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Radiance Slumbers

Freohr Datia

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This is only a part of this chapter.

Chapter 3: ShadowMists

Ameryll was feeling very tired. She wasn't entirely sure why. All she knew was that she enjoyed resting. It was relaxing and there was nothing to bug her.

One thing that confused her, though, was that what she was lying on was soft. The last thing she could remember of was when -

"Ninevla!" Ameryll bolted upright. The last thing she could remember was being surrounded by what she recalled being called rubcur.


Ameryll was shocked to see Nairen sitting on a chair next to her. She was also surprised that she was sitting on a bed... inside a large tent.

"Nairen... where are we? Where's Ninevla? Oh, how much I wish to tear her - "

"Ameryll! Don't blame Ninevla, none of this was her fault!"

"Not her fault? Are you crazy? She's the one who got all of those rubcurn! Or do you think - "

"Ameryll, listen to me! Ninevla was acting so wierd because a demon took over her." He saw her incredulous expression and added, "That's what Kiryn tolk me."

"Kiryn? Who's Kiryn?"

"Oh, she rescued us... and made the demon leave Ninevla and killed all the rubcurn."

Then someone poked her head through the tent flap and asked, "Is she awake? Oh, good!"

The girl came inside.

"Ameryll," Nairen said, "meet Hikari. She was the one who healed the wounds you got from the rubcurn."

Hikari made a small bow.

"Oh," Ameryll said, who had forgotten that she should've felt hurt because of wounds. "Thank you, very much."

"No problem. Are you thirsty? Hungry?"

"Um... I'm kin of hungry, but you don't have to make me anything, I'm - "

"You won't have to worry about that," she replied. "It's already made. I'll go and bring someth - "

"It's okay. I think I can get up and go over there myself."

Hikari looked a bit worried, but said, "Okay, if you feel you could, I won't stop you. But don't push yourself."

Ameryll pulled her legs to the side of the bed and stood up. She was slightly wobbly, but didn't feel too uncomfortable.

"How long was I sleeping?"

"About a half - hour," Hikari said, grinning for a reason Ameryll was unsure of.

They left the tent. Just by looking, Ameryll already knew which tent must've contained enough room for an entire group - Ameryll wasn't sure how big the group was, yet. It also seemed to be in the center of the whole camping area.

It was the right one. Once they entered, Ameryll saw that in the center of the tent, there was a long set of blankets. A table would've been too much to carry, she mused. Many people were already seated.

Hikari brought the three of them to a spot where they could seat themselves. Hikari volunteered to get the food. She got up and left.

"Oh, it's great to see you're okay!"

Ameryll turned around and was surprised to find that the person - a girl - was talking to her.

"Ameryll, this is Kiryn, the one who rescued us."

"Oh! Um, thanks! I wasn't sure I'd survive back there."

"You're welcome," Kiryn said, sitting next to Nairen, who was to Ameryll's left. "I was lucky to reach you the time I did."

"How did you manage to follow the demon?" Nairen asked. "Can you see it at all?"

"Well some other creatures have stronger senses than us humans do. Like my pegasus, for example,"she pointed at her pegasus, who had managed to hit inside.

"One sad thing is that he never seems to like to leave my side, and he also doesn't like staring small spaces. If he has a chance of fitting inside, then he'll sometimes pick me over staying outside."

Then Kiryn was explaing about other ways they track demons. All Ameryll heard was mages and thieves, but didn't hear the explanations...

"I think he likes you."

Ameryll stared in fright to see Hikari settled already to her right. "What?" she asked.

"Sorry," Hikari apologized. "He never left your bedside at all. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was hungry and exhausted. I told him he should eat then get rest, but he only shook his head."

Ameryll sat there, wondering if he did like her. Hikari seemed to notice her silence then said, "Well, you don't have to listen to me! Here's your food anyway. I got soup if you ever feel you need it."

She also passed food to Nairen. He thanked her.

Suddenly, Ameryll spotted womething that she had to question.

"What's fire doing inside a tent?" she asked, pointing to the fire where food was cooking.

"Oh, we have a mage who's supposed to keep control of the fire if it looks like it'll get wild enough to light the tent."

"Though, normally, we wouldn't trust him with a task like that..." Kiryn said. Ameryll smiled.

"He just knows our reaction if he forgets," Hikari explained, "so he never does forget."

"Who is he?" Ameryll asked.

"He's over there," Kiryn said, pointing rightm far down the tent. "His name's Masu."

They ate for a while longer. Hikari said, "We'll introduce you after we're finished."

Once they did, they traveled around the tent. Hikari said that a couple were still gone from cahsing a demon. But the ones that were still there were all in the tent at the time.

First person they met was Slayer, who was a trueblade. By Ameryll and Nairen's confused expressions, Kiryn explained that some people went by nicknames.

"And," Slayer explained, "I'm a trueblade, so Slayer fits pretty good."

Both Nairen and Ameryll agreed.

Next was Toa Lord Sothe. He was another trueblade and was 13 years old. Then Blue Knight. He said that he'd also settle with Blue. He was a myrmidon. Then the mage, Masu, and then was Knife.

"As you can see," Hikari said, "Knife is a thief, so you can also see where he got the name from."

Then they reached the last one.

"This is our leader," Kiryn said.

"The name's Lyle," he said, holding out his hand. They each shook hands. "Lyle Dayek. Welcome to the ShadowMists."

"The name of the group?" Ameryll asked.

Nairen snorted. "How did you manage to come up with that?" he asked sardonically.

"Nairen!" Ameryll said angrily, poking him in the ribs.

The other three were just smiling, though.

"First of all," Lyle explainied, "Shadow came from demons. Since they are like shadow... Mists..."

"Mists just sounds cool," Toa Lord Sothe piped up from behind.

"Either that," Kiryn added," or mists just describes how it's complicated to track them down, since mists complicate things.

"And knowing that describes our goal. We're demon hunters."

"I've never heard of demons doing this stuff before," Nairen said. "How long has this been happening?"

"And how much demons have been doing this?" Ameryll added.

"In this whole continent, I'd say there's about twenty or more," Hikari said.

"And this has started only recently," Lyle said. "This has started from King Ruthern the king of the country Krandarth."

Ameryll started to worry. Ruthern was a leader who sometimes didn't work in an agreeable way. He never did anything too horrible, but many expected him to step too far eventually... Was he doing that right now?

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Ha... I recognized me.

?!?! Kiryn's back!!!!!

And I haven't been reading it lately, but I just read all the ones I haven't. Good stuff. Can't wait for more!

*Hugs Freohr Datia. Pats himself on back for spelling it right.*

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  • 2 weeks later...


Plus, sorry that I'm so late in getting the next part up, I will probably get it sooner since the next is probably my favorite.

"King Ruthern has always been known as the third king in history to ever practice the dark arts," Lyle began. Then he saw by Ameryll's expression that she had never heard of them. Nairen apparently did because he nodded at the information. "The first was King Torvell of Wundier, and King Pharaen, also from Krandarth.

"Recently the king had become more silent, keeping to himself. Normally he would be out and about his country, using dark magic whenever he felt people needed punishment... which was a lot... But recently he wasn't causing any trouble in the country anymore. There was still torture happening, but the king was no longer the one doing it. There were others who took his position for him.

"But after a couple of months, he reappeared. He was back in his normal positions and punishing to whom he felt needed it... But he did more than just that. One day, he brought up a council and then said that all the kings shall attend it.

"Almost all of them had stormed away, mad. Many people had asked their kings why they were so angry, but the kings didn't want to answer. They didn't want to trouble their people.

"It didn't work though. Not long later, King Ruthern marched over to the neighboring country, Hashae. He announced to the capital that since they objected his wish, which was to unite every country and have it under his power, he would punish everyone greatly, and use a power that nobody knew existed... more even they didn't know what was happening.

"King Ruthern brought up a demon. He said an incantation and not long later, one of the people turned on the other and killed him. The king started laughing madly, and soon, called up two more, and so two more turned on everyone. The king of Krandarth left.

"Not long after this, stuff like that started happening in other countries.

"People started finding out what the king had done. They would call King Ruthern the Summoner. Since these people found out, they started finding ways to stop the demons.

"And therefore, we, the ShadowMists, formed."

Ameryll and Nairen remained silent, pondering what they heard.

"How do you know all that had happened in Hashae?" Ameryll asked.

Lyle, Toa Lord Sothe, Kiryn, and Hikari all turned to the same direction. Then Kiryn said, " Artemis was there when it happened."

"Oh... So he escaped then?"

They nodded. There was even more silence, then Nairen asked, " So how do you get a demon to leave a person's body?... or object's?"

"They only take over humans," Kiryn said.

"And," Lyle said," there are two ways to make a demon leave. One way," he said, now looking at Hikari, "Is to sing the galdrar."

"Huh?" both Ameryll and Nairen said.

"It's a song... or more... that can be sung and it has special properties. One is to force a demon to leave a person's body. Not many can sing it either.

"The second way to force a demon out is... a horrible way... but, you could kill the person and the demon will have to leave... But we have found a way to avoid that.

"What we do is force the body into where it can't escape and threaten to kill them that we will kill the body. Then it will leave."

"That's what Kiryn did," Nairen said.

"That's smart!" Ameryll said.

Soon Hikari brought them back to their tent after Nairen started swaying, "I told you that you needed sleep!" she chided.

Once she got to the tent, Hikari told Nairen to rest and told Ameryll that if they needed anything, then she would find her tent to the right of the tent with the food. "To the right when you face the entrance," she said.

Nairen clumsily got into bed and Ameryll sat down in the chair Nairen was in earlier.

"Hikari's right," Ameryll said after seeing Nairen's expression. "You do need rest."

Nairen just grunted and went to sleep.

Once it was time for Ameryll to rest, Kiryn and Knife brought in another bed for her.

"We can't have you two sleeping in the same bed, now, can we?" Knife teased.

"Knife!" Kiryn scolded.

But Ameryll just smiled and said, "Thanks for the bed."

The next morning, they were awakened early by Hikari.

"We're leaving soon. You can tell us where we can find your family and we will take you there."

Ameryll was slightly disappointed. She had enjoyed the company. But her mother was returning home soon and she's want to see her.

Nairen looked slightly uncomfortable. "Uumm..." he said. "I... I don't... have a family... or live with anyone."

Both Ameryll and Hikari were very shocked. "Really?" Ameryll said, feeling sorry for him. "What happened to your family?" After she saw Nairen looked a bit uncomfortable, she said, "You don't have to tell, if - "

"No, it's okay... My father went to the country, Wundier. A while later, he returns... but... he wasn't along. Two people come back. They were holding him... he was... I... I don't know how, though..." he knew they understood what he meant." My mother became so emotional... She was next not long later after she quit eating, drinking, and shut herself away... I am an only child, so..."

"Nairen stop!" Ameryll interrupted. "I - I'm so so sorry."

"Don't worry about it... Hikari... I'm not leaving."

Hikari didn't seem to like it, but said, "It's your choice... We'd be able to protect you that way anyway."

"I'm not leaving either," Ameryll said. She didn't want to leave Nairen. Not after hearing his story. She wanted to comfort him.

Nairen apparently figured out why because he said, "Ameryll, you don't have to - "

"No, I don't."

Hikari was smiling again.

Hikari found herself introducing again. The rest of the ShadowMists had returned. One was Garvin, another trueblade. Then there was CGV. He was a rogue. The third was Emeraldfox, who was an Emerald Knight.

Emeraldfox was a very interesting character to Ameryll.

"As you can see," he said, pointing at his hair, "I'm working on a great fro."

Ameryll grinned. He wasn't failing!

"Nice!" Nairen complimented. He was very impressed.

"You shouldn't ever give up on it!" Ameryll said. Emeraldfox bowed at the compliment, with the fro covering his face.

After a while everyone was packing.

"We're going north to Velfaend, right?" Ameryll heard CGV asking Lyle. He affirmed it.

Ameryll noticed something weird. They weren't packing any tents. She asked Knife about it and he said they'd packed only two.

"All these tents would be hard to carry. We've just got two for the pegasi since they're strong enough to carry it without much of a sweat."

Pegasi? She knew Kiryn had one, but she never saw another.

Then Artemis came up and said, "Also... this is supposed to be a secret location. This has been here a long time and so far nothing ever touched by the time we returned."

"Yeah, we'll have to blindfold you when we leave," Knife said.

"What? Why? I'm part - "

"I'm only joking, calm down! I knew you're staying with us... Word travels fast."

Later Ameryll found Kiryn.

"Kiryn, could I ask you something?"

"Sure, though you just did."

"Oh," Ameryll laughed. "Well, anyway, before we go to Velfaend, could we go to where I live first? I'd like to leave a note to my mother first."

"Of course. I'm sure Lyle won't mind. I'll go check with him."

So now Ameryll found herself setting a note at the door of her home. She was starting to wonder why she was doing it, but she reasoned that she didn't want to leave Nairen alone, plus she remembered what happened to Ninevla. She wanted to avenge the poor woman. She included that on the list.

She mounted back on Nairen's horse. She didn't have anything to ride, so Nairen said she could ride with him.

Lyle directed everybody northward now. The group left for Velfaend. Ameryll looked back until her home disappeared. Will I return?

Without her knowing, Nairen watched her as she looked at her home. She shouldn't have done this... but maybe she's thinking of Ninevla like I am... He could've had a choice of wandering around like he usually did... But remembering Ninevla and also how upset the demon made Ameryll while it was taking control of Ninevla made him decide to stay with the ShadowMists.

He looked back ahead before she turned back. What will happen now that we've chosen this?

Edited by Freohr Datia
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*Posts to show he read it.*

Yay! In most stories I'm either wimpy, or a jerk. In this one, I'm a leader!

*Hugs Freohr.*

Good job. Can't wait to see the next one.

lol, yup

I thought of that cause a Dual-Wielding Noble sounded like a leader.

Since I can't wait to get the next part on here, I will try to get as much finished today as I can and get it on... Plus I wanna apologize for the long wait.

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lol, yup

I thought of that cause a Dual-Wielding Noble sounded like a leader.

Since I can't wait to get the next part on here, I will try to get as much finished today as I can and get it on... Plus I wanna apologize for the long wait.

Don't worry

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Real short, but I was excited to get it on here, so...

Chapter 4: The Foreigners

Once he reached over the rising ground and looked ahead, he sighed in relief. But he wasn't entirely sure if that was his destination or not. He turned to his friend, who wasn't very far behind. They were used to extremely long journeys.

"Is that the border?" he asked his younger friend, pointing to a large wall passed the mountains they'd gone through.

His friend had the map. He looked, then said, "Yes, we've reached it."

"Good. I've had just about enough of this travel... Though we still haven't found somewhere to settle in.

They reached the wall and his friend said the map indicated that the gate was farther north. It took them an extra half-hour to reach it. They were allowed to pass through.

It took about two weeks before they found a place to settle. The town was close to the southern part of the country they learned was called Velfaend. They entered at the southern part of the country, so they remained south. The town they stayed at was called Luteran.

They set up a tent nearby. They didn't plan on staying long. Probably only a month. The reason they chose this as the location they'd rest by was because there was a river nearby for water and they had to be by a town for food supply.

The two friends were in a tavern. The bartender's name was Jesse. They ordered drinks and just hung out with him. He was an interesting person because he knew a lot of news.

One piece of information he had that sparked their interest was that there was a king who wanted to unite all the countries and put it under his rule. But the ruler wasn't really good. The only reason he was King was because of his bloodline. So everyone else refused and he expected it, because he'd found out how to summon demons and sent them to attack the people who disagreed.

"I haven't heard of any of them reaching anywhere near here, but who knows if there's a demon nearby? You can't see them."

"Hmm..." the first traveler said. By the look on his friend's face, he also looked skeptical... Though they have lived through a life full of the most unbelievable things. He decided he'd heed Jesse's words for now.

Hm... really makes you wonder who the two foreigners are, huh? :P Anyone wanna guess?

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OMG I can't wait for the next chapter i want to know who those two are!!

lol, no guesses?

Plus, that was only a part of the chapter. The next part will be the same chapter.

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lol, no guesses?

Plus, that was only a part of the chapter. The next part will be the same chapter.

Nope. Nothing comes to mind.

This afternoon i fought a hedgehog who keep saying Too Slow so that explains it.

The words filled my mind

Edited by Slayer
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Nope. Nothing comes to mind.

This afternoon i fought a hedgehog who keep saying Too Slow so that explains it.

The words filled my mind

lol, okay. Anyway, I will work on more tomorrow, and hopefully get more on here. I most likely won't though. :(

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lol, okay. Anyway, I will work on more tomorrow, and hopefully get more on here. I most likely won't though. :(

Take your time if you rush you might do a bad chapter or part.

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........*waits for next part*

Sorry (and this is for everyone) I probably won't get much on here for a while, cause school's making me occupied...

Plus, I'm not having as much imagination since school's thrusting so much nonimagination into my head... <_<

I will do the best I can.

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Sorry (and this is for everyone) I probably won't get much on here for a while, cause school's making me occupied...

Plus, I'm not having as much imagination since school's thrusting so much nonimagination into my head... <_<

I will do the best I can.

That's okay Freohr!


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