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Help with Team!

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It's been awhile since I played this game, so I decided to come back to it and I wanted to build a team that could support each other and give me different teams. I got my first team built easily enough, but seem to be having trouble pairing everyone else off. Feel free to change people around to help and any advice is appreciated. Wanted to build 3 "teams" of sorts that could act with each other well. Feel free to criticize, comment, but please help the team be better if it can be.



1)Erika-Great Lord

L'Arachel-A; Tana-B

2)Ephraim-Great Lord

Tana-A; L'Arachel-B

3)Tana-Wyvern Knight

Ephraim-A; Erika-B

4)L'Arachel-Mage Knight

Erika-A; Ephraim-B



Natasha-A; Seth-B


Franz-A; Cormag-B

Cormag-Wyvern Knight

Seth-A; Natasha-B


Cormag-A; Franz-B


Team 3:


Joshua-A; Tethys-B


Gerik-A; Arthur-B


Tethys-A; Joshua-B


Arthur-A; Gerik-B

Edited by Gamer7625
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Assuming you want a *strong* team, I would drop all the trainees (maybe Ross could stay) as well as Marisa, Neimi, and Colm (as far as combat goes). Despite those extra levels and promo bonuses, the trainees still end up under par at max level and are all pretty terrible to start. Also, whoever said General!Amelia was a good idea was lying. It offers nothing of value over taking either of the cavalier promotions. Marisa's (substantially) worse than Joshua in basically every way even though he joins well before she does. Neimi is bow locked for a long time and then afterwards has meh offense and bad defenses. Colm is just bad at fighting in general and is also sword-locked. Oh, and Ross and Colm will both need the one Ocean Seal you get, so be prepared to either wait for the Chapter 15 Master Seal or to buy another Ocean Seal for one of them.

Any reason for building the supports? They rarely have much of an impact gameplay-wise, so sacrificing those for better units will make your team better overall. If you want them for the sake of reading them, though, well that's different.

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I enjoy reading them and I feel supports add to the game and give some kind of development, and while they may not help a lot, they can still help a bit.

If I do change people out, I would personally like a non-L'Arachel magic user who can heal. Someone like Arthur or Lute, or I could keep Ewan, I am not sure just my preferences I guess. I'll look at everyone and try to revise the list, but please try to give any helpful comments since it has been awhile since I played this game

Edited by Gamer7625
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Every promotion path is good. It just depends on the play style. For LTC efficient play, Generals are a bad class. But for casual play generals are one of the best.

It appears that you dont care about your TCs and you will probably use the tower/skirmishes so the trainees should work fine for you.

I believe Ross and Gerik support eachother. Ross is best as a Beserker with any play style. Tethys supports Gerik and Saleh. Franz and Cormag both support Natasha. They are all good.

Honestly, with tower/skirmish use, every character in this game is good.

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I only abuse the tower for Tana and there are people I will always promote to certain things, depending on who it is. One of my playthroughs I used almost solely people who could become mounted units and used them so my movement was fantastic. If I do remove Marisa I will add Joshua, since I always used him anyways, and probably will re-add Natasha also, always found her good. I'm not sure what is better to make Natasha into though, I've used her as both and they each have their advantages.

I've tried Cormag before, but he seems a little slower to me, could just be me or that I am spoiled by Tana.

EDIT: I updated the list in the first post. Let's see if that is any better

Edited by Gamer7625
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If youre not going to use the tower for Marissa, Amelia and Ewan you should just drop them. And Joshua isnt too great for replacing Marissa either.

Lute and Artur are good and support eachother.

Edited by Hawk King
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Edited team above...

Looking at the new teams I have, I think I will move Team 2 to finished. Team 3 is in the air, however. The primary reason is I am not sure how 1 team of foot-soldiers will do on a team with a lot of mounted/flying units

Edited by Gamer7625
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- Your foot units have one less move than the lords, Natasha, and L'Arachel (one more than the lords before chapter 17).

- You won't be going quickly, because of support building

If that's your biggest issue, I think you're set.

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Nothing to say here, but if you want an earlier support, then GarciaXSeth is viable.

And, Hero!Garcia is one of the best fe8 early-joiners, packing good bases, decent durability, and Axes.

Just give him a Spdwing and hero promo and that's +4 spd.

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