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[FE9] PoR Draft #33370

Ema Skye

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With ENasir free how what will you do with the last 3 units?

Gatrie and Shinon should NOT be free for CHP 7. It take too much of their value away and since the drafting has already started, it screws up whoever has already picked them.

Maybe cut the penalty for using them in CHP 7 in half?

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Yeah, Boron didn't leave a list. >.<

About Shinon/Gatrie in Ch.7, they've got a two turn penalty for meatshielding in Ch.7. If they perform any other disallowed action (rescue, shove, etc), then you get a second penalty of 4 turns.

Seem fair?

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With ENasir free how what will you do with the last 3 units?

Gatrie and Shinon should NOT be free for CHP 7. It take too much of their value away and since the drafting has already started, it screws up whoever has already picked them.

Maybe cut the penalty for using them in CHP 7 in half?

Hmm...how about adding Ena and Nasir back to the drafting pool as separate entities? So, there are no longer 3-4 units left, but 5 so everyone gets the same amount of units. Also, agreed on ch7 shinon gatrie. Just cut the penalty for meatshielding by half for the chapters theyre forced but if you attack with them its a normal penalty.

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It should be. I just counted and it seems correct. There are 16 units with Ena and nasir in the pool. Boron picks 2, there are 14. Executioner gets 1 (13). Nano gets another (12). I pick one (11). You get 2 (9). I pick one (8). Nano gets another (7). CR gets a unit (6). Boron picks 2 (4). CR picks (3). Nano picks (2). I pick (1). You pick (0). If my maths dont fail, everyone gets 8

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Chapter 3 - 3/14 turns

Gatrie rescues Shinon and stays in the corner for the first turn, then moves up so that Ike can get attacked by everything and not Gatrie. That fighter Ike left alive went after Gatrie on the first try, what a dick. The boss and the enemies on the ship moves before the enemies down there do, so Ike gets the Elixir even though he's nearly dying. Titania hand axes the boss.

Chapter 4 - 2/16 turns

:facepalm: Titania, why do you always crit the boss in this chapter? Every single time. Oh well, at least it saved a lot of hand axe uses. Ike also ate the robe at the beginning of this chapter because I forgot in chapter 2 and he didn't have time in chapter 3. Gatrie rescues Rhys and goes up a few tiles, Soren moves up and Shinon rescues him just out of range of a myrm. The Gatrie moves up and blocks off Shinon from being attacked, which redirects all of the attacks to Ike.

Chapter 5 - 6/22

Boyd goes to the left thickets. Soren moves down next to the house to put an enemy in viewing range, then Titania goes and kills that enemy and cantos down to kill more. Ike moves down 1, left 1. Oscar rescues Soren and goes right then Gatrie parks himself on the defense tile. The enemies never attacked Gatrie from all my tries of this chapter, so it was perfectly safe. Then, Ike kills the loldier Boyd left, then Titania comes and kills another loldier, making an L shape with Boyd and Ike. And then it was pretty much heal or attack for the rest of the time.

Ike mostly tanked arrows and javelins. He didn't really do much here.


Edited by Executioner
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Nasir basically doesnt exist in drafts so someone will only get 7 units even if Nasir is draftable.

Making the last pick go to the last 2 drafters is the best thing to do imo.

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Chapter 6 - 5/27 turns

Boyd got some kills but missed 2 70's on a loldier. First, Boyd shoved Ike down after Titania killed the archer and cantos. Ike fullmoves south. Next turn, Ike crits another archer, but Titania would've finished it off with the javelin anyway. Hand axe uses are being saved for Boyd in the next chapter. :> Titania goes all the way down the bridge, then next turn she rescues Ike and then drops him, blah blah blah. Boyd was about to die anyway, so he chugged down a speedwing and is now balling at 10 speed.

Chapter 7 - 8/35

This went pretty well, I think. Apparently I did get the armorslayer, looking through the convoy in chapter 8. I could've shaved a turn with little difficulty but I didn't feel like risking Ike or Boyd in case one of them got hit and died. Ike and Boyd did some much needed self-improvement which worked out pretty well for them and Titania rocks yet another bosskill like always. Gatrie moves down and rescues Shinon, and the scrubs don't like to target him because of his high defense. Near the end, Soren trades with Gatrie to snag all of his gear before they defect because moar weapons = extra gold. Mia recruited herself for the 2000g the sword band gives. And now that I think about it, I'm not sure about the turns for this chapter. What's wrong with me? :facepalm:

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Lol CR, you do know gatrie and shinon's equipment goes to the convoy when they leave, right? haha

Chapter 3 3/14

Titania goes up, obtains the Hand axe in turn 2 and then kills boss. Shinon and Ike did stuff in the south and shinon got me the elixir.

Chapter 4 2/16

Managed to save some hand axe uses by luring all the archers to shinon. Boss SD'd to Tits.

Chapter 5 6/22

*yawns* Titania got another bosskill.

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Lol CR, you do know gatrie and shinon's equipment goes to the convoy when they leave, right? haha

really? shit, my life is a liiiiiiiiieeeeeee

I really need to play more PoR.

edit: also here's a list because I'll be sleeping










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really? shit, my life is a liiiiiiiiieeeeeee

I really need to play more PoR.


I tried the 2 turn of ch3 but it skips the Hand Axe if I ferry Shinon with Tits...so I 3 turned it with hand axe. Its needed for the ch4 2 turn anyway...

Chapter 6 5/27

Tits ferries Ike, leaves the bushes in turn 2. Drops Ike and kills boss. Then Ike seizes.

Now its hell chapter. GG

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Prologue - 4 turns


Ch.1 - 3 turns/7 turns

Again, standard

Ch.2 - 4 turns/11 turns

Once again, standard

Ch.3 - 4 turns/15 turns

Kinda hard to not get penalties with Shinon/Gatrie. Essentially it involved Ike killing the left dudes, then having Titania rescue. The boss is a 3HKO for Titania, which gave Ike enough time to get Marcia.

Ch.4 - 2 turns/17 turns


Ch.5 - 6 turns/23 turns


Ch.6 - 5 turns/28 turns

Standard Ike/Titania solo

Ch.7 - 9 turns/37 turns

No penalties, shockingly. I guess the enemies don't like attacking Gatrie (o.o). Titania does standard stuff on turn 1 and kills a bunch of dudes. Before the reinforcements arrive, the undrafted characters have to hang out by the right staircase to avoid combat, so Ike has to beat them first. Reinforcements come on turn 4. Titania kills everything and Ike cleans up.

Stats @ Ch.8 base

Unit	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spe	Lck	Def	Res
Ike	10	33	9	3	11	12	9	9	3
Titania	x/5	37	14	4	15	16	13	13	8

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Leaving this as my list, cause I'm gonna go sleep soon:

















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I'll take Rhyyyyyyyyssssssss.

[spoiler=my list]Janaff







nano takes Haar, which means it's PKL's turn.

[spoiler=nano's list, with taken units out]Geoffrey












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How good are Janaff and Ulki in this game? I have never tried using them.

It feels weird to have a flyer get picked up this late.

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Chapter 8 - 8/43 turns

Boyd first blocks off the right side, Ike blocks off the left unequipped for better avoid, Titania goes down and solos the cavs and they all suicide into her. She left one of them alive so Boyd went down to finish it off, and Titania goes up to the defense tile. Rhys stands in front of Boyd and heals him and Ike stands in front of Rhys (they were on the stairs). Then things attacked Ike, a longbow archer attacked Rhys, and everything else suicided into Titania. Ike goes down and is healed by Rhys and Boyd takes Ike's spot and heals himself with a hand axe equipped. Ilyana moves conveniently in front of Ike so that Ike can shove Boyd sideways and recruit Ilyana at the same time, so Boyd has enough move to hand axe the red gem priest. Then Boyd chips at the boss with the hand axe, Ike finishes him off with the regal sword after being healed by Rhys.

Chapter 9 - 5/48 turns

Titania ferries Ike. Boyd kills things. I don't know. Boyd has more strength than Titania, haha. :P But you'll never be as badass as Tits. Unless you get a pair of them yourself, then that's different. :P Also more defense on Boyd and he'll be unstoppable. Keep it up.

Chapter 10 - 4/52

Broke stealth early so I could give Volke enough shoves/smites to reach the statue frag. This cost a turn but thanks to that I managed to get the master seal as well. Titania got that because of an max mt. + hit/crit axe forge crit and I also forgot to switch to her hammer. Also Boyd tanked all of the reinforcements by blocking the chokepoint on the stairs. I didn't recruit anyone, they can rot in prison for the rest of their lives :P

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Chapter 7 6/33

Mia recruits herself in turn 1. Soren adepts stuff. Tits triggers Shinon and they team up on stuff.

Unit	Lv	Xp	HP	st	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv		Support
Ike	8	20	32	8	2	10	11	8	8	2	Sword C
Titania	5	45	37	14	4	15	16	13	12	8	Lance C Axe S
Soren	5	04	20	0	9	10	9	6	2	10	Fire E Thunder E Wind D
Mia	6	90	21	7	0	10	13	6	7	2	Sword D

forgot stats for shinon but he was at level 1 with some exp.

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