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Rate the Unit: Day 43 - Boyd

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What? I'm fine with you preferring TBs to Reavers for endgame, but how can you say Reavers deal "passable" damage to Auras, but TBs do well against them? They have the highest beorc strength cap in the game and enough speed to double with Nasir. A reaver with a brave axe is doing 16x2, assuming capped strength (though that's kind of unlikely but that's beside the point). With Nasir that's 16x4. With Ena or Gareth, Nasir and an A fire support that's 23x4 or a ORKO. Reavers with Urvan, Nasir, and an A fire support do 29x2. With Gareth or Ena, that hops up to 34x2. TBs with VK do 17x2. With Ena or Gareth and an A fire support that's 23x2. With the brave sword their damage output drops to 8x4. Yes TBs don't need Nasir to double, but they aren't outdamaging Reavers much, if at all.

Because I didn't bring any dragons into the final chapter. Nasir got his Nihil ripped off and was benched. And I didn't want to waste BEXP or speedwings to get Ena or Kurth up to the point where they wouldn't get slaughtered by Ashera (happened that way on NM, if I remember correctly, so didn't want to take the chance on HM). And isn't using dragon bonuses a bit cheap? Even when I did bring the dragons (early endgame), they weren't generally close enough to the action to affect the frontline fighters. That's my own fault... I guess dragon bonuses would've helped, but it still only takes 3-4 turns to beat the Auroras and Ashera on HM.

And Brave weapons? On HM? That gives like a 50% hit chance vs. Auroras/Ashera. All I know is that Nolan had 36 str and 35 speed, and did 17 damage to Auroras with Urvan. 17. With an SS weapon. The only upside is that he could actually hit the Auroras, unlike a certain blue-haired protagonist...Ugh.... Nolan was used to dispose of spirits... Actually, VK, DB, Rexcaliber, and Alondite destroyed most of the Auroras. And Ashera was easier to kill than them, so it didn't matter after that.

It was my first PT after a long hiatus, so I might not have covered all my bases for HM endgame, but I got through it fine. I was just underwhelmed by "the strongest beorc unit."

On a completely unrelated note, I was too busy thanking the RNG goddess for letting Miccy cap speed and most of her other stats w/o statboosters or BEXP for HM. Helped out a ton. Let her survive w/o Sothe's support in Endgame, which was good b/c he was too busy almost getting killed. :)

Edited by Flashpoint_1230
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Urvan has 110 hit to the brave axe's 80 hit. So 30 less. Unless you're facing 80 or so hits against the Auras with Urvan, the brave axe isn't putting you at 50. Also, how are the dragon bonuses cheap? As for getting there, the map is small enough that even with their low move, they can still get into position on the first turn.

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