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The worst moment in your life

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The main reason that came up first was because it stayed with with all through the 7th and 8th grade. It pissed me off so much that it well came to my mind first.

haha yeah that feeling kinda sux man, I know. >.<

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My best friend cut off contact after I took a medical leave of absence from (read: basically dropped out of) university because depression. Other friends followed. During my senior year I also dropped nearly all of my high school courses, barring the couple I still needed to graduate, because I'd stopped taking all my psych meds all at once for over a semester and barely got any work done, and later missed the graduation ceremony, though I did graduate. (don't do that, that can fuck you up for over a year) (going off-meds, not missing the graduation ceremony)

Edited by Rehab
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An erection in a game of volleyball was worse for you than the death of your cousin's child? I think you need to reconsider.

I had a four month old cousin die of cot death syndrome when I was 12. She would be 11 years old had she still been alive today. The thought of it is not pleasant.

I've had life problems - problems in school with some pretty bad bullying from 12 through to 16, where even the people I considered friends would attempt to avoid me or attempt to degrade and belittle me on occasion, as well as breakups with girls I had fallen in love with. But almost nothing should compare to the pain of losing family or friends to death. Especially something so stupid like boners in a volleyball game.

A death of someone in the family is definitely the worse moment. But not necessarily something embarassing/humiliating (which is what I think Defender meant to say in the OP).

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I can't think of a particular moment in my life were that has been very terrible. Except perhaps that 7th grade year, during which i was very bullied, had little to no friends, felt very lonely, and the thought of suicide occurred to me a few times.

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I think the OP was meant more like "what's the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you" rather than "what's the most difficult thing you've had to endure", so I'm gonna go with that rather than sharing super personal stuff.

In 6th grade I was at a pool party and my swim trunks ripped at the back. Best part is I had no idea that it did and all these kids were laughing at me, and I had no idea why. Luckily my boy gave me his extra pair and I rocked em. Then this girl started flirting with me and I forgot all about it.

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I can't think of a particular moment in my life were that has been very terrible. Except perhaps that 7th grade year, during which i was very bullied, had little to no friends, felt very lonely, and the thought of suicide occurred to me a few times.

Weird...this is exactly how I felt in the eight grade, only moat of my friends turned against me. They started making fun of my speech impediment (thankfully most of it is gone), made fun of my family (I'm one of seven kids. One of them even brought up birth control.), and overall made my life pretty miserable. My homeroom teacher hated my guts, so that didn't help matters. My parents couldn't even help.

Thankfully I got out of that school, and my freshman year of high school went very well. I have high hopes for my sophomore year now.

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I think the OP was meant more like "what's the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you" rather than "what's the most difficult thing you've had to endure", so I'm gonna go with that rather than sharing super personal stuff.

I think they were about the same thing for me.

In 6th grade I was at a pool party and my swim trunks ripped at the back. Best part is I had no idea that it did and all these kids were laughing at me, and I had no idea why. Luckily my boy gave me his extra pair and I rocked em. Then this girl started flirting with me and I forgot all about it.

I once somehow once brought my swimsuit down doing a double kick in the water, though I pulled it back up immediately, assuming no damage had been done.

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Finding out my mom had breast cancer for the second time. Suicidal in grade 7, near depression in grade 12, realizing that I might not be able to make it through first year university. Seeing my best friend go through depression, 5 deficiencies, and 3 anxiety disorders. She used to cut on an almost daily basis, and even though I try to make myself available, she's trying to fix this by herself because she has some trust issues.

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Doing inventory with some guy both mathematically illiterate, and too stubborn to admit that he's wrong. We sat there counting the same pop overstock for ten minutes because he was too stubborn to admit that there wasn't the amount that he counted. Worst off, he kept bitching about me being too slow lifting everything up (it was heavy D; ), when he just stood there and told me I was doing everything wrong and how we should work faster. ughghgh

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When I was 15.. gosh has it really been 5 years already? My parents divorced.. and it hit me hard, the time before it was very bad too.. low funds, high tempers.. much shouting.. I thought they'd be together for good.. you know? and ever since then, nowhere feels like home, they get along now somewhat at least.. But my Mom had a boyfriend now and its awkward for me when I have to hang out with him. Getting better though. I am currently with my Dad, I visit my mother on occasion, She is still in Arizona, while we are up here in Oregon.

Well, for what it's worth, I encourage you to spend more time with your mother's boyfriend. I mean, he's pretty much a second father to you now, so it's worth your while to spend time with him. My dad's girlfriend is a really great person, and I'm glad we've met.

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I can't say much.

How about when I thought my Family was going to completely break apart, and I was the only one holding it together?

Every second of that was painful, trying to keep all in balance, etc.

Don't want to say anymore, it's giving me a heavy heart thinking of that year.

And then it somehow got fixed up, and all is great now.

But seeing parents threatening each other is painful, especially when you understand what's going on and the possible consequences.

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Have had a few bad moments in life. Having depression through most of high school, mostly because of bullying, etc, when my girlfriend cheated on me, when my cousin was in a car crash and we had no idea whether or not he was going to pull through (he did, thank god)

The worst would probably be hearing that both my parents have cancer, and reaslising that I'm very likely going to lose them both within the next few years.

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1. Depression over fact I would die no matter what I do.

2. I failed my Earth Science but I made it up later.

3. I got transfered out of a class with my favorite teacher who had a profound effect on me.

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