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Rate The Unit 12: May


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Dat Rules (borrowed/stolen from Integrity)

- Ratings are assumed to be on Normal.

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody has already given good reason for a score +/- half a point from yours, you can decide not to explain your score, but I always encourage personal reasoning. Incredibly low scores or high scores without proper justification will not be counted. Don't put in some random text thinking it'd count as justification. Put in at least a little thought and give REAL reasoning.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly. Also, if your vote is already a 10/10 or greater than 9 and you give a full point of bias, The score may not exceed 10!

- Numerical votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Make it easy to calculate for my sake.

- Every ranking phase ends from 2100 to 2200 EST. Every ranking phase starts from 2200 EST to 2300 EST. Do the math if you are in another timezone!

- I will insist you do not use the "Not X" reason on any character, where X is another unit. If you do, your vote will be thrown out.

- "Recruits X" or "takes you to X chapter" arguments are explicitly banned. C'mon, people, this shouldn't need to be a rule. That's not gameplay performance.

- Assume that the character in question is being recruited.

- Similar to the "Recruits X" rule, do not use "He Comes with a Free Weapon" as an argument.

- I withhold the privilege to tell you your rating is bogus and demand you revise it if it breaks any of the above. I will not throw out votes anonymously, you will be informed and given a chance to revise.





Grey: 6.85







Her HP is to be looked out for whenever you get her to cast spells. Has low HP upon average with her growth being only 20%. Especially along with her low Def. Advised to promote her at 20. Since her Spd growth is only 10%. She surely doesn't want to equip any swords after class change. Since her Speed is too low to lift most of those weapons. She'll need a Wooden Shield to keep her alive for all of Chapter 2. As she can get a Steel one later in Chapter 3, or if you got lucky to get one from killing alot of Zombies early in the game. Someone to use if your not getting Sonia; and because of her great availability.....



Edited by アイネ
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Why did you count those voices for those who have obviously never played the game in Paison's topic? I think those should be ignored, if someone says that Python has good stats but he's "still" only a bow user it's obvious they've never actually played the game.

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Why did you count those voices for those who have obviously never played the game in Paison's topic? I think those should be ignored, if someone says that Python has good stats but he's "still" only a bow user it's obvious they've never actually played the game.

I actually have made a mistake and counted those votes before as I have found a contradiction myself.


Because that they're forgetting that bow users can actually attack during enemy phase which we all forgot till now. And those votes didn't count, as I have already tallied that thread a little earlier.

Edited by アイネ
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I didn't "forget" anything.

In that case your words didn't make any sense at all. You docked him points for 'still being a bow user', while that is unarguably Python's strongest point. There's no way it's a bad thing to be a bow user in Gaiden. 1-5 range and also 8 movement in tier2 should absolutely not be counted as a negative aspect, which you did. So it must be either forgetting it or simply lacking the knowledge. Sorry if I'm harsh but what you say just doesn't make sense.

edit: Oh yeah, a rating!

Being a magic user in Gaiden, one should keep in mind that the most important stat is HP, a stat which is mediocre at best for May. This means you'll likely let her just use Fire. Since her strength growth is high for Gaiden standards, she will still deal nice damage with it. But when she learns Aura at only level 9, she will not be able to use it many times. First of all the HP which is too low, she'll have huge troubles when she uses Aura in player phase and gets attacked in enemy phase, second of all her speed... Her base speed is okay, which makes her double enemies (read: thieves and wizards) for the majority of chapter 2, but in chapter 3 and beyond her speed will probably also be lacking.

She does have a few good points, like I said her strength growth is good, so she can effectively use Fire. Together with her awful defense this makes her a perfect example of a glass cannon, beware of that. You'll probably want to give her a shield. Also she has instant 3-range with Thunder, which is also very useful for chipping and she has good availability. I prefer using her over Sonia because I can actually get May to promotion (without repeated shrine battles). So thanks to this all she still gets a

6/10 + 0.5 bias because of the cute picture of the OP makes 6.5/10.

Her stats are a bit lacking, but several factors compensate this enough to make her actually usable, unlike a certain guy you get at the same point...

edit 2: OP, can I still change my score for Cellica? I know it's been tallied, but I see I've rated her way too low. If you can, would you please change the score to 6.5/10? Thanks.

Edited by WindMage25
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May has a lot going against her: poor selection of spells learned and low growths in several areas. Since she can't promote until level 20 her bases and growths are all the more important and her strength and speed bases are fairly good, along with a great strength growth. Her speed growth, however, is very low, her luck is similarly poor and, as the others above me have already observed her HP is quite poor as well, a particular problem for a Mage. All this combined makes her combat fairly poor: yes she hits like a truck but her other weak stats mean that's about all she has gong for her. Promotion and access to recover help as her build is great for a healer and her availability helps: Celica's team would be pretty much sunk without her for their first few battles.

Overall I think I'll say 5.0/10, her low growths mean she really does fall behind and can't do her job very well.

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She’s not that hard to use.

She may have some durability problems but it’s not as bad as Cellica’s. She promotes late due to her promoting at lvl20, but once she’s promoted give her a sword and watch the fun. Overall she's a great unit and best mage in Cellica’s group.


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edit 2: OP, can I still change my score for Cellica? I know it's been tallied, but I see I've rated her way too low. If you can, would you please change the score to 6.5/10? Thanks.

It was closed, but I now have your changed vote added to the score. Her total came to 6.06.

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What he said. I found Paison pretty mediocre compared to most of my party despite having bows.

He would've had a better EP thanks to being able to counter mages and archers. So, he was mediocre because his stats were bad, right? Why didn't you say that, instead of "bow user 4/10"?

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I actually have made a mistake and counted those votes before as I have found a contradiction myself.

Because that they're forgetting that bow users can actually attack during enemy phase which we all forgot till now. And those votes didn't count, as I have already tallied that thread a little earlier.

Huh? I thought I justified my rating for Paison as well as I could. Why was that not included?

Anyway, May. She is excellent at frying units through chapter 2, but as others have said her usefulness quickly wanes entering chapter 3 because she is so frail. Her later game prospects are really, really poor because not only does she promote painfully late (level 20? That's really tough to reach with this games exp formulas!) and she does not gain anything from it besides recover. Since she is really only decent for 1-1.5 chapters, I don't think I can give her more than a 4/10.

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I'm going to leave this open for another day since not much votes have been made for her.

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He would've had a better EP thanks to being able to counter mages and archers. So, he was mediocre because his stats were bad, right? Why didn't you say that, instead of "bow user 4/10"?

I felt lazy to be honest.

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