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[FE8] okay I need an FE8 draft fast


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Nobody except fliers can get the shield/rapier in time, unless Franz can barely make it to 1RKO the Pirate the turn before he nukes the Shield village and fucked if I'm counting the squares for it.

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oh my god why is garcia's defense so bad


Prologue - 2/2 turns

Chapter 1 - 5/7 turns

See Banana's strategy for Eirika proccing strength.

Chapter 2 - 5/12 turns

Again, his strat but with moar Garcia.

Chapter 3 - 8/19 turns

Garcia went on a massive crit spree on turn 3 or 4 (iirc) for some reason. This allowed Eirika to not get held up by all the 2 range enemies ganging up on them. Eirika lolrapier'd the boss on EP and then seized on PP. Only one wall breaker FTL

Chapter 4 - 6/25 turns

Artur is amaze. Eirika ORKOs almost every monster so she took the top left reinforcements. Garcia went down and Artur went right and defended himself.

Chapter 5 - 6/31 turns

This sucks. A lot. Garcia kept taking like 10 damage from iron weapons and it sucked so Eirika had to kill things for him. I got the dracoshield and the armorslayer, screw Amelia.

Chapter 5x - 7/38 turns

kyle sux

Chapter 6 - 6/44 turns

garcia eats dracoshield, is instantly better. He's still tying defense with Eirika though. lolArtur procced only res during the chapter but I'm more than willing to forgive it, considering that he dodged like 3 attacks in one EP and crit them all on their face.

Edited by CR-S01
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I have literally never pulled off the C10 boss kill in a draft, so I'll take your word for it. Pirate ship is ok but not amazingly better (edit: mostly makes it more safer than faster ime), Selena's chapter is a point well ceded.

Fliers are also really good for C9 Eirika what with the massive fucking pond that you have to go all the way around, plus Saleh's annoying as ass join chapter. Aais they're basically pointless since it's such a short chapter anyway you slice it.

also it's not a flower you dipshit it's a stone and it's fluorspar

oh right i forgot the massive fucking pond

goddamnit how could i

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Chapter 7 - 6/50 turns

Artur and Garcia rescuedrop Eirika onto the river, then they try to claim some kills for themselves.

Chapter 8 - 7/57 turns

This chapter sucks. Artur also got the robe and Kyle trained. I'm not sure what turns I got, it was either 7 or 8.

Chapter 9 and said massive fucking pond is being a massive dick.

Chapter 9 - 13/70 turns

Eirika grabs Amelia for her speedwing. And dammit, I thought Garcia could use the Ocean Seal :( Kyle also manages to get the shield in time. It's probably going to go to Artur or Garcia. Also Kyle traded away Amelia's speedwing during the chapter and ate it so he could go near the boss area and double things for a faster clear.

Chapter 10 - 7/77 turns

Got Marisa, Innes and Tethys in the chapter and had them kill things. Kyle went around with Eirika to the boss. Also promoted Artur and Garcia after the chapter with their newly obtained promotion items. I promoted Kyle too for more move.

Chapter 11 - 8/85 turns

Longbow!Innes is totally clutch. Also Artur torched things for more staff rank. Kyle goes around, Garcia, Tethys and Marisa go down, Innes stays in the middle and Eirika stays at the beginning.

Edited by CR-S01
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Ive gotten the Draco village with Franz before, so I can confirm it is possible. But rapier is a big no-no. Unless you lure ALL of the pirates up and get it with Franz later, but that would cost turns.

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next day logic

I think our collective opinions on unit effectiveness on ephraim's route are kind of fucked because we spent years thinking going there was retarded

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Oh my.

in exchange for early good str/def, Nessie got luck screwed.


done with earlygame, made seperate save for both route Splits.

Going Ephraim Route now, because it's fuuuuuuuuuuuun!

Overview so far on units.

Eirika-Standard, helps early on, then falls behind until promotion, then toss killers/silvers/effective weapons.



This by route split is funny as shit.


More fun to use than Franz, and 17/1 Nessie is wtf.

I think she got def. blessed.


Got a few good lvls, and is pretty bro.

Turning out good now.


Glass Cannon.

Dodges everything, ORKO's 95% of everything so far, and rapes alot.


Great bases and growths, now only if his Great Lord caps weren't mediocre.

But a foot lord with 1-2 range is gooood, and so is dat PRF.

Edited by Sharpy
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Artur > Saleh

Chapter 12 - 9/94 turns

Hrrrng. Bishop!Artur is the best thing ever. Also got some extra staffing in with the help of Tethys. Kyle, Garcia, and Marisa go up, while Eirika and Dozla stay in the beginning to the middleish area. Innes snipes things that are on mountains and Artur stays behind to tank all of the flying reinforcements. Then I give him the energy ring from Ewan. I got the barrier house along the way too. I barely made it in 9 turns, the Entombed and the minotaur thing had to suicide into Kyle on the last EP (Kyle had to stand right next to the Entombed, stupid pacifist) and Marisa also had to critkill a pacifist monster with the shamshir. Also Garcia had to be in the little valley thing were the houses are so all the reinforcements could suicide into him and not go after Marisa. Also Tethys helped so that Kyle could actually get to where he needed to be in time. Artur, Innes and Dozlol rescue dropped her so that she could get closer to the throne area.

Chapter 13 - 2/96 turns

Innes rides the ballistae for teh lulz and ends up KOing Aias with it after Kyle attacks him. Kyle and Garcia charge right and do things. Marisa fails at life.

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^Artur helps out for more chapters and also has more time to raise his staff rank. If you promote him after Chapter 10 then he has all of Chapter 11 to torchspam. Plus he was beating base Saleh in pretty much everything except luck, skill and defense (and for def, it was only by a point).

Chapter 14 - 8/102

Didn't go to the shop, I have all the promotion items I need. (which is just Marisa)

[spoiler=pictures up to turn 4 then I got lazy]1.png








Plus some berserk + restore. :facepalm: Archers suicide into Kyle, then he gets berserked. Artur unlocks the door, Garcia trades with Eirika for the killing edge and then an armor suicides into her. Kyle then attacks the other armor, holy shit thank God, then Artur restores him the next turn. Marisa and Dozlol then go down to the energy ring room after I accidentally opened the Guiding Ring door :facepalm:

edit: I meant Artur. :facepalm:

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Yeah Integ, you picking Saleh 2nd was quite perplexing.

Artur is most definitely better than Saleh for drafts. He has early game contributions and Chp 11 torchspam to give him a lead in staff rank over Saleh.

Saleh's only advantage is that its impossible for him to get RNG screwed like Artur can have happen to him. But we are talking drafts here and Stat screwage is rare for drafts.

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