the first branded had no sign of anything abnormal on them, it was several generations later when they started to show marks on their body"-information was something in RD I really hadn't need...

cause I can't get anything logic out of it LOL

It just violates the prior rule that children of mixed blood show marks... And having inconsistency in the rules of a world is a bad thing in a fantasy world. (You can make whatever rules you want, but keep them through your story, otherwise it's just not plausible.)

It was just fine with "some people get special powers and show marks then, while others just give it to the next generation".

And since RD the first Branded... weren't even branded in that sense... ehhh? All of them not inheritating the laguz powers over some hundred years, while after then it suddenly gets more common... that's not making any sense at all.

I believe that some branded have both beorc and laguz parents while others have ancestery of both somewhere down the line. It is actually stated in the conversation between Yune and Stefan. Yune says "Does that mean your parents are beorc and laguz?" and Stefan replies "Not always".

Edited by Zamimari
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I believe that some branded have both beorc and laguz parents while others have ancestery of both somewhere down the line. It is actually stated in the conversation between Yune and Stefan. Yune says "Does that mean your parents are beorc and laguz?" and Stefan replies "Not always".

The same thing is said regarding Zelguis' brand, someone on his fathers side. I thought about this for awhile and decided it must mean branded can pass on the brand too (though they won't always). Otherwise it implies that a beorc and laguz can mate and produce a non branded, so how which race would it be in that case? It makes more sense if a branded is always the result of a cross breeding but branded can go on to have normal beorc (and possibly laguz) children with only a chance of the brand resurfacing. Otherwise it'd be pretty weird and inconsistent.

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The same thing is said regarding Zelguis' brand, someone on his fathers side. I thought about this for awhile and decided it must mean branded can pass on the brand too (though they won't always). Otherwise it implies that a beorc and laguz can mate and produce a non branded, so how which race would it be in that case? It makes more sense if a branded is always the result of a cross breeding but branded can go on to have normal beorc (and possibly laguz) children with only a chance of the brand resurfacing. Otherwise it'd be pretty weird and inconsistent.

I see your point. The way I take it is that the if the child is born without a brand then they will be a beorc and never a laguz but instead carry the blood of the laguz without out it having the active effect of making the brand. As the brand gives the otherwise normal beorc characteristics of a laguz (slower aging, sensing feelings etc) if that makes sense.

Edited by Zamimari
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To my understanding, the first Branded did not appear until after Yune was sealed and Ashera was put to sleep. Anything after that the goddesses would be unaware of. When Lehran and Altina had their baby, everyone was real cool about it, until Lehran lost his powers and the baby did not have Laguz traits. It was the losing of powers of the Laguz parent that caused concern among the royalty. If word had gotten out, Laguz would fear for their future and fear that their species would die out and lose their powers and all that.

So Deghinsea lied to everyone (cause he's an idiot and a jerk). "Lehran died, so did the kid, it is a curse for babies to be made between Beorc and Laguz. All that accomplished was starting a big wedge between the species when the two were finally coming together. This idea of a curse became part of every day lives. "If a big powerful dragon older than rock says so, it must be true!".

So when Stefan asks Yune why they are cursed, she honestly has no clue what he is talking about. "You mean a lion got with a Beorc and you came along several generations after?" If a person got with a cow these days (unfortunately, it happens) no one actually expects some mutant child to be produced. But that's what happened in FE10. After the goddess was put to sleep. She didn't know what they were.

As for why the brand is in some but not other, genetics. Really confusing genetics involving recessive stuff and whatnot.

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If the Laguz feel uneasy in the presence of Branded, why didn't Lethe or Mordecai feel uneasy around Soren or Stefan in Path of Radiance?

In fact, Mordecai had no clue that Stefan was Branded until Stefan told him outright in their A support conversation. As a Laguz, he should have at least guessed as much when they first met.

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To my understanding, the first Branded did not appear until after Yune was sealed and Ashera was put to sleep. Anything after that the goddesses would be unaware of. When Lehran and Altina had their baby, everyone was real cool about it, until Lehran lost his powers and the baby did not have Laguz traits. It was the losing of powers of the Laguz parent that caused concern among the royalty. If word had gotten out, Laguz would fear for their future and fear that their species would die out and lose their powers and all that.

So Deghinsea lied to everyone (cause he's an idiot and a jerk). "Lehran died, so did the kid, it is a curse for babies to be made between Beorc and Laguz. All that accomplished was starting a big wedge between the species when the two were finally coming together. This idea of a curse became part of every day lives. "If a big powerful dragon older than rock says so, it must be true!".

So when Stefan asks Yune why they are cursed, she honestly has no clue what he is talking about. "You mean a lion got with a Beorc and you came along several generations after?" If a person got with a cow these days (unfortunately, it happens) no one actually expects some mutant child to be produced. But that's what happened in FE10. After the goddess was put to sleep. She didn't know what they were.

As for why the brand is in some but not other, genetics. Really confusing genetics involving recessive stuff and whatnot.

Makes sense, except for the part about how the Laguz could possibly lose their powers from such a union without divine intervention.

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Back with the original question on the brand: I'm going to go with it being a similar mechanism to a laguz's shifting but since branded are only half laguz they receive a mark on their skin instead.

Why do laguz have an innate hatred of the branded (see Soren).

In PoR chapter 26 there's a base conversation that says that all laguz have some form of the empathic sense that the herons have. Given that it's likely that they can tell with this ability that there's something different about the branded it's probably not a stretch to say that, between the societal conditioning to shun the branded and people's natural fear of the alien and unknown, they will end up giving a branded the cold shoulder.

Why on earth would the Laguz parent (regardless of gender mind you!) lose their powers?

This I have no idea about, wacky pregnancy hijinks would have been a good explanation but it happens to the laguz parent with both genders. Maybe something about the exchange of bodily fluids during... conception... catastrophically and permanently upsets the chemical balance in the laguz's body? I dunno, I'm guessing now.

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Lehran only lost his ability to transform after his daughter was born, and according to the "Ancient History" conversation, Almedha only lost her ability to transform after her son was born (though earlier she said she had lost that ability upon becoming pregnant), so whatever adverse effect... contact... with a beorc might have with a laguz, it probably doesn't take effect immediately.

At least, not to the father.

Edited by Paper Jam
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I'm going to add my theories in here :D, first off I see the brand itself as a manifestation of the power the laguz blood in them, most laguz have markings covering parts of their bodies, mordecai's stripes come to mind, so maybe this shows that? soren's being on his forehead because he is very intelligent? then with zelgius' on his back he has ridiculous constitution. And maybe they lose their powers because during sex there power transfers into the child and maybe when two laguz reproduce they only give half power each, and can regain that strength, but when there is only one they lose all of their power. just guessing ofcourse

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  • 2 weeks later...

I also believe it's a result of the laguz's blood inside them , most laguz have some brands or stripes. As for soren I think he has a red mark on his forehead because his laguz side is the dragon's royal family and they all have a red brand on their head. They're not the same as soren's but perhaps it has a link ^^.

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  • 5 months later...

well you see,

the brand comes from the laguz blood. its kind of like having proof that that blood exists in your vains.

the beorc traits seem to be the dominent ones (i dont really know why, i think the laguz should be the dominant trait) so when a branded is born, it looks like a regular beorc infant.

The laguz blood then makes a mark on the infants body and that is what they call a brand

as to why the laguz parent loses their ability to transfom is unknown to me, but my greatest guess is that when the child is concived the laguz's power is somehow transfered to the child and i think this is why the branded are far more powerful or exel in their abilities better then the regular beorc do.

and what else i do not understand is why there is very little difference shown between a brand and a spirit pact. (oh my poor Soren) for the unfortunate one that are mistaken for the one who have made a pact with the supernatural they may be treated even worse then before.

and as to why Ashera did not petrifie the branded is because mainly she did not know thay existed. Amy, Calill's adoptive daughter, is a branded and that is why she was not petrified. same goes for Stefan. and the reason for Ashera not knowing they existed and not accounting for the mixed blood is because before she discarted her emotions(yune), the Laguz and beorc were constantly fighting and never thought that they would ever get along. let alone concive a child together.

the reason that the laguz can sense them is because they can feel the laguz blood flowing through them like how they can identify their allies. and when they do sense that blood, they see that it is in the body of a beorc and the only way for that to happen is if they are a branded. some dont know what that sense is, like vika but it is always there, someone will always find out. there is no way to truly hide that you are one of the branded.

there are acually alot of named branded in the game

Soren (ofcourse)





and petrine. i think thats all of them

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Fuck's sake, really?

Locked for the hardest necro I've seen in this week of necro. I'm trying to leave these visible so that maaaaaybe people will read and learn but they're not. :|

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