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[FE11] NM Draft


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Horace had Matthis kill medeus, I used gordin. It's your responsiblity to use trye Green skittle to do the same!

The problem isn't himself, per se. It's his situation; I intend on keeping Midia alive to recruit Astram, and I drafted Boah earlier. I will need to tear through the game in a hurry, or else!

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I'll take Macellan because at least he doesn't cost turns.

Also before start team preview:

Marth: Forced, but he's above average.

Jagen: Early draco is useful, and stuff. Cain outclasses him though.

Cain: Him and Hardin are really great killers. They can do massive damage very quickly in a short period of time.

Hardin: Basically above, except replace Hardin with Cain. Only difference I see is that Hardin has B lances and D? swords, something Cain won't reach (in lances) until later.

Draug: Ehhh, he's good as a pirate. Axes suck for him because E rank.

Bord: Nice attack, and C axes = ownage. Once he promotes, he's basically Barst.

Roshea: Little iffy on speed, but him and Vyland are great chippers.

Vyland: Never used him, so I don't know what to expect.

Midia: Erm, she's good as a draco? Jagen v2?

Astram: He's decent.

Macelame: LOL

And I'm probably not recruiting the last one.

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Marth - I will make him rock.

Abel - Hope he cooperates.

Jagen - He'll need a couple of procs or things will be icky.

Barst - Bosskiller.

Julian - Klepto who can fight back.

Matthis - This is his best mode.

Gordin - He does decently enough on this mode, and I can shove him full of Prologue nonsense.

Jake - He'll make certain chapters run smoother.

Boah - Staffbot.

Roger - I have no idea what I'm gonna do with him.

Elice - Staffbot.

Tomas - Since I've got two staffbots, he's going physical offensive (it exists).

Last person - Most likely not being recruited.

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I was impatient and started this when I already got Horace. I don't need anyone else after him. So, I finished with 190 turns (includes the -12 penalty I incurred). I can put up the details of the run later from my word doc.

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I was impatient and started this when I already got Horace. I don't need anyone else after him. So, I finished with 190 turns (includes the -12 penalty I incurred). I can put up the details of the run later from my word doc.

. . .do I dare ask how the heck you got that penalty?

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I had to deploy a couple units to get killed in order to visit the gaiden chapters. I forgot to kill people off in a systematic fashion. On chapter 6 I had to KO a generic unit I picked up since earlier I KOed Cord, Gordin, Frey, and Cain in prologue and chapter 2. The other unit was Navarre. I recruited him for his killing edge for boss killing and other situations that might have to rely on a save + critical. So, I deployed those two and got them killed on chapter 6 so I could get to gaiden to get norne.

Later on I deployed Caeda to recruit jake so I could give his arrowspate to beck. She got killed on that map. I am not sure if it was worth getting or not. It helped I feel in a few chapters namely ch.21. With an energy drop, Beck could OHKO most of the dracoknights on that map. By having xane imitate and trading the arrowspate, I managed to KO three dracoknights and a pegasus knight. I think it helped speed up the level by a turn perhaps. Acutally, quite a few of my units died near the end. I lost Horace due to a mistake. I think he died to Camus, but I didn't notice he was gone until the following chapter. Not like I need him much anyway. He had horrible weapon ranking near the end. Well, I learned that skipping enemy phase means you do not see the death quotes like in Fe12 when you skip. And Gotoh and Lena died later on to the geosphere (I thought she had more hp by her bar), and gotoh died to those bastillia on endgame.

Surprisingly, once Norne got that C rank for ridersbane, she was instantly useful.I felt like I did this entire run extremely sloppy. I usually wasted like one or two turns because I had to use Marth as my boss killer for so many chapters due to that rapier. I really just winged this entire play-through due to my impatience.

Edited by Eryth
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You don't take penalties for undrafted units getting hit, as long as they don't hit back (known as meatshielding).

EDIT: And you most definitely don't take a penalty for deploying a unit, undrafted or otherwise.

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Penalties: 1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter.

Then wth is this suppose to mean? Yeah, I didn't have them attack anything, but they certainly were deployed when I did not draft them and were not forced on chapters. So I have no idea what this rule means then if not how I interpreted.

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Here's the important one:

1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, visit houses, trade, meatshield, and shop.

The penalty refers to those times you, say, have an undrafted Caeda Wing Spear a boss. Or an undrafted Julian opens doors/bridges/chests. Due to the nature of the gaidens, undrafted units may be deployed, may take damage, and may die, as long as they don't touch the enemy.

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Screw it ill take Est

Ill start posting my turncounts when I get to ch1


Ch.1: 7/7

Ch.2 5/12

Jagen actually crit ch.2s boss by accident so that let me take it a turn earlier :)

Edited by ArngrimtheBerserker
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Chapter 1:

Well, it’s not very hard, considering Marth and Cain got nice levels in the prologue. Marth was able to double. Cain could take 3 damage from the axe guys, and I rushed through the map. Had a couple of close calls, but I guess all was fine in the end. Jagen couldn’t ohko the pirates even with the silver lance. Gazzak was OK, but he was 2hkoed in the end by Jagen. Ugh, this is a terrible turncount.


Chapter 2

This wasn’t so hard, just rushed. Marth visited the village, so that was cool too. He also got resistance and draug got speed. Draug walled the top-right corner and the rest just rushed. Darros joined me on turn 5.


Chapter 3 wasn’t hard. It was OK to say the best. Nobody died yet, but it just was fun. Navarre was recruited and owned the top right corner. Draug got nice speed but all was well in the end.


Chapter 4:

This sucked, it was complete hell! Everyone on my side got not needed crits and it was horrible! Nobody got good level ups! Lena and Julian died here.


Chapter 5:

This chapter was easy, with 3 new units. Hardin, Roshea, and Vyland killed the archers and 1 cav. Cain came along and helped, and so did Jagen. I misclicked and pressed the A button too fast, when Jagen was next to Merich and accidentally attacked. But Marth made it up and saved Jagen’s ass with a crit with a rapier. I let the thieves destroy the village, because who needs a fire stone?


Chapter 6:

Also easy, but LOOONG. Killed some units here to go to Gaiden chp, and it took a bit. I had no healer, and Navarre, Draug, Hardin, and Cain were at critical HP by the time I got to the boss, but Marth and Bord couldn’t take a hit. I landed next to the boss with jagen and misclicked again. Jagen doubled, and his weapon rank leveled. The boss missed, which was good because Jagen could only take two hits. Marth got the armorslayer and killed the boss. Killed some units too.


Chapter 6x:

Nobody cares, but Vyland, Marth, Navarre, Cain, Roshea, and Hardin all got some 5 stat level ups.

Chapter 7:

This was a pain. Jagen was my only flier (draco) and I had to rush him over to the riderbane’s fort. We kept going until the reinforcements came, and killed them all. Finally, I had to use Navarre with doubling Armorslayer, and he missed a hit. I risked all into Bord’s 21 atk, 56 hit hammer and boom it killed. He got str and we continued.


Chapter 8: This wasn’t so bad, just really a group of people killing stuff in the area with knights/cavaliers. When reinforcements came, Cain held up the bridge. Not hard. Kannibal tried to hit Bord with a Silver Lance, but missed with 77 and Bord hit with a 55 hit Hammer. Killed Caeda, Ogma, Cord and Athena.


Chapter 9:

Not bad. Roshea got those two treasure chests, and the rest rushed down to the boss. The 3 other cavs cleared out the enemies around him, and Marth with a Silver sword threw an unexpected crit at the boss. Seized next turn.


Still on chapter 10.

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Let this be a warning to all future draft runners: PUT THE 20-TURN LIMIT ON THE PROLOGUE/GAIDENS!

Prologue: I took 27 turns on Prologue 1 for an extra level on Marth, and 45 on Prologue 4. The latter would've been longer, but Jagen decided he had enough, and killed my mini-boss. In the process, Abel hit D swords, Marth hit C swords, and Jagen hit C swords. Jagen ended the prologue chapters at 2.93.

Chapter 1 - 5/5

I was able to do this only because Jagen got two Strength levels in a row; he initially missed on the boss, and it took a couple of lance hits from Abel to get the boss into Silver Lance range. Marth ran, and Abel Javelin'd things that didn't die to Jagen's initial attack. Gordin did a bit of self-improvement.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       5.62  22   8    0    5    8    9    9    1
Abel      Cavalier   6.23  24   7    0    9   10    3    8    0
Jagen     Paladin    3.91  24   9    1   10    8    1    9    6
Gordin    Archer     2.30  19   5    0    3    4    4    6    0

Chapter 2 - 4/9

Barst soloed up north, while Marth booked it to the village. Jagen and Abel were on chip duty; Abel can double and kill stuff. Boss died to two Silver Lances. Gordin got some random kills in.

Chapter 3 - 5/14

Gordin headed north, Julian got out of the way, and everyone else went east. Jagen did 19 damage to the fighters with his Lance, and Abel could double and kill the archers. I was able to ferry the Killing Edge to Jagen (Caeda flew to Cord, who walked to Draug, who trundled to Norne, who traded to Barst, who tagged Jagen right before he moved on turn 5); you can guess the boss' fate (fun fact: if Abel had two more Strength, I would've been able to KO the boss outright).

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       5.94  22   8    0    5    8    9    9    1
Abel      Cavalier   8.60  25   9    0   10   11    4    8    0
Jagen     Paladin    4.74  24   9    1   10    9    1    9    6
Gordin    Archer     3.63  19   5    0    4    5    4    7    0
Barst     Fighter    5.04  25  11    0    7    9    5    6    0
Julian    Thief      3.60  Base everything

Chapter 4 - 6/20

Reclassed Jagen to Dracoknight and Gordin to Cavalier.

Thanks to those earlier HP levels, he was able to take arrows and live to tell about it. Jagen softened the initial cavalier rush, then went north. Barst drew one of the Horsemen, and Julian/Abel finished him. The second one died to a tag team of Marth and Matthis. Managed to kill all the non-recruited Chapter 2 guys and Draug on the four axe guys to the west. Boss died to Barst and Abel (Javelin).

Chapter 5 - 4/24

That Speed level Jagen got a while back allowed him to double the boss. Boss died on turn 3, and everyone initiated clean-up on turn 4. Did not recruit The Pope, because I don't see myself making that Barrier staff useful. Abel is a sweetheart.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       6.57  22   8    0    5    8   10    9    1
Abel      Cavalier  10.63  27  11    0   12   12    5    9    0
Jagen     Drakky     5.60  23  10    1   10    9    1   11    3
Gordin    Cavalier   4.63  22   5    0    3    7    4    8    0
Barst     Fighter    6.62  26  11    0    7    9    6    6    0
Julian    Thief      3.94  Base everything
Matthis   Cavalier   3.15  Base everything

Chapter 6 - 6/30

Reclassed Jagen to Paladin.

Remember that thing about Jagen getting C swords in the Prologue? This was the main reason why I did it. Jagen doubled with the Armorslayer, and Abel finished, which meant that I could pull this strategy off. Gordin and Matthis picked off thieves. Barst used the northern guys for self-improvement. Got everything except the Killing Edge and the second set of Master Keys.

Chapter 6x

Reclassed Matthis to Curate. Yes, I know what I'm doing.

- Trained Gordin up to C lances

- Trained Julian up to C swords

- Trained Marth up to B swords

- Would've trained Abel to B lances, but he was too busy ORKOing stuff.

- Matthis gained a lot of experience

Total turns: 108

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       9.87  25   8    0    6    9   13    9    1
Abel      Cavalier  13.26  29  12    0   13   15    7   10    0
Jagen     Paladin    6.36  25   9    1   11    9    2   10    6
Gordin    Cavalier   9.08  24   7    0    6    8    5   10    0
Barst     Fighter    8.27  28  12    0    9   10    7    6    0
Julian    Thief      8.23  20   6    0    8   15   11    7    0
Matthis   Curate    13.91  25   1    1    5    5    3    3   13

Edited by eclipse
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Chapter 7 - 6/36

Reclassed Matthis to Archer.

Jagen with the Armorslayer ran ahead and dealt justice to whatever he encountered. Abel's claim to fame was whiffing against some random enemy twice. Matthis did some self-improvement on the Whitewings.

Chapter 8 - 5/41

Reclassed Matthis to Cavalier.

As tempting as it would be to cleave through generic armors with the Armorslayer, Roger tended to suicide on him, and that wasn't cool. Radd, Caesar, and Julian partied at the mall, and everyone else ran forward. Didn't need Ridersbane, as most of my crew was chewing through enemies like no tomorrow. Barst made it to the boss and Hammered him in.

Chapter 9 - 5/46

Reclassed Roger to Pirate.

Jagen reached the boss early, but hung back. Abel had fun with a Javelin, then Marth ran up to the boss and used a Silver Sword to end the map. Roger went swimming, and managed to level. Gordin and Matthis kept themselves occupied (the Devil Axe pirate hit himself over the head), and Julian got me swag.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      10.67  26   9    0    6   10   14    9    2
Abel      Cavalier  14.15  30  12    0   14   16    8   11    0
Jagen     Paladin    7.90  26  10    1   12    9    2   10    6
Gordin    Cavalier  10.89  25   7    0    7    8    6   11    0
Barst     Fighter   10.34  30  13    0   10   11    8    6    0
Julian    Thief      9.70  21   7    0    9   16   12    7    0
Matthis   Cavalier  14.89  28   6    0    6    8    3    8    7
Roger     Pirate     6.30  23   7    0    2   11    3    6    0

Chapter 10 - 8/54

RUN! The enemies were so bad that the only person who could damage Sedgar the General was Minerva, and she couldn't ORKO him. Matthis ate a Hero crit and lived to tell about it. Boss died to Abel and Marth. Jagen ran around and made life miserable for the enemy.

Chapter 11 - 9/63

Used a generic to visit Anna, then facepalmed when she was critblicked. When it was time to get Jake, used Norne and Caeda for the job; Norne ate it, which was what I planned. Abel and Jagen whipped around to the inner area, with Matthis a turn behind. Everyone else used the mercs for self-improvement. By turn 8, all enemies were dead.

Chapter 12 - 6/69

Promoted Abel at level 15. Reclassed Jagen to Dracoknight.

I wound up using an extra Master Key here, but it got me my six-turn clear with Boots, so I guess everything worked out. Managed to save Tomas, Boah, and Midia; that was really hectic! Matthis laughs at mages.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      12.93  28   9    0    6   12   16   10    2
Abel      Paladin    2.54  35  15    1   18   18    9   13    6
Jagen     Drakky     9.08  26  11    1   13    9    3   13    3
Gordin    Cavalier  12.46  26   8    0    7    8    7   11    0
Barst     Fighter   11.80  31  14    0   10   12    8    6    0
Julian    Thief     11.65  23   9    0    9   17   14    7    0
Matthis   Cavalier  16.71  30   8    0    6    9    4    9    7
Roger     Pirate     6.70  23   7    0    2   11    3    6    0
Jake      Ballista  Base everything
Tomas     Archer    Base everything
Boah      Bishop    Base everything

Chapter 12x

Reclassed Tomas to Cavalier.

113 TURNS LATER. . .

- Tomas went from E to mid-C lances

- Gordin hit B lances, and likes the number 8

- Matthis hit mid-C lances

- Boah has A staves

- Roger hit C axes

- Barst can promote whenever he feels like it

- Julian's at mid-C swords. No Mercurius Julian here, folks.

- Tons of levels all 'round

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      14.56  30  10    0    7   14   17   10    2
Abel      Paladin    2.54  35  15    1   18   18    9   13    6
Jagen     Drakky     9.25  26  11    1   13    9    3   13    3
Gordin    Cavalier  14.01  26   8    0    8    8    8   12    0
Barst     Fighter   14.09  34  14    0   10   12   11    8    0
Julian    Thief     12.10  24  10    0   10   17   15    8    0
Matthis   Cavalier  18.06  32  10    0    7    9    5   10    7
Roger     Pirate    11.26  28  12    0    2   12    8    6    0
Jake      Ballista  Base everything
Tomas     Cavalier  14.00  29   8    0    7    9    5    8    2
Boah      Bishop     7.35  23   1    5    8   12    4    5    9

Edited by eclipse
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Prologue End Stats

Marth lv 7.43 hp24 str8 mag0 skl7 spd10 lck10 def8 res0

Jagen lv2.39 hp23 str7 mag1 skl10 spd8 lck1 def9 res6

Abel lv1.00 hp20 str6 mag0 skil7 spd7 lck2 def7 res0

Chapter 1 - 8 turn/8

Marth gets a village. Jagen rushes forward. Abel, Draug, Caeda do some supply deposits. Norne goes to kill a thief for some exp. Marth, Jagen continue to rush forward, norne gets spar kos where ever possible. Abel does some shopping.

Chapter 2 - 5 turns/13

Norne stays behind with the rest of the meatshields to get some Kos to increase her level. Draug chases after marth, oguma, and jagen as they clear a path. But Cord dies in the service of Norne defence. He earned a purple heart that day.

Chapter 3 - 6 turn/19

Same strategy as before. Norne is protected by meatshields and gets Kos on a thief and some damage. Oguma, Jagen, and Marth head forward and get kills and KO the boss on a lucky critical KO during enemy phase. Saves me a silver and steel sword usage. Caeda recruits Navarre for his killing edge.

Chapter 4 - 7 turn/26

Reclassed Norne into a Pegasus to actually be of some use finally. Lena is struggling to catch up. Cannot wait for those gaiden chapters for some boss staff abuse to get her promoted more quickly. Not sure how I could have done these chapters more quickly since Marth is the only one who can really kill anything with that rapier of his. Other people, get better soon!!!

Marth Lv 10.87 hp27 str11 mag0 skl8 spd11 lck13 def8 res0

Jagen lv4.13 hp24 str7 skl10 spd8 lck1 def10 res6

Oguma lv7.89 hp25 str8 mag0 skl12 spd12 lck5 def7 res0

Lena lv3.39 16hp str0 mag2 skl7 spd8 lck8 def3 res7

Norne lv7.01 hp18 str6 mag2 skl7 spd11 lck4 def7 res6

Chapter 5 - 7 turn/33

Had to restart until the archer next to Wolf and the thief across the mountains was at 6 defence until 7 defence to 2RKO it. Sent Norne northward to intercept the coming thief and eventually kill Wendell for his barrier staff. Jaigen, Marth, Oguma went to rush the castle. Couldn't deploy Lena this map since she would be fairly useless. Somehow have to kill off the rest as quickly as possible. Suicide against the boss.

Chapter 6 - 9 turn/42

Reclassed Wolf to a warrior for steel axe and had enough speed to double everything that mattered on the map. Sadly I have 16 units for this map, so I have to slay off Navarre and this Dua generic unit. Well, after the rush with my units. Norne went thief slaying for some loot and exp. The rest moved forward.

Chapter 6x

Finally I can take my time on a map and hopefully make the future levels go faster. Norne gets feed a seraph robe to make up for her fail HP gain and stat growths. Wolf gets reclassed to a hero to start raising his sword and axe ranking. And after 35 axe swings later and on turn 60. The chapter is over with and lena is at a whooping level 12 and almost at A ranks staves.

Chapter 7 7 turn/49

Goodie a fun chapter. Norne goes back to her archer class. Lena gets to take some time as a mage. Athena goes to the skies. Wolf goes to his horseman class for bow usage. And the rest stay the same. Athena does a bit of shopping and gets a couple of easy kills. Norne and Lena stay behind to chip damage and get weapon ranking on the white wings. The rest rush forward to kill the boss. Jagen barely survives a ridersbane and javelin hit.

Chapter 8 6 turn/55

Wolf gets reclassed to a berserker since he is almost at C rank in this class for hammer usage. Jagen is my only Ridersbane user at the moment and Marth's Rapier usage is almost out. Good thing I can pick up another one this chapter in town. Norne goes back to her Pegasus knight class. And we get going and the usual rush rush rush. Caesar and Radd died. Wasted some swords doing it to get the rapier sent to supply.

Marth lv13.97 hp30 str14 mag0 skl9 spd13 lck16 def8 res0

Norne lv11.68 hp26 str6 mag2 skl8 spd13 lck6 def7 res7 peggy

Oguma lv12.57 hp29 str8 mag0 skl14 spd14 lck7 def9 res0 merc

Lena lv13.42 hp18 str0 mag7 skl9 spd9 lck14 def4 res7 mage

Athena lv11.68 hp25 str10 mag2 skl8 spd10 lck6 def8 res6 peggy

Jagen lv5.45 hp24 str7 mag1 skl10 spd8 lck1 def10 res6 pala

Wolf lv5.84 hp28 str8 mag0 skl 12 spd14 lck5 def8 res1 hero

Chapter 9 - 6 turn/61

No class changes from stats recorded. Marth opens a door and its rush to the boss.

Chapter 10 – 9 turn/70

Wolf gets reclassed to a warrior for bow usage. It'll be head around the left side, KO some stuff, then send someone or a couple people to get the master seal. Marth is being my boss killer too much.

Chapter 11 - 13 turn/83

Norne gets promoted at level 12 and reclassed into a paladin. 12/1 norne vs --/5 jagen is only moderately better lmao Wolf gets back to his hero class.Deployed Caeda to get Jake's arrowspate, and she died the following turn.

Chapter 12 - 8 turn/91

Dump an energy drop into norne. Lena gets the spirit dust. I think Horace will need the speedwing. Well, Wolf goes to his berserker class for hammer pounding. Lena goes to a healer for the map. The master key and doors keys get distributed. Bullion, 2 master seals and other loot is gained. Marth once again leads the charge sadly since no one else has as much speed/str as he does.

Chapter 12x

Lena got promoted so she can actually do both fighting and healing. Sold some stuff and Marth got the boots. To avoid Horace, I decided to head up the right flank since I didn't want to bother with figuring out how to avoid him dying. Simple chapter. Wolf gets reclassed to a hero again. Athena promotes mid-chapter to dracoknight. No reason to dwaddle on this chapter, so it gets done early.

Chapter 13 - 6 turn/97

Well, Athena to paladin. Horace as a hero. Decide to sent Jagen north by himself. Horace as a hero by himself to the south. The rest head west. Marth goes for the village to get Beck. Other than that, this boss would not die. Strength is such an issue on my team.

Chapter 14 - 7 turn/104

Lena gets my speedwing. Beck opens the bridge. The rest head south while Athena/Jagen head east to get the treasure the thieves will open up for me. Catria sadly ends up dying. Short chapter.

Chapter 15 - 5 turn/109

Lena gets reclassed to a bishop for the extra resistance. Other than rush for a seize, not much to do.

Chapter 16 - 8 turn/117

Not much to change about my team at all. Rush forward on the right side picking up Xane along the way and cruch the rebel forces. Well, Oguma got promoted mid-chapter.

Chapter 17 - 3 turn/120

Another short chapter. Rush and a 3 turn clear. Xane and Beck for that ballista barrage. Horace eats a dragon shield to raise his pitful defence.

Chapter 18 - 7 turn/127

Rush and not much else. Jagen was reclassed to a dracoknight to do some of my shopping. Couldn't even

Chapter 19 - 6 turn/133

Whilst I drafted Tiki, I do not care to get her at all. So, she dies. Rush and clear out the stuff and ignore treasure. Only real goal is to get the geosphere, starsphere, and lightsphere.

Chapter 20 - 6 turn/139

I like this chapter for whatever reason. Beck thunderbolts a ballistae. Athena banes some paladins on turn one to the immediate west. We cross the bridge with my last master key use. Then, KO a few more paladins, then finish off the chapter. Horace died, but he wasn't really useful anyway for these last few chapters. And I'm getting impatient.

Chapter 21 - 4 turns/143

Xane and Beck will be useful for this map arrowspating some dracoknights. Wolf hammers some generals. Athena, Marth, Norne bane some paladins, and hopefully get to the secret shop before I end the chapter with Jagen. With my 20k, I got energy drops and speedwings.

Chapter 22 - 8 turn/151

Lena reclassed to a sage. Beck eats an energy drop to OHKO the draco knights near the start. Xane can help KO them. The rest stay the same and use the stat boosters. Athena gets a speedwing. Norne gets a speedwing and an energy drop. Oguma has another energy drop. Not really difficult. Bane stuff and its done.

Chapter 23 - 10 turn/161

I hated this chapter for having to restart to find gharnef. But other than that not too different from the rest.

Chapter 24 - 4 turn/165

Okay, reclassed Norne and Athena to dracoknights and began the rush through the narrow pass. Didn't care about getting Nagi at all. Really annoyed at this point. Bought a couple dragonpicks. Oguma gets a boss KO and Marth gets through.

Endgame - 6 turn/171

I decided to go for the geosphere clear on the endgame, but sadly, Lena and Gotoh ended up dying because of it and those stupid ballistae. At least Marth got a critical on enemy phase and saved me a turn. I didn't deploy Jagen or Xane for this map.

I was lazy about copying stats after chapter 8. But endgame stats before completion was:

Marth lv23.38 hp38 str16 mag0 skl11 spd21 lck22 def10 res 1

Norne lv11.50 hp37 str16 mag1 skl15 spd19 lck10 def17 res5 Draco

Oguma lv9.44 hp48 str17 mag1 skil19 spd21 lck14 def16 res3 Hero

Beck lv14.41 hp28 str11 mag0 skl7 spd12 lck9 def16 res0

Lena lv9.16 hp25 str3 mag13 skl15 spd15 lck20 def5 res14 Sage

Athena lv11.77 hp36 str18 mag1 skl14 spd19 lck11 def14 res3 Dracoknight

Wolf lv14.12 hp45 str17 mag0 skl21 spd21 lck11 def14 res1 Hero

Xane lv8.95 hp22 str2 mag1 skl4 spd11 lck10 def4 res10

Jagen lv8.75 hp23 str9 mag1 skl12 spd8 lck1 def12 res3 Draco

So, without the -12 penalty I thought I had, and triple checking my counting, ended with 171 turns. Spent 60 turns on 6x and only 38 turns on Prologue chapters. And 6 turns on 12x.

Eclipse, what were your units levels after prologue if you can recall? I had about 40exp less than your Jagen, and I had 2 levels on your marth. And that was only taking at least, half the amount of turns you did.

Edited by Eryth
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Marth and Jagen did the prologue decently Marth got to C in swords, Jagen almost did

ch 1 6/6

Ran through, Marth, Cadea and Jagen slaying all in their path

ch 2 6/12

Got Cord, Darros and Castor to join my merry band, Darros held the north where he started and everyone else charged left, Cadea hung back as to not get shot by the hunters [who included Castor at the time] Cord levels and gets str and speed a nice level up imo. And Jagen with some help from the others takes the boss out for Marth to walk in casually

Ch 3 8/20

Jagen held the northern forces off as my band went left [this sounds familiar] Marth getting good levels was able to slay the boss with some minor help

Ch 4 7/27

Jagen slowed down the charging horses while everyone followed closely behind. but Darros whom I reclassed to Mercenary stayed back in the fort to handle the Fighters coming from behind, Cadea wing spear'd the boss, Castor, Cord and Cadea all got good level ups.

Ch 5 8/35

Got Wendell which cost me acouple turns, Jagen and the rest of my forces charged the main force, Cadea once again Wing Spears the boss. Also Cord finally got a D in Axes so he could use a hand axe.

Ch 6 9/44

Reclassed Wendell to Dracoknight, and Cord to Pirate

Darros opened the door so Marth could recruit Rickard on turn one, Rickard got a good chunk of the treasure, everyone charged, Wendell did surprisingly well for being a Dracoknight, and the boss got wing spear'd again.

Ch 7 6/50

Oh Boy did I rush this one xD, Jagen + Armorslayer/Ridersbane with Cadea + Wing Spear [granted almost broke] helped.. alot

Marth, Lord Lvl 10, Hp 25, Str 9, Mag 0, Skl 7, Spd 10, Lck 13, Def 10, Res 0

Jagen, Paladin Lvl 7, Hp 25, Str 9, Mag 1, Skl 13, Spd 9, Lck 3, Def 10, Res 6

Cadea, Peg Kn Lvl 7, Hp 20, Str 5, Mag 1, Skl 9, Spd 18, Lck 12, Def 8, Res 6

Cord, Pirate Lvl 7, Hp 28, Str 10, Mag 0, Skl 6, Spd 11, Lck 6, Def 7, Res 0

Darros, Merc Lvl 7, Hp 21 Str 6, Mag 0, Skl, 9, Spd 12, Lck 3, Def 6, Res 0

Castor, Hunter Lvl 8, Hp 25, Str 9, Mag 0, Skl 4, Spd 8, Lck 4, Def 5, Res 0 [thinking bout reclassing]

Wendell, Draco Lvl 2, Hp 21, Str 8, Mag 1, Skl 6, Spd 15, Lck 2, Def 13, Res 3

Rickard, Lolbase Thief Lvl 1

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Eryth, take one level off of Jagen, Gordin, and maybe Abel, and that's what I left Prologue with. I was more interested in weapon levels than anything.

EDIT: Oh, wait, I forgot to pick. I'll, uh, take Wrys, despite the fact that I had no intention of recruiting him.

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Chapter 13 - 3/72

Promoted Matthis at level 18. He was a bit overdue for that. Reclassed Jagen to Paladin. Reclassed Boah to Sage.

Anything that got in my way ate a Silver Lance. Midia died right after recruiting Astram. Boss died to Abel and Matthis. Snagged Hoistflamme before leaving.

Chapter 14 - 6/78

Reclassed Barst to Pirate.

I have three ten-move units, and Abel is a wrecking ball. Jiol was pounded flat by Jagen and Abel. Got the Silver Card, too.

Chapter 15 - 5/83

Reclassed Abel, Matthis, and Jagen to Dracoknight. Reclassed Gordin to Archer.

I wanted Gordin to gain Speed, but alas. . .he was a bit shy of leveling. Jagen got the Energy Drop, while Abel made sure Marth got to the throne unhindered.

Chapter 16 - 6/89

Things are much easier when there's a ballista raining hell on the Fortify guy. Abel naturally ORKO'd the Heroes, leaving Xane in the perfect spot to be recruited. Abel looped backwards, killed a Horseman (Barst and Roger got a second one), dodged an arrow, killed most of the other island residents, then wounded the boss. Barst Hammered for great justice. Lena did my shopping for me.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      14.86  30  10    0    7   14   17   10    2
Abel      Drakky     6.78  35  17    1   19   21   10   16    3
Jagen     Drakky    10.60  26  11    1   14   10    4   13    3
Gordin    Archer    16.02  25   9    0   11    7    8   13    0
Barst     Pirate    16.76  34  15    0   11   12   12    9    0
Julian    Thief     12.94  24  10    0   10   17   15    8    0
Matthis   Drakky     2.33  35  13    1   10   11    5   13   10
Roger     Pirate    13.27  30  13    0    3   12   10    6    0
Jake      Ballista   5.55  21   7    0    2    4    4   15    0
Tomas     Cavalier  15.56  29   8    0    8    9    5    9    2
Boah      Sage       7.91  23   3    6    8   12    4    5    6

Chapter 17 - 3/92

Run through and kill things. Not hard at all. Lena nabbed the Member Card from the convoy and went to town with it.

Chapter 17x


- Promoted Gordin and Barst at level 20

- Tomas is at level 19 and Roger is at level 15

- Boah hit A staves as a Bishop

Stats next chapter. Gordin needs to be in a better class.

Chapter 18 - 6/98

Reclassed Gordin to Paladin and Barst to Hero.

With the sheer amount of firepower I had on this map, The Sable Order didn't stand a chance. I GOT MERCURIUS, ARE YOU HAPPY?

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      18.21  32  13    0    8   16   19   11    2
Abel      Drakky     8.54  36  18    1   20   23   11   17    3
Jagen     Drakky    11.54  27  11    1   14   10    4   13    3
Gordin    Paladin    3.51  35  11    1   15   13   11   16    6
Barst     Hero       1.80  40  17    1   23   19   12   13    3
Julian    Thief     14.32  26  10    0   11   18   16    8    0
Matthis   Drakky     3.74  36  13    1   10   11    6   13   10
Roger     Pirate    15.95  32  14    0    3   12   11    6    0
Jake      Ballista   5.79  21   7    0    2    4    4   15    0
Tomas     Cavalier  19.74  33  10    0    8   10    7   11    2
Boah      Sage      10.76  23   3    7    9   12    4    5    6

Chapter 19 - 5/103

Reclassed all flying units to Paladins.

Grabbed the Robe, Bullion, and all three Spheres. Tomas maxed his level partway through the map. It's party time~!

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Ch 8 6/56

Main force goes north, Cadea sneaks to the boss Via the ocean, Rickard buys supplies, Had some struggles with the horsemen but Marth was able to break through quickly with the others on distraction duty, Cadea of course wing spear'd the boss long before then

Ch 9 10/66

Went out of my way to get Jeorge, while Cadea, Cord and Wendell played distraction for the main enemy force, Darros and Castor slew the Devil Axe user before he could use it, Jagen and friends tackle the dragon-kin

Ch 10 13/79

Reclassed Cord to Knight and had him hold the back door while Marth and friends rushed for Maria so I could get Minerva, after getting her she 2 shots the boss and Marth slowly gets there to seize, meanwhile Cord gains like 4 levels [and when I reclassed him to pirate again he became amazing] and Castor gained acouple being his backup

Ch 11 9/88

Cadea, Minerva and Wendell charged over the mountains to defeat the balista's [including Jake], Marth and co go the loooooooooooooong way around but beat the stage with almost no trouble

Ch 12 8/96

Strength item goes to Cadea, spirit dust to Wendell who reclasses to Sage, Just a charge and sneak around got the master seal, dragonpike, money and more thanks to master keys, Cord and Jeorge hold off the cavalry coming from behind, Minerva gets a lucky dodge vs a sniper and kills him with an hand axe

Ch 13 5/101

Cord promotes and reclasses to Hero, Cadea promotes and stays the same and finally gets good strength and is just amazing all around, Darros, Jeorge, Wendell and Rickard [him being mostly used as a target] take the northern route and take out the arrow supplied ballista, meanwhile everyone else takes the center, Cadea and Minerva being cautious but managing to get good strikes in regardless, Jagen nearly dies to the bosses shots but luckly dodges the next volleys and charges forward and lands a crit with his Silver Lance, Marth strolls in while the rest of the force clean up what they can.. Also Cord is a monster now, he can double everything and nearly kill anything in just 2 hits

[even poor Astram xD]

Ch 14 8/109

Rush rush rush, new Wing Spear~ boss dies, I win.. nothing noteworthy here

Ch 15 7/116

Ruuuuuuuun from dark magic dude!, [almost caught Jeorge but warped the very turn he would have had a chance to kill him... whew although I think Wendell's barrier may have saved him anyways because I cast that the same turn.. -shrugs- I dno for sure] Bishop who isn't really a boss gets Minerva's axe to the face

Ch 16 13/129

Marth and co go left [Wendell, Minerva, Cadea and Castor stay back], and Samson joins the team and seems eager to prove himself, crits almost every enemy that he attacks or got attacked by, also helped Jagen out of a tough spot, Rickard meanwhile duels a thief for an age due to my Vulneraries and their fortify, Minerva and Cadea make hit and run shots on the enemy cavalry, making them run back and forth and tricking the horsement to get into a spot to get wing spear'd/axed while Wendell stays on the beginning island and heals whomever came back on the turn, Boss gets wing spear'd

Ch 17 3/132

Broke through the door, killed the dragon, got the card thanks to Jeorge and Castors archery. Cord destroyed stuff here. Cadea dragonpike'd the boss

Ch 18 8/140

A brutal charge down the middle, the Sable Order.. didn't stand a ghost of a chance will all the Axes/Rapier/Wing Spear/Ridersbane my army carries, I didn't get Mercurious from Est as she was too far to talk to or shoot down

Ch 19 6/146

got 2 orbs but was in too much of a hurry, and forgot the 3rd, I took out Tiki with no problems.. Jagen is starting to get doubled now, so it may be a good idea for a reclass, also gave Cord the robe.. because why the hell not, he'll need it for my next battle plan


Marth, Lord, Lvl 13, Hp 26 Str 10, Mag 0, Skl 7, Spd 12, Lck 15, Def 10, Res 0

Jagen, Paladin, Lvl 11, Hp 27, Str 9, Mag 1, Skl 14, Spd 9, Lck 7, Def 10, Res 6

Cadea Draco Lvl 14/8 Hp 28, Str 12, Mag 0, Skl 18, Spd 23, Lck 21, Def 15, Res 3

Cord, Hero Lvl 15/5 Hp 40, Str 14, Mag 1, Skl 19, Spd 22, Lck 10, Def 11, Res 3

Darros, Merc Lvl 9, Hp 24 Str 9, Mag 0, Skl, 12, Spd 12, Lck 5, Def 8, Res 0

Castor, Hunter Lvl 13, Hp 28, Str 11 Mag 0, Skl 7, Spd 12, Lck 4, Def 5, Res 0

Wendell, Sage Lvl 7, Hp 25, Str 4, Mag 8, Skl 3, Spd 13, Lck 3, Def 6, Res 6

Rickard, Thief lvl 3, Hp 17 Str 6, Mag 0, Skl 2, Spd 10, Lck 1, Def 3, Res 0

Jeorge, Sniper Lvl 5, Hp 24, Str 8, Mag 1, Skl 12, Spd 14, Lck 4, Def 9, Res 3

Minerva, Draco Lvl 8, Hp 26, Str 10, Mag 0, Skl 9, Spd 15, Lck 9, Def 15, Res 3

Samson, Hero Lvl 11, Hp 25, Str 10, Mag 1, Skl 14, Spd 16, Lck 7, Def 9, Res 3

Edited by Jedisupersonic
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Ch.3 - 7 turns 7/19

Ch.4 - 8 turns 8/27

Ch.5 - 4 turns 4/31

Ch.6 - 7 turns 7/28

Ch.7 - 6 turns 6/44

Ch.8 - 7 turns 7/51

Ch.9 - 5 turns 5/56

Ch.10 - 8 turns 8/64

Ch.11 - 9 turns 9/73

Frey is a cavalier and is my main damage dealer,Sedgar is a hero,Caesar is a mercenaryRadd is a cavalier,Merric is still a mage,And i reclasses Jegan into a DracoKnight

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Ch 20 8/154

Cadea and Minerva charge and take out the Balista. Cord follows with a hammer on the generals, Cadea duels and takes out Camus, the rest take the Paladins to the south. Cadea talks to Lorenz, Marth strolls to the gate

Ch 21 5/159

One Sided war as I charged for the center, nothing notable other then that

Ch 22 11/170

Slow climb

Ch 23 11/181

I took this one too slow and failed to even get Falcion

Ch 24 11/192

Dragons Slowed me down big time and once again I took it way too slowly

Ch 24X

breezed through this chapter

Ch Final 12/204

This one was rough on my underleveled units so I resorted to a blind rush to the center.. managed to get Nagi, Cadea and Marth there to take out Mr. Boss Man.

I don't remember a good chunk of my units levels/stats at the end, I have to recharge my DS so I'll get back to this eventually.. But needless to say my Team was underleveled and meh.

204 turns... -sigh-

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Hmmm. . .hard to say. Mind posting final stats? Once I know what your team looked like, I should be more helpful.

1. I figured out a way to get Julian Mercurius. This will be funny.

2. I need to find the motivation to finish this. ;/

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Hmmm. . .hard to say. Mind posting final stats? Once I know what your team looked like, I should be more helpful.

1. I figured out a way to get Julian Mercurius. This will be funny.

2. I need to find the motivation to finish this. ;/

Will post stats now

Final Stats

Marth, Lord, Lvl 18, Hp 31, Str 14, Mag 0, Skl 10, Spd 16, Lck 19, Def 11, Res 2

Cadea, Draco, Lvl 14/20 Hp 37, Str 17, Mag 0, Skl 26, Spd 23, Lck 28, Def 18, Res 3

Cord, Hero, Lvl 15/13, Hp 44, Str 19, Mag 0, Skl 20, Spd 26, Lck 12, Def 12, Res 3

Wendell, Sage Lvl 14, Hp 28, Str 4, Mag 14, Skl 5, Spd 17, Lck 4, Def 7, Res 8

Castor, Horseman Lvl 14/10, Hp 35 Str 17, Mag 1, Skl 13, Spd 20, Lck 5, Def 11, Res 3

Jagen, Draco Lvl 14, Hp 25, Str 11, Mag 1, Skl 14, Spd 11, Lck 7, Def 14, Res 3

Darros, Hero Lvl 11/5, Hp 32, Str 15, Mag 1, Skl 16, Spd 16, Lck 6, Def 11, Res 3

Jeorge, Sniper Lvl 8, Hp 26, Str 10, Mag 1, Skill 14, Spd 16, Lck 4, Def 9, Res 3

Minerva, Draco Lvl 14, Hp 30, Str 14, Mag 0, Skl 10, Spd 19, Lck 10, Def 16, Res 3

Samson, Hero, Lvl 14, Hp 27, Str 11, Mag 1, Skl 14, Spd 17, Lck 8, Def 9, Res 3

Lorenz, General Lvl 9, Hp 38, Str 14, Mag 1, Skl 5, Spd 9, Lck 4, Def 20, Res 3

Rickard, Thief lvl 5 lol

Nagi, I didn't bother at looking.

I don't think I know this game well enough yet, Sure I reclassed more then ever before but still.. eh.

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